
axisGeo3 <- function(GTS, tip.time = 0, unit = c("epoch", "period"), ages = TRUE,
                     cex = 1, col = "white", texcol = "black", gridty = 0, gridcol = "black") {
  adjustCex <- function(space, string, cex) {
    while (strwidth(string, cex = cex) >= space & cex > 0.001) {
      cex <- cex -
  lastPP <- get("last_plot.phylo", envir = .PlotPhyloEnv)
  ntips <- lastPP$Ntip
  root <- ntips + 1
  if (lastPP$direction == "rightwards") {
    maxage <- max(lastPP$xx) + tip.time
  if (lastPP$direction == "upwards") {
    maxage <- max(lastPP$yy) + tip.time
  gts <- GTS
  maid <- grep("MA", names(gts))
  gts <- cbind(
    gts[, 1:maid], c(0, head(gts[, maid], -1)),
    gts[, ((maid + 1):dim(gts)[2])]
  names(gts)[maid:(maid + 1)] <- c("fromMA", "toMA")
  if (sum(gts[1, maid:(maid + 1)]) == 0) {
    gts <- gts[-1, ]
  ind <- which(gts$fromMA <= maxage & gts$toMA >= tip.time)
  gts <- gts[c(ind, max(ind) + 1), ]
  gts$toMA[1] <- tip.time
  gts$fromMA[dim(gts)[1]] <- maxage
  par(xpd = NA)
  plotGeo <- function(gts, unit, yy) {
    id <- which(names(gts) %in% c(unit, "fromMA", "toMA"))
    gts <- gts[id]
    names(gts) <- c("unit", "from", "to")
    stages <- unique(gts$unit)
    if (length(col) == 1) {
      col <- rep(col, 2)
    col1 <- rep(col, length(stages))
    col1 <- head(col1, length(col1) / 2)
    if (length(texcol) == 1) {
      texcol <- rep(texcol, 2)
    col2 <- rep(texcol, length(stages))
    col2 <- head(col2, length(col2) / 2)
    xgrid <- NULL
    for (i in seq(along = stages)) {
      cat("\\nStage ", i, ": ", stages[i], sep = "")
      from <- maxage - max(gts[gts$unit == stages[i], 2])
      to <- maxage - min(gts[gts$unit == stages[i], 3])
      rect(from, yy[1], to, yy[2],
        col = col1[i], border = "black",
        lwd = 0.5
      xgrid <- c(xgrid, from, to)
      en <- as.character(stages[i])
      if ((to - from) > strwidth(en, cex = cex)) {
        text(mean(c(from, to)), mean(yy), en,
          cex = cex,
          col = col2[4]
      } else {
        thiscex <- adjustCex(to - from, en, cex) * 0.95
        if (2 * thiscex >= cex) {
          text(mean(c(from, to)), mean(yy), en,
            cex = thiscex,
            col = col2[i]
        } else {
          while (nchar(en) > 0 & strwidth(en, cex = cex) >=
            (to - from)) {
            en <- paste(head(unlist(strsplit(
            )), -1), collapse = "")
          if (nchar(en) > 1) {
            en <- paste(paste(head(unlist(strsplit(
            )), -1), collapse = ""), ".", sep = "")
          text(mean(c(from, to)), mean(yy), en,
            cex = cex,
            col = col2[i]
  plotGeoToLeft <- function(gts, unit, yy) {
    id <- which(names(gts) %in% c(unit, "fromMA", "toMA"))
    gts <- gts[id]
    names(gts) <- c("unit", "from", "to")
    stages <- unique(gts$unit)
    if (length(col) == 1) {
      col <- rep(col, 2)
    col1 <- rep(col, length(stages))
    col1 <- head(col1, length(col1) / 2)
    if (length(texcol) == 1) {
      texcol <- rep(texcol, 2)
    col2 <- rep(texcol, length(stages))
    col2 <- head(col2, length(col2) / 2)
