#' @title Matching MS Spectra against a reference
#' @aliases CompareSpectraParam-class MatchForwardReverseParam-class
#' @name CompareSpectraParam
#' @description
#' `matchSpectra` compares experimental (*query*) MS2 spectra against
#' reference (*target*) MS2 spectra and reports matches with a similarity that
#' passing a specified threshold. The function performs the similarity
#' calculation between each query spectrum against each target spectrum.
#' Parameters `query` and `target` can be used to define the query and target
#' spectra, respectively, while parameter `param` allows to define and configure
#' the similarity calculation and matching condition. Parameter `query` takes
#' a [Spectra::Spectra] object while `target` can be either a
#' [Spectra::Spectra] object, a [CompoundDb::CompDb] (reference library)
#' object defined in the `CompoundDb` package or
#' a [CompAnnotationSource] (e.g. a [CompDbSource()])
#' with the reference or connection information to a supported annotation
#' resource).
#' Some notes on performance and information on parallel processing are
#' provided in the vignette.
#' Currently supported parameter objects defining the matching are:
#' - `CompareSpectraParam`: the *generic* parameter object allowing to set all
#' settings for the [Spectra::compareSpectra()] call that is used to
#' perform the similarity calculation.
#' This includes `MAPFUN` and `FUN` defining the
#' peak-mapping and similarity calculation functions and `ppm` and `tolerance`
#' to define an acceptable difference between m/z values of the compared
#' peaks. Additional parameters to the `compareSpectra` call
#' can be passed along with `...`. See the help of [Spectra::Spectra()] for
#' more information on these parameters. Parameters `requirePrecursor`
#' (default `TRUE`) and `requirePrecursorPeak` (default `FALSE`) allow to
#' pre-filter the target spectra prior to the actual similarity calculation
#' for each individual query spectrum.
#' Target spectra can also be pre-filtered based on
#' retention time if parameter `toleranceRt` is set to a value different than
#' the default `toleranceRt = Inf`. Only target spectra with a retention time
#' within the query's retention time +/- (`toleranceRt` + `percentRt`% of the
#' query's retention time) are considered. Note that while for `ppm` and
#' `tolerance` only a single value is accepted, `toleranceRt` and `percentRt`
#' can be also of length equal to the number of query spectra hence allowing
#' to define different rt boundaries for each query spectrum.
#' While these pre-filters can considerably improve performance, it should be
#' noted that no matches will be found between query and target spectra with
#' missing values in the considered variable (precursor m/z or retention
#' time). For target spectra without retention times (such as for `Spectra`
#' from a public reference database such as MassBank) the default
#' `toleranceRt = Inf` should thus be used.
#' Finally, parameter `THRESHFUN` allows to define a function to be applied to
#' the similarity scores to define which matches to report. See below for more
#' details.
#' - `MatchForwardReverseParam`: performs spectra matching as with
#' `CompareSpectraParam` but reports, similar to MS-DIAL, also the *reverse*
#' similarity score and the *presence ratio*. In detail, the matching of query
#' spectra to target spectra is performed by considering all peaks from the
#' query and all peaks from the target (reference) spectrum (i.e. *forward*
#' matching using an *outer join*-based peak matching strategy). For matching
#' spectra also the *reverse* similarity is calculated considering only peaks
#' present in the target (reference) spectrum (i.e. using a *right join*-based
#' peak matching). This is reported as spectra variable `"reverse_score"`.
#' In addition, the ratio between the number of matched peaks and the total
#' number of peaks in the target (reference) spectra is reported as the
#' *presence ratio* (spectra variable `"presence_ratio"`) and the total
#' number of matched peaks as `"matched_peaks_count"`. See examples below
#' for details. Parameter `THRESHFUN_REVERSE` allows to define an additional
#' *threshold function* to filter matches. If `THRESHFUN_REVERSE` is defined
#' only matches with a spectra similarity fulfilling both `THRESHFUN` **and**
#' `THRESHFUN_REVERSE` are returned. With the default
#' `THRESHFUN_REVERSE = NULL` all matches passing `THRESHFUN` are reported.
