#' Convenience interface to strsplit()
#' @param string Input string
#' @param sep Separator
#' @return output Character vector of strings
#' @export
simpleSplit <- function(string, sep = ",") {
if (is.na(string)) {
} else {
unlist(strsplit(string, sep))
#' Extract the extension of a file
#' @param file Input file path
#' @return extension Extension like 'csv' or 'tsv'
#' @export
getExtension <- function(file) {
ex <- strsplit(basename(file), split = "\\.")[[1]]
return(tolower(tail(ex, 1)))
#' Infer a separator from the extension of an input file
#' @param file Input file path
#' @return output Separator character like tab or ','
#' @export
getSeparator <- function(file) {
ext <- getExtension(file)
if (ext == "tsv" || ext == "txt") {
separator <- "\t"
} else if (ext == "csv") {
separator <- ","
} else {
stop(paste("Unknown separator for", ext))
#' Take two delimiter-separated strings and generate a named vector
#' @param elements_string String to be converted to vector elements
#' @param names_string String to be converted to vector names by default taken
#' from elements_string.
#' @param sep Separator to use
#' @param prettify_names Boolean. Prettify element names?
#' @param simplify_files If elements are file and to be used to generate names,
#' should we simplify by striping path and extension?
#' @return output Named character vector
#' @export
stringsToNamedVector <- function(elements_string, names_string = NULL, sep = ",", prettify_names = TRUE, simplify_files = FALSE) {
elements <- simpleSplit(elements_string, sep = sep)
if (is.null(names_string)) {
element_names <- elements
if (simplify_files) {
element_names <- tools::file_path_sans_ext(gsub("_", " ", basename(element_names)))
} else {
element_names <- simpleSplit(names_string, sep = sep)
if (length(elements) != length(element_names)) {
stop(paste("List in", elements_string, "a different length to", names_string))
if (prettify_names) {
element_names <- prettifyVariablename(element_names)
names(elements) <- element_names
#' Make machine variable names pretty for display
#' Just split out words using '_' and capitalise first letter
#' @param vn A string to be prettified
#' @param tolower Convert to lower case first? (Default: FALSE)
#' @return output Prettified string
#' @export
#' @examples
#' vn <- "ugly_name_of_thing"
#' prettyifyVariablename(vn)
prettifyVariablename <- function(vn, tolower = FALSE) {
if (tolower) {
vn <- tolower(vn)
gsub("_", " ", ucfirst(vn))
#' Capitalise the first letter of a string
#' @param string A string
#' @return output String with capitalised first letter
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ucfirst("Example")
ucfirst <- function(string) {
paste0(toupper(substr(string, 1, 1)), substr(string, 2, nchar(string)))
#' Count the number of lines in a string
#' @param string A string
#' @return output Integer supplying the number of lines in a string
#' @export
#' @examples
#' nlines("foo\nbar")
nlines <- function(string) {
length(simpleSplit(string, "\n"))
#' Make a hidden input field. Handy for replacing superfluous single-value
#' selects etc
#' @param id An HTML id
#' @param values The value the input should return
#' @return output HTML as output by Shiny's \code{HTML()}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' hiddenInput("myid", "iamavalue")
<- function(id, values) {
HTML(paste0(unlist(lapply(values, function(value) paste0("<input type='text' id='", id, "' value='", value, "' style='display: none;'>")))))
# HTML(paste0('<input type='text' id='', id, '' value='', value, '' style='display: none;'>'))
#' Simple list push
#' @param input_list A list to push to
#' @param element The element to push
#' @return list with element pushed
#' @export
#' @examples
#' mylist <- pushToList(mylist, "new element")
pushToList <- function(input_list, element) {
input_list[[length(input_list) + 1]] <- element
#' Create sets of fields for display
#' Shiny apps can get cluttered with many inputs. This method wraps sets of
#' fields in either a \code{bsCollapse} from \code{shinyBS} (if installed) or
#' a simple div element with a title and class 'shinyngsFieldset' (which can
#' then be used for styling)
#' @param id ID field to apply to the overall container
#' @param fieldset_list A named list, each element containing one or more
#' fields.
#' @param open Only applicable for output with shinyBS, controls which panels
#' are open by default. In most cases all should be left open (the default),
#' since shiny doesn't receive the inputs of fields in collapsed elements.
#' @param use_shinybs Use collapsible panels from shinyBS if installed
#' @return list
fieldSets <- function(id, fieldset_list, open = NULL, use_shinybs = TRUE) {
if (is.null(open)) {
open <- names(fieldset_list)
if (requireNamespace("shinyBS", quietly = TRUE) && use_shinybs) {
collapse_panels <- lapply(names(fieldset_list), function(listname) {
shinyBS::bsCollapsePanel(prettifyVariablename(listname), value = listname, fieldset_list[[listname]])
collapse_panels$id <- id
collapse_panels$multiple <- TRUE
collapse_panels$open <- open
do.call(shinyBS::bsCollapse, collapse_panels)
} else {
lapply(names(fieldset_list), function(listname) {
div(id = id, class = "shinyngsFieldset", h4(prettifyVariablename(listname)), fieldset_list[[listname]])
#' Reshape data to the way \code{ggplot2} likes it
#' @param plotmatrices A matrix of values, e.g. expression data
#' @param experiment A data frame with rows matching the columns of
#' \code{matrix}
#' @param colorby An optional string specifying a column from \code{experiment}
#' that will be used to set a color column in the reshaped output.
