#' The mother abstract class of all database entry classes.
#' An entry is an element of a database, identifiable by its accession number.
#' Each contains a list of fields defined by a name and a value. The details of
#' all fields that can be set into an entry are defined inside the class
#' \code{BiodbEntryFields}. From this class are derived other abstract classes
#' for different types of entry contents: \code{BiodbTxtEntry},
#' \code{BiodbXmlEntry}, \code{BiodbCsvEntry}, \code{BiodbJsonEntry} and
#' \code{BiodbHtmlEntry}. Then concrete classes are derived for each database:
#' \code{CompCsvEntry}, \code{MassCsvEntry}, etc. For biodb users, there is no
#' need to know this hierarchy; the knowledge of this class and its methods is
#' sufficient.
#' @seealso \code{\link{BiodbFactory}}, \code{\link{BiodbConn}},
#' \code{\link{BiodbEntryFields}}.
#' @examples
#' # Create an instance with default settings:
#' mybiodb <- biodb::newInst()
#' # Get a compound CSV file database
#' chebi.tsv <- system.file("extdata", "chebi_extract.tsv", package='biodb')
#' # Get the connector of a compound database
#' conn <- mybiodb$getFactory()$createConn('comp.csv.file', url=chebi.tsv)
#' # Get an entry:
#' entry <- conn$getEntry(conn$getEntryIds(1))
#' # Get all defined fields:
#' entry$getFieldNames()
#' # Get a field value:
#' accession <- entry$getFieldValue('accession')
#' # Test if a field is defined:
#' if (entry$hasField('name'))
#' print(paste("The entry's name is ", entry$getFieldValue('name'),
#' '.', sep=''))
#' # Export an entry as a data frame:
#' df <- entry$getFieldsAsDataframe()
#' # You can set or reset a field's value:
#' entry$setFieldValue('mass', 1893.1883)
#' # Terminate instance.
#' mybiodb$terminate()
#' @import R6
#' @import lifecycle
#' @export
BiodbEntry <- R6::R6Class("BiodbEntry",
#' @description
#' New instance initializer. Entry objects must not be created directly.
#' Instead, they are retrieved through the connector instances.
#' @param parent A valid BiodbConn instance.
#' @return Nothing.
initialize=function(parent) {
abstractClass('BiodbEntry', self)
private$fields <- list()
private$new <- FALSE
#' @description
#' Tests if the parent of this entry is a connector instance.
#' @return TRUE if this entry belongs to a connector, FALSE otherwise.
parentIsAConnector=function() {
return(methods::is(private$parent, "BiodbConn"))
#' @description
#' Returns the parent instance (A BiodbConn or BiodbFactory object) to which
#' this object is attached.
#' @return A BiodbConn instance or a BiodbFactory object.
getParent=function() {
#' @description
#' Returns the biodb main class instance to which this object is
#' attached.
#' @return The main biodb instance.
getBiodb=function() {
#' @description
#' Clones this entry.
#' @param db.class The database class (the Biodb database ID) of the
#' clone. By setting this parameter, you can specify a different database
#' for the clone, so you may clone an entry into another database if you
#' wish. By default the class of the clone will be the same as the
#' original entry.
#' @return The clone, as a new BiodbEntry instance.
cloneInstance=function(db.class=NULL) {
# TODO IMPORTANT See if we can use reserved R6 clone() method instead.
# Create new entry
cl <- if (is.null(db.class)) self$getDbClass() else db.class
clone <- self$getBiodb()$getFactory()$createNewEntry(db.class=cl)
# Copy fields
clone$.__enclos_env__$private$fields <- private$fields
#' @description
#' Gets the entry ID.
#' @return the entry ID, which is the value if the `accession` field.
getId=function() {
#' @description
#' Tests if this entry is new.
#' @return TRUE if this entry was newly created, FALSE otherwise.
isNew=function() {
#' @description
#' Gets the ID of the database associated with this entry.
