#' Exports the count and viterbi code to a folder in order to visualize it in IGV.
#' @param object an RTIGER or RViterbi object with the filtered data
#' @param sample character with the sample name as specified in the experimentalDesign
#' @param dir character with the chromosome to plot. If left null, it will create a folder with the name of the sample.
#' @param ratio boolean variable. Whether the ratio P1/total should be created as well.
#' @param newn named vector with the new and shorter names for the samples.
#' @return a folder with files to visualize results in igv.
#' @usage export2IGV(object, sample, dir = NULL, ratio = FALSE, newn = NULL)
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
export2IGV = function( object, sample, dir = NULL, ratio = FALSE, newn = NULL){
if(!dir.exists(dir)) dir.create(dir)
compdir = file.path(dir, sample)
compdir = sample
# if(dir.exists(dir)) stop("A new directory will be created with the results. \n Please change the name of the directory or delete the existing one.")
if(!dir.exists(compdir)) dir.create(compdir)
old_samp = sample
if(!is.null(newn)) sample = newn[sample]
# if(sum(c("rtracklayer") %in% rownames(installed.packages())) != 1) stop("To export to IGV you need to have installed rtracklayer.\n
# https://bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/html/rtracklayer.html")
P1.statesfile = file.path(compdir, paste("P1-state-", old_samp, ".bed", sep = ""))
P2.statesfile = file.path(compdir, paste("P2-state-", old_samp, ".bed", sep = ""))
Het.statesfile = file.path(compdir, paste("Het-state-", old_samp, ".bed", sep = ""))
Comp.statesfile = file.path(compdir, paste("CompleteBlock-state-", old_samp, ".bed", sep = ""))
P1.countsfile = file.path(compdir, paste("P1-countperbin-", old_samp, ".bw", sep = ""))
P2.countsfile = file.path(compdir, paste("P2-countperbin-", old_samp, ".bw", sep = ""))
Viterbi = object@Viterbi[[sample]]
mycomp = sapply(object@info$part_names, function(x){
myx = Viterbi[seqnames(Viterbi) == x]
myx = Vit2GrangesGen(myx, "Viterbi")
gr = mycomp[[1]]
for(i in 2:length(mycomp)){
gr = c(gr,mycomp[[i]])
goodanno = c("AA", "AB", "BB")
names(goodanno) = c("pat", "het", "mat")
df <- data.frame(seqnames=seqnames(gr),
names=c(rep(".", length(gr))),
df = df[,-c(4,6)]
P1.states = Viterbi[Viterbi$Viterbi == "pat"][, "Viterbi"]
P2.states = Viterbi[Viterbi$Viterbi == "mat"][, "Viterbi"]
Het.states = Viterbi[Viterbi$Viterbi == "het"][, "Viterbi"]
P1.count = Viterbi[,"P1.Allele.Count"]
P1.count$score = P1.count$P1.Allele.Count
P1.count$score[is.na(P1.count$score)] = 0
P2.count = Viterbi[,"total"]
P2.count$score = Viterbi$total - Viterbi$P1.Allele.Count
# P2.count = Viterbi[,"P2.Allele.Count"]
# P2.count$score = P2.count$P2.Allele.Count
P2.count$score[is.na(P2.count$score)] = 0
ratiofile = file.path(compdir, paste("Count-ratio-", old_samp, ".bw", sep = ""))
ratio = Viterbi$P1.Allele.Count/Viterbi$total
ratio = (ratio - .5)/.5
ratio[is.na(ratio)] = 0
Viterbi$score = ratio
rtracklayer::export.bw(Viterbi[,"score"], ratiofile)
write.table(df, file= Comp.statesfile, quote=FALSE, sep="\t", row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE)
rtracklayer::export.bed(P1.states, P1.statesfile)
rtracklayer::export.bed(P2.states, P2.statesfile)
rtracklayer::export.bed(Het.states, Het.statesfile)
rtracklayer::export.bw(P1.count, P1.countsfile)
rtracklayer::export.bw(P2.count, P2.countsfile)
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.