### R script with the EM algorithm loops for initialization, consensus, and
### differential peak calling algorithms
### EM algorithm for epigraHMM initialization
emInitialization <- function(theta.old,theta.new,object,dt,dtUnique,hdf5File,parHist,controlHist,control,init.time){
Group = Intercept = NULL
itNumber <- length(controlHist)
numPar <- length(unlist(theta.old)) - 3
logicalWhile <-
all(checkConvergence(controlHist, control) < control[['maxCountEM']],
controlHist[[itNumber]][['iteration']] < control[['maxIterEM']])
while (logicalWhile) {
# Update iteration
controlHist[[itNumber]][['iteration']] <-
controlHist[[itNumber]][['iteration']] + 1
# E-step
logf <- do.call(cbind,lapply(c(1,2),function(x){
mu <- exp(theta.old[['psi']][[x]][1] +
stats::dnbinom(x = assay(object,'counts'),
mu = mu,
size = theta.old[['psi']][[x]][2],log = TRUE)
expStep(pi = theta.old[['pi']],gamma = theta.old[['gamma']],logf = logf,
hdf5 = hdf5File)
# M-step
## Initial and transition probabilities
theta.new[c('pi','gamma')] <- maxStepProb(hdf5 = hdf5File)
## Model parameters
### Rejection-controlled posterior probabilities
rejectionCut <- max(c(0.9^controlHist[[itNumber]][['iteration']],
probCut <- (control[['probCut']] > 0) * rejectionCut
rejectionControl <-
consensusRejectionControlled(hdf5 = hdf5File,
f = dt$Group,p = probCut)
rcWeights <- lapply(rejectionControl[,1],function(x){
colnames(x) <- c('weights','Group')
out <- dtUnique[match(x[,2],Group),][,-c('Group')][,Intercept := 1]
### Calculating MLEs
optimMLE <- lapply(seq_len(length(rcWeights)),function(x){
optimNB(par = theta.old$psi[[x]],y = rcWeights[[x]][,'ChIP'],
x = rcWeights[[x]][,'Intercept',drop = FALSE],
offset = rcWeights[[x]][,'offsets'],
weights = rcWeights[[x]][,'weights'],
control = control,dist = 'nb')
theta.new[['psi']] <- lapply(optimMLE,function(x){x[['par']]})
# Updating parHist & controlHist
parHist[[controlHist[[itNumber]][['iteration']]]] <- theta.new
ctNum <- (controlHist[[itNumber]][['error']] <= control[['epsilonEM']])*
(controlHist[[itNumber]][['iteration']] > control[['minIterEM']])*
(controlHist[[itNumber]][['count']] + 1) + 0
controlHist[[itNumber]][['count']] <- ctNum
convNum <- 1*any(!unname(unlist(lapply(optimMLE,function(x){
}))) == 0)
controlHist[[itNumber]][['convergence']] <- convNum
controlHist[[itNumber]][['error']] <-
getError(controlHist = controlHist,parHist = parHist,
control = control)
controlHist[[itNumber]][['time']] <- difftime(time1 = Sys.time(),
time2 = init.time,
units = 'mins')
controlHist[[itNumber]][['bic']] <-
computeBIC(hdf5 = hdf5File,numPar = numPar,
numSamples = ncol(object))
controlHist[[itNumber]][['q']] <-
computeQFunction(hdf5 = hdf5File,pi = theta.old[['pi']],
gamma = theta.old[['gamma']])
# Updating controlHist and parameters
controlHist[[itNumber+1]] <- controlHist[[itNumber]]
itNumber <- length(controlHist)
logicalWhile <-
all(checkConvergence(controlHist, control) < control[['maxCountEM']],
controlHist[[itNumber]][['iteration']] < control[['maxIterEM']])
theta.old <- theta.new
verbose(level = 2,control = control,controlHist = controlHist,
theta = theta.new)
### EM algorithm for epigraHMM consensus peak caller
emConsensus <- function(theta.old,theta.new,dt,dtUnique,M,N,dist,
Group = Intercept = NULL
itNumber <- length(controlHist)
numPar <- length(unlist(theta.old)) - 3
logicalWhile <-
all(checkConvergence(controlHist, control) < control[['maxCountEM']],
controlHist[[itNumber]][['iteration']] < control[['maxIterEM']])
while (logicalWhile) {
# Update iteration
controlHist[[itNumber]][['iteration']] <-
