#' @include class-variants.R
#' @keywords internal
v_obj_to_variants <- function(obj) {
# Instantiate a new variants S4 object.
v <- variants()
# a_obj: alias for obj$content$obj$content$singleNucleotidePolymorphisms
v_obj <- obj$content$singleNucleotidePolymorphisms
# If the object is empty return the variants S4 object as is, i.e., with its
# tables empty.
if (rlang::is_empty(v_obj)) return(v)
v@variants <- v_obj_to_variants_tbl(v_obj)
v@genomic_contexts <- v_obj_to_genomic_contexts_tbl(v_obj)
v@ensembl_ids <- v_obj_to_ensembl_ids_tbl(v_obj)
v@entrez_ids <- v_obj_to_entrez_ids_tbl(v_obj)
#' @keywords internal
v_obj_to_variants_tbl <- function(obj) {
if (rlang::is_empty(obj)) return(variants_tbl())
cols <- c("variant_id",
# If obj has some elements missing, add them by name and assign NULL to them
# Later on missing_to_na will convert NULL to NA appropriately.
obj[cols[!rlang::has_name(obj, cols)]] <- list(NULL)
obj_to_locations <- function(location_obj) {
tbl <- tibble::tibble(
chromosome_name = recode_missing(tws(location_obj$chromosomeName)),
chromosome_position = recode_missing(tws(location_obj$chromosomePosition), type = 'int'),
chromosome_region = recode_missing(tws(location_obj$region$name))
~ {
loc <- obj_to_locations(obj$locations[[.y]])
variant_id = recode_missing(tws(obj$rsId[.y])),
merged = recode_missing(tws(obj$merged[.y]), type = 'int'),
functional_class = recode_missing(tws(obj$functionalClass[.y])),
chromosome_name = recode_missing(tws(loc$chromosome_name)),
chromosome_position = recode_missing(tws(loc$chromosome_position), type = 'int'),
chromosome_region = recode_missing(tws(loc$chromosome_region)),
last_update_date = lubridate::ymd_hms(recode_missing(tws(
}) %>% dplyr::distinct()
#' @keywords internal
is_mapped_gene <- function(is_closest_gene, is_intergenic, source) {
is_mapped_gene1 <- !is_intergenic & source == 'Ensembl'
is_mapped_gene2 <- is_intergenic & source == 'Ensembl' & is_closest_gene
if (any(is_mapped_gene1)) return(is_mapped_gene1)
else return(is_mapped_gene2)
#' @keywords internal
v_obj_to_genomic_contexts_tbl <- function(obj) {
if (rlang::is_empty(obj)) return(genomic_contexts_tbl())
~ {
if (rlang::is_empty(obj$genomicContexts[[.y]])) {
} else {
gc <- obj$genomicContexts[[.y]]
is_closest_gene = recode_missing(tws(gc$isClosestGene), type = 'lgl')
is_intergenic = recode_missing(tws(gc$isIntergenic), type = 'lgl')
source = recode_missing(tws(gc$source))
