# DATASET PREPARATION ----------------------------------------------------------
#' add_meta
#' Adds standard metadata.
#' @param ds An object of class `SingleCellExperiment`
#' @return The `SingleCellExperiment` object with updated metadata.
add_meta <- function(ds){
data("ctrlgenes", package = "pipeComp")
## detect if row.names contain ensembl ids:
## we assume ^ENSEMBL\.whatever rownames
cg <- lapply(c("Mt", "coding", "ribo"), FUN=function(x){
union(ctrlgenes[[1]]$ensembl[[x]], ctrlgenes[[2]]$ensembl[[x]])
g <- sapply(strsplit(row.names(ds),".",fixed=TRUE),FUN=function(x) x[[1]])
# we assume HGNC/MGI symbols
g <- row.names(ds)
cg <- lapply(c("Mt", "coding", "ribo"), FUN=function(x){
union(ctrlgenes[[1]]$symbols[[x]], ctrlgenes[[2]]$symbols[[x]])
fc <- lapply(cg,g=g, FUN=function(x,g) g %in% x)
names(fc) <- c("Mt","coding","ribosomal")
ds <- addQCPerCell(ds, subsets=fc, percent_top=c(20,50,100,200))
ds <- addPerCellQC(ds, subsets=fc, percent_top=c(20,50,100,200))
ds$total_features <- ds$detected
ds$log10_total_features <- log10(ds$detected)
ds$total_counts <- ds$sum
ds$log10_total_counts <- log10(ds$sum+1)
ds$featcount_ratio <- ds$log10_total_counts/ds$log10_total_features
ds$featcount_dist <- getFeatCountDist(ds)
ds$pct_counts_top_20_features <- colData(ds)[[intersect(c("percent_top_20","pct_counts_in_top_20_features","percent.top_20"), colnames(colData(ds)))[[1]]]]
ds$pct_counts_top_50_features <- colData(ds)[[intersect(c("percent_top_50","pct_counts_in_top_50_features","percent.top_50"), colnames(colData(ds)))[[1]]]]
for(f in names(fc))
ds[[paste0("pct_",f)]] <- ds[[intersect(c(paste0("subsets_",f,"_percent"),paste0("pct_",f)), colnames(colData(ds)))[[1]] ]]
#' getFeatCountDist
#' Returns the difference to the expected ratio of counts and number of features.
#' @param df a cell metadata data.frame, or an object of class `SingleCellExperiment`
#' @param do.plot Logical; whether to plot the count/feature relationship.
#' @param linear Logical; whether to model the relationship with a linear model (default
#' TRUE), rather than a loess.
#' @return A vector of differences.
getFeatCountDist <- function(df, do.plot=FALSE, linear=TRUE){
if(is(df,"SingleCellExperiment")) df <- as.data.frame(colData(df))
mod <- lm(df$log10_total_features~df$log10_total_counts)
mod <- loess(df$log10_total_features~df$log10_total_counts)
pred <- predict(mod, newdata=data.frame(log10_total_counts=df$log10_total_counts))
df$diff <- df$log10_total_features - pred
ggplot(df, aes(x=total_counts, y=total_features, colour=diff)) +
geom_point() + geom_smooth(method = "loess", col="black")
#' compute_all_gene_info
#' Populates the rowData of a SCE with various measures of variability, as well as the
#' proportion of variance explained by clusters.
#' @param sce An object of class `SingleCellExperiment`.
#' @return The updated object.
compute_all_gene_info <- function(sce){
cd <- as.data.frame(colData(sce))[,c("phenoid"),drop=FALSE]
en <- log(t(1000*t(1+counts(sce))/colSums(counts(sce))))
vp1 <- fitExtractVarPartModel(en, ~phenoid, data=cd)
vst.out <- vst(counts(sce), colData(sce))
vste <- vst.out$y+min(vst.out$y)
vp2 <- fitExtractVarPartModel(vste,~phenoid, data=cd)
vp <- data.frame(row.names=row.names(vp1), lognorm.varExp=vp1[,1], vst.varExp=vp2[row.names(vp1),1])
source(system.file("extdata", "willtownes_scrna2019_utils.R", package="pipeComp"))
gi <- compute_gene_info(counts(sce),gmeta=rowData(sce),mod="poisson")
vp$deviance <- gi[row.names(vp),"deviance"]
vp$total_counts <- gi[row.names(vp),"total_counts"]
se <- .seuratFeatureVariability(sce, vst.out=vst.out)
colnames(se) <- paste("seurat",colnames(se),sep=".")
