## valid method for \link{peakPantheRAnnotation-class}
## Number of compounds based on @cpdID length, number of samples based on
## @filepath length.
## Slot type is not checked as \code{setClass} enforces it.
## peakTables, peakFit and dataPoints type are checked on first list element.
valid_peakPantheRAnnotation <- function(object) {
# init
msg <- NULL
valid <- TRUE
nbCpd <- length(object@cpdID)
nbSample <- length(object@filepath)
# number of cpdName
vcheck <- valid_ppR_cpdName(object, valid, msg, nbCpd)
valid <- vcheck$valid; msg <- vcheck$msg
# ROI nb rows, nb columns, column names, column types
vcheck <- valid_ppR_ROI(object, valid, msg, nbCpd)
valid <- vcheck$valid; msg <- vcheck$msg
# FIR nb rows, nb columns, column names, column types
vcheck <- valid_ppR_FIR(object, valid, msg, nbCpd)
valid <- vcheck$valid; msg <- vcheck$msg
# uROI nb rows, nb columns, column names, column types
vcheck <- valid_ppR_uROI(object, valid, msg, nbCpd)
valid <- vcheck$valid; msg <- vcheck$msg
# number of compounds (rows) in cpdMetadata
vcheck <- valid_ppR_cpdMetadata(object, valid, msg, nbCpd)
valid <- vcheck$valid; msg <- vcheck$msg
# number of spectra (rows) in spectraMetadata
vcheck <- valid_ppR_spectraMetadata(object, valid, msg, nbSample)
valid <- vcheck$valid; msg <- vcheck$msg
# number of acquisitionTime
vcheck <- valid_ppR_acquisitionTime(object, valid, msg, nbSample)
valid <- vcheck$valid; msg <- vcheck$msg
# cannot useUROI if uROIExist=FALSE
vcheck <- valid_ppR_useUROIuROIExist(object, valid, msg)
valid <- vcheck$valid; msg <- vcheck$msg
# number of TIC
vcheck <- valid_ppR_TIC(object, valid, msg, nbSample)
valid <- vcheck$valid; msg <- vcheck$msg
# peakTables (nb, type, nb of rows, nb columns, column names)
vcheck <- valid_ppR_peakTables(object, valid, msg, nbCpd, nbSample)
valid <- vcheck$valid; msg <- vcheck$msg
# dataPoints (nb, type, nb of rows, nb columns, column names)
vcheck <- valid_ppR_dataPoints(object, valid, msg, nbCpd, nbSample)
valid <- vcheck$valid; msg <- vcheck$msg
# peakFit (nb, type, nb of rows, nb columns, column names)
vcheck <- valid_ppR_peakFit(object, valid, msg, nbCpd, nbSample)
valid <- vcheck$valid; msg <- vcheck$msg
# output
if (valid) { return(TRUE) } else { return(msg) }
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# valid_peakPantheRAnnotation helper functions
## number of cpdName
valid_ppR_cpdName <- function(object, valid, msg, nbCpd) {
if (length(object@cpdName) != nbCpd) {
valid <- FALSE
msg <- c(msg, paste0("cpdName has ", length(object@cpdName),
" elements (compound). Should be ", nbCpd))
return(list(valid=valid, msg=msg))
## ROI (nb rows, nb columns, column names, column types)
valid_ppR_ROI <- function(object, valid, msg, nbCpd) {
# ROI number of rows
if (dim(object@ROI)[1] != nbCpd) {
valid <- FALSE
msg <- c(msg, paste0("ROI has ", dim(object@ROI)[1],
" rows (compound). Should be ", nbCpd)) }
# ROI number of columns
if (dim(object@ROI)[2] != 6) {
valid <- FALSE
msg <- c(msg, paste0("ROI has ", dim(object@ROI)[2], " columns. Should",
" be 6 (\"rtMin\", \"rt\", \"rtMax\", \"mzMin\", \"mz\", \"mzMax\")"))
} else {
# ROI column names
if (!all(colnames(object@ROI) %in% c("rtMin", "rt", "rtMax", "mzMin",
"mz", "mzMax"))) {
