#' Summarize a `datelifeResult` object.
#' @param object An object of class `datelifeResult`, usually an output of [get_datelife_result()].
#' @inheritParams get_taxon_summary
#' @param na_rm Default to `TRUE`, whether to include partial matches or not.
#' @param ... Further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @return A named `list` of 11 elements:
#' \describe{
#' \item{"citations"}{A character vector of references where chronograms with
#' some or all of the target taxa are published (source chronograms).}
#' \item{"mrca"}{A named numeric vector of most recent common ancestor (mrca)
#' ages of target taxa defined in input, obtained from the source chronograms.
#' Names of mrca vector are equal to citations.}
#' \item{"newick_all"}{A named character vector of newick strings corresponding
#' to target chronograms derived from source chronograms. Names of newick_all
#' vector are equal to citations.}
#' \item{"newick_sdm"}{Only if multiple source chronograms are available. A
#' character vector with a single newick string corresponding to a target
#' chronogram obtained with SDM supertree method (Criscuolo et al. 2006).}
#' \item{"newick_median"}{Only if multiple source chronograms are available.
#' A character vector with a single newick string corresponding to a target
#' chronogram from the median of all source chronograms.}
#' \item{"phylo_sdm"}{Only if multiple source chronograms are available. A
#' phylo object with a single target chronogram obtained with SDM supertree
#' method (Criscuolo et al. 2006).}
#' \item{"phylo_median"}{Only if multiple source chronograms are available. A
#' phylo object with a single target chronogram obtained from source
#' chronograms with median method.}
#' \item{"phylo_all"}{A named list of phylo objects corresponding to each target
#' chronogram obtained from available source chronograms. Names of
#' phylo_all list correspond to citations.}
#' \item{"phylo_biggest"}{The chronogram with the most taxa. In the case of a
#' tie, the chronogram with clade age closest to the median age of the
#' equally large trees is returned.}
#' \item{"html"}{A character vector with an html string that can be saved and
#' then opened in any web browser. It contains a 4 column table with data on
#' target taxa: mrca, number of taxa, citations of source chronogram and
#' newick target chronogram.}
#' \item{"data_frame"}{A 4 column `data.frame` with data on target taxa: mrca, number of
#' taxa, citations of source chronograms and newick string.}
#' }
#' @export
summary.datelifeResult <- function(object,
na_rm = TRUE,
...) {
datelife_result <- object
mrcas <- datelife_result_MRCA(datelife_result, na_rm = na_rm)
newick_all <- datelife_result_newick_all(datelife_result, na_rm = na_rm)
phylo_all <- datelife_result_phylo_all(datelife_result, na_rm = na_rm)
biggest <- get_biggest_multiphylo(phylo_all) # NAs in trees are removed in get_biggest_multiphylo
median_and_sdm <- datelife_result_median_and_sdm(datelife_result, datelife_query, na_rm = na_rm)
html_table <- datelife_result_html(datelife_result, datelife_query, na_rm = na_rm)
data_frame <- datelife_result_data_frame(datelife_result, na_rm = na_rm)
res <- list(citations = names(mrcas),
mrca = mrcas,
newick_all = newick_all,
phylo_all = phylo_all,
newick_median = median_and_sdm$median_newick,
phylo_median = median_and_sdm$median_phylo,
newick_sdm = median_and_sdm$sdm_newick,
phylo_sdm = median_and_sdm$sdm_phylo,
phylo_biggest = biggest,
html = html_table,
data_frame = data_frame)
class(res) <- "datelifeResultSummary"
#' Get a numeric vector of MRCAs from a `datelifeResult` object. Used in [summarize_datelife_result()].
#' @inheritParams get_taxon_summary
# get_taxon_summary has param datelife_result
#' @inheritParams patristic_matrix_MRCA
# patristic_matrix_MRCA has param na.rm
#' @return A named numeric vector of MRCA ages for each element given in `datelife_result`.
datelife_result_MRCA <- function(datelife_result, na_rm = TRUE) {
ages <- sapply(datelife_result, patristic_matrix_MRCA, na_rm = na_rm)
#' Get time of MRCA from patristic matrix. Used in [datelife_result_MRCA()].
