#' Conditional multiple imputation
#' First two steps for multiple imputation for censored covariates. Returns
#' regression fits in a list that can be combined using \code{\link[mice]{pool}}().
#' @param data 'data.frame'
#' @param formula the formula for fitting the regression model with a special
#' syntax for the censored covariate : e.g. 'y~Surv(x,I)' means 'y~x' with 'x' being
#' censored and 'I' the event indicator (0=censored,1=observed).
#' @param regression_type function. The regression type to be used, lm for linear
#' regression, glm for general linear regression, glmer for generalized
#' linear mixed-effects models. Default: lm
#' @param mi_reps number of repetitions for multiple imputation. Default: 10
#' @param imputation_method which method should be used in the imputation step. One of
#' 'km','km_exp','km_wei','km_os', 'rs', 'mrl', 'cc', 'pmm'. See details. default = 'km'.
#' @param weights Weights to be used in fitting the regression model. Default = NULL
#' @param contrasts Contrast vector to be used in testing the regression model.
#' Default = NULL
#' @param family The family to be used in the regression model. Default = "binomial".
#' Omitted if linear model is used.
#' @param id name of column containing id of sample
#' @param verbose Logical.
#' @param n_obs_min minimum number of observed events needed. default = 2.
#' if lower than this value will throw an error.
#' @references {
#' A Comparison of Several Methods of Estimating the Survival Function When
#' There is Extreme Right Censoring (M. L. Moeschberger and John P. Klein, 1985)
#' }
#' @details Possible methods in 'imputation_method' are:
#' \describe{
#' \item{'km'}{Kaplan Meier imputation is similar to 'rs' (Risk set imputation)
#' but the random draw is according to the survival function of
#' the respective risk set.}
#' \item{'km_exp'}{The same as 'km' but if the largest value is censored the
#' tail of the survival function is modeled as an exponential
#' distribution where the rate parameter is obtained by fixing
#' the distribution to the last observed value.
#' See (Moeschberger and Klein, 1985).}
#' \item{'km_wei'}{The same as 'km' but if the largest value is censored the
#' tail of the survival function is modeled as an weibull
#' distribution where the parameters are obtained by MLE fitting on
#' the whole data. See (Moeschberger and Klein, 1985).}
#' \item{'km_os'}{The same as 'km' but if the largest value is censored the
#' tail of the survival function is modeled by order statistics.
#' See (Moeschberger and Klein, 1985).}
#' \item{'rs'}{Risk Set imputation replaces the censored values with a random
#' draw from the risk set of the respective censored value.}
#' \item{'mrl'}{Mean Residual Life (Conditional single imputation from
#' \href{https://www.researchgate.net/publication/319246304_Improved_conditional_imputation_for_linear_regression_with_a_randomly_censored_predictor}{Atem et al. 2017})
#' is a multiple imputation procedure that bootstraps the data and
#' imputes the censored values by replacing them with their
#' respective mean residual life.}
#' \item{'cc'}{complete case (listwise deletion) analysis removes incomlete samples.}
#' \item{'pmm'}{predictive mean matching treats censored values as missing and
#' uses predictive mean matching method from \code{\link[mice]{mice}}.}
#' }
#' @return A list with five elements:
#' \describe{
#' \item{'data'}{The input data frame}
#' \item{'betasMean'}{the mean regression coefficients}
#' \item{'betasVar'}{the variances of the mean regression coefficients}
#' \item{'metadata'}{a list of three elements: \describe{
#' \item{'mi_reps'}{number of repetitions in multiple imputation}
#' \item{'betas'}{all regression coefficients}
#' \item{'vars'}{the variances of the regression coefficients}
#' }}
#' \item{'fits'}{list with all regression fits}
