Defines functions BII

Documented in BII

#' @title Biodiversity intactness index
#' @description calculates the area weighted biodiversity intactness index (BII) out of a MAgPIE gdx file
#' @export
#' @param gdx         GDX file
#' @param file        a file name the output should be written to using write.magpie
#' @param level       level of regional aggregation; "cell" (magpie cluster level),
#'                    "reg" (regional), "glo" (global), "regglo" (regional and global),
#'                    "iso" (country level), "grid" (0.5 degree grid cell level).
#' @param mode        "auto" (default), "from_grid", "MAgPIE" or "postprocessing".
#' \itemize{
#'                \item "MAgPIE" reports the BV based on values from the MAgPIE biodiversity module.
#'                \item "postprocessing" calculates the BV based on land information from MAgPIE (for versions where biodiversity module was not available yet).
#'                \item "auto" uses "MAgPIE" if available and falls back to "postprocessing" otherwise.
#'                \item "from_grid" calculates BII values from BII output and returns aggregated values at the aggregation level specified.
#' }
#' @param landClass       "all" returns average BII values for all land classes of ov_bv,
#'                        "sum" returns the weighted BII over all land classes of ov44_bv_weighted.
#' @param spatialWeight   Spatial weight for aggregating BII values. Only relevant if mode is "from_grid", adjusted is TRUE,
#' or level is either "grid" or "iso".
#' @param adjusted        if "TRUE", function returns adjusted BII values (results have been adjusted for primary and secondary other land).
#' @param bii_coeff       file containing BII coefficients. Only needed for mode = "postprocessing". NULL tries to automatically detected the file.
#' @param side_layers file containing LUH2 side layers.
#'                    NULL tries to automatically detected the file.
#' @param dir for gridded outputs: magpie output directory which contains a mapping file (rds) for disaggregation
#' @details Calculates global, regional and cluster-level biodiversity intactness index (BII)
#' @return Biodiversity intactness index (unitless)
#' @author Patrick v. Jeetze, Florian Humpenoeder, Felicitas Beier
#' @importFrom magclass dimSums
#' @importFrom luscale superAggregate
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' x <- BII(gdx)
#' }
BII <- function(gdx, file = NULL, level = "glo", mode = "auto", landClass = "sum", spatialWeight = NULL,
                adjusted = FALSE, bii_coeff = NULL, side_layers = NULL, dir = ".") {

  # ====================================
  # Gridded output data processing
  # ====================================

  if (mode == "from_grid" | adjusted == TRUE | level %in% c("grid", "iso")) {
    map_file <- Sys.glob(file.path(dir, "clustermap_*.rds"))
    mapping <- readRDS(map_file)

    bii_grid <- list.files(path = dir, recursive = FALSE)
    bii_grid <- bii_grid[grepl("cell.bii_0.5.mz", bii_grid)]
    if (is.null(bii_grid)) {
      stop("Cannot find gridded BII output file '*cell.bii_0.5.mz'.
           You may need to run output script extra/disaggregation.R")
    bii <- setCells(read.magpie(file.path(dir, bii_grid)), mapping$cell)
    bii <- setNames(bii, "BII")

    # ----------------------------------
    # Aggregation ('from_grid')
    # ----------------------------------

    # spatial aggregation weight
    if (is.null(spatialWeight)){
      agg_weight <- land(gdx, level = "grid", sum = TRUE)
    } else {
      agg_weight <- spatialWeight
    agg_weight <- agg_weight + 10^-10

    reg <- toolAggregate(bii, rel = mapping, from = "cell", to = "region", weight = agg_weight, wdim = 1)
    glo <- toolAggregate(bii, rel = mapping, from = "cell", to = "global", weight = agg_weight, wdim = 1)
    cell <- toolAggregate(bii, rel = mapping, from = "cell", to = "cluster", weight = agg_weight, wdim = 1)
    iso <- toolAggregate(bii, rel = mapping, from = "cell", to = "country", weight = agg_weight, wdim = 1)
    grid <- bii

    # ----------------------------------
    # Return results ('from_grid')
    # ----------------------------------

    if (level == "reg") {
      x <- reg
    } else if (level == "glo") {
      x <- glo
    } else if (level == "regglo") {
      x <- mbind(reg, glo)
    } else if (level == "cell") {
      x <- cell
    } else if (level == "iso") {
      x <- iso
    } else if (level == "grid") {
      x <- grid
    message("Derived BII results from adjusted gridded output (results have been adjusted for primary and secondary other land)")

