#Copyright (C) <2012>
#Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
#this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the
#Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy,
#modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software,
#and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
#the following conditions:
#The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies
#or substantial portions of the Software.
# This file is a component of the MaAsLin (Multivariate Associations Using Linear Models),
# authored by the Huttenhower lab at the Harvard School of Public Health
# (contact Timothy Tickle, ttickle@hsph.harvard.edu).
inlinedocs <- function(
##author<< Curtis Huttenhower <chuttenh@hsph.harvard.edu> and Timothy Tickle <ttickle@hsph.harvard.edu>
##description<< Manages the quality control of data and the performance of analysis (univariate or multivariate), regularization, and data (response) transformation.
) { return( pArgs ) }
### Load libraries quietly
suppressMessages(library( gam, warn.conflicts=FALSE, quietly=TRUE, verbose=FALSE))
suppressMessages(library( gbm, warn.conflicts=FALSE, quietly=TRUE, verbose=FALSE))
suppressMessages(library( logging, warn.conflicts=FALSE, quietly=TRUE, verbose=FALSE))
suppressMessages(library( outliers, warn.conflicts=FALSE, quietly=TRUE, verbose=FALSE))
suppressMessages(library( robustbase, warn.conflicts=FALSE, quietly=TRUE, verbose=FALSE))
suppressMessages(library( pscl, warn.conflicts=FALSE, quietly=TRUE, verbose=FALSE))
### Get constants
## Get logger
c_logrMaaslin <- getLogger( "maaslin" )
funcDoGrubbs <- function(
### Use the Grubbs Test to identify outliers
### Column index in the data frame to test
### The data frame holding the data
### P-value threshold to indicate an outlier is significant
### List holding the QC info of the cleaning step. Which indices are outliers is added.
adData <- frmeData[,iData]
# Original number of NA
viNAOrig = which(is.na(adData))
while( TRUE )
lsTest <- try( grubbs.test( adData ), silent = TRUE )
if( ( class( lsTest ) == "try-error" ) || is.na( lsTest$p.value ) || ( lsTest$p.value > dPOutlier ) )
viOutliers = outlier( adData, logical = TRUE )
adData[viOutliers] <- NA
# Record removed data
viNAAfter = which(is.na(adData))
# If all were set to NA then ignore the filtering
viNAAfter = viNAOrig
adData = frmeData[,iData]
c_logrMaaslin$info( paste("Grubbs Test:: Identifed all data as outliers so was inactived for index=",iData," data=",paste(as.vector(frmeData[,iData]),collapse=","), "number zeros=", length(which(frmeData[,iData]==0)), sep = " " ))
} else if(mean(adData, na.rm=TRUE) == 0) {
viNAAfter = viNAOrig
adData = frmeData[,iData]
c_logrMaaslin$info( paste("Grubbs Test::Removed all values but 0, ignored. Index=",iData,".",sep=" " ) )
} else {
# Document removal
if( sum( is.na( adData ) ) )
c_logrMaaslin$info( "Grubbs Test::Removing %d outliers from %s", sum( is.na( adData ) ), colnames(frmeData)[iData] )
c_logrMaaslin$info( format( rownames( frmeData )[is.na( adData )] ))
funcDoFenceTest <- function(
### Use a threshold based on the quartiles of the data to identify outliers
### Column index in the data frame to test
### The data frame holding the data
### The fence outside the first and third quartiles to use as a threshold for cutt off.
### This many times the interquartile range +/- to the 3rd/1st quartiles
# Establish fence
adData <- frmeData[,iData]
adQ <- quantile( adData, c(0.25, 0.5, 0.75), na.rm = TRUE )
dIQR <- adQ[3] - adQ[1]
dIQR = sd(adData,na.rm = TRUE)
dUF <- adQ[3] + ( dFence * dIQR )
dLF <- adQ[1] - ( dFence * dIQR )