#' @param addOriginalQueryIndex for `matchSpectra()`: `logical(1)` whether an
#' additional spectra variable `".original_query_index"` should be added to
#' the `query` `Spectra` object providing the index of the spectrum in this
#' originally provided object. This spectra variable can be useful to link
#' back to the original `Spectra` object if the `MatchedSpectra` object gets
#' subsetted/processed.
#' @param BPPARAM for `matchSpectra`: parallel processing setup (see the
#' `BiocParallel` package for more information). Parallel processing is
#' disabled by default (with the default setting `BPPARAM = SerialParam()`).
#' @param FUN `function` used to calculate similarity between spectra. Defaults
#' for `CompareSpectraParam` to [MsCoreUtils::ndotproduct()]. See
#' [MsCoreUtils::ndotproduct()] for details.
#' @param MAPFUN `function` used to map peaks between the compared spectra.
#' Defaults for `CompareSpectraParam` to [Spectra::joinPeaks()]. See
#' [Spectra::compareSpectra()] for details.
#' @param param for `matchSpectra`: parameter object (such as
#' `CompareSpectraParam`) defining the settings for the matching.
#' @param percentRt `numeric` of length 1 or equal to the number of query
#' spectra defining the maximal accepted relative difference in retention
#' time between query and target spectra expressed in percentage of the query
#' rt. For `percentRt = 10`, similarities are defined between the query
#' spectrum and all target spectra with a retention time within query rt
#' +/- 10% of the query. By default (with `toleranceRt = Inf`) the retention
#' time-based filter is not considered. Thus, to consider the `percentRt`
#' parameter, `toleranceRt` should be set to a value different than that.
#' See help of `CompareSpectraParam` above for more information.
#' @param ppm `numeric(1)` for a relative, m/z-dependent, maximal accepted
#' difference between m/z values. This will be used in `compareSpectra` as
#' well as for eventual precursor m/z matching.
#' @param query for `matchSpectra`: [Spectra::Spectra] object with the query
#' spectra.
#' @param requirePrecursor `logical(1)` whether only target spectra are
#' considered in the similarity calculation with a precursor m/z that matches
#' the precursor m/z of the query spectrum (considering also `ppm` and
#' `tolerance`). With `requirePrecursor = TRUE` (the default) the function
#' will complete much faster, but will not find any hits for target (or query
#' spectra) with missing precursor m/z. It is suggested to check first the
#' availability of the precursor m/z in `target` and `query`.
#' @param requirePrecursorPeak `logical(1)` whether only target spectra will be
#' considered in the spectra similarity calculation that have a peak with an
#' m/z matching the precursor m/z of the query spectrum. Defaults to
#' `requirePrecursorPeak = FALSE`. It is suggested to check first the
#' availability of the precursor m/z in `query`, as no match will be reported
#' for query spectra with missing precursor m/z.
#' @param rtColname `character(2)` with the name of the spectra variable
#' containing the retention time information for compounds to be used in
#' retention time matching (only used if `toleranceRt` is not `Inf`).
#' It can also be `character(1)` if the two names are the same.
#' Defaults to `rtColname = c("rtime", "rtime")`.
#' @param target for `matchSpectra`: [Spectra::Spectra], [CompoundDb::CompDb]
#' or object extending [CompAnnotationSource] (such as [CompDbSource]) with
#' the target (reference) spectra to compare `query` against.
#' @param tolerance `numeric(1)` for an absolute maximal accepted difference
#' between m/z values. This will be used in `compareSpectra` as well as for
#' eventual precursor m/z matching.
#' @param toleranceRt `numeric` of length 1 or equal to the number of query
#' spectra defining the maximal accepted (absolute) difference in retention
#' time between query and target spectra. By default
#' (with `toleranceRt = Inf`) the retention time-based filter is not
#' considered. See help of `CompareSpectraParam` above for more
#' information.
#' @param THRESHFUN `function` applied to the similarity score to define which
#' target spectra are considered *matching*. Defaults to
#' `THRESHFUN = function(x) which(x >= 0.7)` hence selects
#' all target spectra matching a query spectrum with a similarity higher or
#' equal than `0.7`. Any function that takes a numeric vector with similarity
#' scores from the comparison of a query spectrum with all target spectra (as
#' returned by [Spectra::compareSpectra()]) as input and returns a
#' `logical` vector (same dimensions as the similarity scores) or an integer
#' with the matches is supported.
