#' @title read.pileup.gz
#' @description A wrapper function to run samtools (mpileup)
#' @usage read.pileup.gz(ref.fa, fns.bam, sample.name, output.dir, mapQ=1, run.cmd=TRUE, mc.cores=1)
#' @param ref.fa Reference fasta file path
#' @param normal.bam BAM files of normal sample
#' @param tumor.bam BAM files of tumor sample
#' @param sample.name A character vector for the sample names
#' @param mapQ Mapping quality (default=1)
#' @param run.cmd Whether to execute the command line (default=TRUE)
#' @param mc.cores The number of cores to use. Must be at least one(default=1), and parallelization requires at least two cores.
#' @details Generates VCF, BCF or pileup for one or multiple BAM files. Alignment records are grouped by sample (SM) identifiers in @RG header
#' lines. If the sample identifiers are absent, each input file is regarded as one sample.
#' @seealso \url {http://www.htslib.org/doc/samtools.html}
#' @export
pileup.fns=file.path(output.dir, paste0(sample.name, ".pileup.gz"))
#command line
cmd=paste(samtools.path, "mpileup", "-f", ref.fa, "-Q", mapQ, fns.bam, "|", "gzip", ">", pileup.fns)
message("[[",Sys.time(),"]] Run SAMtools pileup and gzip of normal samples ---- ")
if(run.cmd) mclapply(cmd, system, mc.cores=mc.cores)
cat(cmd, file=file.path(output.dir, "run.samtools.pileup.log"), sep="\n")
message("[[",Sys.time(),"]] Done ---- ")
#' @title generate.GC
#' @description A wrapper function to run sequenza-utils.py in sequenza (GC-windows)
#' @usage generate.GC(window=1,000,000, output.dir, ref.fa, run.cmd=TRUE)
#' @param window A parameter value for -w in sequenza. Indicate a window size (in bases), to be used for the binning.
#' The heterozygous positions and the positions carrying variant calls are not affected by binning.
#' @param output.dir Output directory
#' @param ref.fa Reference fasta file path
#' @param run.cmd Whether to execute the command line (default=TRUE)
#' @details Calculation GC contents from reference fasta file
#' @references Sequenza: allele-specific copy number and mutation profiles from tumor sequencing data.
#' @seealso {https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/sequenza/vignettes/sequenza.pdf}
#' @export
gc.fn=file.path(output.dir, paste0("gc", window, "Base.txt.gz"))
#command line
cmd=paste(sequenza.util, "GC-windows -w", window, ref.fa, "|", "gzip", ">", gc.fn)
message("[[",Sys.time(),"]] Generating a genome-wide GC content file ---- ")
if(run.cmd) system(cmd)
cat(cmd, file=file.path(output.dir, "run.generateGC.log"), sep="\n")
message("[[",Sys.time(),"]] Done ---- ")
#' @title generate.seqz
#' @description A wrapper function to run sequenza-utils.py in sequenza (pileup2seqz, seqz-binning)
#' @usage pileup2seqz(gc.fn, normal.pileup.gz, window=1000000, tumor.pileup.gz, output.dir, run.cmd=T, mc.cores=1)
#' @param fn.gc output file of generate.GC function
#' @param normal.pileup.gz samtools pileup file of normal sample
#' @param tumor.pileup.gz samtools pileup file of tumor sample
#' @param window A parameter value for -w in sequenza. Indicate a window size (in bases), to be used for the binning.
#' @details A seqz file contains genotype information, alleles and mutation frequency, and other features. This file is used as input
#' for the R-based part of Sequenza.
#' @references Sequenza: allele-specific copy number and mutation profiles from tumor sequencing data.