  # ====================================
  # Set up 'auto' mode
  # ====================================

  if (mode == "auto") {

    # read in "biodiversity value" for different land cover classes (unweighted) (in Mha)
    ov_bv <- readGDX(gdx, "ov_bv", select = list(type = "level"), react = "silent")
    if (is.null(ov_bv)) {
      ov_bv <- readGDX(gdx, "ov44_bii", select = list(type = "level"), react = "silent")

    if (!is.null(ov_bv)) {
      mode <- "MAgPIE"
    } else if (all(is.null(bii_coeff), is.null(side_layers))) {
      bii_coeff <- c("input/f44_bii_coeff.cs3", "modules/44_biodiversity/bii_btc_apr20/input/f44_bii_coeff.cs3", "modules/44_biodiversity/bv_btc_mar21/input/f44_bii_coeff.cs3")
      side_layers <- c("input/luh2_side_layers_c200.mz", "modules/44_biodiversity/bii_btc_apr20/input/luh2_side_layers.cs3", "modules/10_land/input/luh2_side_layers.cs3")
      bii_coeff <- suppressWarnings(bii_coeff[min(which(file.exists(bii_coeff)))])
      side_layers <- suppressWarnings(side_layers[min(which(file.exists(side_layers)))])
      ov32_land <- readGDX(gdx, "ov32_land", "ov_land_fore", select = list(type = "level"), react = "silent")

      if (!is.null(ov32_land)) {
        if (names(dimnames(ov32_land))[3] == "type32.ac") ac <- TRUE else ac <- FALSE
      } else {
        ac <- FALSE

      if (all(!is.na(bii_coeff), !is.na(side_layers), ac)) {
        mode <- "postprocessing"
      } else {
        mode <- "off"
    } else {
      stop("In automatic mode, input files must be NULL to allow for automatic detection")

  # ====================================
  # Processing in mode "MAgPIE"
  # ====================================

  if (mode == "MAgPIE") {

    # read in "biodiversity value" for different land cover classes (unweighted) (in Mha)
    ov_bv <- readGDX(gdx, "ov_bv", select = list(type = "level"), react = "silent")
    if (is.null(ov_bv)) {
      ov_bv <- readGDX(gdx, "ov44_bii", select = list(type = "level"), react = "silent")
    if (is.null(ov_bv)) stop("No Biodiversity Module in MAgPIE")

    # ----------------------------------
    # Differentiation of land classes
    # ----------------------------------
    if (landClass == "all") {

      # calculate average BII values for different land classes
      # read in land areas for different land cover classes
      land <- land(gdx, level = "cell", types = NULL, subcategories = NULL, sum = FALSE)
      forestArea <- ov35_secdforest <- readGDX(gdx, "ov35_secdforest", select = list(type = "level"))
      secdYoung <- setNames(dimSums(forestArea[, , paste0("ac", seq(from = 0, to = 30, by = 5))], dim = 3), nm = "secd_young")
      secdMature <- setNames(dimSums(forestArea[, , paste0("ac", seq(from = 0, to = 30, by = 5)), invert = TRUE], dim = 3), nm = "secd_mature")
      forestArea <- mbind(secdYoung, secdMature)
      rm(secdYoung, secdMature)

      # split pasture into rangeland and managed pastureland
      side_layers <- readGDX(gdx,"fm_luh2_side_layers", react = "silent")
      if (is.null(side_layers)) {
        side_layers <- c("input/luh2_side_layers_c200.mz", "modules/44_biodiversity/bii_btc_apr20/input/luh2_side_layers.cs3", "modules/10_land/input/luh2_side_layers.cs3")
        side_layers <- suppressWarnings(side_layers[min(which(file.exists(side_layers)))])
        side_layers <- read.magpie(side_layers)

      # split pasture into rangeland and managed pasture
      pasture <- side_layers[, , c("manpast", "rangeland")] * collapseNames(land[, , "past"])

      # calculate average BIIs per land class
      avgForestryBII <- add_dimension(ifelse((collapseDim(land[, , "forestry"]) * side_layers[, , c("forested", "nonforested")]) > 0,
        dimSums(ov_bv[, , c("aff_co2p", "aff_ndc", "plant")], dim = "landcover44") /
          (collapseDim(land[, , "forestry"]) * side_layers[, , c("forested", "nonforested")]),
      nm = "forestry", add = "land"
      avgCropBII <- add_dimension(ifelse((collapseDim(land[, , c("crop")]) * side_layers[, , c("forested", "nonforested")]) > 0,
        dimSums(ov_bv[, , c("crop_ann", "crop_per")], dim = "landcover44") /
          (collapseDim(land[, , c("crop")]) * side_layers[, , c("forested", "nonforested")]),
      nm = "crop", add = "land"
      pastureBII <- ifelse(pasture * side_layers[, , c("forested", "nonforested")] > 0,
        ov_bv[, , c("manpast", "rangeland")] /
          (pasture * side_layers[, , c("forested", "nonforested")]),
      othersBII <- ifelse((land[, , c("urban", "primforest", "secdforest", "other")] * side_layers[, , c("forested", "nonforested")]) > 0,
        ov_bv[, , c("urban", "primforest", "secdforest", "other")] /
          (land[, , c("urban", "primforest", "secdforest", "other")] * side_layers[, , c("forested", "nonforested")]),