#' @return The name of the database class associated with this entry.
getDbClass=function() {
# Get class name
s <- class(self)[[1]]
# Get connection class name
indices <- as.integer(gregexpr('[A-Z]', s, perl=TRUE)[[1]])
# Add dots
last.word <- TRUE
for (i in rev(indices))
if (last.word) {
# We cut last word which should be "Entry"
s <- substring(s, 1, i - 1)
last.word <- FALSE
else if (i != 1)
s <- paste(substring(s, 1, i - 1), '.', substring(s, i), sep='')
# Set to lowercase
s <- tolower(s)
#' @description
#' Sets the value of a field. If the field is not already set for this
#' entry, then the field will be created. See BiodbEntryFields for a list of
#' possible fields in biodb.
#' @param field The name of a field.
#' @param value The value to set.
#' @return Nothing.
setFieldValue=function(field, value) {
field.def <- self$getBiodb()$getEntryFields()$get(field)
field <- field.def$getName()
# Specific case to handle objects.
if (field.def$isObject() && !(isS4(value) & methods::is(value, "refClass")))
error0('Cannot set a non RC instance to field "', field,
'" in BiodEntry.')
# Check value class
if (field.def$isAtomic()) {
if (length(value) == 0)
error0('Cannot set an empty value into field "', field, '".')
v <- as.vector(value, mode=field.def$getClass())
if ( ! all(is.na(value)) && all(is.na(v)))
warn0("Unable to convert value(s) \"",
paste(value, collapse=', '), "\" into ",
field.def$getClass(), " type for field \"", field,
value <- v
# Check value
# Correct value
value <- field.def$correctValue(value)
# Remove duplicates
if (field.def$forbidsDuplicates() || (field.def$isAtomic()
&& field.def$hasCardOne()))
value <- value[ ! duplicated(if (field.def$isCaseInsensitive())
tolower(value) else value)]
# Check cardinality
if ( ! field.def$isDataFrame() && field.def$hasCardOne()) {
if (length(value) > 1)
error0('Cannot set more that one value (',
paste(value, collapse=', '),
') into single value field "', field, '" for entry ',
self$getName(), '.')
if (length(value) == 0)
error0('Cannot set an empty vector into single value field "',
field, '" for entry ', self$getName(), '.')
# Set value
private$fields[[field.def$getName()]] <- value
#' @description
#' Appends a value to an existing field. If the field is not defined for
#' this entry, then the field will be created and set to this value. Only
#' fields with a cardinality greater than one can accept multiple values.
#' @param field The name of a field.
#' @param value The value to append.
#' @return Nothing.
appendFieldValue=function(field, value) {
if (self$hasField(field))
self$setFieldValue(field, c(self$getFieldValue(field), value))
self$setFieldValue(field, value)
#' @description
#' Gets a list of all fields defined for this entry.
#' @return A character vector containing all field names defined in
#' this entry.
getFieldNames=function() {
#' @description
#' Tests if a field is defined in this entry.
#' @param field The name of a field.
#' @return TRUE if the specified field is defined in this entry,
#' FALSE otherwise.
hasField=function(field) {
# Get field definition
field.def <- self$getBiodb()$getEntryFields()$get(field)
field <- field.def$getName()
return(tolower(field) %in% names(private$fields))
#' @description
#' Removes the specified field from this entry.
#' @param field The name of a field.
#' @return Nothing.
removeField=function(field) {
if (self$hasField(field))
private$fields <- private$fields[names(private$fields)
!= tolower(field)]
#' @description
#' Gets the value of the specified field.
#' @param field The name of a field.
#' @param compute If set to TRUE and a field is not defined, try to compute it
#' using internal defined computing rules. If set to FALSE, let the field
#' undefined.
#' @param flatten If set to TRUE and a field's value is a vector of more than
#' one element, then export the field's value as a single string composed of
#' the field's value concatenated and separated by the character defined in the
#' 'multival.field.sep' config key. If set to FALSE or the field contains only
#' one value, changes nothing.