vp <- cbind(vp, se[row.names(vp),])
RD <- as.data.frame(rowData(sce))
RD <- RD[,setdiff(colnames(RD), colnames(vp))]
rowData(sce) <- cbind(RD, vp[row.names(RD),])
.seuratFeatureVariability <- function(sce, vst.out=NULL){
seurat <- CreateSeuratObject( counts(sce), min.cells=0, min.features=0,
project="scRNAseq" )
seurat <- NormalizeData(seurat, display.progress=FALSE)
seurat <- ScaleData(seurat, display.progress=FALSE)
seurat <- FindVariableFeatures(seurat, selection.method="dispersion",
nfeatures=nrow(seurat), display.progress=FALSE)
seurat <- FindVariableFeatures(seurat, selection.method="vst",
nfeatures=nrow(seurat), display.progress=FALSE)
mf <- seurat@assays$RNA@meta.features
vst.out <- vst(counts(sce))
rv <- Seurat:::RowVar(vst.out$y)
names(rv) <- row.names(vst.out$y)
mf$res.var <- rv[row.names(mf)]
#' getDevianceExplained
#' @param sce An object of class `SingleCellExperiment`
#' @param form.full The formula for the full model
#' @param form.null The formula for the reduced model (default `~lszie`, i.e. library size)
#' @param tagwise Logical; whether to run tagwise dispersion.
#' @return The proportion of deviance (in the reduced model) explained by the full model.
#' @export
getDevianceExplained <- function(sce, form.full=~lsize+phenoid, form.null=~lsize, tagwise=TRUE){
sce$lsize <- log(colSums(counts(sce)))
dds <- DGEList(as.matrix(counts(sce)))
dds$samples$lib.size <- 1
CD <- as.data.frame(colData(sce))
mm <- model.matrix(form.full, data=CD)
mm0 <- model.matrix(form.null, data=CD)
dds <- estimateDisp(dds, mm, tagwise=tagwise)
fit <- glmFit(dds, mm)
fit0 <- glmFit(dds, mm0)
de <- (deviance(fit0)-deviance(fit))/deviance(fit0)
de[which(de<0)] <- 0
return( de )
# MISC WRAPPER -----------------------------------------------------------------
scrna_seurat_defAlternatives <- function(x=list()){
def <- list(
sel="sel.vst", selnb=2000,
dr="seurat.pca", maxdim=30, clustmethod="clust.seurat",
dims = 10, k = 20, steps = 8,
resolution = c(0.01, 0.1, 0.5, 0.8, 1),
min.size = 50 )
for(f in names(x)) def[[f]] <- x[[f]]
none <- function(x) x
# FILTERING -------------------------------------------------------------------
#' filt.mad
#' Filter cells on the basis of MADs.
#' @param x An object of class `SingleCellExperiment`
#' @param nmads The number of MADs above/below which to filter out (default 3)
#' @param min.cells The minimum number of cells expressing a feature (default 10) to keep
#' the feature.
#' @param min.features The minimum number of features detected in a cell (default 100) to
#' keep the cell.
#' @param vars A named vector of control variables on which to check for deviations, in
#' the form `variable=direction`.
#' @param outlier.times The number of times a cell should be an outlier for it to be
#' excluded.
#' @return A Seurat object.
#' @export
filt.mad <- function(x, nmads=3, min.cells=10, min.features=100,
vars=c( "pct_mt"="higher",
vars <- vars[names(vars) %in% colnames(colData(x))]
return( x[Matrix::rowSums(counts(x) > 0) >= min.cells,
Matrix::colSums(counts(x) > 0) >= min.features] )
out <- unlist(lapply(names(vars), o=x, v=vars, nm=nmads, FUN=function(x,o,v,nm){
out <- table(out)
out <- as.numeric(names(out)[which(out>=outlier.times)])
if(length(out)>0) x <- x[,-out]
x[Matrix::rowSums(counts(x) > 0) >= min.cells,
Matrix::colSums(counts(x) > 0) >= min.features]
#' applyFilterString
#' @param sce A SingleCellExperiment object.
#' @param filterstring A filtering string.
#' @return A Seurat object.
