# Project: xbioc
# Author: Renaud Gaujoux
# Created: Jul 20, 2014
#' @include AllGenerics.R
#' Identifying Gene or Probe ID Type
#' The S4 generic \code{idtype} automatically determines the type
#' of gene/feature identifiers stored in objects, based on a combination of
#' regular expression patterns and test functions.
#' It uses a heuristic based on a set of regular expressions and functions
#' that uniquely match most common types of identifiers, such as Unigene,
#' Entrez gene, Affymetrix probe ids, Illumina probe ids, etc..
#' @param object an R object that contains the gene identifiers whose type is to
#' be determined.
#' @param ... extra argument to allow extension, generally passed down to
#' \code{idtype,character-method}.
#' See each method's description for more details.
#' @export
#' @inline
setGeneric('idtype', function(object, ...) standardGeneric('idtype'))
#' \code{is.idtype} tells if a given character vector contains valid types.
#' @rdname biocIDs
#' @export
is.idtype <- function(type){
if( !is.character(type) ) FALSE
else type %in% idtype()
is.multiple <- function(x){
sapply(x, length) > 1L
#' Utility function for Biological Identifiers
#' \code{is.probeid} tells if given IDs are probe IDs.
#' @param x an R object
#' @param ... extra arguments passed to \code{\link{idtype}}.
#' @family biocIDs
#' @rdname biocIDs
#' @export
is.probeid <- function(x, ...) is.probetype(idtype(x, ...))
#' \code{is.probetype} tells if given types are probe ID types.
#' @param type an identifier type as returned by \code{\link{idtype}}.
#' @rdname biocIDs
#' @export
is.probetype <- function(type) type == 'ANNOTATION' | (is.idtype(type) & grepl("^\\.", type))
#' Method for when \code{idtype} is called with its first argument missing,
#' in which case it returns all or a subset of the known type names as a character
#' vector, or optionally as a list that contains their definition, i.e. a regular
#' expression or a matching function.
#' @param def a logical or a subsetting vector, used when \code{object} is missing,
#' which indicates that the result should contain the definition of the matching
#' pattern/function of each type, or which type's deifnition should be included
#' in the result list.
#' @examples
#' # all known types
#' idtype()
#' # with their definitions
#' idtype(def=TRUE)
#' idtype(def='ENTREZID')
#' idtype(def=c('ENTREZID', 'ENSEMBLTRANS'))
setMethod('idtype', 'missing'
, local({
# type matching patterns/functions
.defs <- list(
, ENSEMBL= NA_character_
, ENSEMBLTRANS= NA_character_
, ENSEMBLPROT= NA_character_
, ENTREZID="^[0-9]+$"
, IMAGE = "^IMAGE:[0-9]+$"
, GOID="^GO:[0-9]+$"
, PFAM="^PF[0-9]+$"
, REFSEQ="^[XYN][MPR]_[0-9.]+$"
, ENZYME="^[0-9]+(\\.(([0-9]+)|-)+){3}$"
, MAP="^(([0-9]{1,2})|([XY]))((([pq])|(cen))(([0-9]+(\\.[0-9]+)?)|(ter))?(-([0-9]{1,2})|([XY]))?(([pq]?)|(cen))((ter)|([0-9]+(\\.[0-9]+)?))?)?)?$"
, GENEBANK=c("^[A-Z][0-9]{5}$", "^[A-Z]{2}[0-9]{6}$")
, GENEBANK="^[A-Z]{3}[0-9]{5}$"
, GENEBANK="^[A-Z]{4}[0-9]{8}[0-9]?[0-9]?$"
, GENEBANK="^[A-Z]{5}[0-9]{7}$"
, GENENAME = " "
, .Affymetrix="(^AFFX[-_])|(^[0-9]+_([abfgilrsx]_)?([as]t)|(i))$"
, .Illumina="^ILMN_[0-9]+$"
, .Agilent = "^A_[0-9]+_P[0-9]+$"
, .nuID=function(x) !is.na(nuIDdecode(x, error=NA))
#, SYMBOL="^[-0-9a-zA-Z':@.]*[a-zA-Z][-0-9a-zA-Z':@.]*$"
# actual function
function(object, def=FALSE){
# load ENSEMBL prefixes from data table if needed
if( is_NA(.defs$ENSEMBL) ){
d <- ldata('ENSEMBL_prefix', package = 'xbioc')
pref <- paste0(as.character(d$Prefix), collapse = '|')
.defs$ENSEMBL <<- sprintf("^(%s)G[0-9]+(\\.[0-9]+.*)?$", pref)
.defs$ENSEMBLTRANS <<- sprintf("^(%s)T[0-9]+(\\.[0-9]+.*)?$", pref)
.defs$ENSEMBLPROT <<- sprintf("^(%s)P[0-9]+(\\.[0-9]+.*)?$", pref)
if( isFALSE(def) ) unique(names(.defs))
else if( isTRUE(def) ) .defs
else if( is.vector(def) ){
if( is.character(def) && length(def) == 1L ){
res <- .defs[names(.defs) %in% def]
if( length(res) == 1L ) res[[1L]]
else res
}else .defs[def]
stop("idtype - Invalid argument `def` of class:'",class(def),"': expecting FALSE, TRUE or a subsetting vector.")