#' @param last If set to TRUE and a field's value is a vector of more than one
#' element, then export only the last value. If set to FALSE, changes nothing.
#' @param limit The maximum number of values to get in case the field contains
#' more than one value.
#' @param withNa If set to TRUE, keep NA values. Otherwise filter out NAs
#' values in vectors.
#' @param duplicatedValues If set to TRUE, keeps duplicated values.
#' @return The value of the field.
getFieldValue=function(field, compute=TRUE, flatten=FALSE, last=FALSE, limit=0,
withNa=TRUE, duplicatedValues=TRUE) {
val <- NULL
field <- tolower(field)
cfg <- self$getBiodb()$getConfig()
# Get field definition
field.def <- self$getBiodb()$getEntryFields()$get(field)
field <- field.def$getName()
# Compute field value
if (compute && ! self$hasField(field) && ! field.def$isVirtual())
# Get value for real field
if (self$hasField(field))
val <- private$fields[[field]]
# Get value of virtual field
else if (field.def$isVirtual()) {
gbt <- field.def$getVirtualGroupByType()
# Gather other fields to build data frame
if (field.def$isDataFrame() && ! is.null(gbt))
val <- self$getFieldsAsDataframe(fields.type=gbt,
flatten=FALSE, duplicate.rows=FALSE, only.atomic=FALSE,
error0('Do not know how to compute virtual field "', field,
'" for entry "', self$getFieldValue('accession'), '".')
# Unset field
else {
# Return NULL or NA
val <- if (field.def$isAtomic() && field.def$hasCardOne())
as.vector(NA, mode=field.def$getClass()) else NULL
# Get last value only
if (last && field.def$hasCardMany() && length(val) > 1)
val <- val[[length(val)]]
# Remove NA values
if ( ! withNa && ! is.null(val) && length(val) > 0)
val <- val[ ! is.na(val)]
# Limit
if (limit > 0 && ! is.null(val) && length(val) > limit)
val <- val[seq(limit)]
# Remove duplicated values
if ( ! duplicatedValues)
val <- val[ ! duplicated(val)]
# Flatten: convert atomic values with cardinality > 1 into a string
if (flatten && ! is.null(val)) {
if (field.def$isAtomic() && field.def$hasCardMany()
&& length(val) > 1) {
if (all(is.na(val)))
val <- as.vector(NA, mode=field.def$getClass())
val <- paste(val, collapse=cfg$get('multival.field.sep'))
#' @description
#' Gets the fields of this entry that have the specified type.
#' @param type The type of fields to retrieve.
#' @return A character vector containing the field names.
getFieldsByType=function(type) {
ef <- self$getBiodb()$getEntryFields()
fct <- function(f) { ef$get(f)$getType() == type }
fields <- Filter(fct, names(private$fields))
#' @description
#' Converts this entry into a data frame.
#' @param only.atomic If set to TRUE, only export field's values that are atomic
#' @param (i.e. of type vector).
#' @param compute If set to TRUE and a field is not defined, try to compute it
#' using internal defined computing rules. If set to FALSE, let the field
#' undefined.
#' @param fields Set to character vector of field names in order to restrict
#' execution to this set of fields.
#' @param fields.type If set, output all the fields of the specified type.
#' @param flatten If set to TRUE and a field's value is a vector of more than
#' one element, then export the field's value as a single string composed of
#' the field's value concatenated and separated by the character defined in the
#' 'multival.field.sep' config key. If set to FALSE or the field contains only
#' one value, changes nothing.
#' @param limit The maximum number of field values to write into new columns.
#' Used for fields that can contain more than one value.
#' @param only.card.one If set to TRUE, only fields with a cardinality of one
#' will be extracted.
#' @param own.id If set to TRUE includes the database id field named
#' `<database_name>.id` whose values are the same as the `accession` field.
#' @param duplicate.rows If set to TRUE and merging field values with
#' cardinality greater than one, values will be duplicated.
