#' The mother abstract class of all database connectors.
#' This is the super class of all connector classes. All methods defined here
#' are thus common to all connector classes. All connector classes inherit
#' from this abstract class.
#' See section Fields for a list of the constructor's
#' parameters. Concrete classes may have direct web services methods or other
#' specific methods implemented, in which case they will be described inside the
#' documentation of the concrete class. Please refer to the documentation of
#' each concrete class for more information. The database direct web services
#' methods will be named "ws.*".
#' The constructor has the following arguments:
#' id: The identifier of the connector.
#' cache.id: The identifier used in the disk cache.
#' @seealso Super class \code{\link{BiodbConnBase}}, and
#' \code{\link{BiodbFactory}} class.
#' @examples
#' # Create an instance with default settings:
#' mybiodb <- biodb::newInst()
#' # Get a compound CSV file database
#' chebi.tsv <- system.file("extdata", "chebi_extract.tsv", package='biodb')
#' # Create a connector
#' conn <- mybiodb$getFactory()$createConn('comp.csv.file', url=chebi.tsv)
#' # Get 10 identifiers from the database:
#' ids <- conn$getEntryIds(10)
#' # Get number of entries contained in the database:
#' n <- conn$getNbEntries()
#' # Terminate instance.
#' mybiodb$terminate()
#' @import R6
#' @import openssl
#' @import plyr
#' @include BiodbConnBase.R
#' @export
BiodbConn <- R6::R6Class("BiodbConn",
#' @description
#' New instance initializer. Connector objects must not be created directly.
#' Instead, you create new connector instances through the BiodbFactory
#' instance.
#' @param id The ID of the connector instance.
#' @param cache.id The Cache ID of the connector instance.
#' @param bdb The BiodbMain instance.
#' @param ... Remaining arguments will be passed to the constructor of the
#' super class.
#' @return Nothing.
initialize=function(id=NA_character_, cache.id=NA_character_, bdb, ...) {
abstractClass('BiodbConn', self)
logDebug("Initialize connector %s.", id)
chk::chk_is(bdb, 'BiodbMain')
private$bdb <- bdb
private$id <- id
private$cache.id <- if (is.null(cache.id)) NA_character_ else cache.id
private$entries <- list()
# Register with request scheduler
if (self$isRemotedb()) {
logDebug("Register connector %s with the request scheduler", id)
#' @description
#' Returns the biodb main class instance to which this object is
#' attached.
#' @return The main biodb instance.
getBiodb=function() {
#' @description
#' Get the identifier of this connector.
#' @return The identifier of this connector.
getId=function() {
#' @description
#' Prints a description of this connector.
#' @return Nothing.
print=function() {
cat(" ID: ", private$id, ".\n", sep='')
#' @description
#' Correct a vector of IDs by formatting them to the database official
#' format, if required and possible.
#' @param ids A character vector of IDs.
#' @return The vector of IDs corrected.
correctIds=function(ids) {
#' @description
#' Return the entry corresponding to this ID. You can pass a vector of
#' IDs, and you will get a list of entries.
#' @param id A character vector containing entry identifiers.
#' @param drop If set to TRUE and only one entry is requrested, then the
#' returned value will be a single BiodbEntry object, otherwise it will be
#' a list of BiodbEntry objects.
#' @param nulls If set to TRUE, NULL entries are preserved. This ensures
#' that the output list has the same length than the input vector `id`.
#' Otherwise they are removed from the final list.
#' @return A list of BiodbEntry objects, the same size of the vector of
#' IDs. The list will contain NULL values for invalid IDs. If drop is set
#' to TRUE and only one etrny was requested then a single BiodbEntry is
#' returned instead of a list.
getEntry=function(id, drop=TRUE, nulls=TRUE) {
entries <- private$bdb$getFactory()$getEntry(self$getId(), id=id,
if ( ! nulls && is.list(entries))
entries <- Filter(function(e) ! is.null(e), entries)
#' @description
#' Get the path to the persistent cache file.
#' @param entry.id The identifiers (e.g.: accession numbers) as a
#' character vector of the database entries.
#' @return A character vector, the same length as the vector of IDs,
#' containing the paths to the cache files corresponding to the requested
#' entry IDs.
getCacheFile=function(entry.id) {
c <- private$bdb$getPersistentCache()
fp <- c$getFilePath(self$getCacheId(), entry.id, self$getEntryFileExt())
#' @description
#' Get the contents of database entries from IDs (accession numbers).
#' @param id A character vector of entry IDs.
#' @return A character vector containing the contents of the requested
#' IDs. If no content is available for an entry ID, then NA will be used.
getEntryContent=function(id) {
content <- list()
cch <- private$bdb$getPersistentCache()
nm <- self$getPropertyValue('name')
if ( ! is.null(id) && length(id) > 0) {
id <- as.character(id)
# Debug
logDebug0("Get ", nm, " entry content(s) for ", length(id),
" id(s)...")
# Download full database
if (self$isDownloadable())
# Initialize content
if (cch$isReadable(self) && ! is.null(self$getCacheId())) {
# Load content from cache
content <- cch$loadFileContent(self$getCacheId(),
name=id, ext=self$getEntryFileExt())
missing.ids <- id[vapply(content, is.null, FUN.VALUE=TRUE)]
else {
content <- lapply(id, as.null)
missing.ids <- id
# Remove duplicates
n.duplicates <- sum(duplicated(missing.ids))
missing.ids <- missing.ids[ ! duplicated(missing.ids)]
# Remove NAs
missing.ids <- missing.ids[ ! is.na(missing.ids)]
# Debug
if (any(is.na(id)))
logDebug("%d %s entry ids are NA.", sum(is.na(id)), nm)
if (cch$isReadable(self)) {
nld <- sum( ! is.na(id)) - length(missing.ids)
logDebug("%d %s entry content(s) loaded from cache.", nld, nm)
if (n.duplicates > 0)
logDebug0(n.duplicates, " ", nm, " entry ids, whose content",
" needs to be fetched, are duplicates.")
# Get contents
if (length(missing.ids) > 0
&& ( ! self$isDownloadable() || ! self$isDownloaded())) {
logDebug0(length(missing.ids), " entry content(s) need to be ",
"fetched from ", nm, " database \"",
self$getPropValSlot('urls', 'base.url'), "\".")
# Divide list of missing ids in chunks
# (in order to save in cache regularly)
cs <- private$bdb$getConfig()$get('dwnld.chunk.size')
logDebug('dwnld.chunk.size=%d', cs)
chunks.of.missing.ids <- if (is.na(cs)) list(missing.ids)
else split(missing.ids, ceiling(seq_along(missing.ids) / cs))
logDebug('%d chunk(s) to download.', length(chunks.of.missing.ids))
# Loop on chunks
missing.contents <- NULL
for (ch.missing.ids in chunks.of.missing.ids) {
# Get contents of missing entries
ec <- self$getEntryContentFromDb(ch.missing.ids)
# Save to cache
if ( ! is.null(ec)
&& ! is.null(self$getCacheId()) && cch$isWritable(self))
cache.id=self$getCacheId(), name=ch.missing.ids,
# Append
missing.contents <- c(missing.contents, ec)
# Debug
if (cch$isReadable(self)) {
n <- length(missing.ids) - length(missing.contents)
logDebug("Now %d id(s) left to be retrieved...", n)
# Merge content and missing.contents
missing.contents <- as.list(missing.contents)
ii <- vapply(id[id %in% missing.ids],
function(x) which(missing.ids == x), FUN.VALUE=1L)
content[id %in% missing.ids] <- missing.contents[ii]
#' @description
#' Get the contents of entries directly from the database. A direct
#' request or an access to the database will be made in order to retrieve the
#' contents. No access to the biodb cache system will be made.
#' @param entry.id A character vector with the IDs of entries to retrieve.
#' @return A character vector, the same size of entry.id, with
#' contents of the requested entries. An NA value will be set for the content
#' of each entry for which the retrieval failed.
getEntryContentFromDb=function(entry.id) {
#' @description
#' Gets the URL to use in order to get the contents of the specified
#' entries.
#' @param entry.id A character vector with the IDs of entries to retrieve.
#' @param concatenate If set to TRUE, then try to build as few URLs as
#' possible, sending requests with several identifiers at once.
#' @param max.length The maximum length of the URLs to return, in
#' number of characters.
#' @return A vector of URL strings.
getEntryContentRequest=function(entry.id, concatenate=TRUE, max.length=0) {
urls <- character(0)
if (length(entry.id) > 0) {
# Get full URL
full.url <- private$doGetEntryContentRequest(entry.id,
# Are URLs acceptable?
if (max.length == 0 # OK, no restrictions.
|| all(nchar(full.url) <= max.length) # OK, no URL is too long
|| length(entry.id) <= length(full.url)) # OK, fewer IDs than URLs
urls <- full.url
# Some URLs are too long and we have more IDs than URLs,
# so we try to create more URLs with less IDs in each.
else {
logDebug("Split full URL.")
start <- 1
# Loop as long as there are IDs
while (start <= length(entry.id)) {
# Find max size URL
a <- start
b <- length(entry.id)
while (a < b) {
m <- as.integer((a + b) / 2)
url <- private$doGetEntryContentRequest(entry.id[start:m])
if (all(nchar(url) <= max.length) && m != a)
a <- m
b <- m
urls <- c(urls,
start <- a + 1
#' @description
#' Get entry identifiers from the database. More arguments can be given,
#' depending on implementation in specific databases. For mass databases the
#' ms.level argument can also be set.