#' @export
applyFilterString <- function(sce, filterstring){
x <- strsplit(filterstring,"_",fixed=TRUE)[[1]]
mads <- as.numeric(x[[2]])
vars <- .translateFilterVars(strsplit(x,",",fixed=TRUE)[[1]])
otimes <- ifelse(is.null(x[[3]]),1,as.numeric(x[[3]]))
filt.mad(sce, nmads=mads, vars=vars, outlier.times=otimes)
filt.lenient <- function(x){
if(!("featcount_dist" %in% colnames(colData(x)))) x <- add_meta(x)
filters <- c( "log10_total_counts:both:5",
out <- lapply(strsplit(filters,":"), FUN=function(f){
which(isOutlier(x[[f[1]]], log=FALSE,
type=f[2] ))
mtout <- isOutlier(x$pct_counts_Mt, nmads=3, type="lower" ) |
(isOutlier(x$pct_counts_Mt, nmads=3, type="higher" ) & x$pct_counts_Mt > 0.08)
out <- c(out, list(mt=which(mtout)))
out <- table(unlist(out))
out <- as.numeric(names(out)[which(out>=2)])
if(length(out)>0) x <- x[,-out]
x[Matrix::rowSums(counts(x) > 0) >= 10, Matrix::colSums(counts(x) > 0) >= 0]
filt.default <- function(x, times=2){
if(!("featcount_dist" %in% colnames(colData(x)))) x <- add_meta(x)
filters <- c( "log10_total_counts:higher:2.5",
out <- lapply(strsplit(filters,":"), FUN=function(f){
which(isOutlier(x[[f[1]]], log=FALSE,
type=f[2] ))
mtout <- isOutlier(x$pct_counts_Mt, nmads=3, type="lower" ) |
(isOutlier(x$pct_counts_Mt, nmads=2.5, type="higher" ) & x$pct_counts_Mt > 0.08)
out <- c(out, list(mt=which(mtout)))
out <- table(unlist(out))
out <- as.numeric(names(out)[which(out>=times)])
if(length(out)>0) x <- x[,-out]
x[Matrix::rowSums(counts(x) > 0) >= 10, Matrix::colSums(counts(x) > 0) >= 0]
filt.stringent <- function(x){
.translateFilterVars <- function(x){
vars=c( "mt"="pct_counts_Mt",
x <- strsplit(x,".",fixed=TRUE)
y <- sapply(x,FUN=function(x){ if(length(x)==1) return("both"); x[[2]] })
names(y) <- sapply(x,vars=vars,FUN=function(x, vars) vars[x[[1]]])
filt.pca <- function(x, vars=NULL){
x <- runPCA(x, use_coldata=TRUE, detect_outliers=TRUE, selected_variables=vars)
x[Matrix::rowSums(counts(x) > 0) >= 10,!x$outlier]
filt.pca2 <- function(x){
filt.pca(x, vars=c("log10_total_counts", "log10_total_features", "pct_counts_Mt", "pct_counts_in_top_50_features"))
# NORMALIZATION ---------------------------------------------------------------
norm.seurat <- function(dat, vars=NULL, noscale=FALSE){
if (!is(dat, "Seurat")) {
x <- seWrap(dat)
} else {
x <- dat
x <- NormalizeData(x, verbose=FALSE)
x <- SetAssayData(x, slot="scale.data", as.matrix(GetAssayData(x)))
if(is.null(vars)) vars <- c()
for(f in vars){
if(!(sd(x[[]][[f]])>0)) vars <- setdiff(vars,f)
if(length(vars)==0) vars <- NULL
x <- ScaleData(x, verbose=FALSE, vars.to.regress=vars)
if (is(dat, "Seurat")){
} else {
dat <- dat[row.names(x),]
logcounts(dat) <- GetAssayData(x, assay = "RNA", slot = "scale.data")
norm.scran <- function(x, vars=NULL, noscale=TRUE, min.mean=1){
a <- GetAssayData(x, assay = "RNA", slot = "counts")
a <- counts(x)
a <- SingleCellExperiment(assays=list(counts=a))
clusters <- quickCluster(a, min.mean=min.mean, min.size=50)
a <- computeSumFactors(a, min.mean=min.mean, clusters=clusters)
a <- scater::normalize(a)
a <- logNormCounts(a)
x <- SetAssayData(x, slot="data", new.data=logcounts(a))
x <- SetAssayData(x, slot="scale.data", as.matrix(GetAssayData(x)))
x <- ScaleData(x, verbose=FALSE, vars.to.regress=vars)
if(!noscale) a <- t(scale(t(logcounts(a)))) else a <- logcounts(a)
logcounts(x) <- a
norm.scran.scaled <- function(x, ...){
norm.scran(x, noscale=FALSE, ...)
norm.none <- function(x, vars=NULL, noscale=TRUE){
a <- GetAssayData(x, slot="counts")
a <- counts(x)
a <- log1p(a)
x <- SetAssayData(x, slot="data", a)
x <- SetAssayData(x, slot="scale.data", as.matrix(GetAssayData(x)))
x <- ScaleData(x, verbose=FALSE, vars.to.regress=vars)
} else {
if(!noscale) a <- t(scale(t(a)))
logcounts(x) <- a
norm.none.scaled <- function(x){
norm.none(x, noscale=FALSE)
#' norm.seuratvst
#' A wrapper around `sctransform` variance stabilizing transformation.
#' @param x A Seurat/ SCE object.
#' @param vars A vector of variables to regress when scaling (default none)
#' @param noscale Ignored.
#' @param variable.features.n Passed to `SCTransform`, default 5000
#' @return A Seurat/ SCE object with updated data slot.
norm.seuratvst <- function(x, vars=NULL, noscale=FALSE, variable.features.n=5000){
a <- seWrap(x)
a <- x
a <- SetAssayData(a, slot="counts", new.data=round(GetAssayData(a,slot="counts")))
a <- SCTransform(a, vars.to.regress=vars, verbose=FALSE,
a@misc$vst.var.feat <- VariableFeatures(a)
if(is(x,"Seurat")) return(a)
metadata(x)$vst.var.feat <- metadata(x)$VariableFeats <- VariableFeatures(a)
logcounts(x) <- GetAssayData(a, "data", "SCT")
norm.sctransform <- norm.seuratvst
#' norm.scnorm
#' A wrapper around `SCnorm` normalization.
