### R functions utilized in various epigraHMM scripts (brief desc. in header)
### FDR control method to call peaks based on posterior probabilities
fdrControl <- function(prob,fdr = 0.05){
notpp = FDR = Window = .N = NULL
if (!all(prob >= 0 & prob <= 1))
stop('Posterior probabilities must be between 0 and 1')
if (!(fdr > 0 & fdr < 1))
stop('fdr must be between 0 and 1')
probDT <- data.table::data.table(notpp = 1 - prob,
Window = seq_len(length(prob)),
key = 'Window')
probDT <- probDT[order(notpp),]
probDT[,FDR := ((cumsum(notpp) / seq_len(.N)) < fdr)]
probDT <- probDT[order(Window),]
### Compute error for EM algorithm convergence check
getError <- function(controlHist,parHist,control){
iteration <- controlHist[[length(controlHist)]][['iteration']]
if (iteration > 1) {
gap <- ifelse(iteration > control[['minIterEM']],control[['gapIterEM']], 1)
parlist.old <- unlist(parHist[[iteration - gap]])
parlist.new <- unlist(parHist[[iteration]])
q.old <- controlHist[[iteration - gap]][['q']]
q.new <- controlHist[[iteration]][['q']]
return(c('MRCPE' = max(abs((parlist.new - parlist.old) / parlist.old)),
'MACPE' = max(abs(parlist.new - parlist.old)),
'ARCEL' = max(abs((q.new - q.old) / q.old))))
} else{
return(c('MRCPE' = 0,'MACPE' = 0,'ARCEL' = 0))
### Print message during EM algorithm
verbose = function(level,control,controlHist = NULL, theta = NULL){
currentTime <- Sys.time()
if (!control[['quiet']]) {
if (level == 1) {
message("Starting the EM algorithm")
if (level == 2) {
cLen <- length(controlHist)
message('\rIteration: ',controlHist[[cLen]][['iteration']])
message('\rBIC: ',formatC(controlHist[[cLen]][['bic']], format = "e", digits = 2))
message("\rError: ",paste(paste(names(controlHist[[cLen]][['error']]),'='),formatC(controlHist[[cLen]][['error']], format = "e", digits = 2),collapse = ', '))
message("\rConvergence: ",paste(paste(names(controlHist[[cLen]][['count']]),'='),controlHist[[cLen]][['count']],collapse = ', '))
message("\r",paste('Initial probabilities: '),paste(formatC(theta[['pi']], format = "e", digits = 2),collapse = ' '))
message("\r",paste('Transition probabilities: '),paste(formatC(theta[['gamma']], format = "e", digits = 2),collapse = ' '))
if ('delta' %in% names(theta)) {
message("\r",paste('Mixture probabilities: '),paste(formatC(unlist(theta[['delta']]), format = "e", digits = 2),collapse = ' '))
message("\r",paste('Model coefficients: '),paste(formatC(unlist(theta[['psi']]), format = "e", digits = 2),collapse = ' '))
message("\rTime elapsed (mins): ",formatC(controlHist[[cLen]][['time']], format = "f", digits = 2))
if (level == 3) {
message("EM algorithm converged!")
### Melt data.table for plotting counts
meltCounts <- function(DT,ranges,object,subobject,peaks,annotation,subsetIdx) {
Sample = Window = .N = NULL
if (methods::is(ranges)[1] == "GRanges") {
vars <- c('seqnames', 'start', 'end', 'width', 'strand')
DT <- cbind(DT, as.data.table(rowRanges(object))[subsetIdx, vars,
with = FALSE])
DT[, Window := seq_len(.N)]
DTmelt <- data.table::melt(DT,id.vars = c('Window', 'start'),
measure.vars = seq_len(ncol(DT) - 6),
value.name = 'Counts',
variable.name = 'Sample')
if (!is.null(peaks)) {
DTmelt[Sample == levels(Sample)[1], {
peaks := overlapsAny(subobject, peaks)
if (!is.null(annotation)) {
DTmelt[Sample == levels(Sample)[1], {
annotation := overlapsAny(subobject, annotation)
} else{
DT[, start := seq_len(nrow(object))[subsetIdx]]
DT[, Window := seq_len(.N)]
DTmelt <- data.table::melt(DT, id.vars = c('Window', 'start'),
measure.vars = seq_len(ncol(DT) - 2),
value.name = 'Counts',
variable.name = 'Sample')
if (!is.null(peaks)) {
DTmelt[Sample == levels(Sample)[1], {
peaks := peaks[subsetIdx]
if (!is.null(annotation)) {
DTmelt[Sample == levels(Sample)[1], {
annotation := annotation[subsetIdx]
return(list('DT' = DT, 'DTmelt' = DTmelt))
