# moves the windows start and end to regions where no peaks are observed
.makenewfromto <- function(windfrom, empty , isfrom = TRUE) {
newfrom <- NULL
for (from in windfrom) {
idx <- which.min(abs(from - empty))
startmass <- 0
if (isfrom) {
if (idx > 1) {
if (empty[idx] < from) {
startmass <- empty[idx]
} else {
startmass <- empty[idx - 1]
} else{
startmass <- from
} else{
if (idx < length(empty)) {
if (empty[idx] > from) {
startmass <- empty[idx]
} else {
startmass <- empty[idx + 1]
} else{
startmass <- from
newfrom <- c(newfrom, startmass)
#' Readjust windows so that boundaries in regions of few peaks.
#' @param wind a data frame with columns from and to
#' @param ms1data masses
#' @param digits mass accuracy
#' @param maxbin maximum number of bins
#' @param plot diagnostic plots (default FALSE)
#' @return data.frame of same format as \code{wind} but with improved start and end masses.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(masses)
#' cdsw <- Cdsw(masses)
#' breaks <- cdsw$sampling_breaks(maxwindow=100,plot=TRUE)
#' table <- cdsw$asTable()
#' dim(table)
#' head(table)
#' tmp <- readjustWindows(table, masses,maxbin=10)
#' data.frame(tmp)
readjustWindows <-
function(wind ,
digits = 1,
maxbin = 15,
plot = FALSE) {
breaks <-
round(min(ms1data) - 1 / 10 ^ digits, digits = 1),
round(max(ms1data) + 1 / 10 ^ digits, digits = 1),
by = 1 / 10 ^ digits
reshist <- graphics::hist(ms1data, breaks = breaks, plot = plot)
if (plot) {
graphics::abline(v = wind$from,
col = 2,
lty = 2)
graphics::abline(v = wind$to,
col = 3,
lty = 2)
empty <- reshist$mids[which(reshist$counts < maxbin)]
newfrom <- .makenewfromto(wind$from , empty)
newto <- .makenewfromto(wind$to , empty , isfrom = FALSE)
if (plot) {
graphics::plot(reshist, xlim = c(newfrom[round(length(newfrom) / 2)] - 3, newfrom[round(length(newfrom) /
2)] + 3))
graphics::abline(v = empty, col = "gray")
graphics::abline(v = newfrom, lwd = 0.5, col = "red")
graphics::abline(v = newto , lwd = 0.5, col = "green")
graphics::plot(reshist, xlim = c(newfrom[round(length(newfrom) / 4)] -
3, newfrom[round(length(newfrom) / 4)] + 3))
graphics::abline(v = newfrom, lwd = 0.5, col = "red")
graphics::abline(v = newto , lwd = 0.5, col = "green")
width <- (newto - newfrom)
mid <- (newfrom + newto) * 0.5
newCounts <- NULL
for (i in seq_len(length(newfrom)))
newCounts <-
c(newCounts, sum(ms1data >= newfrom[i] & ms1data <= newto[i]))
from = newfrom,
to = newto,
mid = mid,
width = width,
counts = newCounts
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