##' These function implement the bandle model for dynamic mass spectrometry based
##' spatial proteomics datasets using MCMC for inference
##' The `bandle` function generate the sample from the posterior distributions
##' (object or class `bandleParams`) based on an annotated quantitative spatial
##' proteomics datasets (object of class [`MSnbase::MSnSet`]). Both are then
##' passed to the `bandlePredict` function to predict the sub-cellular localisation
##' and compute the differential localisation probability of proteins. See the
##' vignette for examples
##' @title Differential localisation experiments using the bandle method
##' @param objectCond1 A list of [`MSnbase::MSnSet`]s where each is an experimental
##' replicate for the first condition, usually a control
##' @param objectCond2 A list of [`MSnbase::MSnSet`]s where each is an experimental
##' replicate for the second condition, usually a treatment
##' @param fcol The feature meta-data containing marker definitions. Default is
##' `markers`
##' @param hyperLearn Algorithm to learn posterior hyperparameters of the Gaussian
##' processes. Default is `LBFGS` and `MH` for metropolis-hastings is also implemented.
##' @param numIter The number of iterations of the MCMC
##' algorithm. Default is 1000. Though usually much larger numbers are used
##' @param burnin The number of samples to be discarded from the
##' beginning of the chain. Default is 100.
##' @param thin The thinning frequency to be applied to the MCMC
##' chain. Default is 5.
##' @param u The prior shape parameter for Beta(u, v). Default is 2
##' @param v The prior shape parameter for Beta(u, v). Default is 10.
##' @param lambda Controls the variance of the outlier component. Default is 1.
##' @param gpParams Parameters from prior fitting of GPs to each niche to accelerate
##' inference. If used, must be of class `gpParams`. Default is NULL.
##' @param hyperIter The frequency of MCMC interation to update the hyper-parameters
##' default is 20
##' @param hyperMean The prior mean of the log normal prior of the GP parameters.
##' Default is 0 for each. Order is length-scale, amplitude and noise variance
##' @param hyperSd The prior standard deviation of the log normal prior fo the GP
##' parameters. Default is 1 for each. Order is length-scale, ampliture and noise
##' variance.
##' @param seed The random number seed. This is set internally if not provided.
##' For those doing comparison experiments using simulations must set this
##' parameter themselves, else the results will not be representative of the
##' performance of the package.
##' @param pg `logical` indicating whether to use polya-gamma prior. Default is
##' `FALSE`.
##' @param pgPrior A matrix generated by pgPrior function. If param pg is TRUE
##' but pgPrior is NULL then a pgPrior is generated on the fly.
##' @param tau The tau parameter for the polya-Gamma prior (is used). Defaults
##' to 0.2
##' @param dirPrior A matrix generated by dirPrior function. Default is NULL
##' and dirPrior is generated on the fly. This should have dimension
##' equal to the number of subcellular niches. We suggest referring
##' to the vignette on direction to set this value.
##' @param maternCov `logical` indicated whether to use a matern or Gaussian
##' covariance. Default is True and matern covariance is used
##' @param PC `logical` indicating whether to use a penalised complexity prior.
##' Default is TRUE.
##' @param pcPrior `matrix` of length 3 indicating the lambda parameters for the
##' penalised complexity prior. Default is `matrix(c(0.5, 3, 100), nrow = 1)` and the order is
##' length-scale, amplitude and variance.
##' @param nu `integter` indicating the smoothness of the matern prior. Default
##' is 2.
##' @param propSd If MH is used to learn posterior hyperparameters then the proposal
##' standard deviations. A Gaussian random-walk proposal is used.
##' @param numChains `integer` indicating the number of parallel chains to run.
##' Defaults to 4.
##' @param BPPARAM BiocParallel parameter. Defaults to machine default backend
##' using bpparam()
##' @return `bandle` returns an instance of class `bandleParams`
##' @md
##' @examples
##' library(pRolocdata)
##' data("tan2009r1")
##' set.seed(1)
##' tansim <- sim_dynamic(object = tan2009r1,
##' numRep = 6L,
##' numDyn = 100L)
##' gpParams <- lapply(tansim$lopitrep, function(x)
##' fitGPmaternPC(x, hyppar = matrix(c(0.5, 1, 100), nrow = 1)))
##' d1 <- tansim$lopitrep
##' control1 <- d1[1:3]
##' treatment1 <- d1[4:6]
##' mcmc1 <- bandle(objectCond1 = control1,
##' objectCond2 = treatment1, gpParams = gpParams,
##' fcol = "markers", numIter = 5L, burnin = 1L, thin = 2L,
##' numChains = 1, BPPARAM = SerialParam(RNGseed = 1))
##' @rdname bandle
bandle <- function(objectCond1,
fcol = "markers",
hyperLearn = "LBFGS",
numIter = 1000,
burnin = 100L,
thin = 5L,
u = 2,
v = 10,
lambda = 1,
gpParams = NULL,
hyperIter = 20,
hyperMean = c(0, 0, 0),
hyperSd = c(1, 1,1),
seed = NULL,
pg = FALSE,
pgPrior = NULL,
tau = 0.2,
dirPrior = NULL,
maternCov = TRUE,
pcPrior = matrix(c(0.5,3,100), nrow = 1),
nu = 2,
propSd = c(0.3, 0.1, 0.05),
numChains = 4L,