### Transform data.table for plotting counts
aggregateCounts <- function(DT,ifDifferential,object) {
if (ifDifferential) {
cond <- SummarizedExperiment::colData(object)$condition
nameCol <- paste0(unique(cond))
for (i in nameCol) {
DT[, paste0(i) := rowSums(.SD), .SDcols = which(cond == i)]
DT <- DT[, nameCol, with = FALSE]
} else{
nameCol <- paste0('Replicate ',
data.table::setnames(DT, nameCol)
### Sort epigraHMM object
sortObject = function(epigraHMMDataSet){
cData <- SummarizedExperiment::colData(epigraHMMDataSet)
oData <- base::order(cData[,c('condition','replicate')],decreasing = FALSE)
if (!all(oData == seq_len(nrow(cData)))) {
epigraHMMDataSet <- epigraHMMDataSet[,oData]
message("Rows of colData have been sorted with respect to conditions (and replicates). The resulting colData is:")
message(paste0(utils::capture.output(SummarizedExperiment::colData(epigraHMMDataSet)), collapse = "\n"))
### Invert parameters for glm.nb and glm.zinb
invertDispersion = function(par,model){
if (model == 'nb') {
return(c(par[seq_len((length(par) - 1))], 1 / par[length(par)]))
if (model == 'zinb') {
if (length(par) == 3) {
return(c(par[2], 1 / par[3], par[1]))
} else{
return(c(par[c(3, 4)], 1 / par[5], par[c(1, 2)]))
### Function to enumerate combinatorial patterns from initializing peaks
enumeratePatterns = function(object,group){
Window = ref = .N = NULL
uniGroup <- unique(group)
# Peaks by group
chain <- data.table::setDT(lapply(uniGroup,function(x){
peakVec <- SummarizedExperiment::assay(object, 'peaks')[, which(group == x), drop = FALSE]
1*(Matrix::rowSums(peakVec) > 0)
chain[,Window := seq_len(.N)]
# Creating reference table
ref[paste0('ChIP',seq_len(length(uniGroup)))] <- list(NULL)
for (i in names(ref)) {
ref[[i]] <- c(0, 1)
ref <- as.data.table(expand.grid(ref))
ref <- ref[order(rowSums(ref)),]
ref$Group <- seq_len(nrow(ref))
chain <- merge(chain, ref,
by = paste0('ChIP', seq_len(length(uniGroup))),
all.x = TRUE)
return(list('group' = chain[order(Window)][, c('Group'), with = FALSE],
'ref' = ref))
### Function to associate mixture components with combinatorial patterns
determineMixtures <- function(pattern,group,nGroup,ref){
if (is.list(pattern)) {
B <- length(pattern)
z.seq <- lapply(seq_len(B),FUN = function(x){
aux <- rep(FALSE,nGroup)
aux[pattern[[x]]] <- TRUE
refMat <- (as.matrix(ref[,seq_len(nGroup),with = FALSE]) == 1)
which(apply(refMat,1,FUN = function(x){
all(x == aux)
} else{
if (is.null(pattern)) {
B <- 2 ^ (length(unique(group))) - 2
z.seq <- lapply(1 + seq_len(B),FUN = function(x){x})
} else {
stop('Error: pattern should be either NULL or a list. Check controlEM()')
return(list('B' = B,'zSeq' = z.seq))
### Generate differential (mixture) intercepts
generateMixtureIntercepts <- function(pattern,group,nGroup,ref,M,B){
if (is.list(pattern)) {
patList <- lapply(pattern,FUN = function(x){
aux <- rep(FALSE, nGroup)
aux[x] <- TRUE
refMat <- as.matrix(ref[,seq_len(nGroup),with = FALSE]) == 1
which(apply(refMat,1,FUN = function(x){
all(x == aux)
model <- lapply(unlist(patList),FUN = function(x){
cbind(rep(t(ref[x,seq_len(nGroup),with = FALSE]),
times = M*table(group)))
if (is.null(pattern)) {
model <- lapply(1 + seq_len(B),FUN = function(x){
cbind(rep(t(ref[x,seq_len(nGroup),with = FALSE]),
times = M*table(group)))
### Estimate mixture probabilities for initialization
estimateMixtureProb = function(zDifferential,zSeq,B){
mixList <- lapply(seq_len(B),FUN = function(i){
subz.diff <- zDifferential[zDifferential %in% unlist(zSeq)]
sum(subz.diff %in% zSeq[[i]] / length(subz.diff))
### Estimate model coefficients for differential model initialization
estimateCoefficients <- function(z,dt,dist,type,control){
Window = ChIP = offsets = mu = sigma2 = NULL
# Naive estimation
parList <- lapply(range(z),function(x){
subpar <- dt[Window %in% which(z == x),{
list(mu = mean((ChIP + 1) / exp(offsets)),
sigma2 = stats::var((ChIP + 1) / exp(offsets)))