#' @param max.results The maximum of elements to return from the method.
#' @param ... Arguments specific to connectors.
#' @return A character vector containing entry IDs from the database. An empty
#' vector for a remote database may mean that the database does not support
#' requesting for entry accessions.
getEntryIds=function(max.results=0, ...) {
chk::chk_gte(max.results, 0)
ids <- character()
# Get IDs from volatile cache
not.null <- ! vapply(private$entries, is.null, FUN.VALUE=TRUE)
ids <- names(private$entries[not.null])
# Get IDs from database
if (max.results == 0 || length(ids) < max.results) {
db.ids <- private$doGetEntryIds(max.results=max.results, ...)
if ( ! is.null(db.ids)) {
db.ids <- as.character(db.ids)
ids <- c(ids, db.ids[ ! db.ids %in% ids])
# Cut
if (max.results > 0 && length(ids) > max.results)
ids <- ids[seq_len(max.results)]
#' @description
#' Get the number of entries contained in this database.
#' @param count If set to TRUE and no straightforward way exists to get number
#' of entries, count the output of getEntryIds().
#' @return The number of entries in the database, as an integer.
getNbEntries=function(count=FALSE) {
#' @description
#' Tests if this connector is able to edit the database (i.e.: the connector
#' class implements the interface BiodbEditable). If this connector is
#' editable, then you can call allowEditing() to enable editing.
#' @return Returns TRUE if the database is editable.
isEditable=function() {
#' @description
#' Tests if editing is allowed.
#' @return TRUE if editing is allowed for this database, FALSE
#' otherwise.
editingIsAllowed=function() {
#' @description
#' Allows editing for this database.
#' @return Nothing.
allowEditing=function() {
#' @description
#' Disallows editing for this database.
#' @return Nothing.
disallowEditing=function() {
#' @description
#' Allow or disallow editing for this database.
#' @param allow A logical value.
#' @return Nothing.
setEditingAllowed=function(allow) {
private$editing.allowed <- allow
#' @description
#' Adds a new entry to the database. The passed entry must have been previously
#' created from scratch using BiodbFactory :createNewEntry() or cloned from an
#' existing entry using BiodbEntry :clone().
#' @param entry The new entry to add. It must be a valid BiodbEntry object.
#' @return Nothing.
addNewEntry=function(entry) {
# Is already part of a connector instance?
if (entry$parentIsAConnector())
error0('Impossible to add entry as a new entry. The passed',
' entry is already part of a connector.')
# No accession number?
if ( ! entry$hasField('accession'))
error0('Impossible to add entry as a new entry. The passed entry',
' has no accession number.')
id <- entry$getFieldValue('accession')
if (is.na(id))
error0('Impossible to add entry as a new entry. The passed',
' entry has an accession number set to NA.')
# Accession number is already used?
e <- self$getEntry(id)
if ( ! is.null(e))
error0('Impossible to add entry as a new entry. The accession',
' number of the passed entry is already used in the',
' connector.')
# Make sure ID field is equal to accession
id.field <- self$getEntryIdField()
if ( ! entry$hasField(id.field) || entry$getFieldValue(id.field) != id)
entry$setFieldValue(id.field, id)
# Remove entry from non-volatile cache
cch <- private$bdb$getPersistentCache()
if (cch$isWritable(self))
cch$deleteFile(self$getCacheId(), name=id, ext=self$getEntryFileExt())
# Flag entry as new
# Set the connector as its parent
# Add entry to volatile cache
private$addEntriesToCache(id, list(entry))
#' @description
#' Tests if this connector is able to write into the database. If this
#' connector is writable, then you can call allowWriting() to enable writing.
#' @return Returns TRUE if the database is writable.
isWritable=function() {
#' @description
#' Allows the connector to write into this database.
#' @return Nothing.
allowWriting=function() {
#' @description
#' Disallows the connector to write into this database.
#' @return Nothing.
disallowWriting=function() {
#' @description
#' Allows or disallows writing for this database.
#' @param allow If set to TRUE, allows writing.
#' @return Nothing.
setWritingAllowed=function(allow) {
private$writing.allowed <- allow
#' @description
#' Tests if the connector has access right to the database.
#' @return TRUE if writing is allowed for this database, FALSE
#' otherwise.
writingIsAllowed=function() {
#' @description
#' Writes into the database. All modifications made to the database since
#' the last time write() was called will be saved.
#' @return Nothing.
write=function() {
# Unset "new" flag for all entries
for (e in private$entries)
#' @description
#' Tests if a field can be used to search entries when using method
#' searchForEntries().
#' @param field The name of the field.
#' @param field.type The field type.
#' @return Returns TRUE if the database is searchable using the specified
#' field or searchable by any field of the specified type, FALSE otherwise.
isSearchableByField=function(field=NULL, field.type=NULL) {
if (is.null(field) && is.null(field.type))
error("Either field or field.type must be set. Both are NULL.")
chk::chk_null_or(field, vld=chk::vld_string)
chk::chk_null_or(field.type, vld=chk::vld_string)
field.type <- tolower(field.type)
v <- FALSE
ef <- private$bdb$getEntryFields()
# Check if a field is searchable
if ( ! is.null(field)) {
field <- ef$getRealName(field)
for (sf in self$getPropertyValue('searchable.fields'))
if (ef$getRealName(sf) == field) {
v <- private$doHasField(sf)
# Check if one of the searchable field is of the required type
else {
for (sf in self$getPropertyValue('searchable.fields'))
if (ef$get(sf)$isOfType(field.type)) {
v <- private$doHasField(sf)
#' @description
#' Get the list of all searchable fields.
#' @return A character vector containing all searchable fields for this
#' connector.
getSearchableFields=function() {
# Get all searchable candidates
fields <- self$getPropertyValue('searchable.fields')
# Filter out those that are not searchable with this instance
# This is for dynamic connectors like CsvFileConn whose list of available
# fields may vary.
fields <- Filter(function(f) self$isSearchableByField(f), fields)
#' @description
#' Searches the database for entries whose name matches the specified name.
#' Returns a character vector of entry IDs.
#' @param fields A list of fields on which to filter entries. To get a match,
#' all fields must be matched (i.e. logical AND). The keys of the list are the
#' entry field names on which to filter, and the values are the filtering
#' parameters. For character fields, the filter parameter is a character vector
#' in which all strings must be found inside the field's value. For numeric
#' fields, the filter parameter is either a list specifying a min-max range
#' (`list(min=1.0, max=2.5)`) or a value with a tolerance in delta
#' (`list(value=2.0, delta=0.1)`) or ppm (`list(value=2.0, ppm=1.0)`).
#' @param max.results If set, the number of returned IDs is limited to this
#' number.
#' @return A character vector of entry IDs whose name matches the requested
#' name.
searchForEntries=function(fields=NULL, max.results=0) {
chk::chk_null_or(fields, vld=chk::vld_list)
chk::chk_gte(max.results, 0)
ids <- NULL
wrong_fields <- FALSE
if (is.null(fields))
fields <- list()
# Check if field can be used for searching
for (f in names(fields)) {
# Remove field if NULL
if (is.null(fields[[f]])) {
fields[[f]] <- NULL
wrong_fields <- TRUE
# Error if field is not searchable
else if ( ! self$isSearchableByField(f)) {
warn('This database is not searchable by field "%s".', f)
fields[[f]] <- NULL
wrong_fields <- TRUE
# Call concrete method
if (length(fields) > 0 || ! wrong_fields)
ids <- private$doSearchForEntries(fields=fields,
# Convert NULL to empty list
if (is.null(ids))
ids <- character()
# Cut
if (max.results > 0 && max.results < length(ids))
ids <- ids[seq_len(max.results)]
#' @description
#' DEPRECATED. Use searchForEntries() instead.
#' @param name A character value to search inside name fields.
#' @param max.results If set, the number of returned IDs is limited to this
#' number.
#' @return A character vector of entry IDs whose name matches the
#' requested name.
searchByName=function(name, max.results=0) {
lifecycle::deprecate_warn('1.0.0', 'searchByName()', "searchForEntries()")
ids <- self$searchForEntries(list(name=name), max.results=max.results)
#' @description
#' Tests if the connector can download the database.
#' @return Returns TRUE if the database is downloadable.
isDownloadable=function() {
#' @description
#' Tests if the database has been downloaded.
#' @return TRUE if the database content has already been downloaded.
isDownloaded=function() {
cch <- private$bdb$getPersistentCache()
dwnlded <- cch$markerExists(self$getCacheId(), name='downloaded')
s <- (if (dwnlded) 'already' else 'not yet')
logDebug0('Database ', self$getId(), ' has ', s, ' been downloaded.')
#' @description
#' Tests if the connector requires the download of the database.
#' @return TRUE if the connector requires download of the database.
requiresDownload=function() {
#' @description
#' Gets the path where the downloaded content is written.
#' @return The path where the downloaded database is written.
getDownloadPath=function() {
cch <- private$bdb$getPersistentCache()
ext <- self$getPropertyValue('dwnld.ext')
path <- cch$getFilePath(self$getCacheId(), name='download', ext=ext)
logDebug0('Download path of ', self$getId(), ' is "', path, '".')
#' @description
#' Set the downloaded file into the cache.
