#' @export
filter_cds <- function(cds, min_detect=1, min_numc_expressed = 10, min_disp_ratio=1){
numc_expressed <- Matrix::rowSums(exprs(cds) > min_detect)
g_filter <- numc_expressed >= min_numc_expressed
cds_oidx <- cds[g_filter,]
#cds_oidx@normalized_data_projection <- matrix() # bug in monocle3 cellset dataset class definition
cds_oidx <- estimateDispersions(cds_oidx)
disp_subset = dispersionTable(cds_oidx)
disp_list = subset(disp_subset,(dispersion_empirical/dispersion_fit)>min_disp_ratio)
disp_genes = disp_list$gene_id
message(paste0("Final VEG number:", length(disp_genes)))
cds_oidx <- setOrderingFilter(cds_oidx, disp_genes)
#' @export
compute_pca_cds <- function(cds, num_dim =100, scvis=NULL, use_order_gene = T, residualModelFormulaStr = NULL, return_type=c("irlba","scvis","proj")) {
FM <- normalize_expr_data2(cds, "log", 1, use_order_gene = use_order_gene)
xm <- Matrix::rowMeans(FM)
xsd <- sqrt(Matrix::rowMeans((FM - xm)^2))
FM <- FM[xsd > 0, ]
if (!is.null(residualModelFormulaStr)) {
X.model_mat <- sparse.model.matrix(as.formula(residualModelFormulaStr), data = pData(cds), drop.unused.levels = TRUE)
fit <- limma::lmFit(FM, X.model_mat)
beta <- fit$coefficients[, -1, drop = FALSE]
beta[is.na(beta)] <- 0
FM <- as.matrix(FM) - beta %*% t(as.matrix(X.model_mat[, -1]))
irlba_res <- prcomp_irlba2(t(as.matrix(FM)), n = min(num_dim, min(dim(FM)) - 1), center = TRUE, scale. = TRUE) # Change to recent sparse version if necessary
irlba_sdev <- irlba_res$sdev
names(irlba_sdev) <- paste0("PC",1:length(irlba_sdev))
pca_proj <- as.data.frame(irlba_res$x)
rownames(pca_proj) <- colnames(cds)
if(return_type == "scvis") {
scvis@pca <- pca_proj
} else if(return_type == "irlba"){
}else {
#' @export
prcomp_irlba2 <- function (x, n = 3, retx = TRUE, center = TRUE, scale. = FALSE,
a <- names(as.list(match.call()))
ans <- list(scale = scale.)
if ("tol" %in% a)
warning("The `tol` truncation argument from `prcomp` is not supported by\n`prcomp_irlba`. If specified, `tol` is passed to the `irlba` function to\ncontrol that algorithm's convergence tolerance. See `?prcomp_irlba` for help.")
if (!is.matrix(x))
x <- as.matrix(x)
args <- list(A = x, nv = n)
if (is.logical(center)) {
if (center)
args$center <- colMeans(x)
else args$center <- center
if (is.logical(scale.)) {
if (is.numeric(args$center)) {
f <- function(i) sqrt(sum((x[, i] - args$center[i])^2)/(nrow(x) -
scale. <- vapply(seq(ncol(x)), f, pi, USE.NAMES = FALSE)
ans$scale_val <- scale.
if (ans$scale)
ans$totalvar <- ncol(x)
else ans$totalvar <- sum(scale.^2)
else {
if (ans$scale) {
scale. <- apply(x, 2L, function(v) sqrt(sum(v^2)/max(1,
length(v) - 1L)))
ans$scale_val <- scale.
f <- function(i) sqrt(sum((x[, i]/scale.[i])^2)/(nrow(x) -
ans$totalvar <- sum(vapply(seq(ncol(x)), f, pi,
else {
f <- function(i) sum(x[, i]^2)/(nrow(x) - 1L)
ans$totalvar <- sum(vapply(seq(ncol(x)), f, pi,
if (ans$scale)
args$scale <- scale.