#' @param value_type Type of data to assemble. By default this is just expression
#' values, but can be 'density' to calculate expression densities.
#' @param annotate_samples Add a suffix to sample labels reflecting their group?
#' @param should_transform A boolean indicating if the log2 transformation should be applied.
#' If TRUE, log2 transformation is applied unconditionally.
#' If FALSE, no transformation is applied.
#' If NULL (default), a conditional transformation based on threshold is applied.
#' @return A reshaped data frame
#' @export
#' @examples
#' plotdata <- ggplotify(as.matrix(plotmatrix), experiment, colorby)
ggplotify <- function(plotmatrices, experiment, colorby = NULL, value_type = "expression", annotate_samples = FALSE, should_transform = NULL) {
# If color grouping is specified, sort by the coloring variable so the groups will be plotted together
if (!is.null(colorby)) {
colnames(experiment)[colnames(experiment) == colorby] <- prettifyVariablename(colorby)
colorby <- prettifyVariablename(colorby)
experiment[[colorby]] <- na.replace(experiment[[colorby]], "N/A")
# Group samples by the coloring variable while maintaining ordering as much as possible
experiment <- experiment[order(factor(experiment[[colorby]], levels = unique(experiment[[colorby]]))), , drop = FALSE]
# Allow for a list of matrices, likely for faceting
if (!is.list(plotmatrices)) {
plotmatrices <- list(" " = plotmatrices)
allplotdata <- do.call(rbind, lapply(names(plotmatrices), function(pm) {
if (value_type == "density") {
plotdata <- do.call(rbind, lapply(colnames(plotmatrices[[pm]]), function(s) {
dens <- density(cond_log2_transform_matrix(plotmatrices[[pm]][, s], rmzeros = TRUE, should_transform = should_transform), n = 100)
data.frame(name = s, value = dens$x, density = dens$y)
} else {
plotdata <- reshape2::melt(as.matrix(plotmatrices[[pm]][, rownames(experiment)]))
plotdata <- plotdata[which(plotdata$value > 0), ]
colnames(plotdata) <- c("gene", "name", "value")
plotdata$value <- cond_log2_transform_matrix(plotdata$value, should_transform = should_transform)
if (!is.null(colorby)) {
plotdata$colorby <- factor(experiment[[colorby]][match(plotdata$name, rownames(experiment))], levels = unique(experiment[[colorby]]))
if (annotate_samples) {
plotdata$name <- paste0(plotdata$name, " (", plotdata$colorby, ")")
plotdata$type <- prettifyVariablename(pm)
# Make sure that if we received multiple matrices, they're plotted in the right order
allplotdata$type <- factor(allplotdata$type, levels = unique(allplotdata$type))
# Make sure name is a factor to 1) stop ggplot re-ordering the axis and 2) stop it interpreting it as numeric
allplotdata$name <- factor(allplotdata$name, levels = unique(allplotdata$name))
#' Given a string with spaces, try to split into multiple lines of <
#' \code{linewidth} characters
#' @param string A string with spaces
#' @param linewidth The maximum line length in characters (default: 30)
#' @return A string with newline characters added where appropriate
#' @export
#' @examples
#' splitStringToFixedwidthLines("once upon a time there was a giant and a beanstalk and a pot of gold and some beans")
splitStringToFixedwidthLines <- function(string, linewidth = 20) {
words <- simpleSplit(string, " ")
strings <- list()
string <- words[1]
for (word in words[-1]) {
if (nchar(string) >= linewidth) {
strings[[length(strings) + 1]] <- string
string <- word
} else {
string <- paste(string, word)
strings[[length(strings) + 1]] <- string
paste(unlist(strings), collapse = "\n")
#' Unpack a list to the environment. Handy when many reactive functions are
#' returned by a call to a module's server function
#' @param object A named list of objects to unpack
#' @export
unpack.list <- function(object) {
for (.x in names(object)) {
assign(value = object[[.x]], x = .x, envir = parent.frame())
#' Interleave the columns of two matrices of equal dimensions
#' @param mat1 First numeric matrix
#' @param mat2 Second numeric matrix
#' @return output Interleaved matrix
#' @export
interleaveColumns <- function(mat1, mat2) {
out <- cbind(mat1, mat2)
out[, unlist(lapply(1:ncol(mat1), function(n) c(n, n + ncol(mat1))))]
#' Return a usable citation string for a package
#' Adds just the tiny bit of wrapping code to make the output of
#' \code{citation()} printable.
