#' Create a epigraHMMDataSet from a set of BAM files
#' This function creates a \code{\link[SummarizedExperiment]{RangedSummarizedExperiment}} object from of a set of BAM files.
#' It is used to store the input data, the model offsets, and the results from the peak calling algorithms.
#' @param bamFiles a string vector (or a list of string vectors) with the path for BAM files. If bamFiles is a list of string vectors,
#' vectors must be named, have the same dimension, and, at least, a vector with name 'counts' must exist (see details).
#' @param colData a \code{data.frame} with the experimental data. It must contain the columns \code{condition} and \code{replicate}.
#' \code{condition} refers to the experimental condition identifier (e.g. cell line name). \code{replicate} refers to the replicate identification number (unique for each condition).
#' @param genome either a single string with the name of the reference genome (e.g. 'hg19') or a GRanges object with ranges to be tilled into a set of non-overlapping windows.
#' @param windowSize an integer specifying the size of genomic windows where read counts will be computed.
#' @param gapTrack either a logical (\code{TRUE}, the default, or \code{FALSE}) or a GRanges object with gap regions of the genome to be excluded. If \code{TRUE}, the function will discard genomic coordinates overlapping regions present in the UCSC gap table of the respective reference genome (if available). See Details section below.
#' @param blackList either a logical (\code{TRUE}, the default, or \code{FALSE}) or a GRanges object with blacklisted regions of the genome to be excluded. If \code{TRUE}, the function will discard ENCODE blacklisted regions from selected reference genomes (if available). See Details section below.
#' @details
#' The index ".bai" files must be stored in the same directory of their respective BAM files.
#' The index files must be named after their respective BAM files with the additional ".bai" suffix.
#' `epigraHMMDataSetFromBam` will store experimental data (e.g. ChIP-seq counts) from bamFiles (or bamFiles[['counts']], if a list is provided).
#' Additional data (e.g. input control counts) will be stored similarly with their respective list names.
#' By default, the function computes read counts using csaw's estimated fragment length via cross correlation analysis.
#' For experimental counts (e.g. ChIP-seq), sequencing reads are shifted downstream half of the estimated fragment length.
#' For additional counts (e.g. input control), sequencing reads are not shifted prior to counting.
#' Additional columns included in the colData input will be passed to the resulting epigraHMMDataSet assay and can be acessed via \code{colData()} function.
#' The \code{genome} argument will call GenomeInfoDb::Seqinfo() to fetch the chromosome lengths of the specified genome.
#' See ?GenomeInfoDb::Seqinfo for the list of UCSC genomes that are currently supported.
#' If \code{gapTrack = TRUE} and the name of a reference genome is passed as input through \code{genome} (e.g. 'hg19'),
#' the function will discard any genomic coordinate overlapping regions specified by the respective UCSC gap table.
#' If \code{gapTrack} is a GRanges object, the function will discard any genomic coordinate overlaping regions from \code{gapTrack}.
#' If \code{blackList = TRUE} and the name of a reference genome is passed as input through \code{genome} (e.g. 'hg19'),
#' The function will fetch the manually curated blacklist tracks (Version 2) from \url{https://github.com/Boyle-Lab/Blacklist/tree/master/lists}.
#' Current available genomes are ce10, dm3, hg19, hg38, and mm10.
#' If \code{blackList} is a GRanges object, the function will discard any genomic coordinate overlaping regions from \code{blackList}.
#' @return An epigraHMMDataSet object with sorted colData regarding conditions and replicates.
#' Experimental counts will be stored in the 'counts' assay in the resulting epigraHMMDataSet object.
#' Additional experimental data will be stored with their respective names from the list bamFiles.
#' @author Pedro L. Baldoni, \email{pedrobaldoni@gmail.com}
#' @references
#' \url{https://github.com/plbaldoni/epigraHMM}
#' DOI: 10.1093/nar/gkv1191
#' DOI: 10.1038/s41598-019-45839-z
#' DOI: 10.1038/nature11247
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment SummarizedExperiment rowRanges assay colData
#' @importFrom GenomeInfoDb Seqinfo seqnames genome
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges tile tileGenome makeGRangesFromDataFrame GRanges
#' @importFrom rtracklayer browserSession getTable ucscTableQuery import BEDFile
#' @importFrom IRanges overlapsAny union
#' @importFrom Rsamtools scanBam ScanBamParam
#' @importFrom bamsignals bamCount
#' @importFrom csaw maximizeCcf correlateReads readParam
#' @importFrom data.table as.data.table
#' @importFrom S4Vectors decode
#' @examples
#' bamFiles <- system.file("extdata","euratrans",
#' "lv-H3K27me3-SHR-male-bio2-tech1.bam",
#' package="chromstaRData")
#' colData <- data.frame(condition = 'SHR', replicate = 1)
#' object <- epigraHMMDataSetFromBam(bamFiles = bamFiles,
#' colData = colData,
#' genome = 'rn4',
#' windowSize = 25000,
#' gapTrack = TRUE,
#' blackList = TRUE)
#' @export
epigraHMMDataSetFromBam <- function(bamFiles,colData,genome,windowSize,
gapTrack = TRUE, blackList = TRUE){
condition = replicate = chrom = NULL
bamFiles <- checkInputBam(bamFiles,colData,genome,windowSize,gapTrack,blackList)
# Setting up reference genome
genomeList <- getGenome(genome,windowSize,bamFiles)
gr.genome <- genomeList[['genome']]
# Setting up gap track
gr.gaps <- getGap(gapTrack,genome,genomeList[['seqinfo']])
# Setting up blacklist track
gr.blackList <- getList(blackList,genome)
# Cleaning up the genome
gr.genome <- gr.genome[!overlapsAny(gr.genome,union(gr.gaps,gr.blackList))]
# Estimating the fragment length
colData$fragLength <- getFragLen(bamFiles,gr.gaps,gr.blackList)
# Computing read counts and adding to the output
ctMat <- do.call(cbind,lapply(seq_len(nrow(colData)),FUN = function(x){
return(bamCount(bampath = bamFiles[['counts']][x],gr = gr.genome,verbose = FALSE,shift = colData[['fragLength']][x]/2))
ctMat <- matrix(ctMat,byrow = FALSE,nrow = length(gr.genome),ncol = nrow(colData),
dimnames = list(NULL,paste(colData$condition,colData$replicate,sep='.')))
epigraHMMDataSet <- SummarizedExperiment(assays = list(counts = ctMat),rowRanges = gr.genome,colData = colData)
# Adding offsets
epigraHMMDataSet <- addOffsets(epigraHMMDataSet,Matrix(0,nrow = nrow(epigraHMMDataSet),ncol = ncol(epigraHMMDataSet),sparse = TRUE))
# If there are controls, repeat
if(!length(names(bamFiles)[-which(names(bamFiles)=='counts')]) == 0){
for(idx in names(bamFiles)[-which(names(bamFiles)=='counts')]){
tmp <- do.call(cbind,lapply(seq_len(nrow(colData)),FUN = function(x){
bamCount(bampath = bamFiles[[idx]][x],gr = gr.genome,verbose = FALSE)
dimnames(tmp) <- dimnames(SummarizedExperiment::assay(epigraHMMDataSet,'counts'))
SummarizedExperiment::assay(epigraHMMDataSet,idx) <- tmp
# Returning sorted the object
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