# mean residual life imputation, aka conditional imputation
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @importFrom rlang :=
mean_residual_life_imputation <- function(data,
covariates = NULL,
id = NULL){
n <- dim(data)[1]
if (is.null(id)){
data$id <- seq_along(data[[censored_variable]])
id <- "id"
# conditional single imputation from Atem et al. 2017 without covariates
if (is.null(covariates)){
# fit kapplan meier survival curve
km_fit <- survival::survfit(survival::Surv(data[[censored_variable]], data[[censoring_indicator]]) ~ 1)
data$S <- summary(km_fit, times = data[[censored_variable]])$surv
# only censored values
tmp_censored <- purrr::as_vector(data[c(data[[censoring_indicator]] == 0), censored_variable])
# create matrix with two times the same censored variable column but shifted
# by one. for more efficient calculation later on
data_matrix_cens_var <- as.matrix(cbind(data[-n, censored_variable],data[-1, censored_variable]))
# the same with the survival times
data_matrix_surv <- as.matrix(cbind(data[-n, "S"],data[-1, "S"]))
# calculation of numerator from equation
numerator <- purrr::map_dbl(tmp_censored, function(tmp_cens_val) {
tmpinds <- which(data_matrix_cens_var[, 1] > tmp_cens_val)
if (!(length(tmpinds) == 1)){
sum((rowSums(data_matrix_surv[tmpinds, ]) *
(data_matrix_cens_var[tmpinds, 2] - data_matrix_cens_var[tmpinds, 1])))
sum((sum(data_matrix_surv[tmpinds, ]) *
diff(data_matrix_cens_var[tmpinds, ])))
# assemble another matrix
tmp_E0 <- data[c(data[[censoring_indicator]] == 0), c("S",censored_variable)]
tmp_E0$x <- numerator
tmp_E0 <- as.matrix(tmp_E0)
# final calculation, get estimates for all censored values
est <- tmp_E0[ ,3] / (2 * tmp_E0[ ,1]) + tmp_E0[ ,2]
# conditional single imputation from Atem et al. 2017 with covariates
} else{
# formula for cox prop haz model
tmpformula <- as.formula(
paste0("survival::Surv(data$", censored_variable, ", data$",
censoring_indicator, ") ~ ",
paste0(purrr::map_chr(covariates, ~ paste0("data$", .x)), collapse = "+")
# make sure covariates are numeric
data <- covariates_from_factor_to_numeric(data, covariates)
# fit cox proportional hazards model
cox_fit <- survival::coxph(tmpformula, data = data)
cox_coef_z <- cox_fit$coefficients
data <- suppressMessages(
dplyr::as_tibble(survival::basehaz(cox_fit)) %>%
dplyr::rename(!!censored_variable := "time")))
data <- data %>% dplyr::mutate(S = exp(-hazard)) %>% dplyr::select(-hazard)
# data subset only censored entries
id_cens <- as.matrix(data[c(data[ , censoring_indicator] == 0), c(id, covariates,censored_variable)])
# for matrix calculations
data_matrix <- as.matrix(data[, c("S",censored_variable)])
# for matrix calculation of data_matrix[x,]-data_matrix[x-1,]
data_matrix_cens_var <- as.matrix(cbind(data[-n, censored_variable],data[-1, censored_variable]))
# loop through each censored entry, calculation of numerator of equation
numerator <- purrr::map_dbl(id_cens[ ,id], function(C){
# exponent calculation
data_matrix_exponent <- data_matrix[, 1] ^ exp(sum(cox_coef_z * id_cens[which(id_cens[ , id] == C) , covariates]))
data_matrix_exponent <- cbind(data_matrix_exponent[-n],data_matrix_exponent[-1])
# all values with higher censored variable values than the current one
which_cens <- which(data_matrix_cens_var[, 1] > as.double(id_cens[which(id_cens[ , id] == C)[1], censored_variable]))
# normal case
if (!(length(which_cens) == 1)){
sum((rowSums(data_matrix_exponent[which_cens, ]) *
(data_matrix_cens_var[which_cens, 2] - data_matrix_cens_var[which_cens, 1])))
# different calculation needed if only one value present
sum((sum(data_matrix_exponent[which_cens, ]) *
diff(data_matrix_cens_var[which_cens, ])))
# combine to matrix
tmp_E0 <- cbind(data[c(data[[censoring_indicator]] == 0), c("S",censored_variable,id)],numerator)
tmp_E0 <- as.matrix(tmp_E0)
tmpind <- unlist(lapply(seq_along(tmp_E0[ ,3]) , function(x) {which(tmp_E0[x,3] == data[ , id])[1]}))
tmp_cov_mat <- as.matrix(data[tmpind, covariates])
# end calculation, get estimates for all censored values
est <- tmp_E0[,4] / (2 * tmp_E0[,1] ^ exp(rowSums(t(cox_coef_z*t(tmp_cov_mat))))) + tmp_E0[ ,2]
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