#' Average protein/peptide abundances for each condition studied
#' @description Calculate the average of the abundances for each protein in
#' each condition for an ExpressionSet or MSnSet. Needs to have the array
#' expression data ordered in the same way as the phenotype data (columns of
#' the array data in the same order than the condition column in the phenotype
#' data).
#' @param ESet_obj ExpressionSet object containing all the data
#' @return a dataframe in wide format providing (in the case of 3 or more
#' conditions) the means of intensities for each protein/peptide
#' in each condition. If there are less than 3 conditions, an error message is
#' returned.
#' @author Helene Borges
#' @example examples/ex_averageIntensities.R
#' @export
averageIntensities <- function(ESet_obj) {
pkgs.require(c('Mfuzz', 'tidyr', "dplyr"))
intensities <- Biobase::exprs(ESet_obj)
sTab <- Biobase::pData(ESet_obj)
sTab$Condition <- as.factor(sTab$Condition)
intensities_t <- as.data.frame(t(intensities))
intensities_t <- dplyr::bind_cols(
condition = sTab$Condition,
sample = rownames(intensities_t)
tbl_intensities <- dplyr::as_tibble(intensities_t, rownames = NA)
longer_intensities <- tbl_intensities %>%
tidyr::pivot_longer(-c(condition, sample), names_to = "feature",
values_to = "intensity")
mean_intensities <- longer_intensities %>%
dplyr::group_by(condition, feature) %>%
dplyr::summarise(mean = mean(intensity))
mean_intensities_wide <- tidyr::pivot_wider(mean_intensities,
names_from = condition,
values_from = mean
averaged_data <- as.data.frame(mean_intensities_wide)
rownames(averaged_data) <- averaged_data[, 1]
#' @title xxx
#' @description The first step is to standardize the data (with the \code{Mfuzz}
#' package). Then the function checks that these data are clusterizable or not
#' (use of [diptest::dip.test()] to determine whether the distribution is
#' unimodal or multimodal). Finally, it determines the "optimal" k by
#' the Gap statistic approach.
#' @param standards a matrix or dataframe containing only the standardized
#' mean intensities returned by the function [standardiseMeanIntensities()]
#' @param b Parameter B of the function [gap_cluster()]
#' @return a list of 2 elements:
#' * dip_test: the result of the clusterability of the data
#' * gap_cluster: the gap statistic obtained with the function
#' [cluster::clusGap()].
#' @author Helene Borges
#' @example examples/ex_checkClusterability.R
#' @export
checkClusterability <- function(standards, b = 500) {
pkgs.require(c("diptest", 'cluster', "methods"))
if (methods::is(standards, "data.frame")) {
# if there are columns with something other than numeric values
if (!is.numeric(standards)) {
# then we only keep the columns with numeric values
standards <- dplyr::select_if(standards, is.numeric)
# we transform into a matrix to be usable by dip.test
standards <- as.matrix(standards)
} else if (!methods::is(standards, "matrix") ||
!methods::is(standards, "data.frame")) {
stop("Input must be a matrix or a dataframe")
# check the clusterability of the data
dip_res <- diptest::dip.test(x = standards)
#print("dip test done")
# d.power = 2 corresponds to the Tibshirani criteria. B = 500 is to have
# stable results from one simulation to another.
gap_cluster <- cluster::clusGap(standards,
FUNcluster = stats::kmeans,
nstart = 20,
K.max = 10,
d.power = 2,
B = b)
"dip_test" = dip_res,
"gap_cluster" = gap_cluster
#' @title Visualize the clusters according to pvalue thresholds
#' @param dat the standardize data returned by the function
#' [checkClusterability()]
#' @param clust_model the clustering model obtained with dat.
#' @param adjusted_pValues vector of the adjusted pvalues obtained for each
#' protein with a 1-way ANOVA (for example obtained with the function
#' [wrapperClassic1wayAnova()]).