#' @param sort If set to TRUE sort the order of columns alphabetically,
#' otherwise do not sort.
#' @param virtualFields If set to TRUE includes also virtual fields, otherwise
#' excludes them.
#' @return A data frame containg the values of the fields.
getFieldsAsDataframe=function(only.atomic=TRUE, compute=TRUE, fields=NULL,
fields.type=NULL, flatten=TRUE, limit=0, only.card.one=FALSE, own.id=TRUE,
duplicate.rows=TRUE, sort=FALSE, virtualFields=FALSE) {
if ( ! is.null(fields))
fields <- tolower(fields)
# Compute fields
if (compute)
# Select fields
fields <- private$selectFields(fields=fields, fields.type=fields.type,
own.id=own.id, only.atomic=only.atomic, only.card.one=only.card.one)
# Organize fields by groups
groups <- private$organizeFieldsByGroups(fields)
# Process data frame groups
fct <- function(fields) {
private$fieldsToDataframe(fields, flatten=flatten, duplicate.rows=FALSE,
groupsDf <- lapply(groups$dfGrps, fct)
# Process single fields
singlesDf <- private$fieldsToDataframe(groups$singles,
duplicate.rows=duplicate.rows, flatten=flatten, limit=limit,
# Merge all data frames
outdf <- private$mergeDataframes(c(list(singlesDf), groupsDf),
# Sort
if (sort)
outdf <- outdf[, sort(names(outdf))]
#' @description
#' Converts this entry into a JSON string.
#' @param compute If set to TRUE and a field is not defined, try to compute it
#' using internal defined computing rules. If set to FALSE, let the field
#' undefined.
#' @return A JSON object from jsonlite package.
getFieldsAsJson=function(compute=TRUE) {
# Compute fields
if (compute)
return(jsonlite::toJSON(private$fields, pretty=TRUE, digits=NA_integer_,
#' @description
#' Parses content string and set values accordingly for this entry's
#' fields. This method is called automatically and should be run directly
#' by users.
#' @param content A character string containing definition for an entry and
#' @param obtained from a database. The format can be CSV, HTML, JSON,
#' XML, or just text.
#' @return Nothing.
parseContent=function(content) {
# No connector?
if ( ! self$parentIsAConnector())
error0('Impossible to parse content for this entry, because its',
' parent is not a connector.')
# Parse
if (private$isContentCorrect(content)) {
# Parse content
parsed.content <- private$doParseContent(content)
if (private$isParsedContentCorrect(parsed.content)) {
# Make sure the database id field is set to the same value as the accession
# field
# TODO Factorize this test in a separate method.
dbid.field <- private$parent$getEntryIdField()
if (self$hasField(dbid.field) && self$hasField('accession')) {
if (self$getFieldValue('accession') != self$getFieldValue(dbid.field))
error0('Value of accession field ("',
'") is different from value of ', dbid.field,
' field ("', self$getFieldValue(dbid.field), '").')
else {
if (self$hasField(dbid.field))
self$setFieldValue('accession', self$getFieldValue(dbid.field))
else if (self$hasField('accession'))
self$setFieldValue(dbid.field, self$getFieldValue('accession'))
#' @description
#' Computes fields. Look at all missing fields, and try to compute them
#' using references to other databases, if a rule exists.
#' @param fields A list of fields to review for computing. By default all fields
#' will be reviewed.
#' @return TRUE if at least one field was computed successfully,
#' FALSE otherwise.
computeFields=function(fields=NULL) {
success <- FALSE
if ( ! is.null(fields))
fields <- tolower(fields)
if (self$getBiodb()$getConfig()$isEnabled('compute.fields')) {
# Set of fields to compute
if (is.null(fields)) {
ef <- self$getBiodb()$getEntryFields()
fields <- ef$getFieldNames(computable=TRUE)
# Loop on all fields
for(f in fields) {
s <- private$computeField(f)
success <- success || s
#' @description
#' Displays short information about this instance.
