# Project: xbioc
# Function for annotation packages
# Author: Renaud Gaujoux
# Created: Jul 3, 2014
#' Annotation Tools
#' @description
#' The \pkg{xbioc} package contains a few utility functions to facilitate
#' working with Bioconductor annotations, which extends or enhance functions
#' available in packages such as \pkg{annotate}.
#' @param x an R object, either a character string or an annotation object.
#' @name annotation-tools
#' @describeIn annotation-tools \code{is.annpkg} tells if an object is the name of an annotation package.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # check annotation pkg name
#' is.annpkg('aaa.db')
#' is.annpkg(c('bbb.db', 'ccc.db'))
#' is.annpkg(c('ddd', 'eee.db'))
is.annpkg <- function(x) is.character(x) && length(x)>0L && all(grepl("\\.db$", x))
#' @describeIn annotation-tools tells if an object is an organism annotation package.
#' @export
is.orgpkg <- function(x) {
if( is.anndb(x) ) return(is(x, 'OrgDb'))
if( !is.character(x) ) x <- annotation(x)
!is.null(x) && length(grep("^org\\.", x)) == 1
#' @describeIn annotation-tools tells if an object is an annotation db object such as
#' \code{hgu133a.db}.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # check AnnotationDb object
#' library(hgu133plus2.db)
#' is.anndb(hgu133plus2.db)
is.anndb <- function(x) is(x, 'AnnotationDb')
#' @describeIn annotation-tools returns the name of a map in an annotation package.
#' @param annotation names of an annotation package, with \dQuote{.db}
#' suffix or not.
#' @param map name of a map, e.g., \dQuote{ENTREZID}.
#' @param all logical that indicates if all possible names should be
#' returned, and only the simple concatenation of the annotation
#' package's name without \dQuote{.db} and the map name.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # build annotation bimap object names
#' biocann_mapname('hgu133plus2.db', 'ENTREZID')
#' # '.db' extension is skipped
#' biocann_mapname('hgu133plus2', 'ENTREZID')
#' # get all possible map names
#' biocann_mapname('hgu133plus2.db', 'ENTREZID', all=TRUE)
biocann_mapname <- function(annotation, map, all=FALSE){
base <- biocann_pkgname(annotation, noext=TRUE)
sep <- ''
if( all ) sep <- c(sep, '2')
paste(base, sep, map, sep='')
#' @describeIn annotation-tools returns the name of an annotation package, formated from character strings
#' or extracted from annotation objects.
#' @param noext logical that indicates if returned package names should
#' contain the extension '.db'.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # annotation package name
#' biocann_pkgname('aa')
#' # extract the package name from annotation objects
#' biocann_pkgname(hgu133plus2.db)
#' biocann_pkgname(hgu133plus2ENTREZID)
biocann_pkgname <- function(x, noext=FALSE){
# extract name from annotation db object
if( is.anndb(x) ) x <- x$packageName
if( is(x, 'ProbeAnnDbBimap' ) ) x <- strsplit(x@objTarget, ' ')[[1]][2]
if( !is.character(x) )
stop("Invalid argument `x`: character string expected [", class(x), ']')
base <- sub("\\.db$", "", x)
res <- if( noext ) base
else ifelse(nchar(base), paste(base, ".db", sep=''), '')
# fix some special cases
res[res %in% c("ensembldb.db")] <- "ensembldb"
is_EnsDb <- grepl("^EnsDb\\..*\\.v[0-9]+$", x)
res[is_EnsDb] <- x[is_EnsDb]
#' @describeIn annotation-tools retrieve the \code{AnnotationDb} object for an annotation
#' package given as a string.
#' The package does not need to be already loaded but needs to be installed in a library that
#' is in the search path.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # get AnnotationDb object
#' biocann_pkgobject('hgu133plus2') # extension can be skipped
#' # the package needs to be installed
#' try( biocann_pkgobject('aaa') )
biocann_pkgobject <- function(x){
pkg <- biocann_pkgname(x)
get(pkg, envir=asNamespace(pkg))
#' Retrieving Bioconductor Annotation Maps
#' The function \code{biocann_object} retrieves annotation objects, like bimaps, from
#' Bioconductor annotation packages.