#' @param FDR_th the thresholds of FDR pvalues for the coloring of the profiles.
#' The default (NULL) creates 4 thresholds: 0.001, 0.005, 0.01, 0.05
#' For the sake of readability, a maximum of 4 values can be specified.
#' @param ttl title for the plot.
#' @param subttl subtitle for the plot.
#' @return a ggplot object
#' @author Helene Borges
#' @example examples/ex_visualizeClusters.R
#' @export
visualizeClusters <- function(dat,
FDR_th = NULL,
ttl = "",
subttl = "") {
pkgs.require(c("ggplot2", 'stringr', "methods", "dplyr", "reshape2"))
if (is.null(FDR_th)) {
FDR_th <- c(0.001, 0.005, 0.01, 0.05)
} else if (length(FDR_th) > 4) {
message("Too many FDR thresholds provided. Please do not exceed
4 values")
str_try <- stringr::str_glue("<{FDR_th}")
str_max <- stringr::str_glue(">{max(FDR_th)}")
dat$FDR_threshold <- cut(adjusted_pValues,
breaks = c(-Inf, FDR_th, Inf),
labels = c(str_try, str_max)
desc_th <- FDR_th[order(FDR_th, decreasing = TRUE)]
str_desc <- stringr::str_glue("<{desc_th}")
dat$FDR_threshold <- factor(dat$FDR_threshold,
levels = c(str_max, str_desc)
dat$adjusted_pvalues <- adjusted_pValues
if (methods::is(clust_model, "factor")) {
dat$cluster <- clust_model
} else if (methods::is(clust_model, "kmeans")) {
dat$cluster <- as.factor(clust_model$cluster)
} else if (methods::is(clust_model, "APResult")) {
dat$cluster <- NA
for (k in seq_len(length(clust_model@clusters))) {
dat$cluster[clust_model@clusters[[k]]] <- k
} else {
message("Wrong model. Currently, only the Kmeans and the Affinity
Propagation models are supported.")
melted <- reshape2::melt(dat,
id.vars = c("feature", "cluster", "adjusted_pvalues", "FDR_threshold"),
value.name = "Intensity",
variable.name = "Condition"
palette2use <- c("#DEDEDE", "#FFC125", "#FF8C00", "#CD3700", "#8B0000")
names(palette2use) <- levels(melted$FDR_threshold)
colScale <- ggplot2::scale_colour_manual(
name = "FDR threshold",
values = palette2use
melted <- dplyr::arrange(melted, dplyr::desc(adjusted_pvalues))
data = melted,
ggplot2::aes(x = Condition,
y = Intensity,
col = FDR_threshold)) +
ggplot2::geom_line(ggplot2::aes(group = feature)) +
ggplot2::facet_wrap(~cluster) +
colScale +
ggplot2::xlab("Condition") +
ggplot2::ylab("Standardized averaged intensity") +
ggplot2::labs(title = ttl, subtitle = subttl) +
plot.title = ggplot2::element_text(size = 15, face = "bold"),
plot.subtitle = ggplot2::element_text(size = 12),
panel.spacing = ggplot2::unit(1.5, "lines"),
panel.background = ggplot2::element_rect(fill = NA),
panel.grid.major = ggplot2::element_line(
linetype = "solid",
size = 0.25,
colour = "#f6f6f6"
panel.grid.minor = ggplot2::element_blank()
#' @title clustering pipeline of protein/peptide abundance profiles.
#' @description This function does all of the steps necessary to obtain a
#' clustering model and its graph from average abundances of proteins/peptides.
#' It is possible to carry out either a kmeans model or an affinity
#' propagation model. See details for exact steps.
#' @param obj ExpressionSet or MSnSet object.
#' @param clustering_method character string. Three possible values are
#' "kmeans", "affinityProp" and "affinityPropReduced. See the details section
#' for more explanation.