controlHist[[itNumber]][['iteration']] + 1
# E-step
logf <- loglikConsensusHMM(dt = dt,theta = theta.old,N = N,M = M,
minZero = control[['minZero']],dist = dist)
expStep(pi = theta.old[['pi']],gamma = theta.old[['gamma']],
hdf5 = hdf5File,logf = logf)
# M-step
## Initial and transition probabilities
theta.new[c('pi','gamma')] <- maxStepProb(hdf5 = hdf5File)
## Model parameters
rejectionCut <- max(c(0.9 ^ controlHist[[itNumber]][['iteration']],
probCut <- (control[['probCut']] > 0) * rejectionCut
rejectionControl <- consensusRejectionControlled(hdf5 = hdf5File,
f = dt$Group,
p = probCut)
rcWeights <- lapply(rejectionControl[,1],function(x){
colnames(x) <- c('weights','Group')
out <- dtUnique[match(x[,2],Group),][,-c('Group')][,Intercept := 1]
## Calculating MLEs
optimMLE <- lapply(seq_len(length(rcWeights)),function(i){
x <- rcWeights[[i]][,{
if ('controls' %in% names(dt))
else 'Intercept'
},drop = FALSE]
optimNB(par = theta.old$psi[[i]],y = rcWeights[[i]][,'ChIP'],
x = x,offset = rcWeights[[i]][,'offsets'],
weights = rcWeights[[i]][,'weights'],control = control,
dist = ifelse(dist == 'zinb' & i == 1, 'zinb', 'nb'))
theta.new[['psi']] <- lapply(optimMLE,function(x){x[['par']]})
# Updating parHist & controlHist
parHist[[controlHist[[itNumber]][['iteration']]]] <- theta.new
ctNum <- (controlHist[[itNumber]][['error']] <= control[['epsilonEM']])*
(controlHist[[itNumber]][['iteration']] > control[['minIterEM']])*
(controlHist[[itNumber]][['count']] + 1) + 0
controlHist[[itNumber]][['count']] <- ctNum
controlHist[[itNumber]][['time']] <- difftime(time1 = Sys.time(),
time2 = init.time,
units = 'mins')
controlHist[[itNumber]][['bic']] <- computeBIC(hdf5 = hdf5File,
numPar = numPar,
numSamples = N)
controlHist[[itNumber]][['q']] <-
computeQFunction(hdf5 = hdf5File,pi = theta.old[['pi']],
gamma = theta.old[['gamma']])
convNum <- 1*any(!unname(unlist(lapply(optimMLE,function(x){
}))) == 0)
controlHist[[itNumber]][['convergence']] <- convNum
controlHist[[itNumber]][['error']] <- getError(controlHist = controlHist,
parHist = parHist,
control = control)
# Updating controlHist and parameters
controlHist[[itNumber + 1]] <- controlHist[[itNumber]]
itNumber <- length(controlHist)
theta.old <- theta.new
logicalWhile <-
all(checkConvergence(controlHist, control) < control[['maxCountEM']],
controlHist[[itNumber]][['iteration']] < control[['maxIterEM']])
verbose(level = 2,control = control,controlHist = controlHist,
theta = theta.new)
return(list('theta.new' = theta.new,'controlHist' = controlHist,
'parHist' = parHist))
### Inner EM algorithm for epigraHMM differential peak caller
innerEMDifferential = function(theta.old,dt,dtUnique,probCut,N,M,hdf5File,
Group = Intercept = NULL
count.innerem <- 0; error.innerem <- 1
theta.tmp.old <- theta.old; theta.tmp.new <- theta.old
logicalWhile <- all(count.innerem < control[['maxIterInnerEM']],
error.innerem > control[['epsilonInnerEM']])
while (logicalWhile) {
# E-step
suppressMessages(innerExpStep(dt = dt,theta = theta.tmp.old,N = N,M = M,
model = 'nb',hdf5 = hdf5File,
minZero = control[['minZero']],
dist = dist))
# M-step
## Mixing probabilities
theta.tmp.new[['delta']] <- c(innerMaxStepProb(hdf5 = hdf5File))
## Model parameters
rejectionControl <- differentialRejectionControlled(hdf5 = hdf5File,
f = dt$Group,
p = probCut,N = N)
rcWeights <-
data.table::rbindlist(lapply(rejectionControl[,1],FUN = function(x){
colnames(x) <- c('weights','Group')
out <- dtUnique[match(x[,2],Group),][,-c('Group')][,Intercept := 1]
}),idcol = 'id')
optimMLE <- optimDifferential(par = unlist(theta.tmp.old$psi),
rcWeights = rcWeights,