#' @param package Character string of package name
#' @return citation A string that can be put in markdown doucments etc.
makePackageCitation <- function(package) {
paste(capture.output(print(citation(package), style = "HTML")), collapse = " ")
#' Choose a valid set of grouping variables from a targets/ experiment data
#' frame.
#' To be useful for grouping a variable needs to be a character or a factor,
#' and to have a number of values greater than one but less than the number of
#' samples.
#' @param df Input data frame
#' @return out A list of valid column names
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # `airway` contains info on the samples it's based on
#' require(airway)
#' data(airway, package = "airway")
#' # However, not all variables are useful for grouping data. Some have a
#' # different value for every sample, one has the same value for all of them.
#' colData(airway)
#' # So just pick the variables that ARE useful
#' chooseGroupingVariables(data.frame(colData(airway)))
chooseGroupingVariables <- function(df) {
all_vars <- colnames(df)
vartypes <- unlist(lapply(df, class))
numunique <- unlist(lapply(df, function(x) length(unique(x[!is.na(x)]))))
all_vars[vartypes != "integer" & numunique < nrow(df) & numunique > 1]
#' Replace NAs with a string for convenience
#' @param vec Character vector or factor containing NAs
#' @param replacement Character replacement (default: 'NA')
#' @return Vector or factor with NAs replaced
#' @export
na.replace <- function(vec, replacement = "NA") {
isfactor <- is.factor(vec)
if (isfactor) {
vec <- as.character(vec)
vec[is.na(vec)] <- replacement
# Turn it back into a vector if that's what we were passed
if (isfactor) {
vec <- factor(vec)
#' Wrap a Shiny input so its label is displayed inline
#' @param field_def A field definition with NULL set for the label property
#' @param label Field label
#' @param labelwidth With (in units out of 12) for label
#' @return output A UI definition that can be passed to the shinyUI function.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' inlineField(numericInput("foo", label = NULL, min = 0, max = 100, value = 50), "FOO")
inlineField <- function(field_def, label, labelwidth = 6) {
fluidRow(column(labelwidth, HTML(paste0("<b>", label, ":</b> "))), column(12 - labelwidth, field_def))
#' Make a numeric field with selectable associated cardinality (>, < ..).
#' A wrapper around \code{\link[shiny]{numericInput}}, providing an inline
#' label and an associated field specifying how the value should be applied,
#' i.e. 'greater than this value' etc.
#' @param id ID to use for the numeric field
#' @param cardinal_id ID to use for the cardinality field
#' @param label Label
#' @param value Default value
#' @param cardinality Default cardinality
#' @param step Passed to \code{\link[shiny]{numericInput}}
#' @param min Passed to \code{\link[shiny]{numericInput}}
#' @param max Passed to \code{\link[shiny]{numericInput}}
#' @return out An HTML tag object that can be rendered as HTML using
#' as.character()
cardinalNumericField <- function(id, cardinal_id, label, value, cardinality = "<=", step = NA, min = NA, max = NA) {
fluidRow(column(4, HTML(paste0("<b>", label, ":</b> "))), column(3, selectInput(cardinal_id, label = NULL, choices = c(
"<=", ">=", ">= or <= -",
"<= and >= -"
), selected = cardinality), selectize = FALSE), column(5, numericInput(id, label = NULL, value = value, min = min, max = max, step = step))),
class = "shinyngs-cardinalfield"
#' Evaluate a vector of values with respect to a limit and a cardinality, being
#' '>', '<' , '> or <-' (e.g. a fold change above a limit in + or -
#' directions), or '< and >-' (not a above a limit in + or -).
#' @param values Vector of numeric values
#' @param cardinality Cardinality: '>', '<' , '> or <-'
#' @param limit Numeric limit
#' @return out A logical vector
evaluateCardinalFilter <- function(values, cardinality, limit) {
if (cardinality == "<=") {
(!is.na(values)) & values <= limit
} else if (cardinality == ">=") {
(!is.na(values)) & values >= limit
} else if (cardinality == ">= or <= -") {
(!is.na(values)) & abs(values) >= limit
} else if (cardinality == "<= and >= -") {
(!is.na(values)) & values <= limit & values >= -limit
} else {
stop("invalid cardinality")
#' Build an ExploratorySummarisedExperimentList from a YAML description
#' Building ExploratorySummarisedExperimentList objects can be a bit fiddly.
#' This function makes automates object construction based on a descriptor
#' in yaml format.