#' It is similar to the function \code{getAnnMap} from the \pkg{annotate} package,
#' except that it also accepts annotation -- bimap -- objects,
#' and will try to install missing packages if not found (see section Details).
#' If an annotation package is specified as a character string, and is not found in the
#' search path, and if R runs in interactive mode, then the user is asked whether one
#' should try install the missing package.
#' Default response is 'yes' so that simply hitting return will install the package
#' via \code{\link{install.packages}} and load it.
#' An error is thrown if this eventually fails.
#' @param to target annotation field as a character string, e.g., \dQuote{ENTREZID},
#' \dQuote{ENSEMBL}, or an annotation package or db which means that one wants to
#' retrieve a mapping to its corresponding primary identifier.
#' If \code{from} is missing, \code{to} must be the name of an annotation package,
#' i.e. ends with \dQuote{db}), in which case it tries loading the package and return
#' the whole annotation db object; or any annotation package db or map object such as
#' \code{AnnDbBimap}, \code{ChipDb} or \code{OrgDb} objects, which are returned unchanged.
#' @param from source annotation package as a character string e.g. \code{"hgu133a.db"}.
#' @param optional logical that indicates if the function should return \code{NULL} if the
#' mapping cannot be found (\code{TRUE}), or throw an error.
#' Note that this does not apply to the installation part: if a required annotation
#' package is missing, an error is thrown even if \code{optional=TRUE}.
#' @return a \code{\link{ProbeAnnDbBimap}} if annotation is not missing,
#' a \code{ProbeAnnDb} object otherwise.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # db package object
#' biocann_object('hgu133plus2.db')
#' # bimap from hgu133plus2 probe id to ENTREZID
#' biocann_object('ENTREZID', 'hgu133plus2.db')
#' # reversed bimap from UNIGENE to hgu133plus2 probe id
#' biocann_object('hgu133plus2.db', 'UNIGENE')
#' # this is equivalent to using the annotation package object (no quotes),
#' # when the package is already loaded (=> helpful in interactive session with auto-completion)
#' biocann_object(hgu133plus2.db, 'UNIGENE')
biocann_object <- function(to, from=NULL, optional=FALSE){
if( is.null(from) ){
# simply return if the argument is already an annotation Bimap
if( is(to, 'AnnDbBimap')
|| is(to, 'ChipDb')
|| is(to, 'OrgDb') ){
# to must be the name of an annotation package
if( !is.annpkg(to) )
stop("Invalid annotation package name ['",to,"']")
# try load and ask if not possible
if( !irequire(to, load=TRUE) )
stop("Aborted computation due to missing annotation package '", to, "'.")
ns <- asNamespace(to)
return(get(to, ns))
# use annotation string from ExpresssionSet objects
if( isExpressionSet(from) ) from <- annotation(from)
if( is.character(from) ){
if( is.annpkg(to) || is.anndb(to) ){ # e.g., we want 'ENTREZID -> pkg.db'
if( is.annpkg(from) )
stop("Can only map between an annotation package and a data field.",
" [map='", to, "' - annotation=", class(from), "]")
# get map and reverse it
m <- biocann_object(from, to, optional = optional)
if( !is.null(m) ) return( revmap(m) )
else return()
# load db package
annenv <- biocann_object(from)
}else if( is.environment(from) ){
annenv <- from
if( !is.character(to) )
stop("Invalid argument `to`: expected character string [", class(to), '] when `from` is [', class(from), ']')
# get all potential map names
maps <- biocann_mapname(from, to, all=TRUE)
for( mname in maps ){
if( exists(mname, annenv) ) return( get(mname, annenv) )
# error if not optional
if( !optional ){
annpkg <- biocann_pkgname(from)
stop("Could not find map for '", to, "' in package '", annpkg, "'")
#' Bioconductor Organism Data and Packages
#' @param organism Organism name (case insensitive).