#' @param x A SCE or Seurat object.
#' @param vars A vector of variables to regress when scaling (default none). Ignored if `noscale`.
#' @param noscale Logical; whether to disable scaling (default FALSE)
#' @return An object of the same class as `x` with updated slots.
norm.scnorm <- function(x, vars=NULL, noscale=TRUE, nthreads=1){
a <- Seurat::GetAssayData(x, slot="counts")
a <- SCnorm(a, rep("A",ncol(a)), NCores=nthreads)
a <- log1p(assays(a)$normcounts)
x <- SetAssayData(x, slot="data", new.data=a)
x <- SetAssayData(x, slot="scale.data", as.matrix(GetAssayData(x)))
x <- ScaleData(x, verbose=FALSE, vars.to.regress=vars)
a <- counts(x)
a <- SCnorm(a, rep("A",ncol(a)), NCores=nthreads)
a <- log1p(assays(a)$normcounts)
if(!noscale) a <- t(scale(t(a)))
logcounts(x) <- a
norm.scnorm.scaled <- function(x, ...){
norm.scnorm(x, noscale=FALSE, ...)
#' norm.scVI
#' A function calling a python wrapper (`scVI.py`) around `scVI` normalization, adapted from the the 'Basic usage' Jupyter notebook (https://nbviewer.jupyter.org/github/YosefLab/scVI/blob/master/tests/notebooks/basic_tutorial.ipynb). Note that the function will create a temporary csv file for the intermediate storage of the input count matrix, needed by `scVI`.
#' @param x A SCE or Seurat object.
#' @param py_script Location of the python script
#' @param py_path Optional. If scVI was installed in a specific python bin, pass here the path to it.
#' @param train_size Size of training set. Default to 0.8 but tutorial however recommends to use 1.
#' @param n_cores N. cores
#' @return An object of the same class as `x` with updated slots.
norm.scVI <- function(x, py_script = system.file("extdata", "scVI.py", package="pipeComp"), py_path = NULL, n_cores = 1L, train_size = 1) {
n_cores <- as.integer(n_cores)
if (length(py_path)>0) use_python(py_path ,required=TRUE)
trysource <- try(source_python(py_script))
if (class(trysource) == "try-error") stop("Cannot source the python wrapper.")
tfile <- tempfile(fileext=".csv", tmpdir = ".")
if (is(x, "Seurat")) dat <- GetAssayData(x, assay = "RNA", slot = "counts") else dat <- counts(x)
write.csv(dat, tfile)
out <- scVI_norm(csv_file = tfile, csv_path = ".", n_cores = n_cores,
train_size = train_size)
val <- t(out[[1]])
gnames <- as.character(out[[2]])
dimnames(val) <- list(gnames, colnames(dat))
x <- x[gnames, ]
x <- SetAssayData(x, slot="data", new.data=as.matrix(val))
x <- SetAssayData(x, slot="scale.data", as.matrix(val))
logcounts(x) <- as.matrix(val)
# ______________________________________________________________________________
# FEATURE SELECTION ------------------------------------------------------------
#' subsetFeatureByType
#' @param g A vector of gene names, either official gene symbols or ensembl stable IDs (or
#' `ensemblgid.symbol`). Currently only mouse or human supported.
#' @param classes A vector classes to filter.
#' @return A filtered vector of gene names.
#' @export
subsetFeatureByType <- function(g, classes=c("Mt","conding","ribo")){
if(length(classes)==0) return(g)
classes <- match.arg(gsub("ribosomal","ribo",classes), c("Mt","coding","ribo"), several.ok=TRUE)
data("ctrlgenes", package="pipeComp")
go <- g
## we assume ^ENSEMBL\.whatever rownames
cg <- lapply(classes, FUN=function(x){ union(ctrlgenes[[1]]$ensembl[[x]], ctrlgenes[[2]]$ensembl[[x]]) })
g <- sapply(strsplit(g,".",fixed=TRUE),FUN=function(x) x[[1]])
# we assume HGNC/MGI symbols
cg <- lapply(classes, FUN=function(x){ union(ctrlgenes[[1]]$symbols[[x]], ctrlgenes[[2]]$symbols[[x]]) })
names(cg) <- classes
if("coding" %in% classes){
w <- which(g %in% cg$coding)
go <- go[w]
g <- g[w]
cg <- cg[which(names(cg) != "coding")]
go[which(!(g %in% unlist(cg)))]
sel.vst <- function(dat, n=2000, excl=c()){
a <- seWrap(dat)
} else a <- dat
VariableFeatures(a) <- a@misc$vst.var.feat[1:min(n,length(a@misc$vst.var.feat))]
a <- FindVariableFeatures(a, nfeatures=n)
VariableFeatures(a) <- subsetFeatureByType(VariableFeatures(a), excl)
if(is(dat,"Seurat")) return(a)
metadata(dat)$VariableFeats <- VariableFeatures(a)
#' applySelString
#' Applies a given selection string.