#' @param conditions_order vector specifying the order of the Condition factor
#' levels in the phenotype data. Default value is NULL, which means that it is
#' the order of the condition present in the phenotype data of "obj" which is
#' taken to create the profiles.
#' @param k_clusters integer or NULL. Number of clusters to run the kmeans
#' algorithm. If `clustering_method` is set to "kmeans" and this parameter is
#' set to NULL, then a kmeans model will be realized with an optimal number of
#' clusters `k` estimated by the Gap statistic method. Ignored for the Affinity
#' propagation model.
#' @param adjusted_pvals vector of adjusted pvalues returned by the
#' [wrapperClassic1wayAnova()]
#' @param ttl the title for the final plot
#' @param subttl the subtitle for the final plot
#' @param FDR_thresholds vector containing the different threshold
#' values to be used to color the profiles according to their adjusted pvalue.
#' The default value (NULL) generates 4 thresholds: [0.001, 0.005, 0.01, 0.05].
#' Thus, there will be 5 intervals therefore 5 colors: the pvalues <0.001,
#' those between 0.001 and 0.005, those between 0.005 and 0.01, those between
#' 0.01 and 0.05, and those> 0.05. The highest given value will be considered
#' as the threshold of insignificance, the profiles having a pvalue> this
#' threshold value will then be colored in gray.
#' @details The first step consists in averaging the abundances of
#' proteins/peptides according to the different conditions defined in the
#' phenotype data of the expressionSet / MSnSet. Then we standardize the data
#' if there are more than 2 conditions. If the user asks to realize a kmeans
#' model without specifying the desired number of
#' clusters (`clustering_method =" kmeans "` and `k_clusters = NULL`), the
#' function checks data's clusterability and estimates a number of clusters k
#' using the gap statistic method. It is advise however to specify a k for the
#' kmeans, because the gap stat gives the smallest possible k, whereas in
#' biology a small number of clusters can turn out to be uninformative.
#' If you want to run a kmeans but you don't know what number of clusters to
#' give, you can let the pipeline run the first time without specifying
#' `k_clusters`, in order to view the profiles the first time and choose by the
#' following is a more appropriate value of k.
#' If it is assumed that the data can be structured with a large number of
#' clusters, it is recommended to use the affinity propagation model instead.
#' This method simultaneously considers all the data as exemplary potentials,
#' unlike hard clustering (kmeans) which initializes with a number k of points
#' taken at random. The "affinityProp" model will use a q parameter set to NA,
#' meaning that exemplar preferences are set to the median of non-Inf values
#' in the similarity matrix (set q to 0.5 will be the same). The
#' "affinityPropReduced" model will use a q set to 0, meaning that exemplar
#' preferences are set to the sample quantile with threshold 0 of non-Inf
#' values. This should lead to a smaller number of final clusters.
#' @author Helene Borges
#' @return a list of 2 elements: "model" is the clustering model, "ggplot" is
#' the ggplot of profiles clustering.
#' @references
#' Tibshirani, R., Walther, G. and Hastie, T. (2001). Estimating the number of
#' data clusters via the Gap statistic.
#' *Journal of the Royal Statistical Society* B, 63, 411–423.
#' Frey, B. J. and Dueck, D. (2007) Clustering by passing messages between
#' data points. *Science* 315, 972-976.
#' DOI: \href{https://science.sciencemag.org/content/315/5814/972}{
#' 10.1126/science.1136800}
#' @example examples/ex_wrapperRunClustering.R
#' @export
wrapperRunClustering <- function(
conditions_order = NULL,
k_clusters = NULL,
ttl = "",
subttl = "",
FDR_thresholds = NULL
) {
pkgs.require(c("stats", 'cluster', "purrr", "apcluster",
"forcats", 'Mfuzz', 'dplyr', 'stringr'))
res <- list("model" = NULL, "ggplot" = NULL)
# reorder conditions if requested
if (!is.null(conditions_order)) {
.cond <- obj@phenoData@data$Condition
.levels <- levels(forcats::as_factor(.cond))
