# As in MatrixExtra, only for Csparse for now
.empty_dgc <- function(nrow, ncol) {
out <- new("dgCMatrix")
out@Dim <- as.integer(c(nrow, ncol))
out@p <- integer(ncol+1L)
#' Convert listw into sparse adjacency matrix
#' Edge weights are used in the adjacency matrix. Because most elements of the
#' matrix are 0, using sparse matrix greatly reduces memory use.
#' @param listw A \code{listw} object for spatial neighborhood graph.
#' @return A sparse \code{dgCMatrix}, whose row represents each cell or spot and
#' whose columns represent the neighbors. The matrix does not have to be
#' symmetric. If \code{region.id} is present in the \code{listw} object, then
#' it will be the row and column names of the output matrix.
#' @export
#' @importFrom Matrix sparseMatrix
#' @examples
#' library(SFEData)
#' sfe <- McKellarMuscleData("small")
#' g <- findVisiumGraph(sfe)
#' mat <- listw2sparse(g)
listw2sparse <- function(listw) {
lifecycle::deprecate_warn("1.9.0", "listw2sparse()", "spatialreg::as_dgRMatrix_listw()")
i <- rep(seq_along(listw$neighbours), times = card(listw$neighbours))
j <- unlist(listw$neighbours)
x <- unlist(listw$weights)
n <- length(listw$neighbours)
region_id <- attr(listw$neighbours, "region.id")
sparseMatrix(i = i, j = j, x = x, dims = rep(n, 2),
dimnames = list(region_id, region_id))
#' Convert multiple listw graphs into a single sparse adjacency matrix
#' Each sample in the SFE object has a separate spatial neighborhood graph.
#' Spatial analyses performed jointly on multiple samples require a combined
#' spatial neighborhood graph from the different samples, where the different
#' samples would be disconnected components of the graph. This combined
#' adjacency matrix can be used in MULTISPATI PCA.
#' @param listws A list of \code{listw} objects.
#' @return A sparse \code{dgCMatrix} of the combined spatial neighborhood graph,
#' with the original spatial neighborhood graphs of the samples on the diagonal.
#' When the input is an SFE object, the rows and columns will match the column
#' names of the SFE object.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # example code
multi_listw2sparse <- function(listws) {
slices <- list()
n <- length(listws)
mats <- lapply(listws, as_dgRMatrix_listw)
ncells <- vapply(mats, nrow, FUN.VALUE = integer(1))
region_ids <- lapply(listws, function(l) attr(l$neighbours, "region.id"))
tot <- sum(ncells)
prev <- 0
next_n <- tot
prev_inds <- 0
next_inds <- 1
for (i in seq_along(listws)) {
n_curr <- ncells[i]
next_n <- next_n - n_curr
next_inds <- next_inds + 1
if (prev > 0) {
prev_m <- .empty_dgc(nrow = prev, ncol = n_curr)
rownames(prev_m) <- unlist(region_ids[seq_len(prev_inds)])
o <- rbind(prev_m, mats[[i]])
} else o <- mats[[i]]
if (next_n > 0) {
next_m <- .empty_dgc(nrow = next_n, ncol = n_curr)
rownames(next_m) <- unlist(region_ids[seq(next_inds, n, by = 1)])
o <- rbind(o, next_m)
slices[[i]] <- o
prev <- prev + n_curr
prev_inds <- prev_inds + 1
do.call(cbind, slices)
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