valid <- FALSE
msg <- c(msg, paste0('ROI columns should be \"rtMin\", \"rt\", ',
'\"rtMax\", \"mzMin\", \"mz\", \"mzMax\", not ',
paste(colnames(object@ROI), collapse = " ")))
} else {
vcheck <- valid_ppR_ROI_content(object, valid, msg, nbCpd)
valid <- vcheck$valid; msg <- vcheck$msg
return(list(valid=valid, msg=msg))
# check NA and column types, split due to function length
valid_ppR_ROI_content <- function(object, valid, msg, nbCpd){
# Missing rtMin, rtMax, mzMin or mzMax
if (any(is.na(object@ROI[,c("rtMin","rtMax","mzMin","mzMax")]))) {
valid <- FALSE
msg <- c(msg, paste0("ROI$rtMin, ROI$rtMax, ROI$mzMin and ",
"ROI$mzMax cannot be NA")) }
# ROI column type
if (nbCpd >= 1) {
if (!is.numeric(object@ROI$rtMin[1])) {
valid <- FALSE
msg <- c(msg, paste0("ROI$rtMin should be numeric, not ",
typeof(object@ROI$rtMin[1]))) }
if (!is.numeric(object@ROI$rt[1])) {
valid <- FALSE
msg <- c(msg, paste0("ROI$rt should be numeric, not ",
typeof(object@ROI$rt[1]))) }
if (!is.numeric(object@ROI$rtMax[1])) {
valid <- FALSE
msg <- c(msg, paste0("ROI$rtMax should be numeric, not ",
typeof(object@ROI$rtMax[1]))) }
if (!is.numeric(object@ROI$mzMin[1])) {
valid <- FALSE
msg <- c(msg, paste0("ROI$mzMin should be numeric, not ",
typeof(object@ROI$mzMin[1]))) }
if (!is.numeric(object@ROI$mz[1])) {
valid <- FALSE
msg <- c(msg, paste0("ROI$mz should be numeric, not ",
typeof(object@ROI$mz[1]))) }
if (!is.numeric(object@ROI$mzMax[1])) {
valid <- FALSE
msg <- c(msg, paste0("ROI$mzMax should be numeric, not ",
typeof(object@ROI$mzMax[1]))) }}
return(list(valid=valid, msg=msg))
## FIR (nb rows, nb columns, column names, column types)
valid_ppR_FIR <- function(object, valid, msg, nbCpd) {
# FIR number of rows
if (dim(object@FIR)[1] != nbCpd) {
valid <- FALSE
msg <- c(msg, paste0("FIR has ", dim(object@FIR)[1],
" rows (compound). Should be ", nbCpd)) }
# FIR number of columns
if (dim(object@FIR)[2] != 4) {
valid <- FALSE
msg <- c(msg, paste0("FIR has ", dim(object@FIR)[2],
" columns. Should be 4 (\"rtMin\", \"rtMax\", \"mzMin\", \"mzMax\")"))
} else {
# FIR column names
if (!all(colnames(object@FIR) %in%
c("rtMin", "rtMax", "mzMin", "mzMax"))) {
valid <- FALSE
msg <- c(msg, paste0('FIR columns should be \"rtMin\", \"rtMax\", ',
'\"mzMin\", \"mzMax\", not ',
paste(colnames(object@FIR), collapse = " ")))
} else {
# Missing rtMin, rtMax, mzMin or mzMax
if (object@useFIR) {
# FIR is set to NA when not in use
if (any(is.na(object@FIR$rtMin))|any(is.na(object@FIR$rtMax))|
any(is.na(object@FIR$mzMin))|any(is.na(object@FIR$mzMax))) {
valid <- FALSE
msg <- c(msg, paste0("FIR$rtMin, FIR$rtMax, FIR$mzMin and ",
"FIR$mzMax cannot be NA")) }
# FIR column type
if (nbCpd >= 1) {
if (!is.numeric(object@FIR$rtMin[1])) {
valid <- FALSE
msg <- c(msg, paste0("FIR$rtMin should be numeric, not ",
typeof(object@FIR$rtMin[1]))) }
if (!is.numeric(object@FIR$rtMax[1])) {
valid <- FALSE
msg <- c(msg, paste0("FIR$rtMax should be numeric, not ",
typeof(object@FIR$rtMax[1]))) }
if (!is.numeric(object@FIR$mzMin[1])) {
valid <- FALSE
msg <- c(msg, paste0("FIR$mzMin should be numeric, not ",
typeof(object@FIR$mzMin[1]))) }
if (!is.numeric(object@FIR$mzMax[1])) {
valid <- FALSE
msg <- c(msg, paste0("FIR$mzMax should be numeric, not ",