#' }
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @importFrom lme4 glmer
#' @importFrom rlang :=
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # define association
#' lm_formula <- formula(Y ~ Surv(X,I) + Z)
#' # simulate data
#' data <- simulate_singlecluster(100, lm_formula, type = "lm", n_levels_fixeff=2)
#' # run fitting
#' cmi_out <- conditional_multiple_imputation(data,lm_formula)
#' # pool fits
#' comb_out <- mice::pool(cmi_out$fits)
#' # result
#' pvals <- summary(comb_out)$p.value
conditional_multiple_imputation <-
regression_type = c("lm", "glm", "glmer"),
mi_reps = 10,
imputation_method = c("km","km_exp","km_wei","km_os", "rs", "mrl", "cc", "pmm"),
weights = NULL,
contrasts = NULL,
family = "binomial",
id = NULL,
verbose = FALSE,
n_obs_min = 2
) {
data <- dplyr::as_tibble(data)
n <- dim(data)[1]
variables_formula <- extract_variables_from_formula(formula)
formula_uncens <- create_glmm_formula(formula)
censored_variable <- variables_formula[["censored_variable"]]
censoring_indicator <- variables_formula[["censoring_indicator"]]
response <- variables_formula[["response"]]
covariates <- variables_formula[["covariates"]]
expr <- rlang::enquo(censored_variable)
est_name <- paste0(rlang::quo_name(expr),"_est")
if (is.null(id)) {
data$id <- seq_along(data[[censored_variable]])
id <- "id"
if (is.numeric(id) & !is.null(id)) {
id <- colnames(data)[[id]]
binarise_covariate <- stringr::str_detect(imputation_method,"_bin")[1]
imputation_method <- ifelse(binarise_covariate,stringr::str_split(imputation_method,"_bin")[[1]][1],imputation_method)
imputation_method <- match.arg(imputation_method)
regression_type <- match.arg(regression_type)
if (is.character(weights)) {
stopifnot(all(weights %in% colnames(data)))
} else if (is.numeric(weights) | is.logical(weights)) {
weights <- colnames(data)[weights]
# check that data is in correct format, some type conversions, but keep covariates = NULL to not convert to factors
data <- data_processing_for_imputation(data,
covariates = NULL ,
if (sum(data[[censoring_indicator]]) <= n_obs_min){
stop(paste0("Not enough observed events, consider decreasing 'n_obs_min (currently = ",n_obs_min," )"),call. = FALSE)
# complete case
if (imputation_method == "cc"){
data = data,
censored_variable = censored_variable,
censoring_indicator = censoring_indicator,
formula = formula_uncens,
regression_type = regression_type,
weights = weights,
family = family,
binarise_covariate = binarise_covariate
# predictive mean matching (treating censored values as missing)
} else if (imputation_method == "pmm"){
data = data,
censored_variable = censored_variable,
censoring_indicator = censoring_indicator,
variables_for_imputation = c(response,covariates,variables_formula[["random_covariates"]]),
formula = formula_uncens,
regression_type = regression_type,
mi_reps = mi_reps,
weights = weights,
family = family
data_spread <- create_two_level_factor_data(data, covariates)
covariates_spread <- create_two_level_factor_covariates(data, formula)
# iterate
if (mi_reps > 1 & imputation_method %in% c("km","km_exp","km_wei","km_os","rs")){
all_csi_out <- estimate_cens_vars(data_spread,censored_variable,censoring_indicator,covariates,id,imputation_method,mi_reps)
all_csi_out <- lapply(seq_len(mi_reps), function(i){
# if CSI, no random sampling
if (mi_reps == 1 | imputation_method %in% c("rs","km")) {
randsam <- seq_len(n)
} else {
# random sample same length
randsam <- sample(seq_len(n), size = n, replace = TRUE)
data = data_spread[randsam, ],
censored_variable = censored_variable,
censoring_indicator = censoring_indicator,
response = response,
covariates = covariates_spread,
id = id,
imputation_method = imputation_method,
verbose = verbose
formula_uncens_est_name <- sub(censored_variable,est_name,Reduce(paste, deparse(formula_uncens)))