#' Can be specified using the common name (e.g., mouse), a partial match of the latin name (e.g., Mus musculus),
#' or its abbreviation (e.g., Mm).
#' It can also be a `AnnDbBimap` object like `org.Hs.egSYMBOL2EG`.
#' The following organisms are currently supported:
#' human, arabidopsis, bovine, canine, chicken, chimp, malaria, mouse, pig, rat, rhesus, worm, zebrafish
#' @param optional logical that indicates if the function should raise an error if no package is found
#' for the given organism specification (`optional=FALSE`), or return `NA` data and throw a warning.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # list all
#' biocann_orgdb()
#' # common name
#' biocann_orgdb('human')
#' # latin name
#' biocann_orgdb('canis')
#' # any partial match works
#' biocann_orgdb('canis lupus')
#' # abbreviation
#' biocann_orgdb('Mm')
biocann_orgdb <- local({
x <- list(human = 'Homo sapiens'
, mouse = 'Mus musculus'
, rat = 'Rattus norvegicus'
, arabidopsis = 'Arabidopsis thaliana'
, chicken = 'Gallus gallus'
, canine = 'Canis lupus familiaris'
, bovine = 'Bos taurus'
, rhesus = 'Macaca mulatta'
, chimp = 'Pan troglodytes'
, pig = 'Sus scrofa'
, worm = 'Caenorhabditis elegans'
, zebrafish = 'Danio rerio'
, malaria = 'Plasmodium falciparum')
x <- data.frame(organism = t(data.frame(x)), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# add abbreviations
x$abbrv <- sapply(strsplit(x$organism, ' '), function(x) paste0(substr(x,1,1), collapse = ''))
x[c('canine', 'rhesus'), 'abbrv'] <- c('Cf', 'Mmu')
# db0 package name
x$org.db0 <- sprintf('%s0', paste0(rownames(x), '.db'))
# org package name
x$org.db <- sprintf('org.%s.eg.db', x$abbrv)
spe_org <- c(arabidopsis='tair', malaria='plasmo')
x[names(spe_org), 'org.db'] <- sapply(seq_along(spe_org), function(i) gsub("\\.eg\\.", paste0(".", spe_org[i], "."), x[names(spe_org)[i], 'org.db']))
# reorder
x$db0 <- rownames(x)
.map <- x[order(rownames(x)), ]
function(organism, optional = FALSE){
if( missing(organism) ) return(.map)
x <- organism
if( is(x, 'AnnDbBimap') ) x <- x@objTarget
if( !length(x) || !nzchar(x) ) stop('Invalid organism specification: empty variable')
if( is.na(i <- match(toupper(x), toupper(rownames(.map)))) ){
if( is.na(i <- match(toupper(x), toupper(.map$organism))) ){
if( !length(i <- grep(paste0("^", x), .map$organism, ignore.case = TRUE)) ){
if( is.na(i <- match(toupper(x), toupper(.map$abbrv))) ){
if( optional ) stop <- warning
stop("Invalid organism: ", x, "\n Must be one of: ", str_out(paste0(rownames(.map), " [", .map$abbrv, ']'), Inf, quote = FALSE))
.map[NA_integer_, , drop = FALSE]
.map[i, , drop = FALSE]
#' @describeIn biocann_orgdb Returns the organism annotation package for a given
#' organism.
#' @export
biocann_orgdb_pkgname <- function(organism){
#' Looking Up Keys in Identifier Maps
#' Look up for keys in a map.
#' @param keys keys to look up
#' @param map Map as a bimap object, e.g., \code{hgu133plus2ENTREZID}.
#' @param multiple logical that indicates if all matches should be included,
#' or if the result list should be reduced to a one-to-one mapping vector.
