#' @title Filters supported by CompDb and IonDb
#' @description
#' A variety of different filters can be applied to the `CompDb` object to
#' retrieve only subsets of the data. These filters extend the
#' [AnnotationFilter::AnnotationFilter] class and support the filtering concepts
#' introduced by Bioconductor's `AnnotationFilter` package.
#' The supported filters are:
#' - `CompoundIdFilter`: filter based on the compound ID.
#' - `FormulaFilter`: filter based on the compound's formula.
#' - `InchiFilter`: filter based on the compound's InChI.
#' - `InchikeyFilter`: filter based on the compound's InChI key.
#' - `ExactmassFilter`: filter based on the compound's (exact) mass.
#' - `NameFilter`: filter based on the compound name.
#' - `MsmsMzRangeMinFilter`: retrieve entries based on the smallest m/z of all
#' peaks of their MS/MS spectra. Requires that MS/MS spectra data are present
#' (i.e. `hasMsMsSpectra(cmp_db)` returns `TRUE`).
#' - `MsmsMzRangeMaxFilter`: retrieve entries based on the largest m/z of all
#' peaks of their MS/MS spectra. Requires that MS/MS spectra data are present
#' (i.e. `hasMsMsSpectra(cmp_db)` returns `TRUE`).
#' - `SpectrumIdFilter`: retrieve entries associated with the provided IDs of
#' MS/MS spectra.
#' In addition to the filters listed above, the following ones are supported by
#' a IonDb (but not by a CompDb):
#' - `IonIdFilter`: filter based on the ion ID.
#' - `IonAdductFilter`: filter based on the adduct.
#' - `IonMzFilter`: filter based on the mz of the ion.
#' - `IonRtFilter`: filter based on the rt of the ion.
#' @param value The value for the filter. For details see
#' [AnnotationFilter::AnnotationFilter()].
#' @param condition The condition for the filter. For details see
#' [AnnotationFilter::AnnotationFilter()].
#' @return Constructor functions return an instance of the respective class.
#' @author Johannes Rainer
#' @name Filter-classes
#' @seealso [AnnotationFilter::supportedFilters()] for the method to list all
#' supported filters for a `CompDb` (or a IonDb) object.
#' @examples
#' ## Create a filter for the compound id
#' cf <- CompoundIdFilter("comp_a")
#' cf
#' ## Create a filter using a formula expression
#' AnnotationFilter(~ compound_id == "comp_b")
#' ## Combine filters
#' AnnotationFilterList(CompoundIdFilter("a"), NameFilter("b"))
#' ## Using a formula expression
#' AnnotationFilter(~ compound_id == "a" | name != "b")
#' @importClassesFrom AnnotationFilter CharacterFilter AnnotationFilter
#' @exportClass CompoundIdFilter
#' @rdname Filter-classes
setClass("CompoundIdFilter", contains = "CharacterFilter",
prototype = list(
condition = "==",
value = "",
field = "compound_id"
#' @export CompoundIdFilter
#' @rdname Filter-classes
CompoundIdFilter <- function(value, condition = "==") {
new("CompoundIdFilter", value = as.character(value), condition = condition)
#' @exportClass SpectrumIdFilter
#' @rdname Filter-classes
setClass("SpectrumIdFilter", contains = "CharacterFilter",
prototype = list(
condition = "==",
value = "",
field = "spectrum_id"
#' @export SpectrumIdFilter
#' @rdname Filter-classes
SpectrumIdFilter <- function(value, condition = "==") {
new("SpectrumIdFilter", value = value, condition = condition)
#' @exportClass NameFilter
#' @rdname Filter-classes
setClass("NameFilter", contains = "CharacterFilter",
prototype = list(
condition = "==",
value = "",
field = "name"
#' @export NameFilter
#' @rdname Filter-classes
NameFilter <- function(value, condition = "==") {
new("NameFilter", value = as.character(value),
condition = condition)
#' @importClassesFrom AnnotationFilter DoubleFilter
#' @exportClass MsmsMzRangeMinFilter
#' @rdname Filter-classes
setClass("MsmsMzRangeMinFilter", contains = "DoubleFilter",
prototype = list(
condition = ">=",
value = 0,
field = "msms_mz_range_min"
#' @export MsmsMzRangeMinFilter
#' @rdname Filter-classes
MsmsMzRangeMinFilter <- function(value, condition = ">=") {
new("MsmsMzRangeMinFilter", value = as.numeric(value),
condition = condition)
#' @exportClass MsmsMzRangeMaxFilter
#' @rdname Filter-classes
setClass("MsmsMzRangeMaxFilter", contains = "DoubleFilter",