# Record indices of values outside of fence to remove and remove.
aiRemove <- c()
for( j in 1:length( adData ) )
d <- adData[j]
if( !is.na( d ) && ( ( d < dLF ) || ( d > dUF ) ) )
aiRemove <- c(aiRemove, j)
aiRemove = c()
c_logrMaaslin$info( "OutliersByFence:: Identified all data as outlier so was inactivated for index=", iData,"data=", paste(as.vector(frmeData[,iData]),collapse=","), "number zeros=", length(which(frmeData[,iData]==0)), sep=" " )
} else {
adData[aiRemove] <- NA
# Document to screen
if( length( aiRemove ) )
c_logrMaaslin$info( "OutliersByFence::Removing %d outliers from %s", length( aiRemove ), colnames(frmeData)[iData] )
c_logrMaaslin$info( format( rownames( frmeData )[aiRemove] ))
funcZerosAreUneven = function(
### Raw data to be checked during transformation
### Data transform to perform
### Groupings to check for unevenness
### Data frame holding the features
# Return indicator of unevenness
fUneven = FALSE
# Transform the data to compare
vdTransformed = funcTransform( vdRawData )
# Go through each stratification of data
for( sStratification in vsStratificationFeatures )
# Current stratification
vFactorStrats = dfData[[ sStratification ]]
# If the metadata is not a factor then skip
# Only binned data can be evaluated this way.
if( !is.factor( vFactorStrats )){ next }
viZerosCountsRaw = c()
for( sLevel in levels( vFactorStrats ) )
vdTest = vdRawData[ which( vFactorStrats == sLevel ) ]
viZerosCountsRaw = c( viZerosCountsRaw, length(which(vdTest == 0)))
vdTest = vdTransformed[ which( vFactorStrats == sLevel ) ]
dExpectation = 1 / length( viZerosCountsRaw )
dMin = dExpectation / 2
dMax = dExpectation + dMin
viZerosCountsRaw = viZerosCountsRaw / sum( viZerosCountsRaw )
if( ( length( which( viZerosCountsRaw <= dMin ) ) > 0 ) || ( length( which( viZerosCountsRaw >= dMax ) ) > 0 ) )
return( TRUE )
return( fUneven )
funcTransformIncreasesOutliers = function(
### Checks if a data transform increases outliers in a distribution
### Raw data to check for outlier zeros
iUnOutliers = length( boxplot( vdRawData, plot = FALSE )$out )
iTransformedOutliers = length( boxplot( funcTransform( vdRawData ), plot = FALSE )$out )
return( iUnOutliers <= iTransformedOutliers )
funcClean <- function(
### Properly clean / get data ready for analysis
### Includes custom analysis from the custom R script if it exists
### Data frame, input data to be acted on
### Custom script that can be given to perform specialized processing before MaAsLin does.
### Indices of columns in frmeData which are metadata for analysis.
### Indices of column in frmeData which are (abundance) data for analysis.
### List that will hold the quality control information which is written in the output directory.
astrNoImpute = c(),
### An array of column names of frmeData not to impute.
### Minimum number of samples
# Minimum sample abundance
### How many quartile ranges defines the fence to define outliers.
### The data transformation function or a dummy function that does not affect the data
dPOutlier = 0.05
### The significance threshold for the grubbs test to identify an outlier.
# Call the custom script and set current data and indicies to the processes data and indicies.
c_logrMaaslin$debug( "Start Clean")
if( !is.null( funcDataProcess ) )
c_logrMaaslin$debug("Additional preprocess function attempted.")
pTmp <- funcDataProcess( frmeData=frmeData, aiMetadata=aiMetadata, aiData=aiData)
frmeData = pTmp$frmeData
aiMetadata = pTmp$aiMetadata
aiData = pTmp$aiData
lsQCCounts$lsQCCustom = pTmp$lsQCCounts
# Set data indicies after custom QC process.
lsQCCounts$aiAfterPreprocess = aiData
# Remove missing data, remove any sample that has less than dMinSamp * the number of data or low abundance
aiRemove = c()
aiRemoveLowAbundance = c()
for( iCol in aiData )
adCol = frmeData[,iCol]
adCol[!is.finite( adCol )] <- NA
if( ( sum( !is.na( adCol ) ) < ( dMinSamp * length( adCol ) ) ) ||
( length( unique( na.omit( adCol ) ) ) < 2 ) )
aiRemove = c(aiRemove, iCol)
if( sum(adCol > dMinAbd, na.rm=TRUE ) < (dMinSamp * length( adCol)))
aiRemoveLowAbundance = c(aiRemoveLowAbundance, iCol)
# Remove and document
aiData = setdiff( aiData, aiRemove )
aiData = setdiff( aiData, aiRemoveLowAbundance )
lsQCCounts$iMissingData = aiRemove
lsQCCounts$iLowAbundanceData = aiRemoveLowAbundance
c_logrMaaslin$info( "Removing the following for data lower bound.")