#' @param se A Seurat or SCE object.
#' @param selstring A rowData variable to use, or a selection string, e.g. 'vst:2000:coding_rmMt_rmribo'.
#' @param n The number of genes to select (ignored if selstring is a full selection string).
#' @return A filtered Seurat or SCE object.
#' @export
applySelString <- function(dat, selstring, n=2000){
x <- strsplit(selstring,":",fixed=TRUE)[[1]]
excl <- c()
if(length(x)>2 && x[3]!="") excl <- gsub("rm","",strsplit(x[3], "_")[[1]])
fn <- paste0("sel.",x[1])
if(exists(x[2])) n <- as.numeric(x[2])
if(exists(fn) && is.function(get(fn))) return(get(fn)(dat, n=n, excl=excl))
sel.fromField(dat, x[1], n, excl)
#' sel.fromField
#' Selection of features based on a given rowData field (in decreasing order).
#' @param dat A `Seurat` object.
#' @param f The field to use.
#' @param n The number of features to select (default 2000)
#' @param excl Feature types to exclude (default none)
#' @return A `Seurat` object with updated `VariableFeatures`
#' @export
sel.fromField <- function( dat, f, n=2000, excl=c() ){
if(is(dat, "Seurat")) {
if(is.null(dat@misc$rowData[[f]])) return(NULL)
a <- dat
} else {
if(is.null(rowData(dat)[[f]])) return(NULL)
a <- seWrap(dat)
a@misc$rowData <- as.data.frame(rowData(dat))
e <- a@misc$rowData
if(is(e,"list")) e <- as.data.frame(e)
e <- e[row.names(a),f]
VariableFeatures(a) <- row.names(a)[order(e, decreasing=TRUE)[1:min(n,length(e))]]
VariableFeatures(a) <- subsetFeatureByType(VariableFeatures(a), excl)
if(is(dat, "Seurat")) return(a)
metadata(dat)$VariableFeats <- VariableFeatures(a)
sel.deviance <- function(x, n=2000, excl=c()){
sel.fromField(x, "deviance", n=n, excl=excl)
sel.expr <- function(x, n=2000, excl=c()){
sel.fromField(x, "total_counts", n=n, excl=excl)
# DIMENSION REDUCTION ----------------------------------------------------------
seurat.pca <- function(x, dims=50, weight.by.var=TRUE, seed.use=42){
if(is(x, "Seurat")){
dat <- x
} else {
dat <- seWrap(x)
dat <- RunPCA(dat, features=VariableFeatures(dat), verbose=FALSE,
weight.by.var=weight.by.var, npcs=dims, seed.use = seed.use)
if(is(x, "Seurat")){
} else {
reducedDim(x, "PCA") <- Reductions(dat, "pca")@cell.embeddings
seurat.pca.noweight <- function(x, dims=50, weight.by.var=FALSE, seed.use=42){
if(is(x, "Seurat")){
dat <- x
} else {
dat <- seWrap(x)
dat <- RunPCA(dat, features=VariableFeatures(dat), verbose=FALSE,
weight.by.var=weight.by.var, npcs=dims, seed.use = seed.use)
if(is(x, "Seurat")){
} else {
reducedDim(x, "PCA") <- Reductions(dat, "pca")@cell.embeddings
scran.denoisePCA <- function(x, dims=50, pca.method=c("exact","irlba"), ...){
BSPARAM <- switch(match.arg(pca.method),
irlba=IrlbaParam() )
if(is(x, "Seurat")){
dat <- sceWrap(x)
} else {
dat <- x
lcmin <- min(logcounts(dat))
if(lcmin<0) logcounts(dat) <- logcounts(dat) - lcmin
if(packageVersion("scran") >= "1.13"){
var.stats <- modelGeneVar(dat)
dat <- denoisePCA(dat, technical=var.stats, min.rank=2, max.rank=dims,
subset.row=metadata(dat)$VariableFeats, BSPARAM=BSPARAM,
td <- trendVar(dat, use.spikes=FALSE)
dat <- denoisePCA(dat, technical=td$trend, min.rank=2, max.rank=dims,
subset.row=metadata(dat)$VariableFeats, BSPARAM=BSPARAM,
if(is(x, "Seurat")) return(sceDR2seurat(reducedDim(dat, "PCA"), x, "pca")) else return(dat)
GlmPCA <- function(x, weight.by.var=TRUE, dims=20){
if(is(x, "Seurat")){
dat <- x
} else {
dat <- seWrap(x)
dr <- glmpca(as.matrix(GetAssayData(dat, assay = "RNA", slot = "counts")[VariableFeatures(dat),]), dims)
e <- as.matrix(dr$factors)
colnames(e) <- gsub("dim","dim_",colnames(e))
colnames(e) <- gsub("dim_", "PC_", colnames(e))
if(weight.by.var=="both" && length(dr$dev) %in% dim(e)){
if(is(x, "Seurat")) {
x[["glmpca"]] <- CreateDimReducObject(embeddings=e, key="PC_", assay="RNA")
e <- t(t(e)*dr$d)
x[["glmpca.wt"]] <- CreateDimReducObject(embeddings=e, key="PC_", assay="RNA")
} else {
reducedDim(x, "glmpca") <- e
e <- t(t(e)*dr$d)
reducedDim(x, "glmpca.wt") <- e
if(weight.by.var && length(dr$dev) %in% dim(e)) e <- t(t(e)*dr$d)
if(is(x, "Seurat")){
x[["pca"]] <- CreateDimReducObject(embeddings=e, key="PC_", assay="RNA")
} else {
reducedDim(x, "PCA") <- e
GlmPCA.noweight <- function(x, ...){
GlmPCA(x, weight.by.var=FALSE, ...)