#' @param src Path to the downloaded file.
#' @param action Specifies if files have to be moved or copied into the cache.
#' @return Nothing.
setDownloadedFile=function(src, action=c('copy', 'move')) {
cch <- private$bdb$getPersistentCache()
ext <- self$getPropertyValue('dwnld.ext')
name <- 'download'
cache.id <- self$getCacheId()
# Remove if already exists
if (cch$fileExists(cache.id=cache.id, name=name, ext=ext))
cch$deleteFile(cache.id=cache.id, name=name, ext=ext)
# Import
cch$addFilesToCache(src, cache.id=cache.id, name=name, ext=ext,
#' @description
#' Tests if the downloaded database has been extracted (in case the
#' database needs extraction).
#' @return TRUE if the downloaded database content has been
#' extracted, FALSE otherwise.
isExtracted=function() {
cch <- private$bdb$getPersistentCache()
return(cch$markerExists(self$getCacheId(), name='extracted'))
#' @description
#' Downloads the database content locally.
#' @return Nothing.
download=function() {
cch <- private$bdb$getPersistentCache()
# Download
cfg <- private$bdb$getConfig()
if (cch$isWritable(self) && ! self$isDownloaded()
&& (cfg$isEnabled('allow.huge.downloads') || self$requiresDownload())
&& ! cfg$isEnabled('offline')) {
logInfo0("Downloading whole database of ", self$getId(), ".")
if ( ! file.exists(self$getDownloadPath()))
error("File %s does not exists. Downloading went wrong.",
logDebug0('Downloading of ', self$getId(), ' completed.')
# Set marker
cch$setMarker(self$getCacheId(), name='downloaded')
# Extract
if (self$isDownloaded() && ! self$isExtracted()) {
logInfo0("Extract whole database of ", self$getId(), ".")
# Set marker
cch$setMarker(self$getCacheId(), name='extracted')
#' @description
#' Tests if the connector is connected to a remote database.
#' @return Returns TRUE if the database is a remote database."
isRemotedb=function() {
#' @description
#' Tests if the connector's database is a compound database.
#' @return Returns TRUE if the database is a compound database.
isCompounddb=function() {
#' @description
#' This method is deprecated. Use searchForEntries() instead.
#' Searches for compounds by name and/or by mass. At least one of name or
#' mass must be set.
#' @param name The name of a compound to search for.
#' @param description A character vector of words or expressions to search for
#' inside description field. The words will be searched in order. A match will
#' be made only if all words are inside the description field.
#' @param mass The searched mass.
#' @param mass.field For searching by mass, you must indicate a mass field to
#' use ('monoisotopic.mass', 'molecular.mass', 'average.mass' or
#' 'nominal.mass').
#' @param mass.tol The tolerance value on the molecular mass.
#' @param mass.tol.unit The type of mass tolerance. Either 'plain' or 'ppm'.
#' @param max.results The maximum number of matches to return.
#' @return A character vector of entry IDs."
searchCompound=function(name=NULL, mass=NULL, mass.field=NULL, mass.tol=0.01,
mass.tol.unit='plain', max.results=0) {
lifecycle::deprecate_warn('1.0.0', 'searchCompound()',
private$checkMassField(mass=mass, mass.field=mass.field)
ids <- NULL
# Try searchForEntries
if ( ! is.null(name) && is.null(mass))
ids <- self$searchForEntries(list(name=name), max.results=max.results)
else if ( ! is.null(mass)) {
fields <- if (is.null(name)) list() else list(name=name)
fields[[mass.field]] <- list(value=mass)
if (mass.tol.unit == 'ppm')
fields[[mass.field]]$ppm = mass.tol
fields[[mass.field]]$delta = mass.tol
ids <- self$searchForEntries(fields, max.results=max.results)
#' @description
#' Annotates a mass spectrum with the database. For each matching entry the
#' entry field values will be set inside columns appended to the data frame.
#' Names of these columns will use a common prefix in order to distinguish them
#' from other data from the input data frame.
#' @param x Either a data frame or a numeric vector containing the M/Z values.
#' @param mz.col The name of the column where to find M/Z values in case x is a
#' data frame.
#' @param ms.mode The MS mode. Set it to either 'neg' or 'pos'.
#' @param mz.tol The tolerance on the M/Z values.
#' @param mz.tol.unit The type of the M/Z tolerance. Set it to either to 'ppm'
#' or 'plain'.
#' @param mass.field The mass field to use for matching M/Z values. One of:
#' 'monoisotopic.mass', 'molecular.mass', 'average.mass', 'nominal.mass'.
#' @param fields A character vector containing the additional entry fields you
#' would like to get for each matched entry. Each field will be output in a
#' different column.
#' @param insert.input.values Insert input values at the beginning of the
#' result data frame.
#' @param prefix A prefix that will be inserted before the name of each added
#' column in the output. By default it will be set to the name of the database
#' followed by a dot.
#' @param fieldsLimit The maximum of values to output for fields with multiple
#' values. Set it to 0 to get all values.
#' @param max.results If set, it is used to limit the number of matches found
#' for each M/Z value. To get all the matches, set this parameter to
#' NA_integer_. Default value is 3.
#' @return A data frame containing the input values, and annotation columns
#' appended at the end. The first annotation column contains the IDs of the
#' matched entries. The following columns contain the fields you have requested
#' through the `fields` parameter.
annotateMzValues=function(x, mz.tol, ms.mode, mz.tol.unit=c('plain', 'ppm'),
mass.field='monoisotopic.mass', max.results=3, mz.col='mz', fields=NULL,
prefix=NULL, insert.input.values=TRUE, fieldsLimit=0) {
if (is.null(x))
ret <- data.frame(stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
newCols <- character()
mz.tol.unit <- match.arg(mz.tol.unit)
ef <- private$bdb$getEntryFields()
mass.field <- match.arg(mass.field, ef$getFieldNames('mass'))
# Convert x to data frame
if ( ! is.data.frame(x))
x <- data.frame(mz = x)
# Check that we find the M/Z column
if (nrow(x) > 0 && ! mz.col %in% names(x))
error('No column named "%s" was found inside data frame.', mz.col)
# Set M/Z col in output data frame
if (mz.col %in% names(x))
ret[[mz.col]] <- numeric()
# Set output fields
if ( ! is.null(fields))
if (is.null(fields))
fields <- self$getEntryIdField()
# Set prefix
if (is.null(prefix))
prefix <- paste0(self$getId(), '.')
# Get proton mass
pm <- private$bdb$getConfig()$get('proton.mass')
# Loop on all masses
prg <- Progress$new(biodb=private$bdb, msg='Annotating M/Z values.',
for (i in seq_len(nrow(x))) {
# Send progress message
# Compute mass
m <- x[i, mz.col] + pm * (if (ms.mode == 'neg') +1.0 else -1.0)
# Search for compounds matching this mass
rng <- Range$new(value=m, tol=mz.tol, tolType=mz.tol.unit)
fieldsFilter <- list()
fieldsFilter[[mass.field]] <- rng$getTolExpr()
ids <- self$searchForEntries(fieldsFilter, max.results=max.results)
# Get entries
entries <- self$getEntry(ids, drop=FALSE)
# Convert entries to data frame
df <- private$bdb$entriesToDataframe(entries, fields=fields,
# Add prefix
if ( ! is.null(df) && ncol(df) > 0 && ! is.na(prefix)
&& nchar(prefix) > 0) {
fct <- function(x) substr(x, 1, nchar(prefix)) != prefix
noprefix <- vapply(colnames(df), fct, FUN.VALUE=TRUE)
colnames(df)[noprefix] <- paste0(prefix,
# Register new columns
if ( ! is.null(df)) {
c <- colnames(df)[ ! colnames(df) %in% newCols]
newCols <- c(newCols, c)
# Insert input values
if (insert.input.values)
df <- if (is.null(df) || nrow(df) == 0) x[i, , drop=FALSE]
else cbind(x[i, , drop=FALSE], df, row.names=NULL,
# Append local data frame to main data frame
ret <- plyr::rbind.fill(ret, df)
# Sort new columns
if ( ! is.null(ret)) {
isAnInputCol <- ! colnames(ret) %in% newCols
inputCols <- colnames(ret)[isAnInputCol]
ret <- ret[, c(inputCols, sort(newCols)), drop=FALSE]
#' @description
#' Tests if the connector's database is a mass spectra database.
#' @return Returns TRUE if the database is a mass database.
isMassdb=function() {
#' @description
#' Checks that the database is correct by trying to retrieve all its
#' entries.
#' @return Nothing.
checkDb=function() {
# Get IDs
ids <- self$getEntryIds()
# Get entries
entries <- private$bdb$getFactory()$getEntry(self$getId(), ids)
#' @description
#' Get all entries stored in the memory cache (volatile cache).
#' @return A list of BiodbEntry instances.
getAllVolatileCacheEntries=function() {
# Remove NULL entries
entries <- private$entries[ ! vapply(private$entries, is.null,
# Remove names
names(entries) <- NULL
#' @description
#' This method is deprecated.
#' Use getAllVolatileCacheEntries() instead.
#' @return All entries cached in memory.
getAllCacheEntries=function() {
lifecycle::deprecate_soft('1.0.0', 'getAllCacheEntries()',
#' @description
#' Delete all entries from the volatile cache (memory cache).