#' Detects the type of identifiers used in the row names of a matrix.
setMethod('idtype', 'matrix', function(object, ...) idtype(rownames(object), ...) )
#' Dummy method -- defined for convenience -- that returns \code{''}
setMethod('idtype', 'NULL', function(object, ...) '' )
#' This is the workhorse method that determine the type of ids contained in
#' a character vector.
#' @param each logical indicating whether the type of each element should be
#' returned (\code{TRUE}) or only the type of the vector as a whole (default).
#' @param limit specification for limiting which elements are used to
#' detect the type of identifiers.
#' If a single numeric, then only the first \code{limit} elements
#' are used. Otherwise it must be a subsetting logical or numeric vector.
#' @param no.match character string that specifies the string to use when the
#' type cannot be determined.
#' The IDs can be either:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{probe IDs (e.g. 123456_at or ILMN_123456 for Affymetrix or Illumina
#' chips respectively), the type starts with a dot \code{'.'}, allowing the
#' subsequent handling of such IDs as a group.}
#' \item{other biological ID types, the result are character strings such as
#' those used as attributes in Bioconductor annotation packages
#' (e.g. \code{"ENTREZID"} or \code{"ENSEMBL"})}
#' \item{Names of annotation packages e.g. \code{"hgu133plus2.db"}.}
#' }
#' This function is able to identify the following ID types using regular
#' expression patterns or dedicated function:
#' \itemize{
#' \item ENSEMBL = "^ENSG[0-9]+$"
#' \item ENSEMBLTRANS = "^ENST[0-9]+$"
#' \item ENSEMBLPROT = "^ENSP[0-9]+$"
#' \item ENTREZID = "^[0-9]+$"
#' \item IMAGE = "^IMAGE:[0-9]+$"
#' \item GOID = "^GO:[0-9]+$"
#' \item PFAM = "^PF[0-9]+$"
#' \item REFSEQ = "^N[MP]_[0-9]+$"
#' \item ENZYME = "^[0-9]+(\\.(([0-9]+)|-)+){3}$"
#' \item MAP = "^[0-9XY]+((([pq])|(cen))(([0-9]+(\\.[0-9]+)?)|(ter))?(-([0-9XY]+)?(([pq]?)|(cen))((ter)|([0-9]+(\\.[0-9]+)?))?)?)?$"
#' \item GENEBANK (Nucleotide) = "^[A-Z][0-9]{5}$" | "^[A-Z]{2}[0-9]{6}$"
#' \item GENEBANK (Protein) = "^[A-Z]{3}[0-9]{5}$"
#' \item GENEBANK (WGS) = "^[A-Z]{4}[0-9]{8}[0-9]?[0-9]?$"
#' \item GENEBANK (MGA) = "^[A-Z]{5}[0-9]{7}$"
#' \item GENENAME = " "
#' \item .Affymetrix = "(^AFFX-)|(^[0-9]+_([abfgilrsx]_)?([as]t)|(i))$"
#' \item .Illumina = "^ILMN_[0-9]+$"
#' \item .Agilent = "^A_[0-9]+_P[0-9]+$"
#' \item .nuID = use the function \code{\link{nuIDdecode}} to try converting the
#' ids into nucleotide sequences. Identification is positive if no error is
#' thrown during the conversion.