c_logrMaaslin$info( format( colnames( frmeData )[aiRemove] ))
c_logrMaaslin$info( "Removing the following for too many low abundance bugs.")
c_logrMaaslin$info( format( colnames( frmeData )[aiRemoveLowAbundance] ))
#Transform data
iTransformed = 0
viNotTransformedData = c()
for(aiDatum in aiData)
adValues = frmeData[,aiDatum]
# if( ! funcTransformIncreasesOutliers( adValues, funcTransform ) )
# {
frmeData[,aiDatum] = funcTransform( adValues )
# iTransformed = iTransformed + 1
# } else {
# viNotTransformedData = c( viNotTransformedData, aiDatum )
# }
c_logrMaaslin$info(paste("Number of features transformed = ",iTransformed))
# Metadata: Properly factorize all logical data and integer and number data with less than iNonFactorLevelThreshold
# Also record which are numeric metadata
aiNumericMetadata = c()
for( i in aiMetadata )
if( ( class( frmeData[,i] ) %in% c("integer", "numeric", "logical") ) &&
( length( unique( frmeData[,i] ) ) < c_iNonFactorLevelThreshold ) ) {
c_logrMaaslin$debug(paste("Changing metadatum from numeric/integer/logical to factor",colnames(frmeData)[i],sep="="))
frmeData[,i] = factor( frmeData[,i] )
if( class( frmeData[,i] ) %in% c("integer","numeric") )
aiNumericMetadata = c(aiNumericMetadata,i)
# Remove outliers
# If the dFence Value is set use the method of defining the outllier as
# dFence * the interquartile range + or - the 3rd and first quartile respectively.
# If not the gibbs test is used.
lsQCCounts$aiDataSumOutlierPerDatum = c()
lsQCCounts$aiMetadataSumOutlierPerDatum = c()
lsQCCounts$liOutliers = list()
if( dFence > 0.0 )
# For data
for( iData in aiData )
lOutlierInfo <- funcDoFenceTest(iData=iData,frmeData=frmeData,dFence=dFence)
frmeData[,iData] <- lOutlierInfo[["data"]]
lsQCCounts$aiDataSumOutlierPerDatum <- c(lsQCCounts$aiDataSumOutlierPerDatum,lOutlierInfo[["outliers"]])
lsQCCounts$liOutliers[[paste(iData,sep="")]] <- lOutlierInfo[["indices"]]
# Remove outlier non-factor metadata
for( iMetadata in aiNumericMetadata )
lOutlierInfo <- funcDoFenceTest(iData=iMetadata,frmeData=frmeData,dFence=dFence)
frmeData[,iMetadata] <- lOutlierInfo[["data"]]
lsQCCounts$aiMetadataSumOutlierPerDatum <- c(lsQCCounts$aiMetadataSumOutlierPerDatum,lOutlierInfo[["outliers"]])
lsQCCounts$liOutliers[[paste(iMetadata,sep="")]] <- lOutlierInfo[["indices"]]
#Do not use the fence, use the Grubbs test
} else if(dPOutlier!=0.0){
# For data
for( iData in aiData )
lOutlierInfo <- funcDoGrubbs(iData=iData,frmeData=frmeData,dPOutlier=dPOutlier)
frmeData[,iData] <- lOutlierInfo[["data"]]
lsQCCounts$aiDataSumOutlierPerDatum <- c(lsQCCounts$aiDataSumOutlierPerDatum,lOutlierInfo[["outliers"]])
lsQCCounts$liOutliers[[paste(iData,sep="")]] <- lOutlierInfo[["indices"]]
for( iMetadata in aiNumericMetadata )
lOutlierInfo <- funcDoGrubbs(iData=iMetadata,frmeData=frmeData,dPOutlier=dPOutlier)
frmeData[,iMetadata] <- lOutlierInfo[["data"]]
lsQCCounts$aiMetadataSumOutlierPerDatum <- c(lsQCCounts$aiMetadataSumOutlierPerDatum,lOutlierInfo[["outliers"]])
lsQCCounts$liOutliers[[paste(iMetadata,sep="")]] <- lOutlierInfo[["indices"]]
# Metadata: Remove missing data
# This is defined as if there is only one non-NA value or
# if the number of NOT NA data is less than a percentage of the data defined by dMinSamp
aiRemove = c()
for( iCol in c(aiMetadata) )
adCol = frmeData[,iCol]
if( ( sum( !is.na( adCol ) ) < ( dMinSamp * length( adCol ) ) ) ||
( length( unique( na.omit( adCol ) ) ) < 2 ) )
aiRemove = c(aiRemove, iCol)
# Remove metadata
aiMetadata = setdiff( aiMetadata, aiRemove )
