## Code in this file from:
## Jaffe AE, Murakami P, Lee H, Leek JT, Fallin DM, Feinberg AP, Irizarry
## RA (2012). Bump hunting to identify differentially methylated regions
## in epigenetic epidemiology studies. International journal of
## epidemiology, 41(1), 200?209. doi: 10.1093/ije/dyr238.
## https://github.com/rafalab/bumphunter
greaterOrEqual <- function (x, y) {
precision <- sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)
(x >= y) | (abs(x - y) <= precision)
## getSegments
bh.getSegments <- function(x, f = NULL, cutoff=quantile(abs(x), 0.99), assumeSorted = FALSE, verbose=FALSE){
f <- rep(1L, length(x))
stopifnot(length(x) == length(f))
stopifnot(length(cutoff) <= 2)
f <- as.factor(f)
f <- as.integer(f)
stopifnot(is.factor(f) || is.integer(f))
if(length(cutoff) == 1)
cutoff <- c(-cutoff, cutoff)
cutoff <- sort(cutoff)
reordered <- FALSE
if(!assumeSorted && is.unsorted(f)) {
od <- order(f)
x <- x[od]
f <- f[od]
reordered <- TRUE
if(verbose) message("getSegments: segmenting")
Indexes <- split(seq(along=x), f)
direction <- as.integer(greaterOrEqual(x, cutoff[2]))
direction[x <= cutoff[1]] <- -1L
## We now need to convert f into cid
if(verbose) message("getSegments: splitting")
segments <- cumsum(c(1, diff(direction) != 0)) +
cumsum(c(1, diff(f) != 0))
names(segments) <- NULL
res <- list(upIndex = split(which(direction>0), segments[direction>0]),
dnIndex = split(which(direction<0), segments[direction<0]),
zeroIndex = split(which(direction==0), segments[direction==0]))
names(res[[1]]) <- NULL
names(res[[2]]) <- NULL
names(res[[3]]) <- NULL
if(reordered) {
res <- lapply(res, function(sp) lapply(sp, function(xx) od[xx]))
## clusterMaker
bh.clusterMaker <- function(chr, pos, assumeSorted = FALSE, maxGap=300){
nonaIndex <- which(!is.na(chr) & !is.na(pos))
Indexes <- split(nonaIndex, chr[nonaIndex])
clusterIDs <- rep(NA, length(chr))
LAST <- 0
for(i in seq(along = Indexes)){
Index <- Indexes[[i]]
x <- pos[Index]
Index <- Index[order(x)]
x <- pos[Index]
y <- as.numeric(diff(x) > maxGap)
z <- cumsum(c(1, y))
clusterIDs[Index] <- z + LAST
LAST <- max(z) + LAST
bh.regionFinder <- function(x, chr, pos, cluster=NULL, y=x, summary=mean,
ind=seq(along=x),order=TRUE, oneTable=TRUE,
maxGap=300, cutoff=quantile(abs(x), 0.99),
assumeSorted = FALSE, verbose = TRUE){
warning("NAs found and removed. ind changed.")
ind <- intersect(which(!is.na(x)),ind)
cluster <- bh.clusterMaker(chr, pos, maxGap=maxGap, assumeSorted = assumeSorted)
Indexes <- bh.getSegments(x = x[ind], f = cluster[ind], cutoff = cutoff,
assumeSorted = assumeSorted, verbose = verbose)
clusterN <- table(cluster)[as.character(cluster)]
res <- vector("list",2)
for(i in 1:2){
data.frame(chr=sapply(Indexes[[i]],function(Index) chr[ind[Index[1]]]),
start=sapply(Indexes[[i]],function(Index) min(pos[ind[Index]])),
end=sapply(Indexes[[i]], function(Index) max(pos[ind[Index]])),
indexStart=sapply(Indexes[[i]], function(Index) min(ind[Index])),
indexEnd = sapply(Indexes[[i]], function(Index) max(ind[Index])),
res[[i]]$L <- res[[i]]$indexEnd - res[[i]]$indexStart+1
res[[i]]$clusterL <- sapply(Indexes[[i]], function(Index) clusterN[ind[Index]][1])
names(res) <- c("up","dn")
if(order & !oneTable){
if(nrow(res$up)>0) res$up <- res$up[order(-res$up$area),]
if(nrow(res$dn)>0) res$dn <- res$dn[order(-res$dn$area),]
res <- rbind(res$up,res$dn)
if(order & nrow(res)>0) res <- res[order(-res$area),]
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