#' @seealso {https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/sequenza/vignettes/sequenza.pdf}
#' @export
#normal sample, tumor sample
pileup.gz.list=list(normal=normal.pileup.gz, tumor=tumor.pileup.gz)
normal.sample=sub(".pileup.gz", "", basename(normal.pileup.gz))
tumor.sample=sub(".pileup.gz", "", basename(tumor.pileup.gz))
out.seqz=file.path(output.dir, paste0(normal.sample,"-",tumor.sample,".seqz.gz"))
bin.out.seqz=file.path(output.dir, paste0(normal.sample,"-",tumor.sample,".bin.seqz.gz"))
#command line
cmd=paste(sequenza.util, "pileup2seqz", "-gc", gc.fn, "-n", pileup.gz.list$normal, "-t", pileup.gz.list$tumor, "|", "gzip", ">", out.seqz)
message("[[",Sys.time(),"]] Generate a seqz file ---- ")
if(run.cmd) mclapply(cmd, system, mc.cores=mc.cores)
cat(cmd, file=file.path(output.dir, "run.pileup2seqz.log"), sep="\n", append=TRUE)
message("[[",Sys.time(),"]] Done ---- ")
# To reduce the size of the seqz file, using binning function
cmd=paste(sequenza.util, "seqz-binning", "-w", window, "-s", out.seqz, "|", "gzip", ">", bin.out.seqz)
message("[[",Sys.time(),"]] Reduce the size of the seqz file ---- ")
if(run.cmd) mclapply(cmd, system, mc.cores=mc.cores)
cat(cmd, file=file.path(output.dir, "run.pileup2seqz.log"), sep="\n", append=TRUE)
message("[[",Sys.time(),"]] Done ---- ")
#' @title seqz2rda
#' @description Saves seqz file in R data format.
#' @usage seqz2rda(cnv.dir)
#' @param cnv.dir output directory
#' @export
cnv.files=get.fns(input.dir=cnv.dir, idx="bin.seqz.gz$")
sample.name=sub(".bin.seqz.gz", "", basename(cnv.files))
# read seqz files and save Rdata
for(i in 1:length(cnv.files)){
chr.name=paste0("chr", c(1:22,"X"))
mclapply(chr.name, function(a) {
seqz=read.seqz(cnv.files[i], chr.name=a)
seqz.name=paste0(sub(".gz", "", basename(cnv.files[i])), "_", a)
assign(seqz.name, seqz)
fn=file.path(cnv.dir, paste0(seqz.name, ".rda"))
save(list=seqz.name, file=fn)
message("[[",Sys.time(),"]] seqz files saved as R data in R object directory ----")
#' @title seqz2seg
#' @description Segmentation to estimate DNA copy number variation.
#' @usage seqz2seg(cnv.dir, window=1,000,000)
#' @param cnv.dir Output directory
#' @param window A parameter value for -w in sequenza. Indicate a window size (in bases), to be used for the binning.
#' @details Normalization of depth ratio and DNA segmentation
#' @references Sequenza: allele-specific copy number and mutation profiles from tumor sequencing data.