else {
args$scale <- scale.
f <- function(i) sqrt(sum((x[, i]/scale.[i])^2)/(nrow(x) -
ans$totalvar <- sum(vapply(seq(ncol(x)), f, pi, USE.NAMES = FALSE))
if (!missing(...))
args <- c(args, list(...))
s <- do.call(irlba, args = args)
ans$sdev <- s$d/sqrt(max(1, nrow(x) - 1))
ans$rotation <- s$v
colnames(ans$rotation) <- paste("PC", seq(1, ncol(ans$rotation)),
sep = "")
ans$center <- args$center
if (retx) {
ans <- c(ans, list(x = sweep(s$u, 2, s$d, FUN = `*`)))
colnames(ans$x) <- paste("PC", seq(1, ncol(ans$rotation)),
sep = "")
class(ans) <- c("irlba_prcomp", "prcomp")
#' @export
compute_umap_pca <- function(pca_proj, num_dim = 30, n_component=2, umap_path = paste(system.file(package = "VisCello"), "app/python/umap.py", sep = "/")) {
umap_res <- list()
extra_arguments = list(
n_neighbors = 20,
min_dist = 0.1,
metric = "cosine")
umap_args <- c(list(
X = pca_proj,
log = F,
n_component = n_component,
verbose = T,
return_all = T,
umap_path = umap_path),
extra_arguments[names(extra_arguments) %in%
c("python_home", "n_neighbors", "metric", "n_epochs",
"negative_sample_rate", "alpha", "init", "min_dist",
"spread", "set_op_mix_ratio", "local_connectivity",
"bandwidth", "gamma", "a", "b", "random_state",
"metric_kwds", "angular_rp_forest", "verbose")]
cur_dim <- num_dim
umap_args$X <- pca_proj[,1:cur_dim]
tmp <- do.call(monocle_UMAP, umap_args)
tmp$embedding_ <- (tmp$embedding_ - min(tmp$embedding_))/max(tmp$embedding_)
umap_proj <- as.data.frame(tmp$embedding_)
row.names(umap_proj) <- rownames(pca_proj)
#' @export
monocle_UMAP <- function (X, python_home = system("which python", intern = TRUE),
log = TRUE, n_neighbors = 15L, n_component = 2L, metric = "correlation",
n_epochs = NULL, negative_sample_rate = 5L, learning_rate = 1,
init = "spectral", min_dist = 0.1, spread = 1, set_op_mix_ratio = 1,
local_connectivity = 1L, repulsion_strength = 1, a = NULL,
b = NULL, random_state = 0L, metric_kwds = reticulate::dict(),
angular_rp_forest = FALSE, target_n_neighbors = -1L, target_metric = "categorical",
target_metric_kwds = reticulate::dict(), target_weight = 0.5,
transform_seed = 42L, verbose = FALSE, return_all = FALSE,
umap_path = paste(system.file(package = "VisCello"), "app/python/umap.py", sep = "/"))
}, warning = function(w) {
}, error = function(e) {
stop("please pass the python home directory where umap is installed with python_home argument!")