      # Combine to one indicator
      bii <- mbind(avgForestryBII, avgCropBII, pastureBII, othersBII)
      rm(avgForestryBII, avgCropBII, pastureBII, othersBII)

      # Spatial aggregation
      cell <- bii

      # ------------------------------------
      # End differentiation of land classes
      # ------------------------------------

      if (level != "cell") {
        stop("Regional resolution not implemented for case of landClass=all")
    } else {

      # ----------------------------------
      # Aggregation ('MAgPIE')
      # ----------------------------------

      # aggregation over land classes
      ov_bv <- dimSums(ov_bv, dim = 3)

      land_area <- land(gdx, level = "cell", sum = TRUE)

      bii <- ov_bv / (land_area)

      cell <- bii
      reg <- superAggregate(bii, level = "reg", aggr_type = "weighted_mean", weight = land_area)
      glo <- superAggregate(bii, level = "glo", aggr_type = "weighted_mean", weight = land_area)

    # ----------------------------------
    # Return results ('MAgPIE')
    # ----------------------------------

    if (level == "reg") {
      x <- reg
    } else if (level == "glo") {
      x <- glo
    } else if (level == "regglo") {
      x <- mbind(reg, glo)
    } else if (level == "cell") {
      x <- cell

    # ====================================
    # Processing in mode "postprocessing"
    # ====================================
  } else if (mode == "postprocessing") {

    # check if postprocessing is possible
    if (any(is.null(bii_coeff), is.null(side_layers))) stop("In postprocessing mode, input files are needed!")

    ov32_land <- readGDX(gdx, "ov32_land", "ov_land_fore", select = list(type = "level"), react = "silent")
    if (!is.null(ov32_land)) {
      if (names(dimnames(ov32_land))[3] == "type32.ac") ac <- TRUE else ac <- FALSE
    } else {
      ac <- FALSE
    if (!ac) stop("In postprocessing mode, age-classes are needed")

    # input files
    bii_coeff <- read.magpie(bii_coeff)

    # add timber if not included in input file; only added for intermediate compatability;
    if (!"timber" %in% getNames(bii_coeff, dim = 1)) {
      timber <- bii_coeff[, , "secd_mature"]
      getNames(timber, dim = 1) <- "timber"
      timber[, , "forested"] <- 0.734401034
      timber[, , "nonforested"] <- 0.539010935
      bii_coeff <- mbind(bii_coeff, timber)

    side_layers <- read.magpie(side_layers)

    # magpie outputs
    ov_land <- land(gdx, level = "cell")
    ov_area <- croparea(gdx, level = "cell", product_aggr = FALSE)
    ov32_land <- readGDX(gdx, "ov32_land", "ov_land_fore", select = list(type = "level"), react = "silent")
    ov35_secdforest <- readGDX(gdx, "ov35_secdforest", select = list(type = "level"))
    ov35_other <- readGDX(gdx, "ov35_other", "ov_natveg_other", select = list(type = "level"))

    # sets
    crop_ann44 <- c("tece", "maiz", "trce", "rice_pro", "rapeseed", "sunflower", "potato", "cassav_sp", "sugr_beet", "others", "cottn_pro", "foddr", "soybean", "groundnut", "puls_pro")
    crop_per44 <- c("oilpalm", "begr", "sugr_cane", "betr")
    ac <- readGDX(gdx, "ac")
    ac_young <- paste0("ac", seq(0, 30, by = 5))
    ac_mature <- setdiff(ac, ac_young)

