#' ntp heatmap
#' @description Heatmap with marker genes and class labels.
#' @export
#' @param emat a numeric matrix with row features and sample columns.
#' @param res a data frame, result from \code{ntp} function.
#' @param templates data frame with two columns; class (factor or numeric) and
#' probe (character).
#' @param keepN a logical or numeric vector specifying which samples to keep.
#' @param classCol a character vector specifying class colors.
#' @param labRow a character specifying \code{templates} column used for labeling
#' features.
#' @param heatCol a character vector specifying heatmap colors (must be an even
#' number).
#' @param ... additional arguments passed to \code{\link[graphics]{image}}.
#' @details \code{subHeatmap} provides a simple heatmap with samples and genes
#' ordered according to subtype. The column bar indicates prediction
#' \eqn{p}-values.
#' @return a raster heatmap to visualize template feature expression.
subHeatmap <- function(emat, res, templates, keepN = TRUE,
labRow = NULL,
classCol = getOption("subClassCol"),
heatCol = NULL,...) {
# checkInput ##############################################################
if (!all(colnames(emat) == rownames(res))) stop("check if emat/res match")
# prepareInput ############################################################
emat <- emat[,keepN];res <- res[keepN,]
class <- res$prediction
K <- nlevels(class)
if (!is.null(labRow )) {
old.par <- graphics::par()
# prepare templates
templates <- templates[!duplicated(templates$probe),]
rownames(templates) <- templates$probe
# prepare res
isDist <- grepl("^d\\.", colnames(res))
res$prediction <- factor(levels(res$prediction)
[apply(res[,isDist], 1, which.min)])
if (K == 2) {
isClass2 <- res$prediction == levels(class)[2]
res$p.value[isClass2] <- -res$p.value[isClass2]
# match emat and templates and order colums after prediction and p.value
N <- order(res$prediction, res$p.value)
P <- intersect(rownames(emat), rownames(templates))
templates <- templates[P,]
templates <- templates[order(templates$class),]
emat <- ematAdjust(emat[rownames(templates),N])
# colorBars ###############################################################
if (is.null(heatCol)) heatCol <- subData[["hmCol"]]
# prettyBreaks ############################################################
pMax = 3
breaksLeft = seq(-pMax,-.25, length = length(heatCol)/2)
breaks <- c(breaksLeft, 0, abs(rev(breaksLeft)))
# necessary to avoid color overflow
emat[emat > pMax] <- pMax; emat[emat < -pMax] <- -pMax
# makeHeatmap #############################################################
xx <- seq(0, 1, length.out=ncol(emat)+1)
yy <- seq(0, 1, length.out=nrow(emat)+1)
graphics::image(x = xx, y = yy, z = t(emat),
yaxt="n", xaxt="n",useRaster=TRUE,
col = heatCol, breaks = breaks,
xlab = "class predictions", ylab = "template features", ...)
# make sample bar
xb <- cumsum(c(0,(sapply(split(res$prediction[N], res$prediction[N]),
xl <- xb[-(K+1)]
xr <- xb[-1]
yy <- line2user(line=1:0, side=1)
yy <- seq(yy[1], yy[2], length=3)
graphics::rect(xleft = xl, xright = xr, ybottom = yy[1], ytop=yy[2],
col=classCol, xpd=TRUE, border=FALSE, lwd = .75)
xxl <- xl+(xr-xl)/2
graphics::text(xxl, yy[1], pos=1,levels(class), adj=0,xpd=TRUE, cex=.75)
# make p-value trace if applicable
if (min(res$p.value) < 1) {
py <- abs(res$p.value[N])
px <- (seq_along(N)/(length(N)))-1/length(N)/2
py <- (py*(yy[2]-yy[1]))+yy[1]
graphics::rect(xleft = xx[-length(xx)], xright = xx[-1],
ybottom=yy[1], ytop=py, border = FALSE,
xpd=NA, col = "white", lwd=2)
graphics::rect(xleft = xl, xright = xr, ybottom = yy[1], ytop=yy[2],
col=NA, xpd=TRUE, lwd = .75)
graphics::text(0,yy[1], pos=2, expression(italic(p)-value), xpd=TRUE, cex=.75)
graphics::text(x=1,y=c(yy[1],yy[2]), c(0,1), pos=c(4),xpd=TRUE,cex=.75)
graphics::text(4,2, paste(bquote(italic(p)-value)))
# make feature bar
xx <- line2user(line=1:0, side=2)
xx <- seq(xx[1], xx[2], length=3)
yy <- c(0, cumsum(sapply(split(templates$probe, templates$class),
yb <- yy[-(K+1)]
yt <- yy[-1]
col=classCol, xpd=NA, lwd = .75)
if (!is.null(labRow )) {
textfun <- function(..., cex.text)
graphics::text(..., xpd=TRUE, cex=.75)
id <- templates[,labRow]
yy <- seq(0+(1/nrow(templates)/2), 1-(1/nrow(templates)/2),
textfun(1, yy, id, pos=4, adj=1)
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