#' @return Nothing.
print=function() {
db <- private$parent$getPropertyValue('name')
id <- self$getFieldValue('accession', compute=FALSE)
id <- if (is.na(id)) 'ID unknown' else id
cat("Biodb ", db, " entry instance ", id, ".\n", sep='')
#' @description
#' Gets a short text describing this entry instance.
#' @return A character value concatenating the connector name with
#' the entry accession.
getName=function() {
name <- paste(private$parent$getPropertyValue('name'),
#' @description
#' Tests if this entry makes reference to another entry.
#' @param db Another database connector.
#' @param oid A entry ID from database db.
#' @param recurse If set to TRUE, the algorithm will follow all references to
#' entries from other databases, to see if it can establish an indirect link to
#' `oid`.
#' @return TRUE if this entry makes reference to the entry oid from database
#' db, FALSE otherwise.
makesRefToEntry=function(db, oid, recurse=FALSE) {
makes_ref <- FALSE
field <- paste(db, 'id', sep='.')
# Check if oid is inside field
if (self$hasField(field) && oid %in% self$getFieldValue(field))
makes_ref <- TRUE
# Recursive search
else if (recurse)
makes_ref <- private$makesRefToEntryRecurse(db, oid)
# TODO Why not describe the recurse tree to follow in each DbInfo object?
# Specialy if we use JSON to register/define DbInfo objects.
#' @description
#' DEPRECATED. Gets the value of a field.
#' @param field The name of the field.
#' @return The value of the field.
getField=function(field) {
lifecycle::deprecate_soft('1.0.0', 'getField()', "getFieldValue()")
#' @description
#' DEPRECATED. Sets the value of a field.
#' @param field The name of the field.
#' @param value The new value of the field.
#' @return Nothing.
setField=function(field, value) {
lifecycle::deprecate_warn('1.0.0', 'setField()', "setFieldValue()")
self$setFieldValue(field, value)
#' @description
#' Gets the class of a field.
#' @param field The name of the field.
#' @return The class of the field.
getFieldClass=function(field) {
#' @description
#' Gets the definition of an entry field.
#' @param field The name of the field.
#' @return An object BiodbEntryField which defines the field.
getFieldDef=function(field) {
#' @description
#' Gets the cardinality of the field.
#' @param field The name of the field.
#' @return The cardinality of the field.
getFieldCardinality=function(field) {
#' @description
#' DEPRECATED. Use BiodbEntryField::isVector() instead.
#' @param field The name of the field.
#' @return TRUE if the field as a basic type (logical, numeric, character, ...).
fieldHasBasicClass=function(field) {
lifecycle::deprecate_warn('1.0.0', 'fieldHasBasicClass()',
setParent=function(parent) {
if ( ! (chk::vld_is(parent, 'BiodbConn')
|| chk::vld_is(parent, 'BiodbFactory')))
error0("'parent' must be either a BiodbConn instance or a BiodbFactory",
" instance.")
private$parent <- parent
setAsNew=function(isNew) {
private$new <- isNew
computeField=function(field) {
# Compute one single field
success <- FALSE
ef <- self$getBiodb()$getEntryFields()$get(field)
# Skip this field if we already have a value for it
if ( ! self$hasField(field) && ef$isComputable()) {
# Loop on all computing directives
for (directive in ef$isComputableFrom()) {
db <- directive$database
value <- NULL
# Database is itself
if (db == 'self' || (methods::is(private$parent, 'BiodbConn')
&& db == private$parent$getId())) {
# Look for field in entry
if ('fields' %in% names(directive))
for (otherField in directive$fields)
if (self$hasField(otherField)) {
value <- self$getFieldValue(otherField)
# Look into another database
else {
# Have we a reference for this database?
db.id.field <- paste(db, 'id', sep='.')