#' @return Nothing.
deleteAllEntriesFromVolatileCache=function() {
private$entries <- list()
#' @description
#' Delete all entries from the persistent cache (disk cache).
#' @param deleteVolatile If TRUE deletes also all entries from the volatile
#' cache (memory cache).
#' @return Nothing.
deleteAllEntriesFromPersistentCache=function(deleteVolatile=TRUE) {
if (deleteVolatile)
fileExt <- self$getPropertyValue('entry.content.type')
#' @description
#' Delete all files associated with this connector from the persistent
#' cache (disk cache).
#' @param deleteVolatile If TRUE deletes also all entries
#' from the volatile cache (memory cache).
#' @return Nothing.
deleteWholePersistentCache=function(deleteVolatile=TRUE) {
if (deleteVolatile)
#' @description
#' Delete all entries from the memory cache. This method is deprecated,
#' please use deleteAllEntriesFromVolatileCache() instead.
#' @return Nothing.
deleteAllCacheEntries=function() {
lifecycle::deprecate_soft('1.0.0', 'deleteAllCacheEntries()',
#' @description
#' Gets the ID used by this connector in the disk cache.
#' @return The cache ID of this connector.
getCacheId=function() {
id <- NULL
if ( ! is.null(private$cache.id) && ! is.na(private$cache.id)) {
id <- private$cache.id
} else {
url <- self$getPropValSlot('urls', 'base.url')
if ( ! is.null(url) && ! is.na(url))
id <- paste(self$getDbClass(), openssl::md5(url), sep='-')
#' @description
#' Tests if some entry of this database makes reference to another entry of
#' another database.
#' @param id A character vector of entry IDs from the connector's database.
#' @param db Another database connector.
#' @param oid A entry ID from database db.
#' @param any If set to TRUE, returns a single logical value: TRUE if any entry
#' contains a reference to oid, FALSE otherwise.
#' @param recurse If set to TRUE, the algorithm will follow all references to
#' entries from other databases, to see if it can establish an indirect link to
#' `oid`.
#' @return A logical vector, the same size as `id`, with TRUE for each entry
#' making reference to `oid`, and FALSE otherwise.
makesRefToEntry=function(id, db, oid, any=FALSE, recurse=FALSE) {
# Returns TRUE if any entry in id makes reference to oid
if (any) {
makes_ref <- FALSE
for (i in id) {
e <- self$getEntry(i)
if ( ! is.null(e)
&& e$makesRefToEntry(db=db, oid=oid, recurse=recurse)) {
makes_ref <- TRUE
# Returns a vector, testing each entry in id individually
else {
entries <- self$getEntry(id, drop=FALSE)
makes_ref <- vapply(entries,
function(e) ! is.null(e) && e$makesRefToEntry(db=db, oid=oid,
recurse=recurse), FUN.VALUE=TRUE)
#' @description
#' Makes a BiodbRequest instance using the passed parameters, and set
#' ifself as the associated connector.
#' @param ... Those parameters are passed to the initializer of BiodbRequest.
#' @return The BiodbRequest instance.
makeRequest=function(...) {
req <- BiodbRequest$new(...)
#' @description
#' Gets the URL to a picture of the entry (e.g.: a picture of the
#' molecule in case of a compound entry).
#' @param entry.id A character vector containing entry IDs.
#' @return A character vector, the same length as `entry.id`,
#' containing for each entry ID either a URL or NA if no URL exists.
getEntryImageUrl=function(entry.id) {
#' @description
#' Gets the URL to the page of the entry on the database web site.
#' @param entry.id A character vector with the IDs of entries to retrieve.
#' @return A list of BiodbUrl objects, the same length as `entry.id`.
getEntryPageUrl=function(entry.id) {
#' @description
#' Gets a list of chromatographic columns contained in this database.
#' @param ids A character vector of entry identifiers (i.e.: accession
#' numbers). Used to restrict the set of entries on which to run the
#' algorithm.
#' @return A data.frame with two columns, one for the ID 'id' and another one
#' for the title 'title'.
getChromCol=function(ids=NULL) {
#' @description
#' Gets the field to use for M/Z matching.
#' @return The name of the field (one of peak.mztheo or peak.mzexp).
getMatchingMzField=function() {
field <- NULL
# Get value(s) defined in matching.fields property
fields <- self$getPropValSlot('matching.fields', 'mz')
# If it contains one value, return it
if (length(fields) == 1)
field <- fields
# If it contains no value, throw an error
else if (length(fields) == 0)
error0("No macthing field defined for M/Z values.",
"Use setMatchingMzField() to set one.")
# If it contains more than one value, try to determine which one to use
else {
multiple.match <- FALSE
# Get the parsing expressions and check which field is associated with
# a parssing expression
for (f in fields) {
pars.expr <- self$getPropValSlot('parsing.expr', f)
if ( ! is.null(pars.expr) && ! is.na(pars.expr)) {
if (is.null(field))
field <- f
else {
multiple.match <- TRUE
# Otherwise get an entry from the database and check what fields it
# contains
if (is.null(field) || multiple.match) {
field.2 <- NULL
multiple.match.2 <- FALSE
id <- self$getEntryIds(max.results=1)
if (length(id) == 1) {
entry <- self$getEntry(id)
for (f in fields)
if (entry$hasField(f)) {
if (is.null(field.2))
field.2 <- f
else {
multiple.match.2 <- TRUE
if ( ! is.null(field.2)) {
field <- field.2
multiple.match <- multiple.match.2
# No choice made
if (is.null(field))
error0("Impossible to determine which field to use for",
" M/Z matching. Please set the wanted field using",
" setMatchingMzField() method, and make sure it is",
" defined inside your database.")
# Throw a warning telling which field was chosen for matching and tell
# to use setMatchingMzField() to set another field if needed
if (multiple.match)
warn0('Field "', field, '" has been automatically chosen',
' among several possibilities (',
paste(fields, collapse=', '), ') for matching',
' M/Z values. Use setMatchingMzField() method',
' explicitly to avoid this warning in the future.')
#' @description
#' Sets the field to use for M/Z matching.
#' @param field The field to use for matching.
#' @return Nothing.
setMatchingMzField=function(field=c('peak.mztheo', 'peak.mzexp')) {
field <- match.arg(field)
self$setPropValSlot('matching.fields', 'mz', field)
#' @description
#' Gets a list of M/Z values contained inside the database.
#' @param ms.mode The MS mode. Set it to either 'neg' or 'pos' to limit the
#' output to one mode.
#' @param max.results If set, it is used to limit the size of the output.
#' @param precursor If set to TRUE, then restrict the search to precursor peaks.
#' @param ms.level The MS level to which you want to restrict your search. 0
#' means that you want to search in all levels.
#' @return A numeric vector containing M/Z values.
getMzValues=function(ms.mode=NULL, max.results=0, precursor=FALSE, ms.level=0) {
private$doGetMzValues(ms.mode=ms.mode, max.results=max.results,
precursor=precursor, ms.level=ms.level)
#' @description
#' Gets the number of peaks contained in the database.
#' @param mode The MS mode. Set it to either 'neg' or 'pos' to limit the
#' counting to one mode.
#' @param ids A character vector of entry identifiers (i.e.: accession
#' numbers). Used to restrict the set of entries on which to run the
#' algorithm.
#' @return The number of peaks, as an integer.
getNbPeaks=function(mode=NULL, ids=NULL) {
return(private$doGetNbPeaks(mode=mode, ids=ids))
#' @description
#' Filters a list of entries on retention time values.
#' @param entry.ids A character vector of entry IDs.
#' @param rt A vector of retention times to match. Used if input.df is not set.
#' Unit is specified by rt.unit parameter.
#' @param rt.unit The unit for submitted retention times. Either 's' or 'min'.
#' @param rt.tol The plain tolerance (in seconds) for retention times: input.rt
#' - rt.tol <= database.rt <= input.rt + rt.tol.
#' @param rt.tol.exp A special exponent tolerance for retention times: input.rt
#' - input.rt ** rt.tol.exp <= database.rt <= input.rt + input.rt **
#' rt.tol.exp. This exponent is applied on the RT value in seconds. If both
#' rt.tol and rt.tol.exp are set, the inequality expression becomes input.rt -
#' rt.tol - input.rt ** rt.tol.exp <= database.rt <= input.rt + rt.tol +
#' input.rt ** rt.tol.exp.
#' @param chrom.col.ids IDs of chromatographic columns on which to match the
#' retention time.
#' @param match.rt If set to TRUE, filters on RT values, otherwise does not do
#' any filtering.
#' @return A character vector containing entry IDs after filtering.
filterEntriesOnRt=function(entry.ids, rt, rt.unit, rt.tol, rt.tol.exp,
chrom.col.ids, match.rt) {
private$checkRtParam(rt=rt, rt.unit=rt.unit, rt.tol=rt.tol,
rt.tol.exp=rt.tol.exp, chrom.col.ids=chrom.col.ids, match.rt=match.rt)
if (match.rt) {
# Get entries
logDebug('Getting entries from spectra IDs.')
entries <- private$bdb$getFactory()$getEntry(self$getId(),
entry.ids, drop=FALSE)
# Filter on chromatographic columns
if ( ! is.null(chrom.col.ids) && length(chrom.col.ids) > 0) {
fct <- function(e) {
e$getFieldValue('chrom.col.id') %in% chrom.col.ids
entries <- entries[vapply(entries, fct, FUN.VALUE=TRUE)]
' spectra remaining after chrom col filtering: ',
paste(vapply((if (length(entries) <= 10) entries
else entries[seq_len(10)]),
function(e) e$getFieldValue('accession'),
FUN.VALUE=''), collapse=', '), '.')