#' @param THRESHFUN_REVERSE for `MatchForwardReverseParam`: optional additional
#' *thresholding function* to filter the results on the reverse score. If
#' specified the same format than `THRESHFUN` is expected.
#' @param ... for `CompareSpectraParam`: additional parameters passed along
#' to the [Spectra::compareSpectra()] call.
#' @author Johannes Rainer, Michael Witting
#' @importClassesFrom ProtGenerics Param
#' @importClassesFrom Spectra Spectra
#' @importFrom MsCoreUtils ndotproduct
#' @importFrom Spectra joinPeaks
#' @rdname CompareSpectraParam
#' @return `matchSpectra` returns a [MatchedSpectra()] object with the matching
#' results. If `target` is a `CompAnnotationSource` only matching target
#' spectra will be reported.
#' Constructor functions return an instance of the class.
#' @exportClass CompareSpectraParam
#' @examples
#' library(Spectra)
#' library(msdata)
#' fl <- system.file("TripleTOF-SWATH", "PestMix1_DDA.mzML", package = "msdata")
#' pest_ms2 <- filterMsLevel(Spectra(fl), 2L)
#' ## subset to selected spectra.
#' pest_ms2 <- pest_ms2[c(808, 809, 945:955)]
#' ## Load a small example MassBank data set
#' load(system.file("extdata", "minimb.RData", package = "MetaboAnnotation"))
#' ## Match spectra with the default similarity score (normalized dot product)
#' csp <- CompareSpectraParam(requirePrecursor = TRUE, ppm = 10)
#' mtches <- matchSpectra(pest_ms2, minimb, csp)
#' mtches
#' ## Are there any matching spectra for the first query spectrum?
#' mtches[1]
#' ## No
#' ## And for the second query spectrum?
#' mtches[2]
#' ## The second query spectrum matches 4 target spectra. The scores for these
#' ## matches are:
#' mtches[2]$score
#' ## To access the score for the full data set
#' mtches$score
#' ## Below we use a THRESHFUN that returns for each query spectrum the (first)
#' ## best matching target spectrum.
#' csp <- CompareSpectraParam(requirePrecursor = FALSE, ppm = 10,
#' THRESHFUN = function(x) which.max(x))
#' mtches <- matchSpectra(pest_ms2, minimb, csp)
#' mtches
#' ## Each of the query spectra is matched to one target spectrum
#' length(mtches)
#' matches(mtches)
#' ## Match spectra considering also measured retention times. This requires
#' ## that both query and target spectra have non-missing retention times.
#' rtime(pest_ms2)
#' rtime(minimb)
#' ## Target spectra don't have retention times. Below we artificially set
#' ## retention times to show how an additional retention time filter would
#' ## work.
#' rtime(minimb) <- rep(361, length(minimb))
#' ## Matching spectra requiring a matching precursor m/z and the difference
#' ## of retention times between query and target spectra to be <= 2 seconds.
#' csp <- CompareSpectraParam(requirePrecursor = TRUE, ppm = 10,
#' toleranceRt = 2)
#' mtches <- matchSpectra(pest_ms2, minimb, csp)
#' mtches
#' matches(mtches)
#' ## Note that parameter `rtColname` can be used to define different spectra
#' ## variables with retention time information (such as retention indices etc).
#' ## A `CompDb` compound annotation database could also be used with
#' ## parameter `target`. Below we load the test `CompDb` database from the
#' ## `CompoundDb` Bioconductor package.
#' library(CompoundDb)
#' fl <- system.file("sql", "CompDb.MassBank.sql", package = "CompoundDb")
#' cdb <- CompDb(fl)
#' res <- matchSpectra(pest_ms2, cdb, CompareSpectraParam())
#' ## We do however not find any matches since the used compound annotation
#' ## database contains only a very small subset of the MassBank.