# check that given levels are correct in number...
if (length(conditions_order) == length(.levels)) {
# ...and have same labels
if (all(conditions_order %in% .levels)) {
obj@phenoData@data$Condition <- forcats::fct_relevel(.cond,
} else {
valid_labels <- str_c(.levels, collapse = ", ")
message(stringr::str_glue("Wrong labels given. The valid
labels are {valid_labels}"))
} else {
y <- length(conditions_order)
n <- length(.levels)
message(stringr::str_glue("Wrong number of given levels. There are
currently {n} levels for Condition. You provided {y} levels."))
averaged_means <- averageIntensities(obj)
averaged_means <- stats::na.omit(averaged_means)
sTab <- Biobase::pData(obj)
only_means <- dplyr::select_if(averaged_means, is.numeric)
only_features <- dplyr::select_if(averaged_means, is.character)
if (length(levels(as.factor(sTab$Condition))) == 2) {
#print("there are only two conditions")
means <- purrr::map(purrr::array_branch(as.matrix(only_means), 1), mean)
centered <- only_means - unlist(means)
centered_means <- dplyr::bind_cols(
feature = dplyr::as_tibble(only_features),
difference <- only_means[, 1] - only_means[, 2]
clusters <- as.data.frame(difference) %>%
dplyr::mutate(cluster = dplyr::if_else(difference > 0, 1, 2))
res$model <- as.factor(clusters$cluster)
res$ggplot <- visualizeClusters(
dat = centered_means,
clust_model = res$model,
adjusted_pValues = adjusted_pvals,
FDR_th = FDR_thresholds,
ttl = ttl,
subttl = subttl
} else if (length(levels(as.factor(sTab$Condition))) > 2) {
eset <- Biobase::ExpressionSet(assayData = as.matrix(only_means))
eset_s <- Mfuzz::standardise(eset)
standards <- eset_s@assayData$exprs
standardized_means <- dplyr::bind_cols(
feature = dplyr::as_tibble(only_features),
names(standardized_means) <- c("feature",
if (clustering_method == "affinityProp") {
res$model <- apcluster::apcluster(apcluster::negDistMat(r = 2),
} else if (clustering_method == "affinityPropReduced") {
#print("running affinity propagation reduced algorithm")
res$model <- apcluster::apcluster(apcluster::negDistMat(r = 2),
standards, q = 0)
} else if (clustering_method == "kmeans") {
if (is.null(k_clusters)) {
res <- list("model" = NULL, "dip" = NULL, "ggplot" = NULL)
checked_means <- checkClusterability(standards)
res$dip <- checked_means$dip_test
best_k <- cluster::maxSE(checked_means$gap_cluster$Tab[, "gap"],
checked_means$gap_cluster$Tab[, "SE.sim"],
method = "Tibs2001SEmax"
res$model <- stats::kmeans(standards,
centers = best_k,
nstart = 25)
} else if (k_clusters > 1) {
best_k <- k_clusters
res$model <- stats::kmeans(standards,
centers = best_k,
nstart = 25)
} else { # corresponds to the case k = 1 so no need for clustering
one_cluster <- as.factor(rep_len(1, nrow(standardized_means)))
res$ggplot <- visualizeClusters(
dat = standardized_means,
clust_model = one_cluster,
adjusted_pValues = adjusted_pvals,
FDR_th = FDR_thresholds,
ttl = ttl,
subttl = subttl
} else {
message("Wrong method given. Valid names are affinityProp,
affinityPropReduced and kmeans.")
#print("generating gglot...")
res$ggplot <- visualizeClusters(
dat = standardized_means,
clust_model = res$model,
adjusted_pValues = adjusted_pvals,
FDR_th = FDR_thresholds,
ttl = ttl,
subttl = subttl
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