# Filter out entries with no RT values or no RT unit
fct <- function(e) {
e$hasField('chrom.rt') || (e$hasField('chrom.rt.min')
&& e$hasField('chrom.rt.max'))
has.chrom.rt.values <- vapply(entries, fct, FUN.VALUE=TRUE)
entries <- entries[has.chrom.rt.values]
n <- sum( ! has.chrom.rt.values) > 0
if (n > 0)
logDebug('Filtered out %d entries having no RT values.', n)
fct <- function(e) e$hasField('chrom.rt.unit')
no.chrom.rt.unit <- ! vapply(entries, fct, FUN.VALUE=TRUE)
if (any(no.chrom.rt.unit))
warn0('No RT unit specified in entries ',
function(e) e$getFieldValue('accession'),
collapse=', '),
', impossible to match retention times.')
# Compute RT range for this input, in seconds
rt.range <- private$computeRtRange(rt=rt, rt.unit=rt.unit,
rt.tol=rt.tol, rt.tol.exp=rt.tol.exp)
# Loop on all entries
entry.ids <- character()
for (e in entries) {
# Get RT min and max for this column, in seconds
col.rt.range <- private$computeChromColRtRange(e)
# Test and possibly keep entry
logDebug0('Testing if RT value ', rt, ' (', rt.unit,
') is in range [', col.rt.range$min, ';',
col.rt.range$max, '] (s) of database entry ',
e$getFieldValue('accession'), '. Used range (after',
' applying tolerances) for RT value is [', rt.range$min,
', ', rt.range$max, '] (s).')
if ((rt.range$max >= col.rt.range$min)
&& (rt.range$min <= col.rt.range$max))
entry.ids <- c(entry.ids, e$getFieldValue('accession'))
' spectra remaining after retention time filtering:',
paste((if (length(entry.ids) <= 10) entry.ids
else entry.ids[seq_len(10)]), collapse=', '), '.')
#' @description
#' Searches for entries (i.e.: spectra) that contain a peak around the given
#' M/Z value. Entries can also be filtered on RT values. You can input either a
#' list of M/Z values through mz argument and set a tolerance with mz.tol
#' argument, or two lists of minimum and maximum M/Z values through mz.min and
#' mz.max arguments.
#' @param mz A vector of M/Z values.
#' @param mz.tol The M/Z tolerance, whose unit is defined by mz.tol.unit.
#' @param mz.tol.unit The type of the M/Z tolerance. Set it to either to 'ppm'
#' or 'plain'.
#' @param mz.min A vector of minimum M/Z values.
#' @param mz.max A vector of maximum M/Z values. Its length must be the same as
#' `mz.min`.
#' @param rt A vector of retention times to match. Used if input.df is not set.
#' Unit is specified by rt.unit parameter.
#' @param rt.unit The unit for submitted retention times. Either 's' or 'min'.
#' @param rt.tol The plain tolerance (in seconds) for retention times: input.rt
#' - rt.tol <= database.rt <= input.rt + rt.tol.
#' @param rt.tol.exp A special exponent tolerance for retention times: input.rt
#' - input.rt ** rt.tol.exp <= database.rt <= input.rt + input.rt **
#' rt.tol.exp. This exponent is applied on the RT value in seconds. If both
#' rt.tol and rt.tol.exp are set, the inequality expression becomes input.rt -
#' rt.tol - input.rt ** rt.tol.exp <= database.rt <= input.rt + rt.tol +
#' input.rt ** rt.tol.exp.
#' @param chrom.col.ids IDs of chromatographic columns on which to match the
#' retention time.
#' @param precursor If set to TRUE, then restrict the search to precursor peaks.
#' @param min.rel.int The minimum relative intensity, in percentage (i.e.:
#' float number between 0 and 100).
#' @param ms.mode The MS mode. Set it to either 'neg' or 'pos'.
#' @param ms.level The MS level to which you want to restrict your search. 0
#' means that you want to search in all levels.
#' @param max.results If set, it is used to limit the number of matches found
#' for each M/Z value.
#' @param include.ids A list of IDs to which to restrict the final results. All
#' IDs that are not in this list will be excluded.
#' @return A character vector of spectra IDs.
searchForMassSpectra=function(mz.min=NULL, mz.max=NULL, mz=NULL, mz.tol=NULL,
mz.tol.unit=c('plain', 'ppm'), rt=NULL, rt.unit=c('s', 'min'), rt.tol=NULL,
rt.tol.exp=NULL, chrom.col.ids=NULL, precursor=FALSE, min.rel.int=0,
ms.mode=NULL, max.results=0, ms.level=0, include.ids=NULL) {
# Check arguments
rt.unit <- match.arg(rt.unit)
mz.tol.unit <- match.arg(mz.tol.unit)
check.param <- private$checkSearchMsParam(mz.min=mz.min, mz.max=mz.max,
mz=mz, mz.tol=mz.tol, mz.tol.unit=mz.tol.unit, rt=rt,
rt.unit=rt.unit, rt.tol=rt.tol, rt.tol.exp=rt.tol.exp,
chrom.col.ids=chrom.col.ids, min.rel.int=min.rel.int, ms.mode=ms.mode,
max.results=max.results, ms.level=ms.level, match.rt=FALSE)
if (is.null(check.param))
ids <- character()
if ((check.param$use.mz.min.max && ! all(is.na(mz.min) & is.na(mz.max)))
|| (check.param$use.mz.tol && ! all(is.na(mz)))) {
if (check.param$use.rt.match) {
# Search for one M/Z at a time
for (i in seq_along(rt)) {
# Search for this M/Z value
if (check.param$use.mz.min.max)
mz.ids <- private$doSearchMzRange(mz.min=mz.min[[i]],
mz.max=mz.max[[i]], min.rel.int=min.rel.int,
ms.mode=ms.mode, max.results=0,
precursor=precursor, ms.level=ms.level)
mz.ids <- private$doSearchMzTol(mz=mz[[i]], mz.tol=mz.tol,
mz.tol.unit=mz.tol.unit, min.rel.int=min.rel.int,
ms.mode=ms.mode, max.results=0,
precursor=precursor, ms.level=ms.level)
# Filter on RT value
rt.ids <- self$filterEntriesOnRt(mz.ids, rt=rt[[i]],
rt.unit=rt.unit, rt.tol=rt.tol, rt.tol.exp=rt.tol.exp,
ids <- c(ids, rt.ids)
else {
# Search for all M/Z values
if (check.param$use.mz.min.max)
ids <- private$doSearchMzRange(mz.min=mz.min, mz.max=mz.max,
min.rel.int=min.rel.int, ms.mode=ms.mode,
max.results=max.results, precursor=precursor,
ids <- private$doSearchMzTol(mz=mz, mz.tol=mz.tol,
mz.tol.unit=mz.tol.unit, min.rel.int=min.rel.int,
ms.mode=ms.mode, max.results=max.results,
precursor=precursor, ms.level=ms.level)
# Remove duplicates
ids <- ids[ ! duplicated(ids)]
# Exclude IDs
if ( ! is.null(include.ids))
ids <- ids[ids %in% include.ids]
# Cut
if (max.results > 0 && length(ids) > max.results)
ids <- ids[seq_len(max.results)]
logDebug('Found %d spectra: %s', length(ids), lst2str(ids))
#' @description
#' DEPRECATED. Use searchForMassSpectra() instead.
#' @param mz.min A vector of minimum M/Z values.
#' @param mz.max A vector of maximum M/Z values. Its length must be the same as
#' `mz.min`.
#' @param mz A vector of M/Z values.
#' @param mz.tol The M/Z tolerance, whose unit is defined by mz.tol.unit.
#' @param mz.tol.unit The type of the M/Z tolerance. Set it to either to 'ppm'
#' or 'plain'.
#' @param rt A vector of retention times to match. Used if input.df is not set.
#' Unit is specified by rt.unit parameter.
#' @param rt.unit The unit for submitted retention times. Either 's' or 'min'.
#' @param rt.tol The plain tolerance (in seconds) for retention times: input.rt
#' - rt.tol <= database.rt <= input.rt + rt.tol.
#' @param rt.tol.exp A special exponent tolerance for retention times: input.rt
#' - input.rt ** rt.tol.exp <= database.rt <= input.rt + input.rt **
#' rt.tol.exp. This exponent is applied on the RT value in seconds. If both
#' rt.tol and rt.tol.exp are set, the inequality expression becomes input.rt -
#' rt.tol - input.rt ** rt.tol.exp <= database.rt <= input.rt + rt.tol +
#' input.rt ** rt.tol.exp.
#' @param chrom.col.ids IDs of chromatographic columns on which to match the
#' retention time.
#' @param precursor If set to TRUE, then restrict the search to precursor peaks.
#' @param min.rel.int The minimum relative intensity, in percentage (i.e.:
#' float number between 0 and 100).
#' @param ms.mode The MS mode. Set it to either 'neg' or 'pos'.
#' @param ms.level The MS level to which you want to restrict your search. 0
#' means that you want to search in all levels.
#' @param max.results If set, it is used to limit the number of matches found
#' for each M/Z value.