variant_id = recode_missing(tws(obj$rsId[.y])),
gene_name = recode_missing(tws(gc$gene$geneName)),
# Temporary hack, waiting for confirmation from GWAS Catalog team on whether this
# two variables have indeed been dropped.
# https://github.com/ramiromagno/gwasrapidd/issues/5
chromosome_name = recode_missing(tws(purrr::pluck(gc, 'location', 'chromosomeName', .default = NA_character_))),
chromosome_position = recode_missing(tws(purrr::pluck(gc, 'location', 'chromosomePosition', .default = NA_character_)), type = 'int'),
# chromosome_name = recode_missing(tws(gc$location$chromosomeName)),
# chromosome_position = recode_missing(tws(gc$location$chromosomePosition), type = 'int'),
distance = recode_missing(tws(gc$distance), type = 'int'),
is_mapped_gene = is_mapped_gene(is_closest_gene, is_intergenic, source),
is_closest_gene = is_closest_gene,
is_intergenic = is_intergenic,
is_upstream = recode_missing(tws(gc$isUpstream), type = 'lgl'),
is_downstream = recode_missing(tws(gc$isDownstream), type = 'lgl'),
source = source,
mapping_method = recode_missing(tws(gc$mappingMethod))
}) %>% dplyr::distinct()
#' @keywords internal
v_obj_to_ensembl_ids_tbl <- function(obj) {
if (rlang::is_empty(obj)) return(v_ensembl_ids_tbl())
obj_to_ensembl_id_tbl <- function(variant_id, gene_obj) {
if (rlang::is_empty(gene_obj))
tbl <-
tibble::as_tibble(gene_obj[c("geneName", "ensemblGeneIds")]) %>%
tidyr::unnest(cols = "ensemblGeneIds") %>% # This is no typo.
tidyr::unnest(cols = "ensemblGeneIds")
tbl2 <- v_ensembl_ids_tbl(
variant_id = recode_missing(tws(variant_id)),
gene_name = recode_missing(tws(tbl$geneName)),
ensembl_id = recode_missing(tws(unlist(tbl$ensemblGeneIds)))
purrr::imap_dfr(obj$genomicContexts, # over variants
~ {
if (rlang::is_empty(.x)) {
} else {
obj_to_ensembl_id_tbl(variant_id = obj$rsId[.y],
gene_obj = .x$gene)
}) %>% dplyr::distinct()
#' @keywords internal
v_obj_to_entrez_ids_tbl <- function(obj) {
if (rlang::is_empty(obj)) return(v_entrez_ids_tbl())
obj_to_entrez_id_tbl <- function(variant_id, gene_obj) {
if (rlang::is_empty(gene_obj))
tbl <-
tibble::as_tibble(gene_obj[c("geneName", "entrezGeneIds")]) %>%
tidyr::unnest(cols = "entrezGeneIds")
# Hack, need to come back to this again
# Test with these SNPs: 'rs147903261' and 'rs267606894'.
if (!identical(nrow(tbl), 0L))
tbl <- tidyr::unnest(tbl, cols = 'entrezGeneIds')
tbl2 <- v_entrez_ids_tbl(
variant_id = recode_missing(tws(variant_id)),
gene_name = recode_missing(tws(tbl$geneName)),
entrez_id = recode_missing(tws(unlist(tbl$entrezGeneIds)))
purrr::imap_dfr(obj$genomicContexts, # over variants
~ {
if (rlang::is_empty(.x))
obj_to_entrez_id_tbl(variant_id = obj$rsId[.y],
gene_obj = .x$gene)
}) %>% dplyr::distinct()
#' Filter variants by standard human chromosomes.
#' This function filters a \linkS4class{variants} object by standard human chromosomes, i.e.,
#' 1--22, X and Y. In addition to these chromosomes, some variants retrieved
#' from the GWAS Catalog might be also mapped to non-standard locations, such as
#' GRC assembly patches, haplotype (HAPs) or pseudo autosomal regions (PARs).
#' When this happens the main table \code{variants} includes rows for these
#' cases too. This function removes these.
#' @param s4_variants An object of class \linkS4class{variants}.
#' @param chromosomes A character vector of valid chromosome names. Default is
#' autosomal chromosomes 1 thru 22 and, X, Y, and MT.
#' @return An object of class \linkS4class{variants}.
#' @keywords internal
filter_variants_by_standard_chromosomes <- function(s4_variants, chromosomes = c(seq_len(22), "X", "Y", "MT")) {
not_valid_chr_name_lgl <- !is_human_chromosome(chromosomes)
if (any(not_valid_chr_name_lgl))
"These are not valid chromosome names: ",
concatenate::cc_and(chromosomes[not_valid_chr_name_lgl], oxford = TRUE),
chromosome_name <- rlang::expr(chromosome_name)
s4_variants@variants <- dplyr::filter(s4_variants@variants, !!chromosome_name %in% c(chromosomes, NA_character_))
variant_ids <- s4_variants@variants$variant_id
# Filter variants by variant_ids
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