# Affine transformations for both images and geometries
.transform_bbox <- function(bbox, tr, bbox_all = bbox) {
if (!length(tr)) return(bbox)
# .get_affine_mat to mainly get the v to fix the center when necessary
if ("name" %in% names(tr)) tr <- do.call(.get_affine_mat, c(tr, list(bbox = bbox_all)))
M <- tr$M; v <- tr$v
bbox_sf <- st_bbox(bbox) |> st_as_sfc()
bbox_sf <- bbox_sf * t(M) + v
out <- st_bbox(bbox_sf) |> as.vector() |> setNames(c("xmin", "ymin", "xmax", "ymax"))
if (out["ymax"] < out["ymin"]) out[c("ymin", "ymax")] <- unname(out[c("ymax", "ymin")])
if (out["xmax"] < out["xmin"]) out[c("xmin", "xmax")] <- unname(out[c("xmax", "xmin")])
.rotation_mat <- function(degrees) {
theta <- degrees / 180 * pi
# clockwise rotation
matrix(c(cos(theta), -sin(theta), sin(theta), cos(theta)),
ncol = 2)
# Anything where I need to move the thing to origin before transformation and
# then move it back to its original center
.center_mv <- function(bbox, M) {
center <- bbox_center(bbox)
v <- as.vector(center - M %*% center)
list(M = M, v = v)
.transpose <- function(bbox) {
# Reflect about y=-x, then translate to c(center_y, center_x)
M <- matrix(c(0,-1,-1,0), ncol = 2)
center <- bbox_center(bbox)
v <- as.vector(rev(center) - M %*% center)
list(M = M, v = v)
.mirror <- function(bbox, direction = c("vertical", "horizontal")) {
direction <- match.arg(direction)
M <- matrix(switch (direction,
vertical = c(1,0,0,-1),
horizontal = c(-1,0,0,1)),
ncol = 2)
.center_mv(bbox, M)
.rotate <- function(bbox, degrees) {
M <- .rotation_mat(degrees)
.center_mv(bbox, M)
.scale <- function(bbox, factor) {
M <- matrix(c(factor, 0, 0, factor), ncol = 2)
.center_mv(bbox, M)
# Translate string into matrix
.get_affine_mat <- function(name, bbox, direction = NULL, degrees = NULL,
factor = NULL, M = NULL, v = NULL, ...) {
translate = list(M = matrix(c(1,0,0,1), ncol = 2),
v = v),
transpose = .transpose(bbox),
mirror = .mirror(bbox, direction),
rotate = .rotate(bbox, degrees),
scale = .scale(bbox, factor),
affine = list(M = M, v = v)
.transform_geometry <- function(g, mult, add) UseMethod(".transform_geometry")
.transform_geometry_sf <- function(g, mult, add) {
mult <- t(mult) # Because of g %*% mult rather than mult %*% g
# z will not be affected if present
mult_3d <- rbind(mult, 0) |> cbind(c(0,0,1))
# It's fine to put it here since I don't expect more than a handful of geometries
if (is.null(st_z_range(g))) {
g$geometry <- g$geometry * mult + add
} else {
# Somehow it drops Z when add is a 2x1 matrix but not when it's a vector
g$geometry <- g$geometry * mult_3d + add
.transform_geometry.sf <- function(g, mult, add) {
gt <- st_geometry_type(g, FALSE) |> as.character()
if (gt == "GEOMETRY") return(.transform_geometry_sf(g, mult, add))
# Empty geometries causes trouble in st_coordinates
inds <- !st_is_empty(g)
rns <- rownames(g)[inds]
g <- g[inds,]
coords <- st_coordinates(g)
coords[,c("X","Y")] <- .transform_geometry(coords[,c("X","Y")], mult, add)
coord_names <- if (is.null(st_z_range(g))) c("X","Y") else c("X","Y","Z")
# Since it came out of st_coordinates it should already be sorted
nd <- if (grepl("POINT", gt)) 0L else if (grepl("LINESTRING", gt)) 1L else 2L
group_col <- paste0("L", nd + 1L)
id_col <- paste0("L", nd)
subid_col <- paste0("L", nd - 1L)
g2 <- df2sf(as.data.frame(coords), coord_names,
geometryType = gt,
group_col = group_col, id_col = id_col, subid_col = subid_col,
check = FALSE)
st_geometry(g) <- st_geometry(g2)
rownames(g) <- rns
.transform_geometry.matrix <- function(g, mult, add) {
mult <- t(mult) # Because of g %*% mult rather than mult %*% g
mult_3d <- rbind(mult, 0) |> cbind(c(0,0,1))
add_3d <- c(add, 0)
orig_names <- colnames(g)
if (dim(g)[2] == 2L) {
g <- g %*% mult
g <- sweep(g, 2, add, FUN = "+")
} else {
g <- g %*% mult_3d
g <- sweep(g, 2, add_3d, FUN = "+")
colnames(g) <- orig_names
# Function factory to get different kinds of transformation functions
.transform_geometry_fun <- function(name) {
function(g, bbox, ...) {
mat_use <- .get_affine_mat(name, bbox = bbox, ...)