#' @return A character vector of spectra IDs.
searchMsEntries=function(mz.min=NULL, mz.max=NULL, mz=NULL, mz.tol=NULL,
mz.tol.unit=c('plain', 'ppm'), rt=NULL, rt.unit=c('s', 'min'), rt.tol=NULL,
rt.tol.exp=NULL, chrom.col.ids=NULL, precursor=FALSE, min.rel.int=0,
ms.mode=NULL, max.results=0, ms.level=0) {
lifecycle::deprecate_soft('1.0.0', 'searchMsEntries()',
return(self$searchForMassSpectra(mz.min=mz.min, mz.max=mz.max, mz=mz,
mz.tol=mz.tol, mz.tol.unit=mz.tol.unit, rt=rt, rt.unit=rt.unit,
rt.tol= rt.tol, rt.tol.exp=rt.tol.exp, chrom.col.ids=chrom.col.ids,
precursor=precursor, min.rel.int=min.rel.int, ms.mode=ms.mode,
ms.level=ms.level, max.results=max.results))
#' @description
#' For each M/Z value, searches for matching MS spectra and returns the
#' matching peaks.
#' @param input.df A data frame taken as input for searchMsPeaks(). It must
#' contain a columns 'mz', and optionaly an 'rt' column.
#' @param mz A vector of M/Z values to match. Used if input.df is not set.
#' @param mz.tol The M/Z tolerance, whose unit is defined by mz.tol.unit.
#' @param mz.tol.unit The type of the M/Z tolerance. Set it to either to 'ppm'
#' or 'plain'.
#' @param min.rel.int The minimum relative intensity, in percentage (i.e.:
#' float number between 0 and 100).
#' @param ms.mode The MS mode. Set it to either 'neg' or 'pos'.
#' @param ms.level The MS level to which you want to restrict your search. 0
#' means that you want to search in all levels.
#' @param max.results If set, it is used to limit the number of matches found
#' for each M/Z value.
#' @param chrom.col.ids IDs of chromatographic columns on which to match the
#' retention time.
#' @param rt A vector of retention times to match. Used if input.df is not set.
#' Unit is specified by rt.unit parameter.
#' @param rt.unit The unit for submitted retention times. Either 's' or 'min'.
#' @param rt.tol The plain tolerance (in seconds) for retention times: input.rt
#' - rt.tol <= database.rt <= input.rt + rt.tol.
#' @param rt.tol.exp A special exponent tolerance for retention times: input.rt
#' - input.rt ** rt.tol.exp <= database.rt <= input.rt + input.rt **
#' rt.tol.exp. This exponent is applied on the RT value in seconds. If both
#' rt.tol and rt.tol.exp are set, the inequality expression becomes input.rt -
#' rt.tol - input.rt ** rt.tol.exp <= database.rt <= input.rt + rt.tol +
#' input.rt ** rt.tol.exp.
#' @param precursor If set to TRUE, then restrict the search to precursor peaks.
#' @param precursor.rt.tol The RT tolerance used when matching the precursor.
#' @param insert.input.values Insert input values at the beginning of the
#' result data frame.
#' @param prefix Add prefix on column names of result data frame.
#' @param compute If set to TRUE, use the computed values when converting found
#' entries to data frame.
#' @param fields A character vector of field names to output. The data frame
#' output will be restricted to this list of fields.
#' @param fieldsLimit The maximum of values to output for fields with multiple
#' values. Set it to 0 to get all values.
#' @param input.df.colnames Names of the columns in the input data frame.
#' @param match.rt If set to TRUE, match also RT values.
#' @return A data frame with at least input MZ and RT columns, and annotation
#' columns prefixed with `prefix` if set. For each matching found a row is
#' output. Thus if n matchings are found for M/Z value x, then there will be n
#' rows for x, each for a different match. The number of matching found for
#' each M/Z value is limited to `max.results`.
searchMsPeaks=function(input.df=NULL, mz=NULL, mz.tol=NULL,
mz.tol.unit=c('plain', 'ppm'), min.rel.int=0, ms.mode=NULL, ms.level=0,
max.results=0, chrom.col.ids=NULL, rt=NULL, rt.unit=c('s', 'min'), rt.tol=NULL,
rt.tol.exp=NULL, precursor=FALSE, precursor.rt.tol=NULL,
insert.input.values=TRUE, prefix=NULL, compute=TRUE, fields=NULL,
fieldsLimit=0, input.df.colnames=c(mz='mz', rt='rt'), match.rt=FALSE) {
# Checks
rt.unit <- match.arg(rt.unit)
mz.tol.unit <- match.arg(mz.tol.unit)
check.param <- do.call(private$checkSearchMsParam, as.list(environment()))
if (is.null(check.param))
input.df <- check.param$input.df
precursor.match.ids <- NULL
# Step 1 - search for spectra with specified precursor
if (precursor)
precursor.match.ids <- self$searchForMassSpectra(mz.min=NULL,
mz.max=NULL, mz=input.df[[input.df.colnames[['mz']]]],
mz.tol=mz.tol, mz.tol.unit=mz.tol.unit,
rt=input.df[[input.df.colnames[['rt']]]], rt.unit=rt.unit,
rt.tol=precursor.rt.tol, chrom.col.ids=chrom.col.ids,
precursor=precursor, min.rel.int=min.rel.int, ms.mode=ms.mode,
# Step 2 - search for matching spectra for each M/Z value
results <- private$matchingMzWithSpectra(input.df=input.df,
input.df.colnames=input.df.colnames, min.rel.int=min.rel.int,
ms.mode=ms.mode, ms.level=ms.level, max.results=max.results,
mz.tol=mz.tol, mz.tol.unit=mz.tol.unit,
rt=rt, rt.unit=rt.unit, rt.tol=rt.tol, rt.tol.exp=rt.tol.exp,
chrom.col.ids=chrom.col.ids, match.rt=check.param$use.rt.match,
fields=fields, compute=compute, prefix=prefix, fieldsLimit=fieldsLimit,
#' @description
#' Searches MSMS spectra matching a template spectrum. The mz.tol
#' parameter is applied on the precursor search.
#' @param spectrum A template spectrum to match inside the database.
#' @param precursor.mz The M/Z value of the precursor peak of the mass spectrum.
#' @param mz.tol The M/Z tolerance, whose unit is defined by mz.tol.unit.
#' @param mz.tol.unit The type of the M/Z tolerance. Set it to either to
#' 'ppm' or 'plain'.
#' @param ms.mode The MS mode. Set it to either 'neg' or 'pos'.
#' @param npmin The minimum number of peak to detect a match (2 is recommended).
#' @param dist.fun The distance function used to compute the distance
#' betweem two mass spectra.
#' @param msms.mz.tol M/Z tolerance to apply while matching MSMS spectra.
#' In PPM.
#' @param msms.mz.tol.min Minimum of the M/Z tolerance (plain unit). If
#' the M/Z tolerance computed with `msms.mz.tol` is lower than
#' `msms.mz.tol.min`, then `msms.mz.tol.min` will be used.
#' @param max.results If set, it is used to limit the number of matches
#' found for each M/Z value.
#' @return A data frame with columns `id`, `score` and `peak.*`. Each
#' `peak.*` column corresponds to a peak in the input spectrum, in the
#' same order and gives the number of the peak that was matched with it
#' inside the matched spectrum whose ID is inside the `id` column.
msmsSearch=function(spectrum, precursor.mz, mz.tol, mz.tol.unit=c('plain',
'ppm'), ms.mode, npmin=2, dist.fun=c('wcosine', 'cosine', 'pkernel',
'pbachtttarya'), msms.mz.tol=3, msms.mz.tol.min=0.005, max.results=0) {
peak.tables <- list()
dist.fun <- match.arg(dist.fun)
mz.tol.unit <- match.arg(mz.tol.unit)
chk::chk_gte(max.results, 0)
# Get spectra IDs
ids <- character()
if ( ! is.null(spectrum) && nrow(spectrum) > 0 && ! is.null(precursor.mz)) {
if (max.results > 0)
warn0('Applying max.results =', max.results,'on call to',
' searchForMassSpectra(). This may results in no matches,',
' while there exist matching spectra inside the database.')
ids <- self$searchForMassSpectra(mz=precursor.mz, mz.tol=mz.tol,
mz.tol.unit=mz.tol.unit, ms.mode=ms.mode, precursor=TRUE,
ms.level=2, max.results=max.results)
# Get list of peak tables from spectra
if (length(ids) > 0) {
entries <- private$bdb$getFactory()$getEntry(self$getId(), ids,
fct <- function(x) {
x$getFieldsAsDataframe(only.atomic=FALSE, flatten=FALSE,
fields=c('peak.mz', 'peak.relative.intensity',
peak.tables <- lapply(entries, fct)
# Compare spectrum against database spectra
res <- compareSpectra(spectrum, peak.tables, npmin=npmin, fun=dist.fun,
params=list(ppm=msms.mz.tol, dmz=msms.mz.tol.min))
cols <- colnames(res)
res[['id']] <- ids
res <- res[, c('id', cols)]
# Order rows
res <- res[order(res[['score']], decreasing=TRUE), ]
#' @description
#' Collapse rows of a results data frame, by outputing a data frame with
#' only one row for each MZ/RT value.
#' @param results.df Results data frame.