scran.runPCA <- function(x, dims=50){
if(is(x, "Seurat")){
dat <- sceWrap(x)
} else {
dat <- x
dat <- scater::runPCA(dat, ncomponents = dims,
if(is(x, "Seurat")) return(sceDR2seurat(reducedDim(dat, "PCA"), x, "pca")) else return(dat)
#' scVI.latent
#' A function calling a python wrapper (`scVI.py`) around `scVI` low-dimensional latent space, adapted from the official tutorial (https://scvi.readthedocs.io/en/stable/tutorials/basic_tutorial.html). Note that the function will create a temporary csv file for the intermediate storage of the input count matrix, needed by `scVI`.
#' @param x A SCE or Seurat object.
#' @param py_script Location of the python script
#' @param py_path Optional. If scVI was installed in a specific python bin, pass here the path to it.
#' @param dims Number of dimensions to return.
#' @param learning_rate Learning rate of the model. If the model is not training properly due to too high learning rate, it will be reduced consecutively a few times before early stop.
#' @param n_cores N. cores
#' @return An object of the same class as `x` with updated slots. Note that scVI-LD initially returns unordered components. For convenience with the package, they are ordered by sdev and renamed 'PC'.
scVI.latent <- function(x, dims = 50L, learning_rate = 1e-3, py_script = system.file("extdata", "scVI.py", package="pipeComp"), py_path = NULL, n_cores = 1L) {
dims <- as.integer(dims)
n_cores <- as.integer(n_cores)
if (length(py_path)>0) use_python(py_path ,required=TRUE)
trysource <- try(source_python(py_script))
if (class(trysource) == "try-error") stop("Cannot source the python wrapper.")
tfile <- tempfile(fileext=".csv", tmpdir = ".")
if (is(x, "Seurat")) {
dat <- GetAssayData(x, assay = "RNA", slot = "counts")
dat <- dat[VariableFeatures(x), ]
} else {
dat <- counts(x)
dat <- dat[metadata(x)$VariableFeat, ]
write.csv(dat, tfile)
val <- try(scVI_latent(csv_file = tfile, csv_path = ".", n_cores = n_cores, lr = learning_rate))
# Error with some dataset; "Loss was NaN 10 consecutive times: the model is not training properly. Consider using a lower learning rate" --> reduce lr
if (class(val) == "try-error") {
ntry <- 0
while(ntry < 6 & class(val) == "try-error") {
ntry <- ntry + 1
learning_rate <- learning_rate/10
message("Downgrading learning rate to ", learning_rate)
val <- try(scVI_latent(csv_file = tfile, csv_path = ".", n_cores = n_cores, lr = learning_rate))
rownames(val) <- colnames(dat)
# rename
colnames(val) <- paste0("PC_", 1:ncol(val))
if(is(x, "Seurat")){
x[["pca"]] <- CreateDimReducObject(embeddings=as.matrix(val),
key="PC_", assay="RNA")
} else {
reducedDim(x, "PCA") <- as.matrix(val)
#' scVI.LD
#' A function calling a python wrapper (`scVI.py`) around `scVI` linear decoded, adapted from the the 'Basic usage' Jupyter notebook (https://nbviewer.jupyter.org/github/YosefLab/scVI/blob/master/tests/notebooks/linear_decoder.ipynb). Note that the function will create a temporary csv file for the intermediate storage of the input count matrix, needed by `scVI`.
#' @param x A SCE or Seurat object.
#' @param py_script Location of the python script
#' @param py_path Optional. If scVI was installed in a specific python bin, pass here the path to it.
#' @param dims Number of dimensions to return.
#' @param learning_rate Learning rate of the model. If the model is not training properly due to too high learning rate, it will be reduced consecutively a few times before early stop.
