#' @export
compute_go <- function(de_list, bg_list, type = "BP", organism = c("mmu", "cel", "hsa"), idcol = "gene_name") {
if(organism == "cel") {
orgdb <- "celegans.db"
fromType = "SYMBOL"
idcol <- idcol
} else if(organism =="mmu") {
orgdb <- "org.Mm.eg.db"
fromType = "SYMBOL"
idcol <- idcol
} else if(organism == "hsa") {
orgdb <- "org.Hs.eg.db"
fromType = "SYMBOL"
idcol <- idcol
bg.df <- bitr(bg_list, fromType = fromType,
toType = c("SYMBOL", "ENTREZID"),
OrgDb = orgdb)
gene_list <- lapply(1:length(de_list), function(i){
if(nrow(de_list[[i]]) == 0) return(NULL)
gene.df <- bitr(de_list[[i]][[idcol]], fromType = fromType,
toType = c("SYMBOL", "ENTREZID"),
OrgDb = orgdb)
base::merge(x = tbl, gene.df, by.x = idcol, by.y = "SYMBOL")
names(gene_list) <- names(de_list)
if(type == "kegg") {
kegg_list <- lapply(1:length(gene_list), function(i){
if(is.null(gene_list[[i]])) return(NULL)
if(organism == "cel") {
kegg_gene <- paste0("CELE_", toupper(gene_list[[i]]$gene_name))
kegg_bg <- paste0("CELE_", toupper(bg.df$SYMBOL))
} else if(organism %in% c("mmu", "hsa")) {
kegg_gene <- gene_list[[i]]$ENTREZID
kegg_bg <- bg.df$ENTREZID
gene = kegg_gene,
universe = kegg_bg,
organism = organism,
pAdjustMethod = "BH")
enrich_list <- lapply(1:length(gene_list), function(i){
if(is.null(kegg_list[[i]])) return(NULL)
if(organism != "cel") {
for(i in 1:length(gene_list)){
if(is.null(enrich_list[[i]])) return(NULL)
enrich_list[[i]]$geneID <- unlist(lapply(enrich_list[[i]]$geneID, function(s){
tbl <- bitr(geneID=unlist(strsplit(s, split="/")), fromType="ENTREZID", toType="SYMBOL", OrgDb = orgdb)
paste0(tbl$SYMBOL, collapse = "/")
} else {
ego_bplist <- lapply(1:length(gene_list), function(i){
if(is.null(gene_list[[i]])) return(NULL)
enrichGO(gene = gene_list[[i]]$ENTREZID,
universe = bg.df$ENTREZID,
OrgDb = orgdb,
ont = type,
pAdjustMethod = "BH",
pvalueCutoff = 0.01,
qvalueCutoff = 0.05,
readable = TRUE)
enrich_list <- lapply(1:length(gene_list), function(i){
if(is.null(ego_bplist[[i]])) return(NULL)
names(enrich_list) <- names(de_list)
#' export
mouse_to_human_symbol <- function(gene_symbol, in.type = c("mm", "hs"), HMD_HumanPhenotype = NULL) {
hs_symbol <- HMD_HumanPhenotype$V1
mm_symbol <- HMD_HumanPhenotype$V5
if(in.type == "mm") {
return(hs_symbol[match(gene_symbol, mm_symbol)])
} else if(in.type == "hs"){
return(mm_symbol[match(gene_symbol, hs_symbol)])
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