typeof(object@FIR$mzMax[1]))) }}}}
return(list(valid=valid, msg=msg))
## uROI (nb rows, nb columns, column names, column types)
valid_ppR_uROI <- function(object, valid, msg, nbCpd) {
# uROI number of rows
if (dim(object@uROI)[1] != nbCpd) {
valid <- FALSE
msg <- c(msg, paste0("uROI has ", dim(object@uROI)[1],
" rows (compound). Should be ", nbCpd)) }
# uROI number of columns
if (dim(object@uROI)[2] != 6) {
valid <- FALSE
msg <- c(msg, paste0("uROI has ",dim(object@uROI)[2],' columns. Should',
' be 6 (\"rtMin\", \"rt\", \"rtMax\", \"mzMin\", \"mz\", \"mzMax\")'))
} else {
# uROI column names
if (!all(colnames(object@uROI) %in% c("rtMin", "rt", "rtMax", "mzMin",
"mz", "mzMax"))) {
valid <- FALSE
msg <- c(msg, paste0('uROI columns should be \"rtMin\", \"rt\", ',
'\"rtMax\", \"mzMin\", \"mz\", \"mzMax\", not ',
paste(colnames(object@uROI), collapse = " ")))
} else {
vcheck <- valid_ppR_uROI_content(object, valid, msg, nbCpd)
valid <- vcheck$valid; msg <- vcheck$msg
return(list(valid=valid, msg=msg))
# check NA and column types, split due to function length
valid_ppR_uROI_content <- function(object, valid, msg, nbCpd){
# Missing rtMin, rtMax, mzMin or mzMax
if (object@uROIExist) {
# only check uROI if declared as existing
if (any(is.na(object@uROI[,c("rtMin","rtMax","mzMin","mzMax")]))) {
valid <- FALSE
msg <- c(msg, paste0("uROI$rtMin, uROI$rtMax, uROI$mzMin and ",
"uROI$mzMax cannot be NA")) }
# uROI column type
if (nbCpd >= 1) {
if (!is.numeric(object@uROI$rtMin[1])) {
valid <- FALSE
msg <- c(msg, paste0("uROI$rtMin should be numeric, not ",
typeof(object@uROI$rtMin[1]))) }
if (!is.numeric(object@uROI$rt[1])) {
valid <- FALSE
msg <- c(msg, paste0("uROI$rt should be numeric, not ",
typeof(object@uROI$rt[1]))) }
if (!is.numeric(object@uROI$rtMax[1])) {
valid <- FALSE
msg <- c(msg, paste0("uROI$rtMax should be numeric, not ",
typeof(object@uROI$rtMax[1]))) }
if (!is.numeric(object@uROI$mzMin[1])) {
valid <- FALSE
msg <- c(msg, paste0("uROI$mzMin should be numeric, not ",
typeof(object@uROI$mzMin[1]))) }
if (!is.numeric(object@uROI$mz[1])) {
valid <- FALSE
msg <- c(msg, paste0("uROI$mz should be numeric, not ",
typeof(object@uROI$mz[1]))) }
if (!is.numeric(object@uROI$mzMax[1])) {
valid <- FALSE
msg <- c(msg, paste0("uROI$mzMax should be numeric, not ",
typeof(object@uROI$mzMax[1]))) }}
return(list(valid=valid, msg=msg))
## cpdMetadata
valid_ppR_cpdMetadata <- function(object, valid, msg, nbCpd) {
# number of compounds (rows) in cpdMetadata
if (dim(object@cpdMetadata)[1] != nbCpd) {
valid <- FALSE
msg <- c(msg, paste0("cpdMetadata has ", dim(object@cpdMetadata)[1],
" rows (compounds). Should be ", nbCpd)) }
return(list(valid=valid, msg=msg))
## spectraMetadata
valid_ppR_spectraMetadata <- function(object, valid, msg, nbSample) {
# number of spectra (rows) in spectraMetadata
if (dim(object@spectraMetadata)[1] != nbSample) {
valid <- FALSE
msg <- c(msg, paste0("spectraMetadata has ",
" rows (spectra). Should be ", nbSample)) }
return(list(valid=valid, msg=msg))
## acquisitionTime
valid_ppR_acquisitionTime <- function(object, valid, msg, nbSample) {
# number of acquisitionTime
if (length(object@acquisitionTime) != nbSample) {
valid <- FALSE