#' @seealso {https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/sequenza/vignettes/sequenza.pdf}
#' @export
seqz2seg=function(cnv.dir, window=1000000){
# 1. load seqz data
chr.name = paste0("chr", c(1:22, "X"))
fns=get.fns(input.dir=cnv.dir, idx=".bin.seqz_chr")
seqzList=mclapply(fns, function(a){
rm(list = removeExt(basename(a)))
names(seqzList)=sub(".rda", "" , basename(fns))
# 2. segmentation
#seqz.data_chr = seqzList$chr1
segList = lapply(seqzList, function(seqz.data_chr){
# Normalize coverage by GC-content
gc.stats <- gc.norm(x = seqz.data_chr$depth.ratio, gc = seqz.data_chr$GC.percent)
gc.vect <- setNames(gc.stats$raw.mean, gc.stats$gc.values)
# Correct the coverage of the loaded chromosome:
seqz.data_chr$adjusted.ratio = seqz.data_chr$depth.ratio / gc.vect[as.character(seqz.data_chr$GC.percent)]
# Select the heterozygous positions
seqz.het <- seqz.data_chr[seqz.data_chr$zygosity.normal != 'hom', ]
# Detect breakpoints
breaks <- find.breaks(seqz.het)
# use heterozygous and homozygous position to measure segment values
seg.s1 <- segment.breaks(seqz.data_chr, breaks = breaks)
# Binning the values of depth ratio and B allele frequency
seqz.r.win <- windowValues(x = seqz.data_chr$adjusted.ratio,
positions = seqz.data_chr$position,
chromosomes = seqz.data_chr$chromosome,
window = window, overlap = 1,
weight = seqz.data_chr$depth.normal)
seqz.b.win <- windowValues(x = seqz.het$Bf,
positions = seqz.het$position,
chromosomes = seqz.het$chromosome,
window = window, overlap = 1,
weight = round(x = seqz.het$good.reads, digits = 0))
list(seg.s1 = seg.s1, seqz.r.win = seqz.r.win, seqz.b.win = seqz.b.win)
save(segList, file=file.path(cnv.dir, "segmentAllList.rda"))
message("[[",Sys.time(),"]] segments list saved in cnv directory ----")
#' @title ploidyNcellularity
#' @description Calculate ploidy and cellularity
#' @usage ploidyNcellularity(cnv.dir)
#' @param cnv.dir Output directory
#' @details Calculate ploidy and cellularity for each paired-sample and quantify the copy number
#' @references Sequenza: allele-specific copy number and mutation profiles from tumor sequencing data.
#' @seealso {https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/sequenza/vignettes/sequenza.pdf}
#' @export
segList=get(load(file.path(cnv.dir, "segmentAllList.rda")))
chr.name=paste0("chr", c(1:22,"X"))
uniq.sample.name=unique(sub("\\..*", "", names(segList)))
message("[[",Sys.time(),"]] Calculation ploidy and cellularity ----")
for(i in 1:length(segList)){
seg.s1.dfList=lapply(uniq.sample.name, function(a) data.frame(do.call(rbind, lapply(segList[paste0(a, ".bin.seqz_", chr.name)], function(b) b$seg.s1)), sample=a,row.names = NULL))
seqz.baf.dfList=lapply(uniq.sample.name, function(a) data.frame(do.call(rbind, lapply(segList[paste0(a, ".bin.seqz_", chr.name)], function(b) b$seqz.b.win[[1]])), row.names = NULL))
seqz.ratio.dfList=lapply(uniq.sample.name, function(a) data.frame(do.call(rbind, lapply(segList[paste0(a, ".bin.seqz_", chr.name)], function(b) b$seqz.r.win[[1]])), row.names = NULL))
seg.filtered=lapply(seg.s1.dfList, function(seg) seg[(seg$end.pos - seg$start.pos) > 10e6,])
CP=lapply(seg.filtered, function(a) baf.model.fit(Bf=a$Bf, depth.ratio = a$depth.ratio,
avg.depth.ratio = 1, ploidy = seq(0.5,3,0.05)))
confint=lapply(CP, function(a) get.ci(a))
ploidy=lapply(confint, function(a) a$max.ploidy)
cellularity=lapply(confint, function(a) a$max.cellularity)
for(i in 1:length(seg.s1.dfList)){
cn.alleles[[i]]=baf.bayes(Bf=seg.s1.dfList[[i]]$Bf, depth.ratio=seg.s1.dfList[[i]]$depth.ratio,
cellularity=cellularity[[i]], ploidy=ploidy[[i]], avg.depth.ratio=1)
seg=lapply(1:length(cn.alleles), function(a) cbind(seg.s1.dfList[[a]], cn.alleles[[a]], ploidy[[a]], cellularity[[a]]))
save(seg, file=file.path(cnv.dir, "ploidyNcellularity.rda"))
message("[[",Sys.time(),"]] Done ----")
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