#' res
#' ## As `target` we have now however the MS2 spectra data from the compound
#' ## annotation database
#' target(res)
#' ## See the package vignette for details, descriptions and more examples,
#' ## also on how to retrieve e.g. MassBank reference databases from
#' ## Bioconductor's AnnotationHub.
slots = c(
MAPFUN = "function",
tolerance = "numeric",
ppm = "numeric",
FUN = "function",
dots = "list",
requirePrecursor = "logical",
requirePrecursorPeak = "logical",
THRESHFUN = "function",
toleranceRt = "numeric",
percentRt = "numeric"
contains = "Param",
prototype = prototype(
MAPFUN = joinPeaks,
tolerance = 0,
ppm = 5,
FUN = MsCoreUtils::ndotproduct,
dots = list(),
requirePrecursor = TRUE,
requirePrecursorPeak = FALSE,
THRESHFUN = function(x) which(x >= 0.7),
toleranceRt = Inf,
percentRt = 0
validity = function(object) {
msg <- NULL
if (length(object@tolerance) > 1 || object@tolerance < 0)
msg <- c("'tolerance' has to be a positive number of length 1")
if (length(object@ppm) > 1 || object@ppm < 0)
msg <- c("'ppm' has to be positive number of length 1")
msg <- c(msg, .valid_threshfun(object@THRESHFUN))
if (any(object@toleranceRt < 0))
msg <- c("'toleranceRt' has to be positive")
if (any(object@percentRt < 0))
msg <- c("'percentRt' has to be positive")
contains = "CompareSpectraParam",
prototype = prototype(
validity = function(object) {
#' @rdname CompareSpectraParam
#' @importMethodsFrom Spectra compareSpectra spectraNames<- precursorMz
#' @importFrom MsCoreUtils ppm
#' @importFrom BiocParallel bplapply
#' @importFrom methods new
#' @export
CompareSpectraParam <- function(MAPFUN = joinPeaks, tolerance = 0, ppm = 5,
FUN = MsCoreUtils::ndotproduct,
requirePrecursor = TRUE,
requirePrecursorPeak = FALSE,
THRESHFUN = function(x) which(x >= 0.7),
toleranceRt = Inf, percentRt = 0, ...) {
new("CompareSpectraParam", MAPFUN = force(MAPFUN), tolerance = tolerance,
ppm = ppm, FUN = force(FUN), requirePrecursor = requirePrecursor[1L],
requirePrecursorPeak = requirePrecursorPeak[1L],
THRESHFUN = force(THRESHFUN), toleranceRt = toleranceRt,
percentRt = percentRt, dots = list(...))
#' @rdname CompareSpectraParam
#' @export
MatchForwardReverseParam <- function(MAPFUN = joinPeaks, tolerance = 0, ppm = 5,
FUN = MsCoreUtils::ndotproduct,
requirePrecursor = TRUE,
requirePrecursorPeak = FALSE,
THRESHFUN = function(x) which(x >= 0.7),
toleranceRt = Inf, percentRt = 0, ...) {
dots <- list(...)
if (any(names(dots) == "type")) {
warning("Specifying a join type with parameter 'type' is not ",
"supported. Will ignore parameter 'type'")
dots$type <- NULL
new("MatchForwardReverseParam", MAPFUN = MAPFUN, tolerance = tolerance,
ppm = ppm, FUN = FUN, requirePrecursor = requirePrecursor[1L],
requirePrecursorPeak = requirePrecursorPeak[1L],
toleranceRt = toleranceRt, percentRt = percentRt, dots = dots)
.valid_threshfun <- function(x, variable = "THRESHFUN") {
msg <- NULL
if (length(x)) {
if (!is.function(x))
return(paste0(variable, " needs to be a function."))
res <- x(1:10)
if (!is.logical(res) & !is.integer(res))
" needs to return integer or logical vector."))
if (is.logical(res) && length(res) != 10)
return(paste0(variable, " needs to return a logical vector with",
" the same length than target spectra."))
if (is.integer(res) && any(res < 1 | res > 10))
return(paste0(variable, " needs to return an integer vector with ",
"values between 1 and the length of target spectra."))