#' For a simple study with one 'experiement' for Gene-level results, and three
#' 'assays' describing raw, filtered and normalised expression you might make
#' a YAML like:
#' ```
#' title: My RNA seq experiment
#' author: Joe Blogs
#' report: report.md
#' group_vars:
#' - Group
#' - Replicate
#' default_groupvar: Group
#' experiments:
#' Gene:
#' coldata:
#' file: my.experiment.csv
#' id: External
#' annotation:
#' file: my.annotation.csv
#' id: gene_id
#' entrez: ~
#' label: gene_id
#' expression_matrices:
#' Raw:
#' file: raw_counts.csv
#' measure: counts
#' Filtered:
#' file: filtered_counts.csv
#' measure: Counts per million
#' Normalised:
#' file: normalised_counts.csv
#' measure: Counts per million
#' read_reports:
#' read_attrition: read_attrition.csv
#' contrasts:
#' comparisons:
#' - Variable: Group
#' Group.1: control
#' Group.2: TreatmentA
#' - Variable: Group
#' Group.1: control
#' Group.2: TreatmentB
#' contrast_stats:
#' Gene:
#' Normalised:
#' pvals: pvals.csv
#' qvals: qvals.csv
#' ```
#' @param configfile A YAML-format config file describing the data to be
#' compiled into an ExploratorySummarizedExperimentList object
#' @import yaml
#' @return out An ExploratorySummarizedExperimentList object suitable for passing to \code{\link{prepareApp}}
#' @export
#' @md
#' @examples
#' eselist <- eselistFromYAML("my.yaml")
eselistFromYAML <- function(configfile) {
config <- yaml::yaml.load_file(configfile)
#' Build an ExploratorySummarisedExperimentList from a description provided in a list
#' @param config Hierachical named list with input components. See \code{eselistFromYAML} for detail.
#' @param log2_threshold A numeric threshold to determine if the matrix should be log-transformed.
#' This is only checked if should_transform is NULL.
#' @param log2_assays A string parameter that can be NULL, empty, or a non-empty string.
#' If NULL: log2 transformation will be guessed based on input assays.
#' If empty: no log2 transformation will be applied.
#' If non-empty: log2 transformation will be applied unconditionally to specified assays.
#' @return out An ExploratorySummarizedExperimentList object suitable for passing to \code{\link{prepareApp}}
#' @export
eselistfromConfig <-
function(config, log2_assays, log2_threshold = 30) {
# 'Experiments' are sets of results from a common set of samples
experiments <- config$experiments
# Establish ordering. Ordering of YAML file shouldn't be relied upon
if ("experiment_order" %in% names(config)) {
experiment_order <- config$experiment_order
} else {
experiment_order <- names(experiments)
experiments <- experiments[experiment_order]
# Make the basic objects
print("Constructing ExploratorySummarizedExperiments")
expsumexps <- lapply(structure(names(experiments), names = names(experiments)), function(expname) {
exp <- experiments[[expname]]
# Read feature metadata
colData <- read_metadata(
filename = exp$coldata$file,
id_col = exp$coldata$id,
annotation <-
id_col = exp$annotation$id,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
# Read the expression data
assays <- rev(lapply(exp$expression_matrices, function(mat) {
print(paste("Reading", mat$file))
sample_metadata = colData,
feature_metadata = annotation,
row.names = 1
# If specified, ensure data is unlogged before it's loaded
assays <- cond_log2_transform_assays(
log2_assays = log2_assays,
threshold = log2_threshold,
prettify_names = TRUE,
reverse = TRUE,
invert_assays = TRUE
# Apply ordering if provided
if ("assay_order" %in% names(exp)) {
assay_order <- exp$assay_order
} else {
assay_order <- names(assays)
assays <- assays[assay_order]
# Add contrast_stats where available.
contrast_stats <- list()
if (expname %in% names(config$contrasts$stats)) {
contrast_stats <- lapply(config$contrasts$stats[[expname]], function(assaytests) {