prototype = list(
condition = "<=",
value = 0,
field = "msms_mz_range_max"
#' @export MsmsMzRangeMaxFilter
#' @rdname Filter-classes
MsmsMzRangeMaxFilter <- function(value, condition = "<=") {
new("MsmsMzRangeMaxFilter", value = as.numeric(value),
condition = condition)
#' @exportClass ExactmassFilter
#' @rdname Filter-classes
setClass("ExactmassFilter", contains = "DoubleFilter",
prototype = list(
condition = "==",
value = 0,
field = "exactmass"
#' @export ExactmassFilter
#' @rdname Filter-classes
ExactmassFilter <- function(value, condition = "==") {
new("ExactmassFilter", value = as.numeric(value),
condition = condition)
#' @exportClass FormulaFilter
#' @rdname Filter-classes
setClass("FormulaFilter", contains = "CharacterFilter",
prototype = list(
condition = "==",
value = "",
field = "formula"
#' @export FormulaFilter
#' @rdname Filter-classes
FormulaFilter <- function(value, condition = "==") {
new("FormulaFilter", value = as.character(value),
condition = condition)
#' @exportClass InchiFilter
#' @rdname Filter-classes
setClass("InchiFilter", contains = "CharacterFilter",
prototype = list(
condition = "==",
value = "",
field = "inchi"
#' @export InchiFilter
#' @rdname Filter-classes
InchiFilter <- function(value, condition = "==") {
new("InchiFilter", value = as.character(value),
condition = condition)
#' @exportClass InchikeyFilter
#' @rdname Filter-classes
setClass("InchikeyFilter", contains = "CharacterFilter",
prototype = list(
condition = "==",
value = "",
field = "inchikey"
#' @export InchikeyFilter
#' @rdname Filter-classes
InchikeyFilter <- function(value, condition = "==") {
new("InchikeyFilter", value = as.character(value),
condition = condition)
#' @exportClass IonIdFilter
#' @rdname Filter-classes
setClass("IonIdFilter", contains = "CharacterFilter",
prototype = list(
condition = "==",
value = "",
field = "ion_id"
#' @export IonIdFilter
#' @rdname Filter-classes
IonIdFilter <- function(value, condition = "==") {
new("IonIdFilter", value = value, condition = condition)
#' @exportClass IonAdductFilter
#' @rdname Filter-classes
setClass("IonAdductFilter", contains = "CharacterFilter",
prototype = list(
condition = "==",
value = "",
field = "ion_adduct"
#' @export IonAdductFilter
#' @rdname Filter-classes
IonAdductFilter <- function(value, condition = "==") {
new("IonAdductFilter", value = value, condition = condition)
#' @exportClass IonMzFilter
#' @rdname Filter-classes
setClass("IonMzFilter", contains = "DoubleFilter",
prototype = list(
condition = "==",
value = 0,
field = "ion_mz"
#' @export IonMzFilter
#' @rdname Filter-classes
IonMzFilter <- function(value, condition = "==") {
new("IonMzFilter", value = as.numeric(value),
condition = condition)
#' @exportClass IonRtFilter
#' @rdname Filter-classes
setClass("IonRtFilter", contains = "DoubleFilter",
prototype = list(
condition = "==",
value = 0,
field = "ion_rt"
#' @export IonRtFilter
#' @rdname Filter-classes
IonRtFilter <- function(value, condition = "==") {
new("IonRtFilter", value = as.numeric(value),
condition = condition)
#' @description Returns the field (database column name) for the provided
#' `AnnotationFilter`. Returns by default the value from `@field` but can
#' be overwritten if the name differs.
#' @importClassesFrom AnnotationFilter AnnotationFilterList
#' @author Johannes Rainer
#' @md
#' @noRd
.field <- function(x) {
if (is(x, "AnnotationFilterList"))
unlist(lapply(x, .field), use.names = FALSE)
else x@field
#' @description Utility function to map the condition of an AnnotationFilter
#' condition to SQL.
#' @param x `AnnotationFilter`.
#' @return A `character(1)` representing the condition for the SQL call.
#' @importMethodsFrom AnnotationFilter condition value
#' @author Johannes Rainer
#' @md
#' @noRd
.sql_condition <- function(x) {
cond <- condition(x)
if (length(unique(value(x))) > 1) {
if (cond == "==")
cond <- "in"
if (cond == "!=")
cond <- "not in"
if (cond == "==")
cond <- "="
if (cond %in% c("startsWith", "endsWith", "contains"))
cond <- "like"
#' @description Single quote character values, paste multiple values and enclose
#' in quotes.