.compare_spectra_parms_list <- function(x) {
c(list(MAPFUN = x@MAPFUN, tolerance = x@tolerance, ppm = x@ppm,
FUN = x@FUN), x@dots)
#' @importMethodsFrom Spectra spectraNames containsMz filterPrecursorMzRange
#' @importMethodsFrom Spectra backendBpparam
#' @rdname CompareSpectraParam
#' @export
signature(query = "Spectra", target = "Spectra",
param = "CompareSpectraParam"),
function(query, target, param, rtColname = c("rtime", "rtime"),
BPPARAM = BiocParallel::SerialParam(),
addOriginalQueryIndex = TRUE) {
BPPARAM <- .check_bpparam(query, target, BPPARAM)
if (addOriginalQueryIndex) {
if (any(spectraVariables(query) == ".original_query_index"))
warning("Overwriting already present spectra variable ",
query$.original_query_index <- seq_along(query)
if (length(query) == 1 || param@requirePrecursor ||
param@requirePrecursorPeak || any(is.finite(param@toleranceRt)) ||
any(param@percentRt != 0))
.match_spectra(query, target, param, rtColname = rtColname, BPPARAM)
else .match_spectra_without_precursor(query, target, param)
#' Returns SerialParam if any of the backends does not support parallel
#' processing.
#' @noRd
.check_bpparam <- function(query, target, BPPARAM) {
BPPARAM <- backendBpparam(query, BPPARAM)
if (!is(BPPARAM, "SerialParam"))
BPPARAM <- backendBpparam(target, BPPARAM)
#' @importClassesFrom CompoundDb CompDb
#' @rdname CompareSpectraParam
#' @export
"matchSpectra", signature(query = "Spectra", target = "CompDb",
param = "Param"),
function(query, target, param, rtColname = c("rtime", "rtime"),
BPPARAM = BiocParallel::SerialParam(),
addOriginalQueryIndex = TRUE) {
matchSpectra(query, Spectra(target), param = param,
rtColname = rtColname, BPPARAM = BPPARAM,
addOriginalQueryIndex = addOriginalQueryIndex)
.match_spectra <- function(query, target, param,
rtColname = c("rtime", "rtime"), BPPARAM) {
if (length(rtColname) != 2)
rtColname <- rep(rtColname[1L], 2)
parms <- .compare_spectra_parms_list(param)
queryl <- length(query)
toleranceRt <- param@toleranceRt
percentRt <- param@percentRt
if (length(toleranceRt) == 1L)
toleranceRt <- rep(toleranceRt, queryl)
if (length(percentRt) == 1L)
percentRt <- rep(percentRt, queryl)
if (length(percentRt) != queryl || length(toleranceRt) != queryl)
stop("Length of 'toleranceRt' and 'percentRt' has to be either 1 or ",
"equal to the number of query spectra")
if (is.null(spectraNames(target)))
spectraNames(target) <- seq_along(target)
snames <- spectraNames(target)
maps <- bplapply(seq_along(query), .get_matches_spectra,
query = query,
target = target,
parlist = parms,
precMz = param@requirePrecursor,
precMzPeak = param@requirePrecursorPeak,
toleranceRt = toleranceRt,
percentRt = percentRt,
query_rt_col = rtColname[1L],
target_rt_col = rtColname[2L],
sn = snames, BPPARAM = BPPARAM)
maps <- do.call(rbind.data.frame, maps)
if (!nrow(maps))
maps <- data.frame(query_idx = integer(),
target_idx = integer(),
score = numeric())
.matched_spectra(query = query, target = target, matches = maps,
metadata = list(param = param), validate = FALSE)
#' This version does not use a loop but performs the comparison all in one. It
#' can thus only be performed if no precursor check/filter is used.
#' @noRd
.match_spectra_without_precursor <- function(query, target, param) {
parlist <- .compare_spectra_parms_list(param)
cor <- do.call(compareSpectra, c(list(x = query, y = target), parlist))
res <- lapply(seq_len(nrow(cor)), function(i) param@THRESHFUN(cor[i, ]))
if (is.logical(res[[1L]]))
res <- lapply(res, which)
tidx <- unlist(res, use.names = FALSE)
if (length(tidx)) {
qidx <- rep(seq_along(res), lengths(res))
maps <- data.frame(query_idx = qidx, target_idx = tidx,
score = cor[cbind(qidx, tidx)])
else maps <- data.frame(query_idx = integer(), target_idx = integer(),
score = numeric())
.matched_spectra(query = query, target = target, matches = maps,
metadata = list(param = param), validate = FALSE)
#' @importMethodsFrom Spectra filterRt rtime spectraData
#' @importFrom MsCoreUtils between
#' @return `data.frame` with matches or `NULL` (if not matches passed the
#' filter).