# 'Uncompiled' means that stats are still stored in separate files for
# each contrast, as they might come from DESeq etc. We just have to
# separate them and compile ourselves.
if ("type" %in% names(assaytests) && assaytests$type == "uncompiled") {
differential_stats_files = assaytests$files,
feature_id_column = assaytests$feature_id_column,
fc_column = assaytests$fc_column,
pval_column = assaytests$pval_column, qval_column = assaytests$qval_column,
unlog_foldchanges = assaytests$unlog_foldchanges
} else {
lapply(assaytests, function(at) {
print(paste("Reading test stats file", at))
read.csv(at, row.names = 1, header = FALSE)
# Basic list to pass to object creation
ese_list <- list(
assays = assays,
colData = colData,
annotation = annotation,
idfield = exp$annotation$id,
entrezgenefield = exp$annotation$entrez,
labelfield = exp$annotation$label,
assay_measures = lapply(exp$expression_matrices, function(mat) {
contrast_stats = contrast_stats
if ("read_reports" %in% names(exp)) {
ese_list$read_reports <- lapply(exp$read_reports, function(rrfile) read.csv(rrfile, row.names = 1, check.names = FALSE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
if ("gene_set_analyses" %in% names(exp)) {
ese_list$gene_set_analyses <- lapply(exp$gene_set_analyses, function(assay) {
lapply(assay, function(gene_set_type) {
lapply(gene_set_type, function(contrast) {
read.csv(contrast, check.names = FALSE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, row.names = 1)
do.call(ExploratorySummarizedExperiment, ese_list)
# Parse contrasts if they weren't provided as a list directly
if ("comparisons_file" %in% names(config$contrasts)) {
config$contrasts$comparisons <-
convert_to_list = TRUE
# Check that number of differential results sets is equal to number of contrasts
for (ese in expsumexps) {
if (ncol(ese@contrast_stats[[1]]$fold_changes) != length(config$contrasts$comparisons)) {
stop(paste0("Number of supplied contrasts (", length(config$contrasts$comparisons), ") not equal to the number of sets of differential statistics supplied (", ncol(ese@contrast_stats[[1]]$fold_changes), ")"))
print("Creating ExploratorySummarizedExperimentList")
eselist_args <- list(
title = config$title,
author = config$author,
group_vars = config$group_vars,
default_groupvar = config$default_groupvar,
contrasts = lapply(config$contrasts$comparisons, function(x) unlist(x))
# Optional things
if ("static_pdf" %in% names(config)) {
eselist_args$static_pdf <- config$static_pdf
# If 'report' is specified with assume a mardown document to be parsed. Otherwise just text
if ("report" %in% names(config)) {
eselist_args$description <- as.character(includeMarkdown(config$report))
} else if ("description" %in% names(config)) {
eselist_args$description <- config$description
if ("url_roots" %in% names(config)) {
eselist_args$url_roots <- config$url_roots
if ("gene_set_id_type" %in% names(config) && "gene_sets" %in% names(config)) {
eselist_args$gene_set_id_type <- config$gene_set_id_type
eselist_args$gene_sets <- lapply(config$gene_sets, GSEABase::getGmt)
eselist <- do.call(ExploratorySummarizedExperimentList, eselist_args)
#' Read an expression matrix file and match to specified samples and features
#' @param matrix_file Matrix file
#' @param sample_metadata Data frame of sample metadata
#' @param feature_metadata Data fraome of feature metadata
#' @param sep Sepaarator in matrix file
#' @param row.names Matrix column number or name containing feature identifiers
#' @return output Numeric matrix
#' @export
read_matrix <- function(matrix_file, sample_metadata, feature_metadata = NULL, sep = NULL, row.names = 1) {
if (is.null(sep)) {
sep <- getSeparator(matrix_file)
matrix_data <-
check.names = FALSE,
header = TRUE,
sep = sep,
row.names = row.names
if (any(!rownames(sample_metadata) %in% colnames(matrix_data))) {
missing <-
rownames(sample_metadata)[(!rownames(sample_metadata) %in% colnames(matrix_data))]
"Some sample metadata names (",
paste(missing, collapse = ","),
") are absent from the matrix in ",
", columns are: ",
paste(colnames(matrix_data), collapse = ",")
# Allow for feature names appearing in the first column
if (!is.null(feature_metadata)) {
if (!any(rownames(feature_metadata) %in% rownames(matrix_data))) {
rownames(matrix_data) <- matrix_data[, 1]
if (!any(rownames(feature_metadata) %in% rownames(matrix_data))) {
stop(paste("All feature metadata names are absent from the matrix in", matrix_file))
na.omit(as.matrix(matrix_data[, rownames(sample_metadata)]))
#' Read a metadata file
#' @param filename File name
#' @param id_col Identifier column in the file
#' @param sep File separator
#' @param stringsAsFactors Passed to \code{read.delim}
#' @export
#' @return output Data frame
read_metadata <- function(filename, id_col = NULL, sep = NULL, stringsAsFactors = FALSE) {
if (is.null(sep)) {
sep <- getSeparator(filename)
if (!file.exists(filename)) {
stop(paste("Metadata file", filename, "does not exist."))
} else {
metadata <-
sep = sep,
check.names = FALSE,
header = TRUE,
stringsAsFactors = stringsAsFactors
if (!is.null(id_col)) {
if (is.character(id_col) && !id_col %in% colnames(metadata)) {
"Metadata ID column (",
") does not exist in metadata ",
paste(colnames(metadata), collapse = ","),
" from file ",
metadata <- metadata[match(unique(metadata[[id_col]]), metadata[[id_col]]), ]
rownames(metadata) <- metadata[[id_col]]
#' Check one list is a subset of another and throw an error if not
#' @param test_list Test list
#' @param reference_list Reference list
#' @param test_list_name Name of test list for error
#' @param reference_list_name Name of reference list for error
#' @return output Returns TRUE if check passes
#' @export
checkListIsSubset <- function(test_list,
reference_list_name) {
if (!all(test_list %in% reference_list)) {
"Not all ",
" (",
paste(test_list, collapse = ","),
") are available in the ",
" (",
paste(reference_list, collapse = ","),
#' Read and validate a contrasts file against sample metadata
#' @param filename Contrasts file
#' @param samples Data frame of sample information
#' @param variable_column Column in contrasts file referencing sample sheet
#' column
#' @param reference_column Column in contrast file referencing reference level
#' of sample sheet variable
#' @param target_column Column in contrast file referencing target level of
#' sample sheet variable
#' @param blocking_column Colon-separated column in contrast file referencing
#' sample sheet variables to be used as blocking factors
#' @param convert_to_list Convert output to a list as used internally by
#' shinyngs?