    xgrid <- NULL
    for (i in seq(along = stages)) {
      from <- maxage - max(gts[gts$unit == stages[i], 2])
      to <- maxage - min(gts[gts$unit == stages[i], 3])
      rect(yy[2], from, yy[1], to,
        col = col1[i], border = "black",
        lwd = 0.5
      xgrid <- c(xgrid, from, to)
      en <- as.character(stages[i])
      yxr <- (max(lastPP$y.lim) - min(lastPP$y.lim)) / (max(lastPP$x.lim) -
        min(lastPP$x.lim)) * 1.5
      if ((to - from) > strwidth(en, cex = cex * yxr)) {
        text(mean(yy), mean(c(from, to)), en,
          cex = cex,
          col = col2[4], srt = 90
      } else {
        asp <- (to - from) / yxr
        thiscex <- adjustCex(asp, en, cex) * 0.95
        if (1.5 * thiscex >= cex) {
          text(mean(yy), mean(c(from, to)), en,
            cex = thiscex,
            col = col2[i], srt = 90
        } else {
          while (nchar(en) > 0 & strwidth(en, cex = cex *
            yxr) >= (to - from)) {
            en <- paste(head(unlist(strsplit(
            )), -1), collapse = "")
          if (nchar(en) > 1) {
            en <- paste(paste(head(unlist(strsplit(
            )), -1), collapse = ""), ".", sep = "")
          text(mean(yy), mean(c(from, to)), en,
            cex = cex,
            col = col2[i], srt = 90
  if (ntips == 2) {
    bh <- strheight("Ap", cex = cex) * 1.5
  } else {
    bh <- -strheight("Ap", cex = cex) * 1.5
  print(paste("bh =", bh))
  if (lastPP$direction == "rightwards") {
    if (ages) {
      yy <- c(bh, 2 * bh)
    } else {
      yy <- c(0, bh)
    for (j in seq_along(unit)) {
      cat("\\nPlot unit:", unit[j])
      if (j == 1) {
        xgrid <- plotGeo(gts, unit[j], yy)
      } else {
        plotGeo(gts, unit[j], yy)
      yy <- yy + bh
  if (lastPP$direction == "upwards") {
    if (ages) {
      yy <- c(bh, 2 * bh)
    } else {
      yy <- c(0, bh)
    for (j in seq(along = unit)) {
      if (j == 1) {
        xgrid <- plotGeoToLeft(gts, unit[j], yy)
      } else {
        plotGeoToLeft(gts, unit[j], yy)
      yy <- yy + bh
  xgrid <- unique(sort(xgrid, decreasing = TRUE))
  label <- maxage - xgrid
  id <- TRUE
  for (k in seq(along = xgrid)) {
    if (lastPP$direction == "rightwards") {
      lines(rep(xgrid[k], 2), c(0, ntips + 1),
        lty = gridty,
        col = gridcol
    if (lastPP$direction == "upwards") {
      lines(c(0, ntips + 1), rep(xgrid[k], 2),
        lty = gridty,
        col = gridcol
    if (k < length(xgrid)) {
      spneeded <- strwidth(label[k], cex = cex * 0.8) / 2
      spavailable <- xgrid[k] - xgrid[k + 1]
      if (spavailable < spneeded * 1.5) {
        id <- c(id, FALSE)
      } else {
        id <- c(id, TRUE)
  id <- c(id, TRUE)
  if (ages) {
    xgrid <- xgrid[id]
    label <- label[id]
    if (lastPP$direction == "rightwards") {
      text(xgrid, 1 - 1.7 * abs(bh), round(label, digits = 1), cex = cex *
    if (lastPP$direction == "upwards") {
      text(-0.2, xgrid, round(label, digits = 1), cex = cex *
  par(xpd = FALSE)
phylotastic/datelife documentation built on June 9, 2024, 6:50 p.m.