## graphParam constructors
erGraphParam <- function(p=4L, m=4L, prob=NA_real_, labels=as.character(1:p)) {
new("erGraphParam", p=as.integer(p), m=as.integer(m), prob=prob, labels=labels)
dRegularGraphParam <- function(p=4L, d=2L, exclude=as.integer(NULL), labels=as.character(1:p)) {
if ((p*d) %% 2 != 0)
stop("The number of vertices p times the degree d of each vertex, i.e., the product p x d, should be even in order to sample a d-regular graph on p vertices uniformly at random\n")
new("dRegularGraphParam", p=as.integer(p), d=as.integer(d), exclude=exclude, labels=labels)
erMarkedGraphParam <- function(pI=1L, pY=3L, m=4L, prob=NA_real_,
Ilabels=paste0("I", 1:pI), Ylabels=paste0("Y", 1:pY)) {
new("erMarkedGraphParam", p=as.integer(pI+pY), pI=as.integer(pI), pY=as.integer(pY), m=as.integer(m),
prob=prob, Ilabels=Ilabels, Ylabels=Ylabels, labels=c(Ilabels, Ylabels))
dRegularMarkedGraphParam <- function(pI=1L, pY=3L, d=2L, exclude=as.integer(NULL),
Ilabels=paste0("I", 1:pI), Ylabels=paste0("Y", 1:pY)) {
if (((pI+pY)*d) %% 2 != 0)
stop("The number of vertices p times the degree d of each vertex, i.e., the product p x d, should be even in order to sample a d-regular graph on p vertices uniformly at random\n")
new("dRegularMarkedGraphParam", p=as.integer(pI+pY), pI=as.integer(pI), pY=as.integer(pY),
d=as.integer(d), exclude=exclude, Ilabels=Ilabels, Ylabels=Ylabels, labels=c(Ilabels, Ylabels))
## graphParam show method
setMethod("show", signature(object="graphParam"),
function(object) {
graphtype <- "pure"
if (is(object, "markedGraphParam"))
graphtype <- "marked"
graphmodel <- "Erdos-Renyi"
if (is(object, "dRegularGraphParam") || is(object, "dRegularMarkedGraphParam"))
graphmodel <- "d-regular"
cat(sprintf("\n %s %s graph parameter object\n", graphmodel, graphtype))
cat(sprintf(" No. of %s vertices: %d\n", graphtype, object@p))
if (graphtype == "marked") {
cat(sprintf(" No. of dot (I) vertices: %d\n", object@pI))
cat(sprintf(" No. of circle (Y) vertices: %d\n", object@pY))
if (graphmodel == "Erdos-Renyi") {
if (is.na(object@prob))
cat(sprintf(" No. of edges: %d\n", object@m))
cat(sprintf(" Edge probability: %.3f\n", object@prob))
} else if (graphmodel == "d-regular") {
cat(sprintf(" Constant degree: %d\n", object@d))
if (length(object@exclude) > 0)
cat(sprintf(" No. of excluded vertices: %d\n", length(object@exclude)))
} else stop("unknown graph model.")
if (graphtype == "pure") {
vtcstr <- paste(object@labels, collapse=", ")
if (object@p > 6)
vtcstr <- sprintf("%s ...", paste(head(object@labels), collapse=", "))
cat(sprintf(" Vertex labels: %s\n\n", vtcstr))
} else {
vtcstr <- paste(object@Ilabels, collapse=", ")
if (object@pI > 6)
vtcstr <- sprintf("%s ...", paste(head(object@Ilabels), collapse=", "))
cat(sprintf(" Dot (I) vertex labels: %s\n", vtcstr))
vtcstr <- paste(object@Ylabels, collapse=", ")
if (object@pY > 6)
vtcstr <- sprintf("%s ...", paste(head(object@Ylabels), collapse=", "))
cat(sprintf(" Circle (Y) vertex labels: %s\n\n", vtcstr))
## graphParam plot method
setMethod("plot", signature(x="graphBAM"),
function(x, layoutType="dot", ...) {
if (!is.na(match("type", names(nodeData(x))))) {
vtype <- unlist(graph::nodeData(x, graph::nodes(x), "type"))
vlabels <- graph::nodes(x)
g <- x
g <- Rgraphviz::layoutGraph(g, layoutType=layoutType)
graph::nodeRenderInfo(g) <- list(label=do.call("names<-", list(vlabels, vlabels)),
list(c(rep("black", sum(vtype == "discrete")),
rep("white", sum(vtype == "continuous"))),
c(do.call("c", as.list(vlabels[vtype == "discrete"])),
do.call("c", as.list(vlabels[vtype == "continuous"]))))),
list(c(rep("white", sum(vtype == "discrete")),
rep("black", sum(vtype == "continuous"))),
c(do.call("c", as.list(vlabels[vtype == "discrete"])),
do.call("c", as.list(vlabels[vtype == "continuous"]))))))
Rgraphviz::renderGraph(g, ...)
} else
invisible(callNextMethod(x, ...))
## graph simulation methods
setMethod("rgraphBAM", signature(n="graphParam", param="missing"),
function(n, param) {
rgraphBAM(n=1L, n)
setMethod("rgraphBAM", signature(n="missing", param="graphParam"),
function(n, param) {
rgraphBAM(n=1L, param)
setMethod("rgraphBAM", signature(n="numeric", param="graphParam"),
function(n=1, param) {
rgraphBAM(as.integer(n), param)
setMethod("rgraphBAM", signature(n="integer", param="erGraphParam"),
function(n=1L, param) {
p <- param@p
m <- param@m
prob <- param@prob
labels <- param@labels
sim <- list()
for (i in 1:n) {
g <- NA
if (is.na(prob))
g <- graph::randomEGraph(labels, edges=m)
g <- graph::randomEGraph(labels, p=prob)
g <- as(g, "graphBAM")
if (is(param, "markedGraphParam")) {
nodeDataDefaults(g, "type") <- "continuous"
nodeData(g, param@Ilabels, "type") <- "discrete"
sim[[i]] <- as(g, "graphBAM")
if (n == 1)
sim <- sim[[1]]
setMethod("rgraphBAM", signature(n="integer", param="dRegularGraphParam"),
function(n=1L, param, verbose=FALSE, R.code.only=FALSE) {
p <- param@p
d <- param@d
exclude <- param@exclude
labels <- param@labels
sim <- list()
for (i in 1:n) {
g <- .qpRndRegularGraph(p, d, labels, exclude, verbose, return.type="graphBAM", R.code.only)
if (is(param, "markedGraphParam")) {
nodeDataDefaults(g, "type") <- "continuous"
nodeData(g, param@Ilabels, "type") <- "discrete"
sim[[i]] <- g
if (n == 1)
sim <- sim[[1]]
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