#' @return output Validated contrasts data frame
#' @export
read_contrasts <-
variable_column = "variable",
reference_column = "reference",
target_column = "target",
blocking_column = "blocking",
convert_to_list = FALSE) {
# Read the contrasts depending on the file format (CSV or YAML)
if (grepl("\\.csv$", filename)) {
contrasts <- read_metadata(filename)
contrast_cols <- c(variable_column, reference_column, target_column)
if (!blocking_column %in% names(contrasts)) {
contrasts[[blocking_column]] <- NA
# Check contrast headers are as expected
if (!all(contrast_cols %in% colnames(contrasts))) {
stop(paste("Contrasts file must contain all of", paste(contrast_cols, collapse = ", ")))
} else if (grepl("\\.ya?ml$", filename)) {
contrasts_yaml <- yaml::read_yaml(filename)
if (is.null(contrasts_yaml$contrasts)) {
stop("YAML file must contain a 'contrasts' section.")
# Parse YAML contrasts into a data frame
contrasts <- do.call(rbind, lapply(contrasts_yaml$contrasts, function(x) {
id = x$id,
variable = x$comparison[1],
reference = x$comparison[2],
target = x$comparison[3],
blocking = ifelse(is.null(x$blocking_factors), NA, paste(x$blocking_factors, collapse = ";")),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
# Check for missing fields
if (any(is.na(contrasts$variable) | is.na(contrasts$reference) | is.na(contrasts$target))) {
stop("Contrasts file has missing values in key columns (variable, reference, target).")
} else {
stop("Invalid file format. Please provide a CSV or YAML file.")
# Check contrast content is appropriate to sample sheet
success <- checkListIsSubset(contrasts$variable, colnames(samples), "contrast variables", "sample metadata")
# Check blocking variables, where supplied
blocking <- unlist(lapply(contrasts[[blocking_column]], function(x) simpleSplit(x, ";")))
blocking <- blocking[!is.na(blocking)]
if (length(blocking) > 0) {
success <- checkListIsSubset(blocking, colnames(samples), "blocking variables", "sample metadata")
# Ensure reference, target, and blocking values are valid for their variable
for (i in 1:nrow(contrasts)) {
var <- contrasts[i, variable_column]
for (col in c(reference_column, target_column)) {
val <- contrasts[i, col]
if (is.na(val) || val == "") {
stop(paste("Missing value for", col, "in sample sheet"))
} else {
success <- checkListIsSubset(val, samples[[var]], "contrast levels", "sample metadata variable")
# Convert contrasts to a list if requested
if (convert_to_list) {
contrasts <- apply(contrasts, 1, function(x) {
conlist <- split(unname(x), names(x))[names(x)]
rename <- c('variable' = 'Variable', 'reference' = 'Group.1', 'target' = 'Group.2')
rename_ind <- match(names(rename), names(conlist))
names(conlist)[rename_ind] <- rename
nonempty <- unlist(lapply(conlist, function(y) !(is.na(y) || is.null(y) || grepl("^\\s*$", y))))
#' Read tables of differential statistics
#' @param filename File name of file with table of differential statistics
#' @param feature_id_column Column of stats file with feature identifiers
#' @param pval_column Column of stats file with p values
#' @param qval_column Column of stats file with adjust p values/ q values
#' @param fc_column Column of stats with fold changes
#' @param unlog_foldchanges Reverse a log on fold changes? Set to TRUE if values
#' are logged.
#' @return output Validated selected columns of differential stats files as a
#' data frame
#' @export
read_differential <- function(filename,
feature_id_column = NULL,
pval_column = NULL,
qval_column = NULL,
fc_column = NULL,
unlog_foldchanges = FALSE) {
st <- read_metadata(filename, id_col = feature_id_column)
stats_cols <- c(feature_id_column, pval_column, qval_column, fc_column)
success <-
"stats variables",
"available stats columns"
st <- st[, stats_cols]
for (c in colnames(st)) {
st[[c]][grep("^ *NA$", st[[c]])] <- NA
if (c %in% c(pval_column, qval_column, fc_column)) {
st[[c]] <- as.numeric(st[[c]])
if (unlog_foldchanges) {
st[[fc_column]] <- sign(st[[fc_column]]) * 2^(abs(st[[fc_column]]))
#' Compile contrast stats for inclusion in shinyngs
#' @param differential_stats_files Tabular files with differential stats
#' @param pval_column P value column in stats files
#' @param qval_column Q value column in stats files
#' @param fc_column Fold change column in stats files
#' @param feature_id_column Feature identifier column in stats files
#' @param unlog_foldchanges Should fold change values be unlogged?
