# internal function used for wrapping the user-supplied function meessages
# in a box
.wrapFunMessages = function(messages, type) {
n = options("width")[[1]]
header = ifelse(
length(messages) > 1,
paste0(" Your function ", type,"s (", length(messages), ") "),
paste0(" Your function ", type, " ")
nH = floor(nchar(header) / 2)
nFill = floor(n / 2)
message("\n",rep("-", nFill - nH), header, rep("-", nFill - nH))
i = 1
for (i in seq_along(messages)) {
m = trimws(messages[i], which="both")
message("\n", type, " ", i , ": ", m, "\n")
message(rep("-", n), "\n")
#' Insert a PEP metadata in a metadata slot of Annotated
#' This function inserts the PEP (\code{\link[pepr]{Project-class}})
#' into the metadata slot of objects that
#' extend the \code{\link[S4Vectors]{Annotated-class}}
#' Additionally, if the object extends the
#' \code{\link[S4Vectors]{Annotated-class}} (or is a list that will be
#' automatically converted to a \code{\link[S4Vectors]{List}}) the show method
#' for its class is redefined to display the \code{\link[pepr]{Project-class}}
#' as the metadata.
#' @param object an object of \code{\link[S4Vectors]{Annotated-class}}
#' @param pep an object of class \code{\link[pepr]{Project-class}}
#' @return an object of the same class as the object argument but enriched
#' with the metadata from the pep argument
#' @examples
#' # If the object is of class Annotated
#' object = S4Vectors::List(result='test')
#' result = .insertPEP(object, pepr::Project())
#' metadata(result)
#' # If the object is not of class Annotated
#' object1 = 'test'
#' result1 = .insertPEP(object1, pepr::Project())
#' metadata(result1)
#' @import S4Vectors methods
#' @export
.insertPEP = function(object, pep) {
if (!methods::is(pep, "Project"))
stop("the pep argument has to be of class 'Project',
got '",
class(pep), "'")
# do we throw a warning/message
# saying what happens in the
# next line?
if (methods::is(object, "list"))
object = S4Vectors::List(object)
if (methods::is(object, "Annotated")) {
S4Vectors::metadata(object) =
.unionList(S4Vectors::metadata(object), list(PEP = pep))
} else {
warning("BiocProject expects data loading functions to return an
'Annotated' object, but your function returned a '",
class(object), "' object. Therefore, this returned object has",
"been placed in the first slot of a S4Vectors::List")
result = S4Vectors::List(result = object)
S4Vectors::metadata(result) = list(PEP = pep)
object = result
# Finds the pepr::Project
# object in a list and returns
# its index If it is not
# present, returns integer(0)
.findProjectInList = function(l) {
function(x) {
is(x, "Project")
# internal function that wraps the external function execution
# in tryCatch to indicate problems with the external function execution
.callBiocFun <- function(func, arguments) {
if(!is(arguments, "list"))
stop("The 'arguments' argument has to be a list, got '",
.warnings = c()
frameNumber <- sys.nframe()
wHandler <- function(w){
# warning handler
assign(".warnings", append(.warnings, w$message),
envir = sys.frame(frameNumber))
eHandler <- function(e){
# error handler
message("No data was read. The error message was returned instead: ",
res = withCallingHandlers(
tryCatch(do.call(func, arguments), error = eHandler),warning = wHandler)
if(length(.warnings) > 0){
warning("There were warnings associated with your function execution.")
# Create an absolute path from a primary target and a parent candidate.
# @param perhapsRelative: Path to primary target directory.
# @param parent a path to parent folder to use if target isn't absolute.
# @return Target itself if already absolute, else target nested within parent.
.makeAbsPath = function(perhapsRelative, parent) {
if (!.isDefined(perhapsRelative)) return(perhapsRelative)
perhapsRelative = pepr::.expandPath(perhapsRelative)
if (.isAbsolute(perhapsRelative)) {
abspath = perhapsRelative
}else {
abspath = file.path(normalizePath(parent), perhapsRelative)
if (!.isAbsolute(abspath)) {
errmsg = sprintf("Relative path '%s' and parent '%s' failed to create
absolute path: '%s'", perhapsRelative, parent, abspath)
# Must test for is.null first, since is.na(NULL) returns a logical(0) which is
# not a boolean
.isDefined = function(var) { ! (is.null(var) || is.na(var)) }
# Determine whether a path is absolute.
# @param path The path to check for seeming absolute-ness.
# @return Flag indicating whether the \code{path} appears to be absolute.
.isAbsolute = function(path) {
if(!is.character(path)) stop("The path must be character.")
firstChar = substr(path, 1, 1)
return(identical("/", firstChar) | identical("~", firstChar))
#' Update list with another list
#' This function performs a union of two lists and updates the elements of the
#' first one if are found in the other one.
#' Both elements have to be lists. If some elements are not named, they are
#' preserved but the order might be lost.
#' @param list1 a list to be updated
#' @param list2 a list to update with
#' @param combine a logical indicating whether the elements of the second list
#' should replace (\code{FALSE}, default) or append to (\code{TRUE}) the
#' first one.
#' @return an updated list
#' @examples
#' list1=list(a=1,b=2)
#' list2=list(a=1,b=1,c=3)
#' .unionList(list1,list2)
#' @export
.unionList = function(list1, list2,
combine = FALSE) {
if ((!is.list(list1)) || (!is.list(list2)))
stop("One of the arguments is not a list")
nms1 = names(list1)
nms2 = names(list2)
if (is.null(nms2))
nms2 = ""
counter = 1
for (n in nms2) {
idx = which(nms1 == n)
if (length(idx) > 0) {
if (combine) {
list1[[idx]] = append(list1[[idx]],
} else {
list1[[idx]] = list2[[n]]
} else {
add = list(list2[[counter]])
names(add) = n
list1 = append(list1,
counter = counter + 1
#' Redefine the show method of the object
#' Adds the Project objects display to the default show method
#' of an \code{\link[S4Vectors]{Annotated-class}}
#' The method is defined in the environment in which the function was called,
#' see: \code{\link[base]{sys.parent}}
#' @param returnedObject object of \code{\link[S4Vectors]{Annotated-class}}
#' @return \code{FALSE} if the function was not set
#' @export
#' @examples
#' x = S4Vectors::List(c('so','cool'))
#' metadata(x) = list(PEP=pepr::Project())
#' .setShowMethod(x)
#' x
.setShowMethod = function(returnedObject) {
oriClass = class(returnedObject)
if (!is(returnedObject, "Annotated")) {
warning("The show method was not redefined for '",
oriClass, "'")
oriShow = selectMethod("show",
# the new method is created
# only if the environment of
# the original one is locked.
# this way the method will not
# be redefined over and over
# again when the BiocProject
# functon is called.
if (environmentIsLocked(environment(oriShow)))
setMethod("show", signature = oriClass,
definition = function(object) {
pep = getProject(object)
cat("\nmetadata: ")
}, where = parent.frame())
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