test_that("felis/canidae divergence is accurate", {
matrix_max_ages <- sapply(catsanddogs_results, max)
taxa <- c("felis", "canidae")
cats_and_dogs <- datelife_search(
input = taxa, get_spp_from_taxon = TRUE,
summary_format = "phylo_all"
phylo_max_ages <- sapply(cats_and_dogs, function(x) max(ape::branching.times(x)))
expect_true(all(names(matrix_max_ages) == names(phylo_max_ages)))
# names(matrix_max_ages) <- names(phylo_max_ages)<- NULL
ns <- 20
xx <- format(round(sort(matrix_max_ages / 2)), nsmall = ns) == format(round(sort(phylo_max_ages)), nsmall = ns)
# ages from our cache range from 54.9 to 70.9, this includes upper limit confidence interval chronograms
# timetree study-derived ages range from 39.7 to 67.1. This excludes confidence intervals
median_phy <- summarize_datelife_result(
datelife_result = catsanddogs_results,
datelife_query = catsanddogs_query, summary_format = "phylo_median"
sdm_phy <- summarize_datelife_result(
datelife_result = catsanddogs_results,
datelife_query = catsanddogs_query, summary_format = "phylo_sdm"
test_that("patristic_matrix_to_phylo works: cetaceae", {
unpadded.matrices <- lapply(cetacea_result, patristic_matrix_unpad)
good.matrix.indices <- get_goodmatrices(unpadded.matrices)
if (length(good.matrix.indices) > 1) {
unpadded.matrices <- unpadded.matrices[good.matrix.indices]
sdm_phylo <- get_sdm_phylo(unpadded.matrices, weighting = "flat")
# max(sdm_matrix, na.rm = TRUE)/2
t0 <- summarize_datelife_result(datelife_result = cetacea_result, summary_format = "phylo_sdm")
expect_true(ape::is.ultrametric(t0, 1))
expect_true(ape::is.ultrametric(t0, 2))
test_that("patristic_matrix_to_phylo works: subset2", {
p1 <- patristic_matrix_to_phylo(subset2_sdm_matrix,
clustering_method = "nj",
fix_negative_brlen = TRUE, fixing_method = 0, ultrametric = TRUE
p2 <- patristic_matrix_to_phylo(subset2_sdm_matrix,
clustering_method = "upgma",
fix_negative_brlen = TRUE, fixing_method = 0, ultrametric = TRUE
# plot(p2, cex = 0.5)
expect_true(inherits(p1, "phylo"))
expect_true(inherits(p2, "phylo"))
test_that("patristic_matrix_to_phylo works: some ants", {
xx <- patristic_matrix_to_phylo(patristic_matrix = some_ants_datelife_result[[1]])
expect_s3_class(xx, "phylo")
# make sure it works with missing data:
withNaN <- some_ants_datelife_result[[1]]
withNaN[9, 8] <- NaN
withNaN[8, 9] <- NaN
xx <- patristic_matrix_to_phylo(patristic_matrix = withNaN)
expect_s3_class(xx, "phylo")
expect_true(ape::is.ultrametric(xx)) # because NaN, it uses njs, and gives a tree
test_that("cluster_patristicmatrix works", {
c1 <- cluster_patristicmatrix(subset2_sdm_matrix)
expect_true(mode(c1) %in% "list")
test_that("summary_matrix_to_phylo works: threebirds", {
unpadded.matrices <- lapply(threebirds_result, patristic_matrix_unpad)
good.matrix.indices <- get_goodmatrices(unpadded.matrices)
if (length(good.matrix.indices) > 1) {
unpadded.matrices <- unpadded.matrices[good.matrix.indices]
sdm_phylo <- get_sdm_phylo(unpadded.matrices, weighting = "flat")
# max(sdm_matrix, na.rm = TRUE)/2
sdm_phylo <- summary_matrix_to_phylo(summ_matrix = sdm_matrix)
# names(sdm_phylo)
expect_true(inherits(sdm_phylo, "phylo"))
expect_true(ape::is.ultrametric(sdm_phylo, 2))
test_that("summary_matrix_to_phylo works with and without target trees", {
subset2_sdmphylo_mean1 <- summary_matrix_to_phylo(
summ_matrix = subset2_sdm_matrix,
use = "mean"
# subset2_sdm_matrix[,"Lycopodium annotinum"]
# plot(subset2_sdmphylo_mean1, cex = 0.5)
subset2_otol <- get_otol_synthetic_tree(colnames(subset2_sdm_matrix))
# plot(subset2_otol, cex = 0.5)
subset2_sdmphylo_mean2 <- summary_matrix_to_phylo(
summ_matrix = subset2_sdm_matrix,
use = "mean", target_tree = subset2_otol
# plot(subset2_sdmphylo_mean2, cex = 0.5)
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