#' checkPipelinePackages
#' Checks whether the packages required by a pipeline and its alternative
#' methods are available.
#' @param alternatives A named list of alternative parameter values
#' @param pipDef An object of class `PipelineDefinition`.
#' @return Logical.
#' @export
#' @importFrom utils installed.packages
#' @examples
#' checkPipelinePackages(list(argument1="mean"), scrna_pipeline())
checkPipelinePackages <- function(alternatives, pipDef=NULL){
fns <- unlist(alternatives[ vapply( alternatives, FUN=is.character,
FUN.VALUE=logical(1) ) ])
fns <- lapply(fns, FUN=function(x){
if(exists(x) && is.function(get(x))) return(get(x))
fns <- paste(unlist(fns),collapse="\n")
fns <- paste(fns, paste(stepFn(pipDef, type="functions"), collapse="\n"),
paste(stepFn(pipDef, type="evaluation"), collapse="\n"))
pkg <- gregexpr("library\\(([[:alnum:]])+\\)", fns)
pkg <- unique(regmatches(fns, pkg)[[1]])
pkg <- gsub("\\)","",gsub("^library\\(","",pkg))
pkg <- gsub('"',"",pkg)
misspkg <- setdiff(pkg, row.names(installed.packages()))
if(length(misspkg)>0) message("The following packages appear to be missing:",
paste(misspkg, collapse=", "))
#' parsePipNames
#' Parses the names of analyses performed through `runPipeline` to extract a
#' data.frame of parameter values (with decent classes).
#' @param x The names to parse, or a data.frame with the names to parse as
#' row.names. All names are expected to contain the same parameters.
#' @param setRowNames Logical; whether to set original names as row.names of
#' the output data.frame (default FALSE)
#' @param addcolumns An optional data.frame of `length(x)` rows to cbind to the
#' output.
#' @return A data.frame
#' @importFrom utils type.convert
#' @export
#' @examples
#' my_names <- c("param1=A;param2=5","param1=B;param2=0")
#' parsePipNames(my_names)
parsePipNames <- function(x, setRowNames=FALSE, addcolumns=NULL){
if(is.data.frame(x) || is.matrix(x)){
addcolumns <- cbind(x,addcolumns)
addcolumns <- x
x <- row.names(x)
x2 <- lapply(strsplit(x,";"),FUN=function(x) x)
if(length(unique(vapply(x2, length, numeric(1))))>1)
stop("The different names do not have the same number of components.")
n <- vapply(strsplit(x2[[1]],"="),FUN=function(x) x[1], character(1))
y <- vapply(strsplit(unlist(x2),"="),FUN=function(x) x[2], character(1))
y <- as.data.frame(matrix(y, ncol=length(n), byrow=TRUE))
colnames(y) <- n
for(i in seq_len(ncol(y))) y[[i]] <- type.convert(y[[i]])
if(setRowNames) row.names(y) <- x
row.names(addcolumns) <- NULL
y <- cbind(y,addcolumns)
# run function `x` on object `o`; if there is no function `x`, run `alt` passing
# `x` as second argument
.runf <- function(x, o, alt=NULL, ...){
if(exists(x) && is.function(get(x))){
return(get(x)(o, ...))
if(is.null(alt)) stop("Function '",x,"' not found in environment!")
return(alt(o, x, ...))
#' buildCombMatrix
#' Builds a matrix of parameter combinations from a list of alternative values.
#' @param alt A named list of alternative parameter values
#' @param returnIndexMatrix Logical; whether to return a matrix of indices,
#' rather than a data.frame of factors.
#' @return a matrix or data.frame
#' @export
#' @examples
#' buildCombMatrix(list(param1=LETTERS[1:3], param2=1:2))
buildCombMatrix <- function(alt, returnIndexMatrix=FALSE){
eg <- as.matrix(expand.grid(lapply(rev(alt), FUN=seq_along)))
eg <- eg[,seq(ncol(eg),1)]
if(returnIndexMatrix) return(eg)
eg <- as.data.frame(eg)
for(f in names(alt)){
eg[,f] <- factor(alt[[f]][eg[,f]], levels=alt[[f]])
.checkCombMatrix <- function(eg, alt){
stop("`eg` should be a matrix or data.frame of indices or factors")
if(!all(names(alt) %in% colnames(eg)))
stop("The columns of `eg` do not correspond to the arguments.")
eg <- eg[,names(alt)]
if(!is.matrix(eg) || !is.numeric(eg)){
for(f in colnames(eg)){
if(is.character(eg[,f])) eg[,f] <- factor(eg[,f])
stop("If `eg` contains factors, the levels should be identical to
the values of the corresponding element of `alternatives`")
eg[,f] <- as.numeric(eg[,f])
if(any(is.na(eg))) stop("Final `eg` contains missing values!")