    # calc ov44_bv
    ov44_bv <- new.magpie(getCells(ov_land), getYears(ov_land), getNames(bii_coeff), fill = 0)
    ov44_bv[, , "crop_ann"] <- dimSums(ov_area[, , crop_ann44], dim = 3) * bii_coeff[, , "crop_ann"] * side_layers[, , c("forested", "nonforested")]
    ov44_bv[, , "crop_per"] <- (ov_land[, , "crop"] - dimSums(ov_area[, , crop_ann44], dim = 3)) * bii_coeff[, , "crop_per"] * side_layers[, , c("forested", "nonforested")]
    ov44_bv[, , "manpast"] <- collapseNames(ov_land[, , "past"]) * side_layers[, , "manpast"] * bii_coeff[, , "manpast"] * side_layers[, , c("forested", "nonforested")]
    ov44_bv[, , "rangeland"] <- collapseNames(ov_land[, , "past"]) * side_layers[, , "rangeland"] * bii_coeff[, , "rangeland"] * side_layers[, , c("forested", "nonforested")]
    ov44_bv[, , "urban"] <- collapseNames(ov_land[, , "urban"]) * bii_coeff[, , "urban"] * side_layers[, , c("forested", "nonforested")]
    ov44_bv[, , "primary"] <- collapseNames(ov_land[, , "primforest"]) * bii_coeff[, , "primary"] * side_layers[, , c("forested", "nonforested")]
    ov44_bv[, , "secd_young"] <- dimSums(collapseNames(ov32_land[, , "ndc"])[, , ac_young] + ov35_secdforest[, , ac_young] + ov35_other[, , ac_young], dim = 3) * bii_coeff[, , "secd_young"] * side_layers[, , c("forested", "nonforested")]
    ov44_bv[, , "secd_mature"] <- dimSums(collapseNames(ov32_land[, , "ndc"])[, , ac_mature] + ov35_secdforest[, , ac_mature] + ov35_other[, , ac_mature], dim = 3) * bii_coeff[, , "secd_mature"] * side_layers[, , c("forested", "nonforested")]

    # Afforestation can be based on natveg or plantation growth curves
    s32_aff_plantation <- readGDX(gdx, "s32_aff_plantation", react = "silent")
    if (is.null(s32_aff_plantation)) s32_aff_plantation <- 0 # default
    if (s32_aff_plantation == 0) {
      ov44_bv[, , "secd_young"] <- ov44_bv[, , "secd_young"] + dimSums(collapseNames(ov32_land[, , "aff"])[, , ac_young], dim = 3) * bii_coeff[, , "secd_young"] * side_layers[, , c("forested", "nonforested")]
      ov44_bv[, , "secd_mature"] <- ov44_bv[, , "secd_mature"] + dimSums(collapseNames(ov32_land[, , "aff"])[, , ac_mature], dim = 3) * bii_coeff[, , "secd_mature"] * side_layers[, , c("forested", "nonforested")]
    } else if (s32_aff_plantation == 1) {
      ov44_bv[, , "timber"] <- ov44_bv[, , "timber"] + dimSums(collapseNames(ov32_land[, , "aff"]), dim = 3) * bii_coeff[, , "timber"] * side_layers[, , c("forested", "nonforested")]

    # Timber plantations can be based on natveg or plantation growth curves
    s32_timber_plantation <- readGDX(gdx, "s32_timber_plantation", react = "silent")
    if (is.null(s32_timber_plantation)) s32_timber_plantation <- 1 # default
    if (s32_timber_plantation == 0) {
      ov44_bv[, , "secd_young"] <- ov44_bv[, , "secd_young"] + dimSums(collapseNames(ov32_land[, , "plant"])[, , ac_young], dim = 3) * bii_coeff[, , "secd_young"] * side_layers[, , c("forested", "nonforested")]
      ov44_bv[, , "secd_mature"] <- ov44_bv[, , "secd_mature"] + dimSums(collapseNames(ov32_land[, , "plant"])[, , ac_mature], dim = 3) * bii_coeff[, , "secd_mature"] * side_layers[, , c("forested", "nonforested")]
    } else if (s32_timber_plantation == 1) {
      ov44_bv[, , "timber"] <- ov44_bv[, , "timber"] + dimSums(collapseNames(ov32_land[, , "plant"]), dim = 3) * bii_coeff[, , "timber"] * side_layers[, , c("forested", "nonforested")]

    ov44_bv <- dimSums(ov44_bv, dim = 3)
    land_area <- land(gdx, level = "cell", sum = TRUE)

    # ----------------------------------
    # Aggregation ('postprocessing')
    # ----------------------------------

    # conversion from area weighted biodiversity value (BV) to area weighted biodiversity intactness (BII)
    cell <- ov44_bv / land_area
    reg <- superAggregate(ov44_bv, level = "reg", aggr_type = "sum") / superAggregate(land_area, level = "reg", aggr_type = "sum")
    glo <- superAggregate(ov44_bv, level = "glo", aggr_type = "sum") / superAggregate(land_area, level = "glo", aggr_type = "sum")

    # ----------------------------------
    # Return results ('postprocessing')
    # ----------------------------------

    if (level == "reg") {
      x <- reg
    } else if (level == "glo") {
      x <- glo
    } else if (level == "regglo") {
      x <- mbind(reg, glo)
    } else if (level == "cell") {
      x <- cell
  } else if (mode == "off") {
    x <- NULL

  out(x, file)
pik-piam/magpie4 documentation built on Oct. 15, 2024, 9:34 p.m.