#' }
#' @return a single character string (possibly empty) if \code{each=FALSE} (default)
#' or a character vector of the same "length" as \code{object} otherwise.
#' @noMd
#' @export
#' @examples
#' idtype("12345_at")
#' idtype(c("12345_at", "23232_at", "555_x_at"))
#' # mixed types
#' ids <- c("12345_at", "23232_at", "Hs.1213")
#' idtype(ids) # not detected
#' idtype(ids, each=TRUE)
setMethod('idtype', 'vector',
function(object, each=FALSE, limit=NULL, no.match=''){
no.match <- as.character(no.match)
if( length(object) == 0 ) return(no.match)
# handle annotation package names
if( is.character(object) && all(is.annpkg(object)) ){
res <-
if( length(object) == 1L ) idtype(biocann_object(object))
else sapply(object, function(x){ idtype(biocann_object(x), no.match=NA) })
if( each ) res_vec <- setNames(rep(no.match, length(object)), as.character(object))
ids <- object
# convert to character if necessary
if( !is.numeric(object) ) ids <- as.character(ids)
# remove missing
i_process <- which(!is.na(ids))
# remove empty strings
if( is.character(ids) ) i_process <- i_process[nzchar(ids[i_process])]
# early exit if empty
if( length(i_process) == 0 ){
if( each ) return(res_vec)
else return(no.match)
# use only a subset of ids
if( !is.null(limit) ){
if( !is.numeric(limit) && !is.logical(limit) )
stop("idtype - Invalid value for argument `limit`: must be numeric or logical vector.")
i_process <- if( length(limit) == 1L ) head(i_process, limit)
else if( is.logical(limit) ) i_process[limit]
else i_process[as.integer(limit)]
# subset original ids
ids <- ids[i_process]
if( length(ids) == 0 ){
warning("idtype - Input vector is empty or filled wih NAs or empty strings: returned NA(s).")
if( each ) return( res_vec)
else return(as.character(NA))
patterns <- idtype(def=TRUE)
# special case for integer vectors
if( is.integer(ids) ){
if( each ){
res_vec[i_process] <- setNames(rep("_INDEX_", length(ids)), ids)
}else return("_INDEX_")
.check <- function(def, keys){
if( is.character(def) ){
res <- grepl(def[1L], keys)
if( length(def)>1L ){
for( i in 2:length(def) ){
res <- res | grepl(def[i], keys)
} else if( is.function(def) ) def(keys)
else stop("Invalid ID matcher object [", class(def), ']')
if( each ){
res <- setNames(rep(no.match, length(ids)), ids)
idx <- seq_along(res)
for( i in seq_along(patterns) ){
p <- patterns[[i]]
if( !each ){
if( all(.check(p, head(ids, 3))) && all(.check(p, ids)) )
t <- .check(p, ids[idx])
ok <- which(t)
if( length(ok) > 0 ){
res[idx[ok]] <- names(patterns)[i]
idx <- idx[-ok]
if( length(idx) == 0L ) break
if( each ){
res_vec[i_process] <- res
}else no.match
#' Detects the type of identifiers used in the feature names of an \code{ExpressionSet} object.
setMethod('idtype', 'ExpressionSet', function(object, ...) idtype(featureNames(object), ...) )
#' Detects the type of the primary identifiers of a probe annotation bimap object.
#' To speedup the identification, only the first 500 probes are used by default,
#' since the IDs are very likely to have been curated and to be of the same type.
#' This can be changed using argument \code{limit}.
setMethod('idtype', 'ProbeAnnDbBimap', function(object, limit=500L, ...) idtype(keys(object), limit=limit, ...) )
#' Detects the type of the identifiers of a chip annotation object.
#' To speedup the identification, only the first 500 probes are used by default,
#' since the IDs are very likely to have been curated and to be of the same type.