#' @param x `AnnotationFilter`.
#' @author Johannes Rainer
#' @md
#' @noRd
.sql_value <- function(x) {
vals <- unique(value(x))
if (is(x, "CharacterFilter")) {
vals <- paste0("'",
gsub(unique(vals), pattern = "'", replacement = "''"),
if (length(vals) > 1)
vals <- paste0("(", paste0(vals, collapse = ","), ")")
## Process the like/startsWith/endsWith
if (condition(x) == "startsWith")
vals <- paste0("'", unique(x@value), "%'")
if (condition(x) == "endsWith")
vals <- paste0("'%", unique(x@value), "'")
if (condition(x) == "contains")
vals <- paste0("'%", unique(x@value), "%'")
#' @description Get the logical operator(s) combining `AnnotationFilter` objects
#' in an `AnnotationFilterList` in SQL format.
#' @param x `AnnotationFilterList`
#' @return `character` with the logical operator(s) in SQL format.
#' @importMethodsFrom AnnotationFilter logicOp
#' @author Johannes Rainer
#' @md
#' @noRd
.sql_logicOp <- function(x) {
vapply(logicOp(x), FUN = function(z) {
if (z == "&")
else "or"
#' @description Build the where condition from an `AnnotationFilter` or
#' `AnnotationFilterList`.
#' @details The function recursively calls itself if `x` is an
#' `AnnotationFilterList`.
#' @param x `AnnotationFilter` or `AnnotationFilterList`.
#' @param columns `character` with prefixed column names, names representing
#' the column names.
#' @return `character(1)` with the *where* condition for a given filter (without
#' `"where"`).
#' @author Johannes Rainer
#' @noRd
.where_filter <- function(x, columns = list()) {
if (is(x, "AnnotationFilter")) {
fld <- .field(x)
if (length(columns))
fld <- columns[fld]
paste(fld, .sql_condition(x), .sql_value(x))
} else {
whrs <- lapply(x, .where_filter, columns = columns)
log_ops <- .sql_logicOp(x)
res <- whrs[[1]]
if (length(x) > 1) {
## Combine the elements with the logOp and encapsulate them in ()
for (i in 2:length(x)) {
res <- paste(res, log_ops[i-1], whrs[[i]])
res <- paste0("(", res, ")")
} else
res <- whrs[[1]]
#' @description Process the 'filter' input parameter to ensure that the expected
#' type of objects is provided, the submitted filters are supported by the
#' databse and the result is an `AnnotationFilterList`.
#' @param x filters.
#' @param db `CompDb`.
#' @return `AnnotationFilterList`
#' @importFrom AnnotationFilter AnnotationFilterList AnnotationFilter
#' @author Johannes Rainer
#' @md
#' @noRd
.process_filter <- function(x, db) {
if (is(x, "formula"))
x <- AnnotationFilter(x)
if (is(x, "AnnotationFilter"))
x <- AnnotationFilterList(x)
if (!is(x, "AnnotationFilterList"))
stop("'filter' has to be an object excending 'AnnotationFilter', an ",
"'AnnotationFilterList' or a valid filter expression")
supp_flts <- .supported_filters(db)
have_flts <- .filter_class(x)
if (nchar(msg <- paste(have_flts[!have_flts %in% supp_flts$filter],
collapse = ", ")))
stop("Filter(s) ", msg, " are not supported")
#' @description List supported filters for the database.
#' @param x `CompDb`
#' @author Johannes Rainer
#' @md
#' @noRd
.supported_filters <- function(x) {
df <- data.frame(filter = c(
field = c(
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
if (!missing(x) && .has_msms_spectra(x)) {
df <- rbind(df,
data.frame(filter = c("MsmsMzRangeMinFilter",
field = c("msms_mz_range_min",
stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
if(!missing(x) && is(x, "IonDb")) {
df <- rbind(df,
data.frame(filter = c("IonIdFilter",
field = c("ion_id",
stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
df[order(df$filter), ]
#' @description Get an `AnnotationFilter` class name.
#' @param x `AnnotationFilterList` or `AnnotationFilter`.
#' @author Johannes Rainer
#' @md
#' @noRd
.filter_class <- function(x) {
if (is(x, "AnnotationFilterList"))
unlist(lapply(x, .filter_class))
else class(x)[1]
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