}, finally = {
if (length(grep("Matrix", class(X))) == 0) {
X <- as(as.matrix(X), "TsparseMatrix")
else {
X <- as(X, "TsparseMatrix")
i <- as.integer(X@i)
j <- as.integer(X@j)
if (log) {
val <- log(X@x + 1)
else {
val <- X@x
dim <- as.integer(X@Dim)
if (is.null(n_epochs) == F) {
n_epochs <- as.integer(n_epochs)
if (is.null(a) == F) {
a <- as.numeric(a)
if (is.null(b) == F) {
n_epochs <- as.numeric(b)
if (is.list(metric_kwds) == F) {
metric_kwds <- reticulate::dict()
else {
metric_kwds <- reticulate::dict(metric_kwds)
if (is.list(target_metric_kwds) == F) {
target_metric_kwds <- reticulate::dict()
else {
target_metric_kwds <- reticulate::dict(target_metric_kwds)
umap_res <- umap(i, j, val, dim, as.integer(n_neighbors),
as.integer(n_component), as.character(metric), n_epochs,
as.integer(negative_sample_rate), as.numeric(learning_rate),
as.character(init), as.numeric(min_dist), as.numeric(spread),
as.numeric(set_op_mix_ratio), as.integer(local_connectivity),
as.numeric(repulsion_strength), a, b, as.integer(random_state),
metric_kwds, as.logical(angular_rp_forest), as.integer(target_n_neighbors),
as.character(target_metric), target_metric_kwds, as.numeric(target_weight),
as.integer(transform_seed), as.logical(verbose))
if (return_all) {
else {
#' @export
normalize_expr_data2 <-function (cds, norm_method = c("log", "vstExprs", "none"), pseudo_expr = 1, use_order_gene = TRUE, relative_expr = TRUE)
FM <- exprs(cds)
if(!use_order_gene) {
fData(cds)$use_for_ordering <- NULL
if (is.null(fData(cds)$use_for_ordering) == FALSE && nrow(subset(fData(cds),
use_for_ordering == TRUE)) > 0) {
FM <- FM[fData(cds)$use_for_ordering, ]
norm_method <- match.arg(norm_method)
if (cds@expressionFamily@vfamily %in% c("negbinomial", "negbinomial.size")) {
if (is.null(pseudo_expr)) {
if (norm_method == "log")
pseudo_expr = 1
else pseudo_expr = 0
if (norm_method == "vstExprs") {
if (relative_expr == FALSE)
message("Warning: relative_expr is ignored when using norm_method == 'vstExprs'")
if (is.null(fData(cds)$use_for_ordering) == FALSE &&
nrow(subset(fData(cds), use_for_ordering == TRUE)) >
0) {
VST_FM <- vstExprs(cds[fData(cds)$use_for_ordering,
], round_vals = FALSE)
else {
VST_FM <- vstExprs(cds, round_vals = FALSE)
if (is.null(VST_FM) == FALSE) {
else {
stop("Error: set the variance-stabilized value matrix with vstExprs(cds) <- computeVarianceStabilizedValues() before calling this function with use_vst=TRUE")
else if (norm_method == "log") {
if (relative_expr)
FM <- Matrix::t(Matrix::t(FM)/sizeFactors(cds))
if (is.null(pseudo_expr))
pseudo_expr <- 1
FM <- FM + pseudo_expr
FM <- log2(FM)
else if (norm_method == "none") {
FM <- Matrix::t(Matrix::t(FM)/sizeFactors(cds))
FM <- FM + pseudo_expr
else if (cds@expressionFamily@vfamily == "binomialff") {
if (norm_method == "none") {
ncounts <- FM > 0
ncounts[ncounts != 0] <- 1
FM <- Matrix::t(Matrix::t(ncounts) * log(1 + ncol(ncounts)/rowSums(ncounts)))
else {
stop("Error: the only normalization method supported with binomial data is 'none'")
else if (cds@expressionFamily@vfamily == "Tobit") {
FM <- FM + pseudo_expr
if (norm_method == "none") {
else if (norm_method == "log") {
FM <- log2(FM)
else {
stop("Error: the only normalization methods supported with Tobit-distributed (e.g. FPKM/TPM) data are 'log' (recommended) or 'none'")
else if (cds@expressionFamily@vfamily == "gaussianff") {
if (norm_method == "none") {
FM <- FM + pseudo_expr
else {
stop("Error: the only normalization method supported with gaussian data is 'none'")
#' @export
checkSizeFactors <- function (cds)
if (cds@expressionFamily@vfamily %in% c("negbinomial", "negbinomial.size")) {
if (is.null(sizeFactors(cds))) {
stop("Error: you must call estimateSizeFactors() before calling this function.")
if (sum(is.na(sizeFactors(cds))) > 0) {
stop("Error: one or more cells has a size factor of NA.")
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