# mclapply without the 2Gb output memory bound.
# @param X Same as \code{\link[parallel]{mclapply}()}:
# A vector (atomic or list) or an expressions vector.
# Other objects (including classed objects) will be coerced by
# \code{\link{as.list}()}.
# @param FUN Same as \code{\link[parallel]{mclapply}()}:
# The function to be applied to each element of 'X'.
# @param ... Optional arguments to \code{FUN} and \code{\link[parallel]{mclapply}()}.
# @param max.bytes The size in memory of the largest object that can
# be returned by \code{\link[parallel]{mclapply}} (Default: 2Gb-1).
# @return Same as \code{\link[parallel]{mclapply}()},
# a list of the same length as 'X' and named by 'X'.
# Element i is equal to \code{FUN(X[[i]])}.
# mclapply() has another problem besides an output memory limit.
# If some magical process in linux called OOM (out of memory) decides
# that a fork is using too much memory, then it simply kills it without
# any warning or message. In such cases, mclapply() will simply return NULL.
# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20674538/mclapply-returns-null-randomly
# In these functions, the output is tested for NULL return values.
# They are assumed to be due to memory errors so the FUN argument
# should not return NULL.
mclapply.safe <- function (X, FUN, ..., max.bytes=2^30-1) {
stopifnot(length(X) > 0)
cores <- options()$mc.cores
if (is.null(cores) || cores == 1) return(mclapply(X, FUN, ...))
first <- mclapply(X[1], FUN, ...)
ret.bytes <- as.numeric(object.size(first))
if (length(X) == 1) return(first)
X <- X[-1]
max.bytes <- min(max.bytes, ret.bytes * length(X))
n.fun <- floor(max.bytes/ret.bytes)
if (n.fun < 1)
stop(paste("The max.bytes parameter is too small. Try setting it > ", ret.bytes, ".", sep=""))
n.mclapply <- ceiling(length(X)/n.fun)
partitions <- partition.integer.subsequence(1,length(X),n.mclapply)
c(first, do.call(c, lapply(1:nrow(partitions), function(i) {
idx <- partitions[i,"start"]:partitions[i,"end"]
ret <- mclapply(X[idx], FUN, ...)
if (length(idx) != length(ret) || any(sapply(ret, is.null)))
stop(paste("The operating system has decided that some forks of mclapply are using too much memory.\n",
"Try reducing the max.bytes parameter or the R option 'mc.cores'."))
# yes, could be done with mclapply.safe but then
# when the list of vectors is merged into a matrix
# the same data would be using twice as much memory.
mcsapply.safe <- function (X, FUN, ..., max.bytes=2^30-1) {
stopifnot(length(X) > 0)
cores <- options()$mc.cores
if (is.null(cores) || cores == 1) {
ret <- mclapply(X, FUN, ...)
ret <- do.call(cbind, ret)
colnames(ret) <- names(X)
first <- mclapply(X[1], FUN, ...)
ret.bytes <- as.numeric(object.size(first))
if (length(X) == 1) return(first[[1]])
X <- X[-1]
max.bytes <- min(max.bytes, ret.bytes * length(X))
n.fun <- floor(max.bytes/ret.bytes)
if (n.fun < 1)
stop(paste("The max.bytes parameter is too small. Try setting it > ", ret.bytes, ".", sep=""))
n.mclapply <- ceiling(length(X)/n.fun)
ret <- matrix(NA, ncol=length(X)+1, nrow=length(first[[1]]))
rownames(ret) <- names(first[[1]])
colnames(ret) <- c(names(first), names(X))
ret[,1] <- first[[1]]
partitions <- partition.integer.subsequence(1,length(X),n.mclapply)
lapply(1:nrow(partitions), function(i) {
idx <- partitions[i,"start"]:partitions[i,"end"]
mc.ret <- mclapply(X[idx], FUN, ...)
if (length(idx) != length(mc.ret) || any(sapply(mc.ret, is.null)))
stop(paste("The operating system has decided that some forks of mclapply are using too much memory.\n",
"Try reducing the max.bytes parameter or the R option 'mc.cores'."))
is.error <- sapply(mc.ret, class) == "try-error"
idx <- idx[which(!is.error)]
if (length(idx) > 0)
ret[,idx+1] <<- do.call(cbind, mc.ret)
partition.integer.subsequence <- function(start, end, n) {
stopifnot(start <= end)
stopifnot(n <= end-start+1)
partitions <- floor(seq(start,end+1,length.out=n+1))
cbind(start=head(partitions, n=-1),
end=tail(partitions, n=-1) - 1)
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