#' @return output A named list of data frames by statistic, number of columns equal to input file number
compile_contrast_data <-
feature_id_column = NULL,
pval_column = NULL,
qval_column = NULL,
fc_column = NULL,
unlog_foldchanges = FALSE) {
# Read stats and make sure they're numeric
contrast_stats <- lapply(differential_stats_files, function(dsf) {
filename = dsf,
feature_id_column = feature_id_column,
pval_column = pval_column,
qval_column = qval_column,
fc_column = fc_column,
unlog_foldchanges = unlog_foldchanges
contrast_stats_rearranged <- list()
add_to_stats <- function(source) {
df <- do.call(cbind, lapply(contrast_stats, function(x) {
x[, source, drop = FALSE]
names(df) <- paste0("V", 1:ncol(df))
rownames(df) <- contrast_stats[[1]][[feature_id_column]]
if (!is.null(fc_column)) {
contrast_stats_rearranged[["fold_changes"]] <- add_to_stats(source = fc_column)
if (!is.null(pval_column)) {
contrast_stats_rearranged[["pvals"]] <- add_to_stats(source = pval_column)
if (!is.null(qval_column)) {
contrast_stats_rearranged[["qvals"]] <- add_to_stats(source = qval_column)
#' Call the various read/ validate methods for input data surrounding an experiment
#' @param samples_metadata Sample metadata data frame
#' @param features_metadata Feature metadata data frame
#' @param assay_files List of assay matrices
#' @param contrasts_file Contrasts definition file
#' @param sample_id_col Column of sample metadata used for identifiers
#' @param feature_id_col Column of feature metadata used for identifiers
#' @param assay_names Optional comma-separated list of assay names
#' @param differential_results Optional list of differential stats files
#' @param pval_column P value column if differential stats files specified
#' @param qval_column Q value column if differential stats files specified
#' @param fc_column Fold change column if differential stats files specified
#' @param unlog_foldchanges Boolean- should fold changes in stats files be
#' unlogged?
#' @return output A named list with feature/ observation components
#' @export
validate_inputs <- function(samples_metadata,
contrasts_file = NULL,
features_metadata = NULL,
sample_id_col = "sample",
assay_names = NULL,
differential_results = NULL,
feature_id_col = "gene_id",
pval_column = "pval_column",
qval_column = "qval_column",
fc_column = "log2FoldChange",
unlog_foldchanges = FALSE) {
validated_parts <- list()
# Read the sample (observation) - wise metadata
"Reading sample sheet at",
"with ID col",
samples <- read_metadata(
filename = samples_metadata,
id_col = sample_id_col
validated_parts[[samples_metadata]] <- samples
# Read feature-wise metadata if provided
features <- NULL
if (!is.null(features_metadata)) {
"Reading feature metadata at",
"with ID col",
features <- read_metadata(
filename = features_metadata,
id_col = feature_id_col
validated_parts[[features_metadata]] <- features
# Read the assay matrices
assay_files <-
elements_string = assay_files,
simplify_files = FALSE,
prettify_names = FALSE
# Read the matrices while checking samples and features match columns and rows
validated_parts[["assays"]] <- lapply(assay_files, function(x) {
print(paste("Reading assay matrix", x, "and validating against samples and features (if supplied)"))
mat <- read_matrix(
matrix_file = x,
sample_metadata = samples,
feature_metadata = features
print(paste("... ", x, "matrix good"))
# Read contrasts and check against sample info
if (!is.null(contrasts_file)) {
print("Reading contrast definitions and validating against sample sheet")
validated_parts[[contrasts_file]] <- read_contrasts(contrasts_file, samples)
print("... contrasts good")
if (!is.null(differential_results)) {
contrast_stats_files <-
simplify_files = FALSE,
prettify_names = FALSE
validated_parts[["differential_stats"]] <- lapply(contrast_stats_files, function(dsf) {
filename = dsf,
feature_id_column = feature_id_column,
pval_column = pval_column,
qval_column = qval_column,
fc_column = fc_column,
unlog_foldchanges = unlog_foldchanges
#' Check if a comma-separated string can be parsed to an integer vector
#' @param string Input string
#' @return output Boolean indicating whether the check passed
#' @export
# Function to check if a comma-separated string can be parsed to a positive integer vector
is_valid_positive_integer_vector <- function(string) {
# as.integer() will truncate floats without throwing an error and also
# accept negatives, so check if string contains NOT 0-9 or comma
if (grepl("[^0-9,]", string)) {
#' Apply log2 transformation on a matrix.
#' @param matrix_data A matrix containing data.
#' @param should_transform A boolean indicating if the log2 transformation should be applied.
#' If TRUE, log2 transformation is applied unconditionally.
#' If FALSE, no transformation is applied.