#' @noRd
.get_matches_spectra <- function(i, query, target, parlist, THRESHFUN, precMz,
precMzPeak, toleranceRt = Inf,
percentRt = 0, sn, query_rt_col = "rtime",
target_rt_col = "rtime") {
qi <- query[i]
if (is.finite(toleranceRt[i])) {
rt_qi <- spectraData(qi, query_rt_col)[, 1L]
if (toleranceRt[i] == 0 && percentRt[i] == 0)
trt <- 0.0000001
trt <- toleranceRt[i] + rt_qi * percentRt[i] / 100
if (target_rt_col != "rtime") {
rt_t <- spectraData(target, target_rt_col)[, 1L]
target <- target[between(rt_t, rt_qi + c(-trt, trt))]
} else target <- filterRt(target, rt = rt_qi + c(-trt, trt))
if (precMz) {
pmz <- precursorMz(qi)
pmz <- pmz + c(-1, 1) * (ppm(pmz, parlist$ppm) + parlist$tolerance)
target <- filterPrecursorMzRange(target, mz = pmz)
if (precMzPeak)
target <- target[containsMz(target, mz = precursorMz(qi),
ppm = parlist$ppm,
tolerance = parlist$tolerance)]
if (!length(target))
cor <- base::do.call(compareSpectra,
c(list(x = qi, y = target, SIMPLIFY = FALSE), parlist))
keep <- THRESHFUN(as.vector(cor))
if (is.logical(keep))
keep <- which(keep)
kl <- length(keep)
if (kl)
data.frame(query_idx = rep(i, kl),
target_idx = base::match(spectraNames(target)[keep], sn),
score = cor[keep])
else NULL
#' @rdname CompareSpectraParam
#' @importFrom methods as
#' @importMethodsFrom Spectra peaksData
#' @export
signature(query = "Spectra", target = "Spectra",
param = "MatchForwardReverseParam"),
function(query, target, param, rtColname = c("rtime", "rtime"),
BPPARAM = BiocParallel::SerialParam(),
addOriginalQueryIndex = TRUE) {
res <- matchSpectra(query, target, as(param, "CompareSpectraParam"),
rtColname = rtColname, BPPARAM = BPPARAM,
addOriginalQueryIndex = addOriginalQueryIndex)
## Loop over the matches and assign additional stuff...
nm <- nrow(res@matches)
res@matches$reverse_score <- rep(NA_real_, nm)
res@matches$presence_ratio <- rep(NA_real_, nm)
res@matches$matched_peaks_count <- rep(NA_real_, nm)
parms_rv <- .compare_spectra_parms_list(param)
parms_rv$type <- "right"
query_pmz <- precursorMz(query)
target_pmz <- precursorMz(target)
for (i in seq_len(nm)) {
spl <- c(
list(x = peaksData(query[res@matches$query_idx[i]])[[1L]],
y = peaksData(target[res@matches$target_idx[i]])[[1L]],
xPrecursorMz = query_pmz[res@matches$query_idx[i]],
yPrecursorMz = target_pmz[res@matches$target_idx[i]]),
map <- do.call(param@MAPFUN, spl)
spl$x <- map$x
spl$y <- map$y
cor <- do.call(param@FUN, spl)
res@matches$reverse_score[i] <- cor
nmatched <- sum(!is.na(map$x[, 1L]))
res@matches$presence_ratio[i] <- nmatched /
res@matches$matched_peaks_count[i] <- nmatched
if (length(param@THRESHFUN_REVERSE))
res@matches <- res@matches[param@THRESHFUN_REVERSE(
res@matches$reverse_score), ,
drop = FALSE]
res@metadata$param <- param
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