if ( ! self$hasField(db.id.field))
db.id <- self$getFieldValue(db.id.field, compute=FALSE)
if ( ! is.na(db.id)) {
# Get value for this field in the database
logDebug('Compute value for field "%s".', field)
db.entry <- self$getBiodb()$getFactory()$getEntry(db,
# Get found value
if ( ! is.null(db.entry))
value <- db.entry$getFieldValue(field, compute=FALSE)
# Set found value
if ( ! is.null(value)) {
self$setFieldValue(field, value)
success <- TRUE
makesRefToEntryRecurse=function(db, oid) {
isContentCorrect=function(content) {
correct <- ! is.null(content) && ((is.list(content) && length(content) > 0)
|| (is.character(content) && ! is.na(content) && content != ''))
# NOTE `nchar(content)` may give "invalid multibyte string, element 1" on
# some strings.
return(correct && private$doCheckContent(content))
,doCheckContent=function(content) {
,doParseContent=function(content) {
,isParsedContentCorrect=function(parsed.content) {
return( ! is.null(parsed.content)
&& ( ! is.vector(parsed.content) || length(parsed.content) > 1
|| ! is.na(parsed.content))
&& private$doCheckParsedContent(parsed.content)
,doCheckParsedContent=function(parsed.content) {
,doParseFieldsStep1=function(parsed.content) {
,doParseFieldsStep2=function(parsed.content) {
checkDbIdField=function() {
organizeFieldsByGroups=function(fields) {
singles <- character()
dfGrps <- list()
ef <- self$getBiodb()$getEntryFields()
logTrace('Fields %s', lst2str(fields))
for (field in fields) {
fieldDef <- ef$get(field)
# Data frame groups
dfGrp <- fieldDef$getDataFrameGroup()
if ( ! is.na(dfGrp))
dfGrps[[dfGrp]] <- c(dfGrps[[dfGrp]], field)
# Single fields
singles <- c(singles, field)
# Build groups
groups <- list(singles=singles, dfGrps=dfGrps)
logTrace('Groups %s', lst2str(groups))
selectFields=function(fields, fields.type, own.id, only.atomic, only.card.one)
logTrace('Fields %s', lst2str(fields))
logTrace('Fields type: %s', fields.type)
# Set fields to get
logTrace('Fields is null: %s', is.null(fields))
logTrace('Fields.type is null: %s', is.null(fields.type))
if ( ! is.null(fields.type))
fields <- self$getFieldsByType(fields.type)
else if (is.null(fields))
fields <- names(private$fields)
logTrace('Fields %s', lst2str(fields))
# Filter out unwanted fields
ef <- self$getBiodb()$getEntryFields()
if ( ! own.id) {
ownIdField <- private$parent$getEntryIdField()
fields <- Filter(function(f) f != ownIdField, fields)
if (only.atomic)
fields <- Filter(function(f) ef$get(f)$isAtomic(), fields)
if (only.card.one)
fields <- Filter(function(f) ef$get(f)$hasCardOne(), fields)
# Ignore if value is not data frame or vector
fields <- Filter(function(f) ef$get(f)$isAtomic() ||
ef$get(f)$isDataFrame(), fields)
# Keep only fields with a value
fields <- fields[fields %in% names(private$fields)]
logTrace('Fields %s', lst2str(fields))
fieldsToDataframe=function(fields, duplicate.rows, flatten, limit,
duplicatedValues=TRUE) {
# Transform values in data frames
toDf <- function(f) {
v <- self$getFieldValue(f, flatten=flatten, limit=limit,
# Transform vector into data frame
if (is.vector(v)) {
v <- as.data.frame(v, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
colnames(v) <- f
dataFrames <- lapply(fields, toDf)
# Merge data frames
outdf <- private$mergeDataframes(dataFrames, duplicate.rows=duplicate.rows)
mergeDataframes=function(dataframes, duplicate.rows) {
outdf <- data.frame(stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
for (v in dataframes)
if (nrow(v) > 0) {
if (nrow(outdf) == 0)
outdf <- v
else if ( ! duplicate.rows && nrow(outdf) == nrow(v))
outdf <- cbind(outdf, v)
outdf <- merge(outdf, v)
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