
Defines functions pkg_is_installed hash show_extra load_extra pak_install_extra extra_packages

Documented in pak_install_extra

extra_packages <- function() {

#' Install all optional dependencies of pak
#' These packages are not required for any pak functionality. They are
#' recommended for some functions that return values that are best
#' used with these packages. E.g. many functions return data frames, which
#' print nicer when the pillar package is available.
#' Currently only one package is optional: **pillar**.
#' @param upgrade Whether to install or upgrade to the latest versions
#'   of the optional packages.
#' @export

pak_install_extra <- function(upgrade = FALSE) {
  extra <- extra_packages()
  pkgs <- paste(extra, collapse = ", ")
  message("i installing extra package: `", pkgs, "`.")
  pak::pkg_install(extra, upgrade = upgrade)

load_extra <- function(pkg) {
  if (!requireNamespace(pkg, quietly = TRUE)) {
    if (show_extra()) {
      msg <- paste0(
        "! Optional package `", pkg, "` is not available for pak.\n",
        "  Use `pak::pak_install_extra()` to install optional packages.\n",
        "  Use `options(pak.no_extra_messages = TRUE)` to suppress this message.\n"
        list(message = msg),
        class = c("pak_extra_message", "message", "condition")

show_extra <- function() {
  Sys.getenv("CI") != "true" &&
    !isTRUE(getOption("pak.no_extra_messages", FALSE))

hash <- function(obj) {
  tmp <- tempfile()
  on.exit(unlink(tmp, recursive = TRUE), add = TRUE)
  serialize(obj, con <- file(tmp, open = "wb"))
  on.exit(try(close(con), silent = TRUE), add = TRUE)

once_per_session <- local({
  seen <- character()
  function(expr) {
    h <- hash(substitute(expr))
    if (! h %in% seen) {
      seen <<- c(seen, h)

pkg_is_installed <- function(pkg) {
  vlapply(pkg, requireNamespace, quietly = TRUE)
r-lib/pak documentation built on Sept. 27, 2024, 12:39 a.m.