#' Possible values are:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{TRUE} result is a list with potential multiple matches
#' \item \code{NA} results is a vector with multiple matches set to NA
#' \item \code{FALSE} or \code{'first'} results is a vector with multiple matches resolved by choosing
#' the \emph{first} match.
#' \item \code{'last'} results is a vector with multiple matches resolved by choosing
#' the \emph{last} match.
#' }
#' @export
bimap_lookup <- function(keys, map, multiple = TRUE){
if( isExpressionSet(keys) || is.matrix(keys) ) keys <- featureNames(keys)
keys <- as.character(keys)
if( length(kNA <- which(is.na(keys))) ){
res_ <- NAmap(keys)
keys <- keys[-kNA]
res <- if( !is.list(map) ){
AnnotationDbi::mget(keys, map, ifnotfound=NA)
res <- NAmap(keys) #setNames(as.list(rep(NA, length(keys))), keys)
# early exit on empty map
if( !length(map) ) return(res)
mk <- keys[keys %in% mappedkeys(map)]
res[mk] <- map[mk]
# process multiple matches
if( !isTRUE(multiple) ){
if( is_NA(multiple) ){ # set multiple match to NA
res[sapply(res, length) > 1L] <- NA
res <- unlist(res)
}else if( isFALSE(multiple) || multiple == 'first' ) # choose first
res <- sapply(res, head, 1L)
else if( multiple == 'last' ) # choose last
res <- sapply(res, tail, 1L)
else stop("Invalid argument `multiple`: must be TRUE, FALSE, NA, first' or 'last'")
if( length(kNA) ){
if( !is.list(res) ) res_ <- unlist(res_)
res_[-kNA] <- res
res <- res_
# return
#' @export
biocann_orgkey <- function(x){
x <- strsplit(x, " ")[[1]]
toupper(paste0(substr(x[1],1,3), substr(x[2],1,2)))
#' @export
biocann_inp_pkgname <- function(x){
x <- strsplit(x, " ")[[1]]
p <- paste0(toupper(substr(x[1],1,1)), tolower(substr(x[2],1,1)))
p <- paste0('hom.', p, '.inp.db')
#' Lists Available Transcript Annotation Packages
#' @param provider name of the annotation provider
#' @importFrom BiocManager repositories
#' @importFrom utils available.packages
#' @export
available_tx_db <- function(provider = c('all', 'ensembl', 'ucsc'), ...){
# fetch available packages from annotation repo
pkgs <- available.packages(repos = BiocManager::repositories()['BioCann'])
# add provider
prov <- grepl("^TxDb.*UCSC", rownames(pkgs)) + grepl("^EnsDb", rownames(pkgs)) * 2
pkgs <- cbind(pkgs, Provider = c(NA, 'UCSC', 'Ensembl')[1 + prov])
pkgs <- pkgs[prov > 0, ]
# add version
org <- substr(sub("^[^.]+\\.([^.]+).*", "\\1", rownames(pkgs)), 1L, 2L)
org <- suppressWarnings(sapply(org, function(x) biocann_orgdb(x, optional = TRUE)$organism))
pkgs <- cbind(pkgs
, Organism = org
, ProviderVersion = sub(".*[^0-9]([0-9]+).*", "\\1", rownames(pkgs)))
# filter if necessary
provider <- match.arg(provider)
if( provider != 'all' ) pkgs <- pkgs[tolower(pkgs[, 'Provider']) == tolower(provider), , drop = FALSE]
# return as a data.frame
pkgs <- as.data.frame(pkgs, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
pkgs$ProviderVersion <- as.numeric(pkgs$ProviderVersion)
#' @describeIn available_tx_db
#' @param organism organism specification, as supported by [biocann_orgdb].
#' @export
ensembldb_latest <- function(organism = 'Hs'){
org <- biocann_orgdb(organism, optional = TRUE)$organism
# return NULL if organism is not supported
if( is.na(org) ) return()
ens <- available_tx_db('ensembl')
ens <- ens[order(ens$ProviderVersion), ]
tail(rownames(ens[ens$Organism == org, ]), 1L)
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