# Update the data which was removed.
lsQCCounts$iMissingMetadata = aiRemove
c_logrMaaslin$info("Removing the following metadata for too much missing data or only one data value outside of NA.")
c_logrMaaslin$info(format(colnames( frmeData )[aiRemove]))
# Keep track of factor levels in a list for later use
lslsFactors <- list()
for( iCol in c(aiMetadata) )
aCol <- frmeData[,iCol]
if( class( aCol ) == "factor" )
lslsFactors[[length( lslsFactors ) + 1]] <- list(iCol, levels( aCol ))
# Replace missing data values by the mean of the data column.
# Remove samples that were all NA from the cleaning and so could not be imputed.
aiRemoveData = c()
for( iCol in aiData )
adCol <- frmeData[,iCol]
adCol[is.infinite( adCol )] <- NA
adCol[is.na( adCol )] <- mean( adCol[which(adCol>0)], na.rm = TRUE )
frmeData[,iCol] <- adCol
if(length(which(is.na(frmeData[,iCol]))) == length(frmeData[,iCol]))
c_logrMaaslin$info( paste("Removing data", iCol, "for being all NA after QC"))
aiRemoveData = c(aiRemoveData,iCol)
# Remove and document
aiData = setdiff( aiData, aiRemoveData )
lsQCCounts$iMissingData = c(lsQCCounts$iMissingData,aiRemoveData)
c_logrMaaslin$info( "Removing the following for having only NAs after cleaning (maybe due to only having NA after outlier testing).")
c_logrMaaslin$info( format( colnames( frmeData )[aiRemoveData] ))
#Use na.gam.replace to manage NA metadata
aiTmp <- setdiff( aiMetadata, which( colnames( frmeData ) %in% astrNoImpute ) )
# Keep tack of NAs so the may not be plotted later.
liNaIndices = list()
lsNames = names(frmeData)
for( i in aiTmp)
liNaIndices[[lsNames[i]]] = which(is.na(frmeData[,i]))
frmeData[,aiTmp] <- na.gam.replace( frmeData[,aiTmp] )
#If NA is a value in factor data, set the NA as a level.
for( lsFactor in lslsFactors )
iCol <- lsFactor[[1]]
aCol <- frmeData[,iCol]
if( "NA" %in% levels( aCol ) )
if(! lsNames[iCol] %in% astrNoImpute)
liNaIndices[[lsNames[iCol]]] = union(which(is.na(frmeData[,iCol])),which(frmeData[,iCol]=="NA"))
frmeData[,iCol] <- factor( aCol, levels = c(lsFactor[[2]], "NA") )
# Make sure there is a minimum number of non-0 measurements
aiRemove = c()
for( iCol in aiData )
adCol = frmeData[,iCol]
if(length( which(adCol!=0)) < ( dMinSamp * length( adCol ) ) )
aiRemove = c(aiRemove, iCol)
# Remove and document
aiData = setdiff( aiData, aiRemove)
lsQCCounts$iZeroDominantData = aiRemove
c_logrMaaslin$info( "Removing the following for having not enough non-zero measurments for analysis.")