#' @param mz.col The name of the M/Z column in the results data frame.
#' @param rt.col The name of the RT column in the results data frame.
#' @param sep The separator used to concatenate values, when collapsing results
#' data frame.
#' @return A data frame with rows collapsed."
collapseResultsDataFrame=function(results.df, mz.col='mz', rt.col='rt',
sep='|') {
cols <- mz.col
if (rt.col %in% colnames(results.df))
cols <- c(cols, rt.col)
x <- private$bdb$collapseRows(results.df, cols=cols)
#' @description
#' Find spectra in the given M/Z range. Returns a list of spectra IDs.
#' @param mz.min A vector of minimum M/Z values.
#' @param mz.max A vector of maximum M/Z values. Its length must be the
#' same as `mz.min`.
#' @param min.rel.int The minimum relative intensity, in percentage (i.e.:
#' float number between 0 and 100).
#' @param ms.mode The MS mode. Set it to either 'neg' or 'pos'.
#' @param ms.level The MS level to which you want to restrict your search.
#' 0 means that you want to search in all levels.
#' @param max.results If set, it is used to limit the number of matches
#' found for each M/Z value.
#' @param precursor If set to TRUE, then restrict the search to precursor
#' peaks.
#' @return A character vector of spectra IDs.
searchMzRange=function(mz.min, mz.max, min.rel.int=0, ms.mode=NULL,
max.results=0, precursor=FALSE, ms.level=0) {
lifecycle::deprecate_soft('1.0.0', 'searchMzRange()',
return(self$searchForMassSpectra(mz.min=mz.min, mz.max=mz.max,
min.rel.int=min.rel.int, ms.mode=ms.mode, max.results=max.results,
precursor=precursor, ms.level=ms.level))
#' @description
#' Find spectra containg a peak around the given M/Z value. Returns a
#' character vector of spectra IDs.
#' @param mz A vector of M/Z values.
#' @param mz.tol The M/Z tolerance, whose unit is defined by mz.tol.unit.
#' @param mz.tol.unit The type of the M/Z tolerance. Set it to either to
#' 'ppm' or 'plain'.
#' @param min.rel.int The minimum relative intensity, in percentage (i.e.:
#' float number between 0 and 100).
#' @param ms.mode The MS mode. Set it to either 'neg' or 'pos'.
#' @param ms.level The MS level to which you want to restrict your search.
#' 0 means that you want to search in all levels.
#' @param max.results If set, it is used to limit the number of matches
#' found for each M/Z value.
#' @param precursor If set to TRUE, then restrict the search to precursor
#' peaks.
#' @return A character vector of spectra IDs.
searchMzTol=function(mz, mz.tol, mz.tol.unit='plain', min.rel.int=0,
ms.mode=NULL, max.results=0, precursor=FALSE, ms.level=0) {
lifecycle::deprecate_soft('1.0.0', 'searchMzTol()',
return(self$searchForMassSpectra(mz=mz, mz.tol=mz.tol,
mz.tol.unit=mz.tol.unit, min.rel.int=min.rel.int, ms.mode=ms.mode,
max.results=max.results, precursor=precursor, ms.level=ms.level))
,doHasField=function(field) {
# TODO Should check which entry fields are parsed in general.
# TODO For that, even fields dynamically computed should be declared in
# definitions.yml file.
,doesRequireDownload=function() {
,doCorrectIds=function(ids) {
,doGetNbEntries=function(count=FALSE) {
n <- NA_integer_
if (count) {
ids <- self$getEntryIds()
if ( ! is.null(ids))
n <- length(ids)
doGetEntryPageUrl=function(id) {
doGetEntryImageUrl=function(id) {
return(rep(NA_character_, length(id)))
checkIsEditable=function() {
if ( ! self$isEditable())
error0("The database associated to this connector ", self$getId(),
" is not editable.")
initEditable=function() {
if (length(private$editing.allowed) == 0)
checkEditingIsAllowed=function() {
if ( ! private$editing.allowed)
error0('Editing is not enabled for this database. However this',
' database type is editable. Please call allowEditing()',
' method to enable editing.')
checkIsWritable=function() {
if ( ! self$isWritable())
error0("The database associated to this connector ", self$getId(),
" is not writable.")
checkWritingIsAllowed=function() {
if ( ! private$writing.allowed)
error0('Writing is not enabled for this database. However this',
' database type is writable. Please call allowWriting()',
' method to enable writing.')
doWrite=function() {
initWritable=function() {
if (length(private$writing.allowed) == 0)
doSearchForEntries=function(fields=NULL, max.results=0) {
# To be implemented by derived class.
checkIsDownloadable=function() {
if ( ! self$isDownloadable())
error0("The database associated to this connector ", self$getId(),
" is not downloadable.")
doDownload=function() {
doExtractDownload=function() {
checkIsRemote=function() {
if ( ! self$isRemotedb())
error0("The database associated to this connector ", self$getId(),
" is not a remote database.")
checkIsCompounddb=function() {
if ( ! self$isCompounddb())
error0("The database associated to this connector ", self$getId(),
" is not a compound database.")
checkMassField=function(mass, mass.field) {
if ( ! is.null(mass)) {
ef <- private$bdb$getEntryFields()
mass.fields <- ef$getFieldNames(type='mass')
chk::chk_subset(mass.field, mass.fields)
checkIsMassdb=function() {
if ( ! self$isMassdb())
error0("The database associated to this connector ", self$getId(),
" is not a mass spectra database.")
doGetEntryContentRequest=function(id, concatenate=TRUE) {
doGetEntryContentOneByOne=function(entry.id) {
# Initialize return values
content <- rep(NA_character_, length(entry.id))
# Get requests
requests <- self$getEntryContentRequest(entry.id, concatenate=FALSE)
# Get encoding
encoding <- self$getPropertyValue('entry.content.encoding')
# If requests is a vector of characters, then the method is using the old
# scheme.
# We now convert the requests to the new scheme, using class BiodbRequest.
if (is.character(requests)) {
fct <- function(x) self$makeRequest(method='get', url=BiodbUrl$new(x),
requests <- lapply(requests, fct)
# Send requests
scheduler <- private$bdb$getRequestScheduler()
prg <- Progress$new(biodb=private$bdb,
msg='Downloading entry contents',
for (i in seq_along(requests)) {
content[[i]] <- scheduler$sendRequest(requests[[i]])
doGetEntryIds=function(max.results=0) {
doGetEntryContentFromDb=function(id) {
if (self$isRemotedb())
doGetChromCol=function(ids=NULL) {
doGetNbPeaks=function(mode=NULL, ids=NULL) {
addEntriesToCache=function(ids, entries) {
ids <- as.character(ids)
names(entries) <- ids
# Update known entries
known.ids <- ids[ids %in% names(private$entries)]
private$entries[known.ids] <- entries[ids %in% known.ids]
# Add new entries
new.ids <- ids[ ! ids %in% names(private$entries)]
private$entries <- c(private$entries, entries[ids %in% new.ids])
getEntriesFromCache=function(ids) {
ids <- as.character(ids)
getEntryMissingFromCache=function(ids) {
ids <- as.character(ids)
missing.ids <- ids[ ! ids %in% names(private$entries)]
doSearchMzTol=function(mz, mz.tol, mz.tol.unit, min.rel.int, ms.mode,
max.results, precursor, ms.level) {
rng <- convertTolToRange(mz, tol=mz.tol, type=mz.tol.unit)
return(self$searchForMassSpectra(mz.min=rng$a, mz.max=rng$b,
min.rel.int=min.rel.int, ms.mode=ms.mode, max.results=max.results,
precursor=precursor, ms.level=ms.level))
doSearchMzRange=function(mz.min, mz.max, min.rel.int, ms.mode,
max.results, precursor, ms.level) {
doGetMzValues=function(ms.mode, max.results, precursor, ms.level) {
convertRt=function(rt, units, wanted.unit) {
# RT values with wrong unit
rt.wrong <- units != wanted.unit
# Convert any RT value using wrong unit
if (any(rt.wrong)) {
if ('s' %in% units[rt.wrong]) {
if (wanted.unit != 'min')
error0('Error when converting retention times values.',
' Was expecting "min" for target unit.')
rt[rt.wrong] <- rt[rt.wrong] / 60
if ('min' %in% units[rt.wrong]) {
if (wanted.unit != 's')
error0('Error when converting retention times values.',
' Was expecting "s" for target unit.')
rt[rt.wrong] <- rt[rt.wrong] * 60
checkMzMinMaxParam=function(mz.min, mz.max) {
use.min.max <- ! is.null(mz.min) && ! is.null(mz.max)
if (use.min.max) {
chk::chk_gte(mz.min, 0)
chk::chk_gte(mz.max, 0)
chk::chk_true(length(mz.min) == length(mz.max))
chk::chk_lte(mz.min, mz.max)
checkMzTolParam=function(mz, mz.tol, mz.tol.unit=c('ppm', 'plain')) {
use.tol <- ! is.null(mz)
if (use.tol) {
chk::chk_gte(mz, 0)
chk::chk_gte(mz.tol, 0)
mz.tol.unit <- match.arg(mz.tol.unit)
checkMzParam=function(mz.min, mz.max, mz, mz.tol, mz.tol.unit) {
use.tol <- private$checkMzTolParam(mz=mz, mz.tol=mz.tol,
use.min.max <- private$checkMzMinMaxParam(mz.min=mz.min, mz.max=mz.max)
if (use.tol && use.min.max)
error0("You cannot set both mz and (mz.min, mz.max). Please",
" choose one of those these two schemes to input M/Z values.")