#' @param n_cores N. cores
#' @return An object of the same class as `x` with updated slots. Note that scVI-LD initially returns unordered components. For convenience with the package, they are ordered by sdev and renamed 'PC'.
scVI.LD <- function(x, dims = 50L, learning_rate = 1e-3, py_script = system.file("extdata", "scVI.py", package="pipeComp"), py_path = NULL, n_cores = 1L) {
dims <- as.integer(dims)
n_cores <- as.integer(n_cores)
if (length(py_path)>0) use_python(py_path ,required=TRUE)
trysource <- try(source_python(py_script))
if (class(trysource) == "try-error") stop("Cannot source the python wrapper.")
tfile <- tempfile(fileext=".csv", tmpdir = ".")
if (is(x, "Seurat")) {
dat <- GetAssayData(x, assay = "RNA", slot = "counts")
dat <- dat[VariableFeatures(x), ]
} else {
dat <- counts(x)
dat <- dat[metadata(x)$VariableFeat, ]
write.csv(dat, tfile)
val <- try(scVI_ld(csv_file = tfile, ndims = dims, csv_path = ".", n_cores = n_cores, lr = learning_rate))
# Error with some dataset; "Loss was NaN 10 consecutive times: the model is not training properly. Consider using a lower learning rate" --> reduce lr
if (class(val) == "try-error") {
ntry <- 0
while(ntry < 6 & class(val) == "try-error") {
ntry <- ntry + 1
learning_rate <- learning_rate/10
message("Downgrading learning rate to ", learning_rate)
val <- try(scVI_ld(csv_file = tfile, ndims = dims, csv_path = ".", n_cores = n_cores, lr = learning_rate))
rownames(val) <- colnames(dat)
# rename
colnames(val) <- paste0("PC_", 1:ncol(val))
if(is(x, "Seurat")){
x[["pca"]] <- CreateDimReducObject(embeddings=as.matrix(val),
key="PC_", assay="RNA")
} else {
reducedDim(x, "PCA") <- as.matrix(val)
sceDR2seurat <- function(embeddings, object, name){
if (is.null(rownames(embeddings))){
rownames(embeddings) <- colnames(object)
key <- gsub(pattern = "[[:digit:]]", replacement = "_",
x = colnames(embeddings)[1])
if (length(x = key) == 0) key <- paste0(name, "_")
colnames(embeddings) <- paste0(key, 1:ncol(embeddings))
object[[name]] <- CreateDimReducObject(embeddings = embeddings, key = key,
assay = DefaultAssay(object))
FisherSeparability <- function(PCAdims, py_script = system.file("extdata", "FisherSeparability.py", package="pipeComp")) {
if(is(PCAdims, "Seurat")){
PCAdims <- PCAdims[["pca"]]@cell.embeddings
} else if(is(PCAdims, "SingleCellExperiment")){
PCAdims <- reducedDim(dat, "PCA")
# Adapted from https://github.com/auranic/FisherSeparabilityAnalysis
trysource <- try(source_python(py_script))
if (is(trysource, "try-error")) stop("Cannot source 'FisherSeparability.py'. Make sure:\n1) You are running reticulate and redirecting to a valid Python3 bin/conda (use_python, use_conda)\n2) You have the following modules installed: numpy, math, sklearn.decomposition, seaborn, warnings, scipy.special, matplotlib, scipy.io\n3) You have 'FisherSeparability.py' in your current wd")
# Saving to numpy for correct coercion
np <- import("numpy")
tdir <- "tempnpy"
tfile <- tempfile(fileext=".npy", tmpdir = tdir)
dir.create(tdir, showWarnings = FALSE)
np$save(tfile, as.matrix(PCAdims))
val <- SeparabilityAnalysis(tfile, ProducePlots = TRUE)
val <- as.numeric(val)
unlink(tdir, recursive = TRUE)
js.wrapper <- function(dat, n.dims=NULL, n.rep=500, doplot=FALSE, ret=c("ndims", "Seurat", "sce","pvalues")){
ret <- match.arg(ret)
if (!is(dat, "Seurat")) x <- seWrap(dat) else x <- dat
if(is.null(n.dims)) n.dims <- ncol(Reductions(x, "pca")@cell.embeddings)-1
x <- JackStraw(x, dims = n.dims, num.replicate=n.rep, verbose=FALSE)
x <- ScoreJackStraw(x, dims = 1:n.dims, verbose=FALSE)
if(ret=="pvalues") return( Reductions(x,"pca")@jackstraw$overall.p.values[,2] )
if(ret=="Seurat") return(x)
if(ret=="sce") {
metadata(dat)$jackstraw <- Reductions(x,"pca")@jackstraw
y <- x[["pca"]]@jackstraw$overall.p.values[,2]
nzeros <- which(y>0)[1]-1
y <- y[-1*(1:nzeros)]
scran.ndims.wrapper <- function(dat){
if(is(dat, "Seurat")) {
x <- SingleCellExperiment(list(counts=GetAssayData(dat,"counts"),
logcounts=GetAssayData(dat, "data")))[VariableFeatures(dat),]
} else {
x <- dat
pcs <- getDenoisedPCs(x, technical=modelGeneVar(x))
.tmads <- function(x, nbmads=2.5){
x2 <- nbmads*median(abs(x-median(x)))
.translateFilterVars <- function(x){
vars=c( "mt"="pct_counts_Mt",
x <- strsplit(x,"%",fixed=TRUE)
y <- sapply(x,FUN=function(x){ if(length(x)==1) return("both"); x[[2]] })
names(y) <- sapply(x,vars=vars,FUN=function(x, vars) vars[x[[1]]])
#' getFilterStrings
#' Returns a combination of filtering strings.