c_logrMaaslin$info( format( colnames( frmeData )[aiRemove] ))
c_logrMaaslin$debug("End FuncClean")
return( list(frmeData = frmeData, aiMetadata = aiMetadata, aiData = aiData, lsQCCounts = lsQCCounts, liNaIndices=liNaIndices, viNotTransformedData = viNotTransformedData) )
### Return list of
### frmeData: The Data after cleaning
### aiMetadata: The indices of the metadata still being used after filtering
### aiData: The indices of the data still being used after filtering
### lsQCCOunts: QC info
funcBugs <- function(
### Run analysis of all data features against all metadata
### Cleaned data including metadata, and data
### This list is a general container for data as the analysis occurs, think about it as a cache for the analysis
### Indices of metadata used in analysis
### Indices of response data
### Indicies of the data not transformed
### Log file name
### Significance threshold for the qvalue cut off
### Invert images to have a black background
strDirOut = NA,
### Output project directory
### Function for regularization
### Function used to transform the data
### If a transform is used the opposite of that transfor must be used on the residuals in the partial residual plots
### These predictors will not be penalized in the feature (model) selection step
### Function to perform association analysis
### List of string names of metadata which will be treated as random covariates
### Function to unpack results from analysis
### Plot residuals
fOmitLogFile = FALSE,
### Stops the creation of the log file
### Flag to turn on all against all comparisons
liNaIndices = list(),
### Indicies of imputed NA data
### List holds parameters for different variable selection techniques
strTestingCorrection = "BH",
### Correction for multiple testing
fIsUnivariate = FALSE,
### Indicates if the function is univariate
fZeroInflated = FALSE
### Indicates to use a zero infalted model
c_logrMaaslin$debug("Start funcBugs")
# If no output directory is indicated
# Then make it the current directory
if( is.na( strDirOut ) || is.null( strDirOut ) )
if( !is.na( strData ) )
strDirOut <- paste( dirname( strData ), "/", sep = "" )
} else { strDirOut = "" }
# Make th log file and output file names based on the log file name
strLog = NA
strBase = ""
strBaseOut <- paste( strDirOut, sub( "\\.([^.]+)$", "", basename(strData) ), sep = "/" )
strLog <- paste( strBaseOut,c_sLogFileSuffix, ".txt", sep = "" )
# If indicated, stop the creation of the log file
# Otherwise delete the log file if it exists and log
if(fOmitLogFile){ strLog = NA }
c_logrMaaslin$info( "Outputting to: %s", strLog )
unlink( strLog )
# Will contain pvalues
adP = c()
adPAdj = c()
# List of lists with association information
lsSig <- list()
# Go through each data that was not previously removed and perform inference
for( iTaxon in aiData )
# Log to screen progress per 10 associations.
# Can be thown off if iTaxon is missing a mod 10 value
# So the taxons may not be logged every 10 but not a big deal
if( !( iTaxon %% 10 ) )
c_logrMaaslin$info( "Taxon %d/%d", iTaxon, max( aiData ) )
# Call analysis method
lsOne <- funcBugHybrid( iTaxon=iTaxon, frmeData=frmeData, lsData=lsData, aiMetadata=aiMetadata, dSig=dSig, adP=adP, lsSig=lsSig, funcTransform=funcTransform, funcUnTransform=funcUnTransform, strLog=strLog, funcReg=funcReg, lsNonPenalizedPredictors=lsNonPenalizedPredictors, funcAnalysis=funcAnalysis, lsRandomCovariates=lsRandomCovariates, funcGetResult=funcGetResults, fAllvAll=fAllvAll, fIsUnivariate=fIsUnivariate, lxParameters=lxParameters, fZeroInflated=fZeroInflated, fIsTransformed= ! iTaxon %in% aiNotTransformedData )
# If you get a NA (happens when the lmm gets all random covariates) move on
if( is.na( lsOne ) ){ next }
# The updating of the following happens in the inference method call in the funcBugHybrid call
# New pvalue array
adP <- lsOne$adP
# New lsSig contains data about significant feature v metadata comparisons
lsSig <- lsOne$lsSig
# New qc data
lsData$lsQCCounts = lsOne$lsQCCounts
# Log the QC info
if( is.null( adP ) ) { return( NULL ) }
# Perform bonferonni corrections on factor data (for levels), calculate the number of tests performed, and FDR adjust for multiple hypotheses
# Perform Bonferonni adjustment on factor data
for( iADIndex in 1:length( adP ) )
# Only perform on factor data
if( is.factor( lsSig[[ iADIndex ]]$metadata ) )
adPAdj = c( adPAdj, funcBonferonniCorrectFactorData( dPvalue = adP[ iADIndex ], vsFactors = lsSig[[ iADIndex ]]$metadata, fIgnoreNAs = length(liNaIndices)>0) )
} else {
adPAdj = c( adPAdj, adP[ iADIndex ] )
iTests = funcCalculateTestCounts(iDataCount = length(aiData), asMetadata = intersect( lsData$astrMetadata, colnames( frmeData )[aiMetadata] ), asForced = lsNonPenalizedPredictors, asRandom = lsRandomCovariates, fAllvAll = fAllvAll)
#Get indices of sorted data after the factor correction but before the multiple hypothesis corrections.