#' If NULL, a conditional transformation based on threshold is applied.
#' @param threshold A numeric threshold to determine if the matrix should be log-transformed.
#' This is only checked if should_transform is NULL.
#' @param rmzeros A boolean indicating whether to remove zeros from the matrix.
#' If TRUE, zeros are removed. Default is FALSE.
#' @param small_value A small value to add to zero entries before log transformation.
#' @param reverse Boolean, should we unlog rather than log?
#' @return A modified matrix.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Create a sample matrix
#' mat <- matrix(c(10, 0, 30, 0, 50, 60), ncol = 2)
#' # Use the function with different parameters
#' transformed_mat1 <- cond_log2_transform_matrix(mat, should_transform = TRUE)
#' transformed_mat2 <- cond_log2_transform_matrix(mat, should_transform = NULL, threshold = 40)
#' transformed_mat3 <- cond_log2_transform_matrix(mat, rmzeros = TRUE)
cond_log2_transform_matrix <- function(matrix_data, should_transform = NULL, threshold = 30, rmzeros = FALSE, small_value = 1, reverse = FALSE) {
# Determine if transformation is needed
if (is.null(should_transform)) {
should_transform <- (max(matrix_data, na.rm = TRUE) > threshold) || (reverse && max(matrix_data, na.rm = TRUE) <= threshold)
# Apply transformation based on conditions
if (should_transform) {
if (reverse) {
} else {
# Handle zeros before any log transform - either removing them or applying a small minimum
matrix_data[matrix_data == 0] <- if (rmzeros) NA else small_value
#' Validate assay indices based on a given string.
#' This function checks if the provided index string represents valid assays in the given assay data.
#' The function can handle index strings that are comma-separated integers or assay names.
#' @param assay_data A list containing matrices as assay data.
#' @param index_string A string that can be a comma-separated list of integers or assay names.
#' @param invert_assays Boolean, return the indices NOT specified.
#' @param prettify_names Boolean. Prettify element names?
#' @return A vector of valid indices (either as integers or assay names).
#' @examples
#' assay_data_example <- list(a = matrix(1:9, ncol=3), b = matrix(1:12, ncol=3), c = matrix(1:6, ncol=2))
#' valid_assays1 <- validate_indices(assay_data_example, "1,2")
#' valid_assays2 <- validate_indices(assay_data_example, "a,b")
#' @export
validate_indices <- function(assay_data, index_string, invert_assays = FALSE, prettify_names = TRUE) {
indices_are_names <- TRUE
if (is_valid_positive_integer_vector(index_string)) {
indices_are_names <- FALSE
indices <- as.integer(simpleSplit(index_string))
} else {
indices <- simpleSplit(index_string)
if (prettify_names) {
indices <- unlist(lapply(indices, prettifyVariablename))
valid_indices <- c(1:length(assay_data), names(assay_data))
invalid_indices <- indices[!indices %in% valid_indices]
if (length(invalid_indices) > 0) {
"Invalid assays: ",
paste(invalid_indices, collapse=', '),
", valid indices are:",
paste(valid_indices, collapse=', ')
if (invert_assays) {
if (indices_are_names) {
indices <- names(assay_data)[!names(assay_data) %in% indices]
} else {
indices <- setdiff(1:length(assay_data), indices)
#' Conditionally apply log2 transformation on assay data based on log2_assays parameter.
#' @param assay_data A list containing matrices as assay data.
#' @param log2_assays A string parameter that can be NULL, empty, or a non-empty string.
#' If NULL: log2 transformation will be guessed based on input assays.
#' If empty: no log2 transformation will be applied.
#' If non-empty: log2 transformation will be applied unconditionally to specified assays.
#' @param threshold A numeric threshold to determine if the matrix should be log-transformed.
#' This is only checked if should_transform is NULL.
#' @param reverse Boolean, should we unlog rather than log?
#' @param invert_assays Boolean, apply transform to assays NOT specified in log2_assays.
#' @param prettify_names Boolean. Prettify element names? Passed to validate_indices().
#' @return A modified assay_data list.
#' @export
cond_log2_transform_assays <- function(assay_data, log2_assays, threshold = 30, reverse = FALSE, prettify_names = TRUE, invert_assays = FALSE) {
indices_to_transform = c()
should_transform = FALSE
# Check if log2_assays is null
if (is.null(log2_assays)) {
indices_to_transform <- names(assay_data)
should_transform <- NULL
} else if (log2_assays != "") {
# Determine which assays to log based on log2_assays
indices_to_transform <- validate_indices(assay_data = assay_data, index_string = log2_assays, prettify_names = prettify_names, invert_assays = invert_assays)
should_transform <- TRUE
# Apply log2 transformation to any specified assays
for (index in indices_to_transform) {
assay_data[[index]] <- cond_log2_transform_matrix(matrix_data = assay_data[[index]], should_transform = should_transform, threshold = threshold, reverse = reverse)
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