#' This can be changed using argument \code{limit}.
setMethod('idtype', 'ChipDb', function(object, limit=500L, ...) idtype(keys(object), limit=limit, ...) )
#' Detects the type of the identifiers of an organism annotation object.
#' To speedup the identification, only the first 500 probes are used by default,
#' since the IDs are very likely to have been curated and to be of the same type.
#' This can be changed using argument \code{limit}.
setMethod('idtype', 'AnnDbBimap', function(object, limit=500L, ...) idtype(keys(object), limit=limit, ...) )
#' Detects the type of all elements in a list, but provides the option of
#' detecting the type of each element separately.
setMethod('idtype', 'list', function(object, ...) idtype(unlist(object), ...) )
setMethod('idtype', 'data.frame', function(object, ...) sapply(object, idtype, ...) )
#' Dummy method -- defined for convenience -- that returns \code{''}
setMethod('idtype', 'NULL', function(object, ...) '' )
#' Testing Identifier Types
#' This functions tests if identifiers associated with an object is of from a given
#' type (mainly based on platform).
#' @param x object from which the identifier type is computed by \code{\link{idtype}}.
#' @rdname idtype-test
#' @export
is_Affymetrix <- function(x){ idtype(x) == '.Affymetrix'}
#' @rdname idtype-test
#' @export
is_Illumina <- function(x){ idtype(x) == '.Illumina'}
#' @rdname idtype-test
#' @export
is_Agilent <- function(x){ idtype(x) == '.Agilent'}
#' Convert nuID to Nucleotide Sequence
#' The function \code{nuIDdecode} converts a nuID string back to
#' the nucleotide sequence it encodes.
#' nuIDs are identifiers used as primary keys in some Illumina annotation packages,
#' and are based on a hash of the probe sequence itself.
#' This function is an adapted version of the \code{lumi::id2seq} from the
#' \pkg{lumi} package, so that it can throws errors instead of warnings.
#' It is used in \code{\link{idtype}} to infer the type of nuID vectors.
#' @param id nuID character vector
#' @param error a logical indicating whether an error should be thrown in case
#' of invalid input nuID (default) or only a warning, as in the original function
#' \code{lumi::id2seq}.
#' @source function \code{lumi::id2seq} in the \pkg{lumi} package
#' @author Pan Du
#' Adaptation for \pkg{xbioc}: Renaud Gaujoux
#' @cite Du2007
#' @export
#' @examples
#' nuIDdecode('XERDqYYc2A')
#' try(nuIDdecode('XERDqYYc2F'))
#' nuIDdecode('XERDqYYc2F', error=FALSE)
nuIDdecode <- function (id, error = TRUE)
if (length(id) > 1) {
return(sapply(id, nuIDdecode, error=error))
else {
code <- c(LETTERS, letters, as.character(0:9), "_", ".")
ind <- 1:length(code)
names(ind) <- code
if (length(grep("[^a-zA-Z0-9_.]", id)) > 0){
msg <- "Input id is not a nuID!"
if( isTRUE(error) ) stop(msg)
else return(NA)
#else warning(msg)
id <- substring(id, 1:nchar(id), 1:nchar(id))
num <- as.numeric(ind[id]) - 1
checkCode <- num[1]
num <- num[-1]
if (checkCode == 63){
msg <- "Coding error or not a nuID!\n Check code should not include \".\"!"
if( isTRUE(error) ) stop(msg)
else if( is.na(error) ) return(NA)
else warning(msg)
cutLen <- checkCode%%3
res <- floor(checkCode/3)
codon <- rbind(floor(num/4^2), floor((num%%4^2)/4), num%%4)
checkSum <- sum(num)
if (res != checkSum%%21) {
msg <- "Coding error or not a nuID!"
if( isTRUE(error) ) stop(msg)
else if( is.na(error) ) return(NA)
else warning(msg)
nucleotide <- c("A", "C", "G", "T")
codon <- nucleotide[codon + 1]
len <- length(codon)
if (len <= cutLen) { # added safeguard
msg <- "Coding error or not a nuID!"
if( isTRUE(error) ) stop(msg)
else if( is.na(error) ) return(NA)
else warning(msg)
seq <- paste(codon[1:(len - cutLen)], collapse = "")
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