aiSig <- sort.list( adPAdj )
# Perform FDR BH
adQ = p.adjust(adPAdj, method=strTestingCorrection, n=max(length(adPAdj), iTests))
# Find all covariates that had significant associations
astrNames <- c()
for( i in 1:length( lsSig ) )
astrNames <- c(astrNames, lsSig[[i]]$name)
astrNames <- unique( astrNames )
# Sets up named label return for global plotting
lsReturnTaxa <- list()
for( j in aiSig )
if( adQ[j] > dSig ) { next }
strTaxon <- lsSig[[j]]$taxon
if(strTaxon %in% names(lsReturnTaxa))
lsReturnTaxa[[strTaxon]] = min(lsReturnTaxa[[strTaxon]],adQ[j])
} else { lsReturnTaxa[[strTaxon]] = adQ[j]}
# For each covariate with significant associations
# Write out a file with association information
for( strName in astrNames )
strFileTXT <- NA
strFilePDF <- NA
tablemetadata <- as.character(unlist(lapply(lsSig, "[[", "metadata")))
tabledata <- unlist(lapply(lsSig, "[[", "data"))
singletaxa <- unlist(lapply(lsSig, "[[", "taxon"))
tablel <- unlist(lapply( lapply(lsSig, "[[", "data" ), length))
singlename <- unlist(lapply(lsSig, "[[", "name"))
tabletaxa <- unlist(lapply(1:length(singletaxa), function(x) rep(singletaxa[x], tablel[x]) ))
tablename <- unlist(lapply(1:length(singlename), function(x) rep(singlename[x], tablel[x]) ))
tablesig <- unlist(lapply(1:length(adQ), function(x) rep(adQ[x], tablel[x]) ))
tabletable <- cbind(tablemetadata, tabledata, tabletaxa, tablename, tablesig)
tabletable <- subset(tabletable, tablename == strName & tablesig < dSig)
write.table(tabletable, paste0(strDirOut, "/boxplot_table_", strName, ".txt"), row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE, sep="\t")
for( j in aiSig )
lsCur <- lsSig[[j]]
strCur <- lsCur$name
lsSig[[j]]$adQ <- adQ[j]
lsSig[[j]]$adP <- adP[j]
if( strCur != strName ) { next }
strTaxon <- lsCur$taxon
adData <- lsCur$data
astrFactors <- lsCur$factors
adCur <- lsCur$metadata
adY <- adData
if( is.na( strData ) ) { next }
## If the text file output is not written to yet
## make the file names, and delete any previous file output
if( is.na( strFileTXT ) )
strFileTXT <- sprintf( "%s-%s.txt", strBaseOut, strName )
funcWrite( c("Variable", "Feature", "Value", "Coefficient", "N", "N not 0", "P-value", "Q-value"), strFileTXT )
## Write text output
funcWrite( c(strName, strTaxon, lsCur$orig, lsCur$value, length( adData ), sum( adData > 0 ), adP[j], adQ[j]), strFileTXT )
## If the significance meets the threshold
## Write PDF file output
if( adQ[j] > dSig ) { next }
funcWrite("----", strLog)
funcWrite(adQ[j], strLog)
funcWrite(lsCur, strLog)
# Do not make residuals plots if univariate is selected
strFilePDF = funcPDF( frmeTmp=frmeData, lsCur=lsCur, curPValue=adP[j], curQValue=adQ[j], strFilePDF=strFilePDF, strBaseOut=strBaseOut, strName=strName, funcUnTransform= funcUnTransform, fDoResidualPlot=fDoRPlot, fInvert=fInvert, liNaIndices=liNaIndices )
if( dev.cur( ) != 1 ) { dev.off( ) }
aiTmp <- aiData
logdebug("End funcBugs", c_logMaaslin)
return(list(lsReturnBugs=lsReturnTaxa, lsQCCounts=lsData$lsQCCounts, lsSig=lsSig))
### List of data features successfully associated without error and quality control data
#Lightly Tested
