### R script w/ the log-likelihood functions used in epigraHMM
### Log-likelihood function of a mixture of NB with constrained parameters
loglikDifferential = function(dt,delta,psi,N,M,dist,minZero){
Dsg.Mix = ChIP = offsets = .SD = NULL
if (dist == 'nb') {
ll <- lapply(seq_len(length(delta)),FUN = function(b){
log(delta[b]) + rowSums(matrix(dt[,Dsg.Mix := .SD,.SDcols = paste0('Dsg.Mix',b)][,{
stats::dnbinom(x = ChIP,
mu = exp(psi[1] + psi[3] * Dsg.Mix + offsets),
size = exp(psi[2] + psi[4] * Dsg.Mix),
log = TRUE)
}], nrow = M, ncol = N, byrow = FALSE))
dt[,Dsg.Mix := NULL]
} else{
ll <- lapply(seq_len(length(delta)),FUN = function(b){
log(delta[b]) + rowSums(matrix(dt[,{
(.SD == 1)*stats::dnbinom(x = ChIP,
mu = exp(psi[2] + psi[4] + offsets),
size = exp(psi[3] + psi[5]),
log = TRUE) +
(.SD == 0)*dzinb(x = ChIP,mu = exp(psi[2] + offsets),
size = exp(psi[3]),
zip = exp(psi[1])/(1 + exp(psi[1])),
minZero = minZero)
},.SDcols = paste0('Dsg.Mix',b)],
nrow = M, ncol = N, byrow = FALSE))
### Log-likelihood function with mixtures sharing unique set of parameters
loglikDifferentialHMM = function(dt,theta,N,M,minZero,dist){
ChIP = offsets = NULL
psi <- unlist(theta$psi)
delta <- theta$delta
LL <- matrix(0, nrow = M, ncol = 3)
if (dist == 'nb') {
#LL from Background
LL[,1] <- rowSums(matrix(dt[,{
stats::dnbinom(x = ChIP,
mu = exp(psi[1] + offsets),
size = exp(psi[2]),
log = TRUE)
}], nrow = M, ncol = N, byrow = FALSE))
#LL from Mixture
LL[,2] <- log(base::Reduce(`+`,{
llDiferential <-
loglikDifferential(dt = dt,delta = delta,psi = psi,N = N,
M = M,dist = dist,minZero = minZero)
lapply(llDiferential,FUN = exp)
#LL from Enrichment
LL[,3] <- rowSums(matrix(dt[,{
stats::dnbinom(x = ChIP,
mu = exp(psi[1] + psi[3] + offsets),
size = exp(psi[2] + psi[4]),
log = TRUE)
}], nrow = M, ncol = N, byrow = FALSE))
} else{
#LL from Background
LL[,1] = rowSums(matrix(dt[,{
dzinb(x = ChIP,
mu = exp(psi[2] + offsets),
size = exp(psi[3]),
zip = exp(psi[1]) / (1 + exp(psi[1])),
minZero = minZero)
}], nrow = M, ncol = N, byrow = FALSE))
#LL from Mixture
LL[,2] <- log(base::Reduce(`+`,{
llDifferential <-
loglikDifferential(dt = dt,delta = delta,psi = psi,N = N,
M = M,dist = dist,minZero = minZero)
lapply(llDifferential,FUN = exp)
#LL from Enrichment
LL[,3] = rowSums(matrix(dt[,{
stats::dnbinom(x = ChIP,
mu = exp(psi[2] + psi[4] + offsets),
size = exp(psi[3] + psi[5]),
log = TRUE)
}], nrow = M, ncol = N, byrow = FALSE))
LL[is.infinite(LL)] <- log(minZero)
### Log-likelihood function of HMM for consensus peak calling
loglikConsensusHMM = function(dt,theta,N,M,minZero,dist){
ChIP = offsets = controls = yvec0 = zip = ll00 = ll01 = .SD = NULL
LL <- matrix(0, nrow = M, ncol = 2)
useControl <- ('controls' %in% names(dt))
theta1 <- theta$psi[[1]]
theta2 <- theta$psi[[2]]
if (dist == 'nb') {
#LL from Background
LL[,1] <- rowSums(matrix(dt[,{
mu <- exp(theta1[1]+ifelse(useControl,theta1[2]*controls,0)+offsets)
size <- ifelse(useControl,theta1[3],theta1[2])
log(stats::dnbinom(x = ChIP,mu = mu,size = size,log=FALSE)+minZero)
}], nrow = M, ncol = N, byrow = FALSE))
#LL from Enrichment
LL[,2] <- rowSums(matrix(dt[,{
mu <- exp(theta2[1]+ifelse(useControl,theta2[2]*controls,0)+offsets)
size <- ifelse(useControl,theta2[3],theta2[2])
log(stats::dnbinom(x = ChIP,mu = mu,size = size,log=FALSE)+minZero)
}], nrow = M, ncol = N, byrow = FALSE))
} else{
#LL from Background
LL[,1] <- rowSums(matrix(dt[,{
xbeta <- ifelse(useControl,theta1[1] + theta1[2]*controls,theta1[1])+offsets
mu00 <- exp(ifelse(useControl,theta1[3] + theta1[4]*controls,theta1[2]) + offsets)
size00 <- ifelse(useControl,theta1[5],theta1[3])
mu01 <- exp(ifelse(useControl,theta1[3] + theta1[4]*controls,theta1[2]) + offsets)
size01 <- ifelse(useControl,theta1[5],theta1[3])
ll00 <- log(stats::dnbinom(x = 0,mu = mu00,size = size00,log=FALSE)+minZero)
ll01 <- log(stats::dnbinom(x = ChIP,mu = mu01,size = size01,log=FALSE)+minZero)
cbind('zip' = 1/(1+exp(-xbeta)),'yvec0' = 1*(ChIP == 0),'ll00' = ll00,'ll01' = ll01,.SD)
}][,yvec0*log(zip+exp(log(1-zip)+ll00)) + (1-yvec0)*(log(1-zip)+ll01)],nrow=M,ncol=N,byrow=FALSE))
#LL from Enrichment
LL[,2] <- rowSums(matrix(dt[,{
mu <- exp(ifelse(useControl,theta2[1]+theta2[2]*controls,theta2[1])+offsets)
size <- ifelse(useControl,theta2[3],theta2[2])
log(stats::dnbinom(x = ChIP,mu = mu,size = size,log=FALSE)+minZero)
}], nrow = M, ncol = N, byrow = FALSE))
### Function to calculate the log-transformed probability dist. of a ZINB model
### It agrees with the function VGAM::dzinegbin, except that a small quantity
### is added to stats::dnbinom to avoid having -Inf when passing this function
### to optim-'L-BFGS-B'.
dzinb = function(x, size, mu, zip, log = TRUE, minZero) {
if (log == TRUE) {
log(zip * (x == 0) + (1 - zip) * (stats::dnbinom(x,mu = mu,size = size,log = FALSE)+minZero))
} else{
zip*(x==0)+(1-zip)*(stats::dnbinom(x,mu = mu,size = size,log = FALSE)+minZero)
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