msg <- c(msg, paste0("acquisitionTime has ",
length(object@acquisitionTime), " elements (samples). Should be ",
nbSample)) }
return(list(valid=valid, msg=msg))
## useUROI & uROIExist
valid_ppR_useUROIuROIExist <- function(object, valid, msg) {
# cannot useUROI if uROIExist=FALSE
if (object@useUROI & !(object@uROIExist)) {
valid <- FALSE
msg <- c(msg, paste0("useUROI cannot be TRUE while uROIExist is FALSE"))
return(list(valid=valid, msg=msg))
## TIC
valid_ppR_TIC <- function(object, valid, msg, nbSample) {
# number of TIC
if (length(object@TIC) != nbSample) {
valid <- FALSE
msg <- c(msg, paste0("TIC has ", length(object@TIC),
" elements (samples). Should be ", nbSample)) }
return(list(valid=valid, msg=msg))
## peakTables (nb, type, nb of rows, nb columns, column names)
valid_ppR_peakTables <- function(object, valid, msg, nbCpd, nbSample) {
# number of peakTables
if (length(object@peakTables) != nbSample) { valid <- FALSE
msg <- c(msg, paste0("peakTables has ", length(object@peakTables),
" elements (samples). Should be ", nbSample))
} else { # only check peakTables if min 1 sample and not NULL
if (nbSample >= 1) { # if ALL peakTables are not NULL
peakTables_isNULL <- vapply(object@peakTables, is.null,
FUN.VALUE = logical(1))
if (!all(peakTables_isNULL)) {
# if one peakTable is NULL but not all, raise an error
if (any(peakTables_isNULL)) { valid <- FALSE
msg <- c(msg, paste0('peakTables must all either be ',
'data.frame or NULL'))
} else { # individual peakTable is data.frame
if (!is.data.frame(object@peakTables[[1]])) { valid <- FALSE
msg <- c(msg, paste0('peakTables must be data.frame or',
' NULL not ', typeof(object@peakTables[[1]])))
} else { # individual peakTable data.frame number of rows
if (dim(object@peakTables[[1]])[1] != nbCpd) {
valid <- FALSE
msg <- c(msg, paste0("peakTables[[1]] has ",
" rows (compounds). Should be ", nbCpd))}
# individual peakTable data.frame number of columns
if (dim(object@peakTables[[1]])[2] != 16) {
valid <- FALSE
msg <- c(msg, paste0("peakTables[[1]] has ",
" columns. Should be 16"))
} else { # individual peakTable data.frame column names
if (!all(colnames(object@peakTables[[1]]) %in%
c("found", "rt", "rtMin", "rtMax", "mz", "mzMin",
"mzMax", "peakArea","peakAreaRaw", "maxIntMeasured",
"maxIntPredicted", "is_filled", "ppm_error",
"rt_dev_sec", "tailingFactor", "asymmetryFactor"))){
valid <- FALSE
msg <- c(msg, paste0("peakTables[[1]] columns ",
"should be 'found', 'rt', 'rtMin', ",
"'rtMax', 'mz', 'mzMin', 'mzMax', ",
"'peakArea', 'peakAreaRaw', ",
"'maxIntMeasured', ",
"'maxIntPredicted', 'is_filled', ",
"'ppm_error', 'rt_dev_sec', ",
"'tailingFactor', 'asymmetryFactor', not ",
collapse = " "))) }}}}}}}
return(list(valid=valid, msg=msg)) }
## dataPoints (nb, type, nb of rows, nb columns, column names)
valid_ppR_dataPoints <- function(object, valid, msg, nbCpd, nbSample) {
# number of dataPoints
if (length(object@dataPoints) != nbSample) {
valid <- FALSE
msg <- c(msg, paste0("dataPoints has ", length(object@dataPoints),
" elements (samples). Should be ", nbSample))
} else { # only check dataPoints if min 1 sample and not NULL
if (nbSample >= 1) { # if ALL dataPoints are not NULL
dataPoints_isNULL <- vapply(object@dataPoints, is.null,