### Performs analysis for 1 feature
### iTaxon: integer Taxon index to be associated with data
### frmeData: Data frame The full data
### lsData: List of all associated data
### aiMetadata: Numeric vector of indices
### dSig: Numeric significance threshold for q-value cut off
### adP: List of pvalues from associations
### lsSig: List which serves as a cache of data about significant associations
### strLog: String file to log to
funcBugHybrid <- function(
### Performs analysis for 1 feature
### integer Taxon index to be associated with data
### Data frame, the full data
### List of all associated data
### Numeric vector of indices
### Numeric significance threshold for q-value cut off
### List of pvalues from associations
### List which serves as a cache of data about significant associations
### The tranform used on the data
### The reverse transform on the data
strLog = NA,
### String, file to which to log
### Function to perform regularization
### These predictors will not be penalized in the feature (model) selection step
### Function to perform association analysis
### List of string names of metadata which will be treated as random covariates
### Function to unpack results from analysis
### Flag to turn on all against all comparisons
fIsUnivariate = FALSE,
### Indicates the analysis function is univariate
### List holds parameters for different variable selection techniques
fZeroInflated = FALSE,
### Indicates if to use a zero infalted model
fIsTransformed = TRUE
### Indicates that the bug is transformed
#dTime00 <- proc.time()[3]
#Get metadata column names
astrMetadata = intersect( lsData$astrMetadata, colnames( frmeData )[aiMetadata] )
#Get data measurements that are not NA
aiRows <- which( !is.na( frmeData[,iTaxon] ) )
#Get the dataframe of non-na data measurements
frmeTmp <- frmeData[aiRows,]
#Set the min boosting selection frequency to a default if not given
if( is.na( lxParameters$dFreq ) )
lxParameters$dFreq <- 0.5 / length( c(astrMetadata) )
# Get the full data for the bug feature
adCur = frmeTmp[,iTaxon]
lxParameters$sBugName = names(frmeTmp[iTaxon])
# This can run multiple models so some of the results are held in lists and some are not
llmod = list()
liTaxon = list()
lastrTerms = list()
# Build formula for simple mixed effects models
# Removes random covariates from variable selection
astrMetadata = setdiff(astrMetadata, lsRandomCovariates)
strFormula <- paste( "adCur ~", paste( sprintf( "`%s`", astrMetadata ), collapse = " + " ), sep = " " )
# Document the model
funcWrite( c("#taxon", colnames( frmeTmp )[iTaxon]), strLog )
funcWrite( c("#metadata", astrMetadata), strLog )
funcWrite( c("#samples", rownames( frmeTmp )), strLog )
#Model terms
astrTerms <- c()
# Attempt feature (model) selection
#Count model selection method attempts
lsData$lsQCCounts$iBoosts = lsData$lsQCCounts$iBoosts + 1
#Perform model selection
astrTerms <- funcReg(strFormula=strFormula, frmeTmp=frmeTmp, adCur=adCur, lsParameters=lxParameters, lsForcedParameters=lsNonPenalizedPredictors, strLog=strLog)
#If the feature selection function is set to None, set all terms of the model to all the metadata
} else { astrTerms = astrMetadata }
# Get look through the boosting results to get a model
# Holds the predictors in the predictors in the model that were selected by the boosting
if(is.null( astrTerms )){lsData$lsQCCounts$iBoostErrors = lsData$lsQCCounts$iBoostErrors + 1}