.sortcols <- function(x){
xi <- x[,ncol(x)]
for(i in seq(ncol(x)-1,1)) xi <- xi+max(xi)*x[,i]
#' getQualitativePalette
#' Returns a qualitative color palette of the given size. If less than 23 colors
#' are required, the colors are based on Paul Tol's palettes. If more, the
#' `randomcoloR` package is used.
#' @param nbcolors A positive integer indicating the number of colors
#' @return A vector of colors
#' @export
#' @importFrom randomcoloR distinctColorPalette
#' @examples
#' getQualitativePalette(5)
getQualitativePalette <- function(nbcolors){
nbcolors <- round(nbcolors)
"2"=c("#4477AA", "#CC6677"),
"3"=c("#4477AA", "#DDCC77", "#CC6677"),
"4"=c("#4477AA", "#117733", "#DDCC77", "#CC6677"),
"5"=c("#332288", "#88CCEE", "#117733", "#DDCC77", "#CC6677"),
"6"=c("#332288", "#88CCEE", "#117733", "#DDCC77", "#CC6677","#AA4499"),
"7"=c("#332288", "#88CCEE", "#44AA99", "#117733", "#DDCC77", "#CC6677",
"8"=c("#332288", "#88CCEE", "#44AA99", "#117733", "#999933", "#DDCC77",
"9"=c("#332288", "#88CCEE", "#44AA99", "#117733", "#999933", "#DDCC77",
"#CC6677", "#882255", "#AA4499"),
"10"=c("#332288", "#88CCEE", "#44AA99", "#117733", "#999933",
"#DDCC77", "#661100", "#CC6677", "#882255", "#AA4499"),
"11"=c("#332288", "#6699CC", "#88CCEE", "#44AA99", "#117733",
"#999933", "#DDCC77", "#661100", "#CC6677", "#882255",
"12"=c("#332288", "#6699CC", "#88CCEE", "#44AA99", "#117733",
"#999933", "#DDCC77", "#661100", "#CC6677", "#AA4466",
"#882255", "#AA4499"),
"13"=c("#882E72", "#B178A6", "#1965B0", "#5289C7", "#7BAFDE",
"#4EB265", "#90C987", "#CAE0AB", "#F7EE55", "#F6C141",
"#F1932D", "#E8601C", "#DC050C"),
"14"=c("#882E72", "#B178A6", "#D6C1DE", "#1965B0", "#5289C7",
"#7BAFDE", "#4EB265", "#90C987", "#CAE0AB", "#F7EE55",
"#F6C141", "#F1932D", "#E8601C", "#DC050C"),
"15"=c("#114477", "#4477AA", "#77AADD", "#117755", "#44AA88",
"#99CCBB", "#777711", "#AAAA44", "#DDDD77", "#771111",
"#AA4444", "#DD7777", "#771144", "#AA4477", "#DD77AA"),
"16"=c("#114477", "#4477AA", "#77AADD", "#117755", "#44AA88",
"#99CCBB", "#777711", "#AAAA44", "#DDDD77", "#771111",
"#AA4444", "#DD7777", "#771144", "#AA4477", "#DD77AA", "black"),
.getTrueLabelsFromNames <- function(x){
if(is.null(names(x))) return(NULL)
tl <- vapply(strsplit(names(x),".",fixed=TRUE), FUN.VALUE=character(1),
FUN=function(x) x[[1]])
names(tl) <- names(x)
#' farthestPoint
#' Identifies the point farthest from a line passing through by the first and
#' last points. Used for automatization of the elbow method.
#' @param y Monotonically inscreasing or decreasing values
#' @param x Optional x coordinates corresponding to `y` (defaults to seq)
#' @return The value of `x` farthest from the diagonal.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' y <- 2^(10:1)
#' plot(y)
#' x <- farthestPoint(y)
#' points(x,y[x],pch=16)
farthestPoint <- function(y, x=NULL){
if(is.null(x)) x <- seq_len(length(y))
d <- apply( cbind(x,y), 1,
a=c(1,y[1]), b=c(length(y),rev(y)[1]),
FUN=function(y, a, b){
v1 <- a-b
v2 <- y-a
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