subpar[, c(zip = max(0.01, (sigma2 - mu) / (sigma2 + mu ^ 2 - mu)),
mu = mu,
disp = min((mu ^ 2) / max(0, sigma2 - mu), control[['maxDisp']]))]
# Adjusting parameters for the chosen distribution
par <- list()
if (type == 'differential') {
if (dist == 'nb') {
par[[1]] <- log(parList[[1]][-1])
par[[2]] <- log(parList[[2]][-1]) - log(parList[[1]][-1])
} else{
par[[1]] <- log(parList[[1]])
par[[2]] <- log(parList[[2]][-1]) - log(parList[[1]][-1])
} else{
ifControls <- ifelse('controls' %in% names(dt),0,NA)
if (dist == 'nb') {
par[[1]] <- c(log(parList[[1]]['mu']),ifControls,
par[[2]] <- c(log(parList[[2]]['mu']),ifControls,
} else{
par[[1]] <- c(log(parList[[1]]['zip']),ifControls,
par[[2]] <- c(log(parList[[2]]['mu']),ifControls,
### Create control list to track EM algorithm
controlList <- function(time = 0,
iteration = 0,
convergence = 0,
bic = 0,
q = 0,
MRCPE = c('error' = 0,'count' = 0),
MACPE = c('error' = 0,'count' = 0),
ARCEL = c('error' = 0,'count' = 0)){
return(list('time' = time,
'iteration' = iteration,
'convergence' = convergence,
'bic' = bic,
'q' = q,
'error' = c('MRCPE' = MRCPE[['error']], 'MACPE' = MACPE[['error']], 'ARCEL' = ARCEL[['error']]),
'count' = c('MRCPE' = MRCPE[['count']], 'MACPE' = MACPE[['count']], 'ARCEL' = ARCEL[['count']])))
### Get combinatorial patterns
getPatterns <- function(x,hdf5){
patterns <- rhdf5::h5read(hdf5,'mixturePatterns')
conditions <- unique(x$condition)
out <- unlist(lapply(patterns,function(x){
paste(conditions[as.numeric(gregexpr('E',x)[[1]])],collapse = '-')
### Print message during combinatorial pattern prunning
verbosePrunning <- function(level,control, info = NULL,
patternTable = NULL, idxReduced = NULL, BIC = NULL){
if (isFALSE(control[['quietPruning']])) {
if (level == 1) {
message('Full model (BIC = ',
formatC(info$BIC,digits = 2,format = 'f'),')\n')
collapse = "\n"))
message('Prunning enrichment patterns\n')
if (level == 2) {
p <- formatC(patternTable$PosteriorProportion[idxReduced],
digits = 2,format = 'e')
message(paste0('- ',patternTable$Enrichment[idxReduced],
' (p = ',p,')',' ... '),appendLF = FALSE)
if (level == 3) {
bicChange <- formatC(100*(BIC - info$BIC)/info$BIC,
digits = 2,format = 'f')
message('% BIC rel. change = ',bicChange,'.')
if (level == 4) {
message('Reduced model (BIC = ',
formatC(info$BIC,digits = 2,format = 'f'),')\n')
collapse = "\n"))
### Prune differential combinartorial patterns of enrichment
prunePatterns <- function(object,control,dist){
Enrichment = NULL
threshold <- control[['pruningThreshold']]
control['pruningThreshold'] <- list(NULL)
# Fit full model
fitFull <- epigraHMM(object = object,control = control,type = 'differential',dist = dist)
info_fitFull <- info(fitFull)
patternTable <- info_fitFull$Components
conditionTable <-
# Verbose
verbosePrunning(level = 1,control = control,info = info_fitFull)
# Pruning states
while (any(patternTable$PosteriorProportion < threshold)) {
# Removing meta
# Find rarest pattern
idx_Reduced <- which.min(patternTable$PosteriorProportion)
subPatternTable <- patternTable[-idx_Reduced,]
# Verbose
verbosePrunning(level = 2,control = control,patternTable = patternTable,
idxReduced = idx_Reduced)
# Setting combinatorial patterns
control[['pattern']] <-
comp <- as.character(subPatternTable[x,]$Enrichment)
comp <- strsplit(comp,'-')[[1]]
comp <- lapply(comp,function(z){
conditionTable[Enrichment == z,]$Component
# Fit reduced model
fitReduced <-
epigraHMM(object = object,control = control,type = 'differential',dist = dist)
info_fitReduced <- info(fitReduced)
patternTable <- info_fitReduced$Components
verbosePrunning(level = 3,control = control,BIC = info_fitReduced$BIC,
info = info_fitFull)
# Verbose
verbosePrunning(level = 4,control = control,info = info_fitReduced)
S4Vectors::metadata(fitReduced)$control[['pruningThreshold']] <- threshold
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