data_cmi <-
data = data,
imputed_datasets = all_csi_out,
censored_variable = censored_variable,
censoring_indicator = censoring_indicator,
response = response,
covariates = covariates,
id = id,
formula = formula_uncens_est_name,
regression_type = regression_type,
mi_reps = mi_reps,
verbose = verbose,
weights = weights,
contrasts = contrasts,
family = family,
binarise_covariate = binarise_covariate
# perform fitting of imputed datasets
# @param data 'data.frame'
# @param imputed_datasets all the imputed datasets for which testing is to be
# performed.
# @param censored_variable name of column containing censored data
# @param censoring_indicator name of column containing indication if observed
# (1) or censored (0) value in column 'censored_variable'
# @param response name of column containing the response (can be 'NULL')
# @param covariates name(s) of column(s) containing the covariate that influences
# censoring
# @inheritParams conditional_multiple_imputation
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @importFrom lme4 glmer
#' @importFrom stats na.omit
#' @importFrom rlang :=
conditional_multiple_imputation_fitting <-
response = NULL,
covariates = NULL,
id = NULL,
formula = NULL,
regression_type = c("lm", "glm", "glmer"),
mi_reps = 10,
verbose = FALSE,
weights = NULL,
contrasts = NULL,
family = "binomial",
binarise_covariate = FALSE
) {
# name of imputed variable
est_name <- paste0(censored_variable,"_est")
regression_type <- match.arg(regression_type)
if (is.character(weights)) {
stopifnot(all(weights %in% colnames(data)))
} else if (is.numeric(weights) | is.logical(weights)) {
weights <- colnames(data)[weights]
censored_bool <- data[[censoring_indicator]] == 0
# do fitting of all imputed data sets
fits <- lapply(imputed_datasets, function(csi_out) {
if(sum(censored_bool) != length(csi_out)){
censored_bool <- set_last_as_observed(data,censored_variable, censoring_indicator)[[censoring_indicator]]==0
est_col <- data[[censored_variable]]
est_col[censored_bool] <- csi_out
csi_out <- cbind(data,est_col)
colnames(csi_out)[dim(csi_out)[2]] <- est_name
# some checks of imputed values, only do fitting if imputation gave reasonable results
max_est_name <- max(na.omit(csi_out[[est_name]]))
cond_2 <- ifelse(is.na(max_est_name),
abs(max_est_name) < 1000 * abs(max(csi_out[[censored_variable]])))
if (!any(is.na(csi_out[[censored_variable]])) &
cond_2 &
(sum(csi_out[[censoring_indicator]]) > 2)) {
if (binarise_covariate){
csi_out[[est_name]] <- binarised_covariate(csi_out[[est_name]])
# fitting
args <- args_for_fitting(csi_out, formula, regression_type, family, weights)
do.call(regression_type, args)
# remove not finite imputed values and try fitting again if error
}, error = function(e) {
csi_out_red <- dplyr::filter(csi_out, is.finite(csi_out[[est_name]]))
if (verbose)
message(paste("NaN, NA of Inf present, removing",
dim(csi_out)[1] - dim(csi_out_red)[1], "/", dim(csi_out)[1],
"values for fitting"))
args <- args_for_fitting(csi_out_red, formula, regression_type, family, weights)
do.call(regression_type, args)
# remove empty fits
fits <- fits[unlist(purrr::map(fits, ~ !is.null(.x)))]
# get regression coefficients
betas <- get_betas_from_multiple_fits(fits,regression_type)
# get variances of regression coefficients
betasVar <- get_variance_of_betas_from_multiple_fits(fits)
data_cmi <- list(
data = data,
betasMean = colMeans(betas),
betasVar = colMeans(betasVar),
metadata = list(
mi_reps = mi_reps,
betas = betas,
vars = betasVar
fits = fits
return(data_cmi = data_cmi)
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