M <- mat_use$M; v <- mat_use$v
.transform_geometry(g, M, v)
.get_img_fun <- function(name) {
translate = translateImg,
transpose = .transpose_img,
mirror = .mirror_img,
rotate = .rotate_img,
scale = scaleImg,
affine = affineImg
.translate_geometry <- .transform_geometry_fun("translate")
.transpose_geometry <- .transform_geometry_fun("transpose")
.mirror_geometry <- .transform_geometry_fun("mirror")
.rotate_geometry <- .transform_geometry_fun("rotate")
.scale_geometry <- .transform_geometry_fun("scale")
.affine_geometry <- .transform_geometry_fun("affine")
# From EBImage: affine returns the affine transformation of x, where pixels
# coordinates, denoted by the matrix px, are transformed to cbind(px, 1)%*%m.
# The transformed image will be outside the bound if it's way shifted. I can do
# the centroid preserving thing and translate the image separately later. I can
# first scale the image to the size of the bbox after transformation before
# doing the transformation; the matrix is separated into the scale part,
# initially scaled to fit into the original image, and the rest. output.dim should
# be the size of the transformed bbox in pixels
.affine_ebi <- function(img, bbox, M, v, ...) {
# bbox argument is just for compatibility, it's ignored
bbox_old <- ext(img)
scale_fct <- dim(img)[1]/(bbox_old["xmax"] - bbox_old["xmin"])
bbox_new <- .transform_bbox(bbox_old, list(M=M, v=v))
dim_new_px <- c((bbox_new["xmax"] - bbox_new["xmin"])*scale_fct,
(bbox_new["ymax"] - bbox_new["ymin"])*scale_fct) |> abs()
# abs because sf doesn't switch ymin and ymax after reflection
# Then the v here should be the center of the image
center_new <- dim_new_px/2
center_old <- dim(img)[1:2]/2
# Since it's cbind(px, 1)%*%m and y is flipped
# Here the origin is the top left, adding positive number increases px inds
# Basically, flip the image, perform the operation, then flip it back
# Tricky part is the translation
P <- matrix(c(1,0,0,-1), nrow = 2)
M2 <- P %*% M %*% P
v <- center_new - M2 %*% center_old
out <- EBImage::affine(imgRaster(img), t(cbind(M2, v)),
output.dim = dim_new_px)
ExtImage(img = out, ext = bbox_new)
.transform <- function(sfe, sample_id, bbox, geometry_fun, img_fun,
use_bbox = TRUE, ...) {
# For one sample, bbox is different for each sample
inds <- colData(sfe)$sample_id == sample_id
sc <- spatialCoords(sfe)[inds,]
bbox_sc <- if (use_bbox)
bbox %||% c(xmin = min(sc[,1]), xmax = max(sc[,1]),
ymin = min(sc[,2]), ymax = max(sc[,2]))
else bbox
spatialCoords(sfe)[inds,] <- geometry_fun(sc, bbox = bbox_sc, ...)
# colGeometries
for (n in colGeometryNames(sfe)) {
cg <- colGeometry(sfe, n, sample_id = sample_id)
bbox_cg <- if (use_bbox) bbox %||% st_bbox(cg) else bbox
cg <- geometry_fun(cg, bbox = bbox_cg, ...)
colGeometry(sfe, n, sample_id = sample_id) <- cg
# annotGeometries
if (!is.null(annotGeometries(sfe))) {
for (n in annotGeometryNames(sfe)) {
ag <- annotGeometry(sfe, n, sample_id = sample_id)
if (!nrow(ag)) next
bbox_ag <- if (use_bbox) bbox %||% st_bbox(ag) else bbox
ag <- geometry_fun(ag, bbox = bbox_ag, ...)
annotGeometry(sfe, n, sample_id = sample_id) <- ag
# rowGeometries
rgns <- rowGeometryNames(sfe)
if (length(sampleIDs(sfe)) == 1L)
rg_sample <- rgns
rg_sample <- rgns[grepl(paste0("_", sample_id, "$"), rgns)]
if (length(rg_sample)) {
for (n in rg_sample) {
rg <- rowGeometry(sfe, n, sample_id = sample_id)
bbox_rg <- if (use_bbox) bbox %||% st_bbox(rg) else bbox
rg <- geometry_fun(rg, bbox = bbox_rg, ...)
rowGeometry(sfe, n, sample_id = sample_id) <- rg
# images
if (!isEmpty(imgData(sfe))) {
inds <- imgData(sfe)$sample_id == sample_id
new_imgs <- lapply(imgData(sfe)$data[inds], function(img) {
# img_fun should use the overall bbox of the sample including images
# when applicable.
# When not applicable, e.g. in transpose and translate, the bbox_all
# is ignored.
img_new <- img_fun(img, bbox_all = bbox, ...)
imgData(sfe)$data[inds] <- I(new_imgs)
.transform_samples <- function(sfe, sample_id, geometry_fun, img_fun,
use_bbox = TRUE, ...) {
sample_id <- .check_sample_id(sfe, sample_id, one = FALSE)
if (use_bbox) {
bboxes <- bbox(sfe, sample_id, include_images = TRUE)
if (is.vector(bboxes)) bboxes <- matrix(bboxes, ncol = 1,
dimnames = list(names(bboxes), sample_id))
for (s in sample_id) {
sfe <- .transform(sfe, s, bboxes[,s], geometry_fun, img_fun, ...)
} else {
for (s in sample_id) {
sfe <- .transform(sfe, s, bbox = NULL, geometry_fun = geometry_fun,
img_fun = img_fun, use_bbox = use_bbox, ...)
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