# Get the indices that are transformed
# Of those indices check for uneven metadata
# Untransform any of the metadata that failed
# Failed means true for uneven occurences of zeros
# if( fIsTransformed )
# {
# vdUnevenZeroCheck = funcUnTransform( frmeData[[ iTaxon ]] )
# if( funcZerosAreUneven( vdRawData=vdUnevenZeroCheck, funcTransform=funcTransform, vsStratificationFeatures=astrTerms, dfData=frmeData ) )
# {
# frmeData[[ iTaxon ]] = vdUnevenZeroCheck
# c_logrMaaslin$debug( paste( "Taxon transformation reversed due to unevenness of zero distribution.", iTaxon ) )
# }
# }
# Run association analysis if predictors exist and an analysis function is specified
# Run analysis
if(!is.na(funcAnalysis) )
#If there are selected and forced fixed covariates
if( length( astrTerms ) )
#Count the association attempt
lsData$lsQCCounts$iLms = lsData$lsQCCounts$iLms + 1
#Make the lm formula
#Build formula for simple mixed effects models using random covariates
strRandomCovariatesFormula = NULL
#Random covariates are forced
#Format for lme
#Needed for changes to not allowing random covariates through the boosting process
strRandomCovariatesFormula <- paste( "adCur ~ ", paste( sprintf( "1|`%s`", lsRandomCovariates), collapse = " + " ))
#Set up a list of formula containing selected fixed variables changing and the forced fixed covariates constant
vstrFormula = c()
#Set up suppressing forced covariates in a all v all scenario only
asSuppress = c()
#Enable all against all comparisons
if(fAllvAll && !fIsUnivariate)
lsVaryingCovariates = setdiff(astrTerms,lsNonPenalizedPredictors)
lsConstantCovariates = setdiff(lsNonPenalizedPredictors,lsRandomCovariates)
strConstantFormula = paste( sprintf( "`%s`", lsConstantCovariates ), collapse = " + " )
asSuppress = lsConstantCovariates
vstrFormula <- c( paste( "adCur ~ ", paste( sprintf( "`%s`", lsConstantCovariates ), collapse = " + " )) )
} else {
for( sVarCov in lsVaryingCovariates )
strTempFormula = paste( "adCur ~ `", sVarCov,"`",sep="")
if(length(lsConstantCovariates)>0){ strTempFormula = paste(strTempFormula,strConstantFormula,sep=" + ") }
vstrFormula <- c( vstrFormula, strTempFormula )
} else {
#This is either the multivariate case formula for all covariates in an lm or fixed covariates in the lmm
vstrFormula <- c( paste( "adCur ~ ", paste( sprintf( "`%s`", astrTerms ), collapse = " + " )) )
#Run the association
for( strAnalysisFormula in vstrFormula )
i = length(llmod)+1
llmod[[i]] = funcAnalysis(strFormula=strAnalysisFormula, frmeTmp=frmeTmp, iTaxon=iTaxon, lsHistory=list(adP=adP, lsSig=lsSig, lsQCCounts=lsData$lsQCCounts), strRandomFormula=strRandomCovariatesFormula, fZeroInflated=fZeroInflated)
liTaxon[[i]] = iTaxon
lastrTerms[[i]] = funcFormulaStrToList(strAnalysisFormula)
} else {
#If there are no selected or forced fixed covariates
lsData$lsQCCounts$iNoTerms = lsData$lsQCCounts$iNoTerms + 1
return(list(adP=adP, lsSig=lsSig, lsQCCounts=lsData$lsQCCounts))
#Call funcBugResults and return it's return
#Format the results to a consistent expected result.
return( funcGetResult( llmod=llmod, frmeData=frmeData, liTaxon=liTaxon, dSig=dSig, adP=adP, lsSig=lsSig, strLog=strLog, lsQCCounts=lsData$lsQCCounts, lastrCols=lastrTerms, asSuppressCovariates=asSuppress ) )
} else {
return(list(adP=adP, lsSig=lsSig, lsQCCounts=lsData$lsQCCounts))
### List containing a list of pvalues, a list of significant data per association, and a list of QC data
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