#' @param patristic_matrix A patristic matrix (aka a `datelifeResult` object of length 1)
#' @param na_rm If `TRUE`, it drops rows containing `NA`s from the `datelifeResult`
#' patristic matrix; if `FALSE`, it returns `NA` where there are missing entries.
#' @return The depth of the MRCA as a numeric vector.
patristic_matrix_MRCA <- function(patristic_matrix, na_rm = TRUE) {
# 0.5 since patristic distance is down to the root and back up
return(0.5 * max(patristic_matrix, na.rm = na_rm))
datelife_result_newick_all <- function(datelife_result, na_rm = TRUE){
trees <- sapply(datelife_result, patristic_matrix_to_newick)
if (na_rm) {
trees <- trees[which(!is.na(trees))]
datelife_result_phylo_all <- function(datelife_result, na_rm = TRUE){
trees <- suppressWarnings(lapply(datelife_result, patristic_matrix_to_phylo))
# suppress warning "Converting from patristic distance matrix to a tree resulted in some negative branch lengths"
if (na_rm) {
trees <- trees[which(!is.na(trees))]
if (length(trees) == 0 ) {
message("Failed to summarize to 'phylo_all'")
if (length(trees) == 1) {
class(trees) <- "phylo"
} else {
class(trees) <- "multiPhylo"
datelife_result_median_and_sdm <- function(datelife_result,
criterion = "taxa",
na_rm = TRUE) {
best_grove <- get_best_grove(datelife_result, criterion = criterion, n = 2)$best_grove
if (inherits(datelife_query, "datelifeQuery")) {
target_tree <- datelife_query$phy
} else {
target_tree <- NULL
median_phylo <- datelife_result_median(best_grove, target_tree = target_tree)
median_newick <- ape::write.tree(median_phylo)
sdm_phylo <- datelife_result_sdm_phylo(best_grove, target_tree = target_tree)
sdm_newick <- ape::write.tree(sdm_phylo)
return(list(median_phylo = median_phylo,
median_newick = median_newick,
sdm_phylo = sdm_phylo,
sdm_newick = sdm_newick))
datelife_result_html <- function(datelife_result, datelife_query, na_rm = TRUE) {
taxon_summ <- get_taxon_summary(
datelife_result = datelife_result,
datelife_query = datelife_query
out.vector1 <- "<table border='1'><tr><th>MRCA Age (MY)</th><th>Ntax</th><th>Citation</th><th>Newick"
out.vector1 <- paste(out.vector1, "</th></tr>", sep = "")
ages <- datelife_result_MRCA(datelife_result, na_rm = na_rm)
trees <- sapply(datelife_result, patristic_matrix_to_newick)
out.vector2 <- c()
for (result.index in sequence(length(datelife_result))) {
out.vector2 <- paste(out.vector2, "<tr><td>", ages[result.index], "</td><td>", sum(!is.na(diag(datelife_result[[result.index]]))), "</td><td>", names(datelife_result)[result.index], "</td><td>", trees[result.index], sep = "")
out.vector2 <- paste(out.vector2, "</td></tr>", sep = "")
out.vector <- paste(out.vector1, out.vector2, "</table>", sep = "")
out.vector4 <- "<p></p><table border='1'><tr><th> </th><th>Absent Taxa</th><tr>"
for (i in 1:length(taxon_summ$absent_taxa)) {
out.vector4 <- paste(out.vector4, "<tr><td>", i, "</td><td>", taxon_summ$absent_taxa[i], "</td><tr>", sep = "")
out.vector4 <- paste(out.vector4, "</table>", sep = "")
out.vector <- paste(out.vector, out.vector4, sep = "")
return.object <- out.vector
datelife_result_data_frame <- function(datelife_result, na_rm = TRUE){
out.df <- data.frame()
ages <- datelife_result_MRCA(datelife_result, na_rm = na_rm)
trees <- sapply(datelife_result, patristic_matrix_to_newick)
for (result.index in sequence(length(datelife_result))) {
out.line <- data.frame(Age = ages[result.index],
Ntax = sum(!is.na(diag(datelife_result[[result.index]]))),
Citation = names(datelife_result)[result.index],
Newick = trees[result.index])
if (result.index == 1) {
out.df <- out.line
} else {
out.df <- rbind(out.df, out.line)
rownames(out.df) <- NULL
return.object <- out.df
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