#' @param mads A vector of number of MADs.
#' @param times A vector of outlier times.
#' @param dirs A vector of directions (higher/lower/both)
#' @return A vector of filtering strings.
getFilterStrings <- function(mads=c(2,2.5,3,5), times=1:2, dirs=c("higher","both")){
varCombs <- c("","mt","lcounts","mt,lcounts","lfeat,lcounts","mt,lfeat","mt,lfeat,lcounts",
v2 <- varCombs[grep("lfeat|lcounts", varCombs)]
v2 <- gsub("lfeat","feat", v2)
v2 <- gsub("lcounts","counts", v2)
varCombs <- c(varCombs,v2)
mads<- c(2, 2.5, 3, 5)
varCombs <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(varCombs,",",fixed=TRUE), dir=dirs, mads=mads, FUN=function(x, dir, mads){
y <- expand.grid(lapply(x, y=dir, sep="%", FUN=paste))
eg <- expand.grid(varCombs, mads, times)
nbVars <- sapply(strsplit(as.character(eg[,1]),","),FUN=length)
eg <- eg[which(nbVars>=eg[,3]),]
as.character(apply(eg, 1, collapse="_", FUN=paste))
doublet.scDblFinder <- function(x, trans = "scran"){
x <- scDblFinder(x, verbose=FALSE)
doublet.scds <- function(x){
x <- cxds_bcds_hybrid(x, list(verb=FALSE), list(verb=FALSE))
dbn <- ceiling((0.01 * ncol(x)/1000)*ncol(x))
o <- order(x$hybrid_score, decreasing=TRUE)[seq_len(dbn)]
# CLUSTERING ------------------------------------------------------------------
clust.seurat <- function(x, rd=NULL, k=20, steps=8, dims=50, seed.use=1234, min.size=0, resolution=0.8){
if(is(x, "Seurat")) {
dat <- x
} else {
dat <- seWrap(x)
dims <- min(dims,ncol(dat[["pca"]]@cell.embeddings))
dat <- FindNeighbors(dat, k.param=k, dims=1:dims, verbose=FALSE)
dat <- FindClusters(dat, resolution=resolution, random.seed=seed.use, verbose=FALSE)
#' clust.scran
#' A wrapper to use scran-based clustering.
#' @param ds An object of class `SingleCellExperiment` or `Seurat`.
#' @param rd The name of the dimensionality reduction to use, or a logical
#' indicating whether to use a reduced space.
#' @param method The method, either `fast_greedy` or `walktrap`.
#' @param k number of NN to consider, default 20.
#' @param steps number of steps for the random walk (walktrap method), default 8.
#' @param dims The (maximum) number of dimensions to use.
#' @param nthreads The number of threads, default 1.
#' @param seed.use not used.
#' @param min.size Minimum size of a cluster (default 50)
#' @param resolution Ignored; for consistency with `clust.seurat`
#' @param neighbor.method Passed to scran
#' @param graph.type "snn.rank", "snn.number", or "knn".
#' @return A factor vector of cluster IDs, with cell names as names.
#' @export
clust.scran <- function(ds, rd=TRUE, method="walktrap",
k=20, steps=8, dims=50, nthreads=1, seed.use=NULL,
min.size=5, resolution=NULL){
graph.type <- match.arg(graph.type)
neighbor.method <- switch(match.arg(neighbor.method),
ds <- sceWrap(ds)
rd <- reducedDimNames(ds)[1]
dims <- min(dims, ncol(reducedDim(ds, rd)))
rd <- NULL
dims <- NA
rd <- NULL
BPPARAM <- if(nthreads>1) MulticoreParam(nthreads) else SerialParam()
if(!is.null(rd)) reducedDim(ds, rd) <- reducedDim(ds, rd)[,seq_len(dims)]
g <- scran::buildKNNGraph(ds, BPPARAM=BPPARAM, BNPARAM=neighbor.method,
use.dimred=rd, k=k)
weighting <- ifelse(graph.type=="snn.rank", "rank", "number")
if (is.null(rd)) {
g <- scran::buildSNNGraph(ds, BPPARAM=BPPARAM, BNPARAM=neighbor.method,
type=weighting, use.dimred=rd, k=k, d=dims)
} else {
g <- scran::buildSNNGraph(ds, BPPARAM=BPPARAM, BNPARAM=neighbor.method,
type=weighting, use.dimred=rd, k=k)
cl <- igraph::cluster_walktrap(g, steps=steps)$membership
cl <- igraph::cluster_fast_greedy(g)$membership
if(min.size>0) cl <- scran:::.merge_closest_graph(g, cl, min.size=min.size)
names(cl) <- colnames(ds)
clust.scran.fg <- function(ds, ...){
clust.scran(ds, method="fastq_greedy", ...)
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