FUN.VALUE = logical(1))
if (!all(dataPoints_isNULL)) {
# if one dataPoints is NULL but not all, raise an error
if (any(dataPoints_isNULL)) {
valid <- FALSE
msg <- c(msg, paste0("dataPoints must all either be list ",
"of ROI data points or NULL"))
} else { # individual dataPoints is list
if (!(is.list(object@dataPoints[[1]]))) {
valid <- FALSE
msg <- c(msg, paste0("dataPoints[[1]] must be a list ",
"of ROI data points, not ",paste(class(
object@dataPoints[[1]]), collapse = " ")))
} else {
# check content of dataPoints list
ccheck <- valid_ppR_dataPoints_content(object, valid,
msg, nbCpd)
valid <- ccheck$valid; msg <- ccheck$msg
return(list(valid=valid, msg=msg))
## dataPoints exist, check content
valid_ppR_dataPoints_content <- function(object, valid, msg, nbCpd) {
# individual dataPoints has entry for each compound(ROI)
if (length(object@dataPoints[[1]]) != nbCpd) {
valid <- FALSE
msg <- c(msg, paste0("dataPoints[[1]] contains, ",
" dataPoints (compound). Should be ",nbCpd))
} else {
if (nbCpd >= 1) { # ind dtPts compound entry is df
if (!is.data.frame(object@dataPoints[[1]][[1]]))
valid <- FALSE
msg <- c(msg, paste0("dataPoints[[1]][[1]]",
" must be a data.frame, not ",
} else {# ind peakTable df nb of columns
if (dim(object@dataPoints[[1]][[1]])[2]!=3){
valid <- FALSE
msg <- c(msg,
paste0("dataPoints[[1]][[1]] has ",
" columns. Should be 3"))
} else {
# individual peakTable dt.frame column names
if (!all(colnames(
object@dataPoints[[1]][[1]]) %in%
c("rt", "mz", "int"))) {
valid <- FALSE
msg <- c(msg,
paste0("dataPoints[[1]][[1]] ",
"columns should be 'rt', 'mz',",
" 'int', not ", paste(colnames(
collapse = " ")))
return(list(valid=valid, msg=msg))
## peakFit (nb, type, nb of rows, nb columns, column names)
valid_ppR_peakFit <- function(object, valid, msg, nbCpd, nbSample) {
# number of peakFit
if (length(object@peakFit) != nbSample) {
valid <- FALSE
msg <- c(msg, paste0("peakFit has ", length(object@peakFit),
" elements (samples). Should be ", nbSample))
} else { # only check peakFit if min 1 sample and not NULL
if (nbSample >= 1) { # if ALL peakFit are not NULL
peakFit_isNULL <- vapply(object@peakFit, is.null,
FUN.VALUE = logical(1))
if (!all(peakFit_isNULL)) {
# if one peakFit is NULL but not all, raise an error
if (any(peakFit_isNULL)) {
valid <- FALSE
msg <- c(msg, paste0("peakFit must all either be list of ",
"ROI curveFit or NULL"))
} else { # individual peakFit is list
if (!(is.list(object@peakFit[[1]]))) {
valid <- FALSE
msg <- c(msg, paste0("peakFit[[1]] must be a list of ",
"ROI curveFit or NA, not ",
collapse = " ")))
} else {
# individual peakFit has entry for each compound (ROI)
if (length(object@peakFit[[1]]) != nbCpd) {
valid <- FALSE
msg <- c(msg, paste0("peakFit[[1]] contains, ",
" peakPantheR_curveFit or",
" NA (compound). Should be ", nbCpd))
} else { # only check peakFit if min 1 compound
if (nbCpd >= 1) {
# individual peakFit compound entry is
# peakPantheR_curveFit or NA
if (!all(is.na(object@peakFit[[1]][[1]])) &
valid <- FALSE
msg <- c(msg, paste0("peakFit[[1]][[1]] ",
"must be NA or a peakPantheR_curveFit,",
" not ",
return(list(valid=valid, msg=msg))
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