control = control,dist = dist)
par <- split(optimMLE$par,
(seq_along(optimMLE$par) - 1) %/% ifelse(dist == 'nb',2,3))
theta.tmp.new[['psi']] <- unname(par)
# Checking convergence
parOld <- c(theta.tmp.new[['delta']],unlist(theta.tmp.new[['psi']]))
parNew <- c(theta.tmp.old[['delta']],unlist(theta.tmp.old[['psi']]))
error.innerem <- max(abs((parOld - parNew) / parNew))
# Updating parameters
theta.tmp.old <- theta.tmp.new
count.innerem <- count.innerem + 1
logicalWhile <- all(count.innerem < control[['maxIterInnerEM']],
error.innerem > control[['epsilonInnerEM']])
return(list('theta.new' = theta.tmp.new[c('delta','psi')],
'optimMLE' = optimMLE))
### Outer EM algorithm for epigraHMM differential peak caller
outerEMDifferential = function(theta.old,theta.new,dt,dtUnique,N,M,dist,
control) {
itNumber <- length(controlHist)
numPar <- length(unlist(theta.old)) - length(control$pattern) - 3
logicalWhile <-
all(checkConvergence(controlHist,control) < control[['maxCountEM']],
controlHist[[itNumber]][['iteration']] < control[['maxIterEM']])
while (logicalWhile) {
# Update iteration
controlHist[[itNumber]][['iteration']] <-
controlHist[[itNumber]][['iteration']] + 1
# E-step
logf <- loglikDifferentialHMM(dt = dt,theta = theta.old,N = N,M = M,
minZero = control[['minZero']],
dist = dist)
expStep(pi = theta.old[['pi']],gamma = theta.old[['gamma']],
hdf5 = hdf5File,logf = logf)
# M-step
## Initial and transition probabilities
theta.new[c('pi','gamma')] <- maxStepProb(hdf5 = hdf5File)
## Model parameters
rejectionCut <- max(c(0.9^controlHist[[itNumber]][['iteration']],
probCut <- (control[['probCut']] > 0) * rejectionCut
innerEMDifferential <-
theta.new[c('delta','psi')] <- innerEMDifferential[['theta.new']]
# Updating parHist & controlHist
parHist[[controlHist[[itNumber]][['iteration']]]] <- theta.new
ctNum <-
(controlHist[[itNumber]][['error']] <= control[['epsilonEM']]) *
(controlHist[[itNumber]][['iteration']] > control[['minIterEM']]) *
(controlHist[[itNumber]][['count']] + 1) + 0
controlHist[[itNumber]][['count']] <- ctNum
controlHist[[itNumber]][['time']] <- difftime(time1 = Sys.time(),
time2 = init.time,
units = 'mins')
controlHist[[itNumber]][['bic']] <-
computeBIC(hdf5 = hdf5File,numPar = numPar,numSamples = N)
controlHist[[itNumber]][['q']] <-
computeQFunction(hdf5 = hdf5File,pi = theta.old[['pi']],
gamma = theta.old[['gamma']])
controlHist[[itNumber]][['convergence']] <-
controlHist[[itNumber]][['error']] <-
getError(controlHist = controlHist,parHist = parHist,
control = control)
# Updating controlHist and parameters
controlHist[[itNumber + 1]] <- controlHist[[itNumber]]
itNumber <- length(controlHist)
theta.old <- theta.new
logicalWhile <-
all(checkConvergence(controlHist,control) < control[['maxCountEM']],
controlHist[[itNumber]][['iteration']] < control[['maxIterEM']])
verbose(level = 2,control = control,controlHist = controlHist,
theta = theta.new)
return(list('theta.new' = theta.new,'parHist' = parHist,
'controlHist' = controlHist))
### Inner E-step of the EM algorithm for differential calling
innerExpStep = function(dt,theta,N,M,model,hdf5,minZero,dist){
ll <- loglikDifferential(dt = dt,delta = theta$delta,
psi = unlist(theta$psi),N = N,M = M,
dist = dist,minZero = minZero)
ll <- rapply(ll,function(x){ifelse(exp(x) == 0,log(minZero),x)},
how = "replace")
sumExpLL <- Reduce(`+`,lapply(ll,exp))
rhdf5::h5write(obj = vapply(seq_len(length(theta$delta)),
FUN = function(b){exp(ll[[b]])/sumExpLL},
FUN.VALUE = vector('double',length = M)),
file = hdf5,
name = 'mixtureProb')
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