return(list(use.tol=use.tol, use.min.max=use.min.max))
,checkRtParam=function(rt, rt.unit=c('s', 'min'), rt.tol, rt.tol.exp,
chrom.col.ids, match.rt) {
if (match.rt) {
chk::chk_gte(rt, 0)
chk::chk_gte(rt.tol, 0)
chk::chk_null_or(rt.tol.exp, vld=chk::vld_number)
chk::chk_gte(rt.tol.exp, 0)
chk::chk_null_or(chrom.col.ids, vld=chk::vld_character)
chk::chk_null_or(chrom.col.ids, vld=chk::vld_not_any_na)
rt.unit <- match.arg(rt.unit)
,checkSearchMsParam=function(input.df=NULL, input.df.colnames=c(mz='mz',
rt='rt', mz.min='mz.min', mz.max='mz.max'), mz.min=NULL, mz.max=NULL, mz,
mz.tol, mz.tol.unit, rt, rt.unit, rt.tol, rt.tol.exp, chrom.col.ids,
min.rel.int, ms.mode, max.results, ms.level, match.rt, ...) {
match.rt <- match.rt || ! is.null(rt)
# Set M/Z and RT input values
if ( ! is.null(input.df)) {
if (is.vector(input.df)) {
input.df <- data.frame(mz=input.df)
if ( ! 'mz' %in% colnames(input.df.colnames))
input.df.colnames[['mz']] <- 'mz'
colnames(input.df) <- input.df.colnames[['mz']]
chk::chk_is(input.df, 'data.frame')
for (v in c('mz', 'mz.min', 'mz.max', 'rt')) {
if (is.null(get(v)) && v %in% names(input.df.colnames)
&& ! is.null(input.df.colnames[[v]])
&& ! is.na(input.df.colnames[[v]])
&& input.df.colnames[[v]] %in% colnames(input.df))
assign(v, input.df[[input.df.colnames[[v]]]])
mz.match <- private$checkMzParam(mz.min=mz.min, mz.max=mz.max, mz=mz,
mz.tol=mz.tol, mz.tol.unit=mz.tol.unit)
private$checkRtParam(rt=rt, rt.unit=rt.unit, rt.tol=rt.tol,
rt.tol.exp=rt.tol.exp, chrom.col.ids=chrom.col.ids, match.rt=match.rt)
if ( ! mz.match$use.tol && ! mz.match$use.min.max)
if (mz.match$use.tol && match.rt && length(mz) != length(rt))
error0('mz and rt must have the same length.')
if (mz.match$use.min.max && match.rt && length(mz.min) != length(rt))
error0('mz.min, mz.max and rt must have the same length.')
# Set input data frame
for (v in c('mz', 'mz.min', 'mz.max', 'rt')) {
if ( ! is.null(get(v))) {
if (is.null(input.df)) {
input.df <- data.frame(x=get(v))
colnames(input.df) <- v
} else {
if (nrow(input.df) != length(get(v)))
error0('input.df (length ', nrow(input.df), '), and ',
v, ' (length ', length(get(v)),
') must have the same length.')
else {
if ( ! v %in% names(input.df.colnames))
input.df.colnames[[v]] <- v
input.df[[input.df.colnames[[v]]]] <- get(v)
chk::chk_null_or(min.rel.int, vld=chk::vld_number)
if ( ! is.null(min.rel.int))
chk::chk_gte(min.rel.int, 0)
ef <- private$bdb$getEntryFields()
if ( ! is.null(ms.mode)) {
chk::chk_subset(ms.mode, ef$get('ms.mode')$getAllowedValues())
ms.mode <- ef$get('ms.mode')$correctValue(ms.mode)
chk::chk_gte(max.results, 0)
chk::chk_gte(ms.level, 0)
use.mz.min.max=mz.match$use.min.max, use.rt.match=match.rt,
computeChromColRtRange=function(entry) {
rt.col.unit <- entry$getFieldValue('chrom.rt.unit')
if (entry$hasField('chrom.rt')) {
rt.col.min <- private$convertRt(entry$getFieldValue('chrom.rt'),
rt.col.unit, 's')
rt.col.max <- rt.col.min
} else if (entry$hasField('chrom.rt.min')
&& entry$hasField('chrom.rt.max')) {
rt.col.min <- private$convertRt(entry$getFieldValue('chrom.rt.min'),
rt.col.unit, 's')
rt.col.max <- private$convertRt(entry$getFieldValue('chrom.rt.max'),
rt.col.unit, 's')
} else
error0('Impossible to match on retention time, no retention time',
' fields (chrom.rt or chrom.rt.min and chrom.rt.max) were found.')
return(list(min=rt.col.min, max=rt.col.max))
,computeRtRange=function(rt, rt.unit, rt.tol, rt.tol.exp) {
rt.sec <- private$convertRt(rt, rt.unit, 's')
rt.min <- rt.sec
rt.max <- rt.sec
logDebug('At step 1, RT range is [%g, %g] (s).', rt.min, rt.max)
if ( ! is.na(rt.tol)) {
logDebug('RT tol is %g (s).', rt.tol)
rt.min <- rt.min - rt.tol
rt.max <- rt.max + rt.tol
logDebug('At step 2, RT range is [%g, %g] (s).', rt.min, rt.max)
if ( ! is.null(rt.tol.exp)) {
logDebug('RT tol exp is %g.', rt.tol.exp)
rt.min <- rt.min - rt.sec ** rt.tol.exp
rt.max <- rt.max + rt.sec ** rt.tol.exp
logDebug('At step 3, RT range is [%g, %g] (s).', rt.min, rt.max)
return(list(min=rt.min, max=rt.max))
,matchingMzWithSpectra=function(input.df, input.df.colnames, min.rel.int,
ms.mode, ms.level, max.results, mz.tol, mz.tol.unit,
rt, rt.unit, rt.tol, rt.tol.exp, chrom.col.ids, match.rt,
fields, compute, prefix, fieldsLimit, insert.input.values,
precursor.match.ids) {
results <- NULL
result.columns <- character()
logDebug('M/Z values to process %s',
for (i in seq_along(input.df[[input.df.colnames[['mz']]]])) {
# Compute M/Z range
mz <- input.df[i, input.df.colnames[['mz']]]
rng <- convertTolToRange(mz, tol=mz.tol, type=mz.tol.unit)
# Search for spectra
prm <- list(mz.min=rng$a, mz.max=rng$b,
min.rel.int=min.rel.int, ms.mode=ms.mode, ms.level=ms.level,
max.results=if (match.rt) 0 else max.results,
if (match.rt)
prm <- c(prm, list(rt=input.df[i, input.df.colnames[['rt']]],
rt.unit=rt.unit, rt.tol=rt.tol, rt.tol.exp=rt.tol.exp,
ids <- do.call(self$searchForMassSpectra, prm)
# Get entries & data frame
entries <- private$bdb$getFactory()$getEntry(self$getId(), ids,
drop=FALSE, no.null=TRUE, limit=max.results)
x <- private$convertEntriesIntoDataframe(entries=entries,
compute=compute, fieldsLimit=fieldsLimit, mz.tol=mz.tol,
mz.tol.unit=mz.tol.unit, rng=rng, fields=fields, prefix=prefix)
# Register result columns
if ( ! is.null(x)) {
newCols <- colnames(x)[ ! colnames(x) %in% result.columns]
result.columns <- c(result.columns, newCols)
results <- private$appendDataframeToResults(x=x, results=results,
input.row=input.df[i, , drop=FALSE])
results <- private$sortResultCols(results=results,
,convertEntriesIntoDataframe=function(entries, compute, fieldsLimit,
mz.tol, mz.tol.unit, fields, prefix, rng) {
# Convert to data frame
x <- private$bdb$entriesToDataframe(entries,
only.atomic=FALSE, compute=compute, flatten=FALSE,
# Select lines with right M/Z values
x <- x[(x$peak.mz >= rng$a) & (x$peak.mz <= rng$b), ]
# Select fields
if ( ! is.null(fields))
x <- x[fields[fields %in% colnames(x)]]
# Add prefix on column names
if ( ! is.null(x) && ncol(x) > 0 && ! is.null(prefix)
&& ! is.na(prefix))
colnames(x) <- paste0(prefix, colnames(x))
,appendDataframeToResults=function(x, results, insert.input.values, input.row) {
# Inserting input values at the beginning of the data frame
if (insert.input.values) {
x <- if (is.null(x) || nrow(x) == 0) input.row
else cbind(input.row, x, row.names=NULL, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
# Appending to main results data frame
results <- plyr::rbind.fill(results, x)
,sortResultCols=function(results, result.columns) {
# Sort result columns. We sort at the end of the processing, because result
# data frames may contain different number of column, depending on the
# presence of NA values.
# Sort cols at the end because of possible presence of NA values.
if ( ! is.null(results)) {
isAnInputCol <- ! colnames(results) %in% result.columns
inputCols <- colnames(results)[isAnInputCol]
results <- results[, c(inputCols, sort(result.columns)), drop=FALSE]
,terminate=function() {
# Unregister from the request scheduler
if (self$isRemotedb()) {
logDebug("Unregister connector %s from the request scheduler",
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