BPPARAM = BiocParallel::bpparam()){
# Checks
stopifnot(exprs = {
"ObjectCond1 must be a list of MSnSet"=is(objectCond1[[1]], "MSnSet")
"ObjectCond2 must be a list of MSnSet"=is(objectCond2[[1]], "MSnSet")
"hyperLearn must be either MH or LBFGS"=hyperLearn %in% c("MH", "LBFGS")
"numIter must be a numeric"=is(numIter, "numeric")
"burnin must be an integer"=is(burnin, "integer")
"thin must be an integer"=is(thin, "integer")
"burnin must be less than numIter"= burnin < numIter
"u must be numeric"=is(u, "numeric")
"v must be numeric"=is(v, "numeric")
"lambda must be numeric"=is(lambda, "numeric")
"hyperIter must be numeric"=is(hyperIter, "numeric")
"hyperMean must be numeric"=is(hyperMean, "numeric")
"hyperSd must be numeric"=is(hyperSd, "numeric")
"must provide 3 values for hyperMean"=length(hyperMean) == 3
"must provide 3 values for hyperSd" = length(hyperSd) == 3
"tau must be numeric" = is(tau, "numeric")
"nu must be numeric" = is(nu, "numeric")
"propSd must be numeric"=is(propSd, "numeric")
"Must provide 3 values for propSd"=length(propSd) == 3})
# if dirPrior is not NULL
K <- length(getMarkerClasses(objectCond1[[1]], fcol = fcol))
stopifnot("dirPrior must have dimensions equal to the number of
niches"=dim(dirPrior)==c(K, K))
# if gpParams if not NULL
nP <- length(gpParams)
nD <- length(objectCond1) + length(objectCond2)
stopifnot("gpParams object must be the same length as the total numer of
datasets"= nP == nD)
# valid experiment
## same number of rows
validrow <- length(unique(vapply(c(objectCond1, objectCond2),
function(x) nrow(x),
FUN.VALUE = numeric(1)))) > 1
if (isTRUE(validrow)){
stop("Number of rows do not match, you may wish to subset your proteins")
## same number of columns
validcol <- length(unique(vapply(c(objectCond1, objectCond2),
function(x) ncol(x),
FUN.VALUE = numeric(1)))) > 1
if (isTRUE(validcol)){
stop("Number of columns do not match, this analysis is not currently
implemented in bandle. Subset fractions so they match")
validrow2 <- var(apply(vapply(c(objectCond1, objectCond2),
function(x) rownames(x),
character(nrow(objectCond1[[1]]))), 1,
function(x) length(unique(x)))) > 0
if (isTRUE(validrow2)){
stop("rownames do not match across experiments. Analysis
will lead to confusing results. Subset your proteins
so they match")
## valid fcol
if (isFALSE(all(vapply(c(objectCond1, objectCond2), function(x)
fcol %in% colnames(fData(x)), logical(1))))){
stop("fcol is not in all the datasets. Check fcol is present")
## chains run in parallel, repeating number of iterations
.res <- BiocParallel::bplapply(rep(numIter, numChains),
FUN = diffLoc,
objectCond1 = objectCond1,
objectCond2 = objectCond2,
fcol = fcol,
hyperLearn = hyperLearn,
#numIter = numIter, #parrallelised
burnin = burnin,
thin = thin,
u = u,
v = v,
lambda = lambda,
gpParams = gpParams,
hyperIter = hyperIter,
hyperMean = hyperMean,
hyperSd = hyperSd,
seed = seed,
pg = pg,
pgPrior = pgPrior,
tau = tau,
dirPrior = dirPrior,
maternCov = maternCov,
PC = PC,
pcPrior = pcPrior,
nu = nu,
propSd = propSd,
K <- length(getMarkerClasses(objectCond1[[1]], fcol = fcol))
# construct empirical Bayes Polya-Gamma prior
if (is.null(pgPrior)) {
pgPrior <- pg_prior(objectCond1, objectCond2, K = K, pgPrior = NULL, fcol = fcol)
#or Dirichlet weights Prior, unless dirPrior is provided by default
if(pg == FALSE){
if (is.null(dirPrior)){
dirPrior <- diag(rep(1, K)) + matrix(0.05, nrow = K, ncol = K)
rownames(dirPrior) <- colnames(dirPrior) <- getMarkerClasses(objectCond1[[1]],
fcol = fcol)
# name objects
colnames(pcPrior) <- c("length-scale", "amplitude", "sigma")
## Construct class bandleChains
.ans <- .bandleChains(chains = .res)
## Construct class bandleParams
.out <- .bandleParams(method = "bandle",
priors = list(dirPrior = dirPrior,
pgPrior = pgPrior,
pcPrior = pcPrior,
hyperMean = hyperMean,
hyperSd = hyperSd),
seed = as.integer(seed),
summary = .bandleSummaries(
summaries = list(.bandleSummary(),
chains = .ans)
##' @title Make predictions from a bandle analysis
##' @param objectCond1 A list of instances of class [`MSnbase::MSnSet`]s
##' where each is an experimental replicate for the first condition, usually a control
##' @param objectCond2 A list of instance of class [`MSnbase::MSnSet`]s
##' where each is an experimental replicate for the second condition, usually a treatment
##' @param params An instance of class `bandleParams`, as generated by
##' [`bandle()`].
##' @param fcol A feature column indicating the markers. Defaults to "markers"
##' @return `bandlePredict` returns an instance of class
##' [`MSnbase::MSnSet`] containing the localisation predictions as
##' a new `bandle.allocation` feature variable. The allocation
##' probability is encoded as `bandle.probability`
##' (corresponding to the mean of the distribution
##' probability). In addition the upper and lower quantiles of
##' the allocation probability distribution are available as
##' `bandle.probability.lowerquantile` and
##' `bandle.probability.upperquantile` feature variables. The
##' Shannon entropy is available in the `bandle.mean.shannon`
##' feature variable, measuring the uncertainty in the allocations
##' (a high value representing high uncertainty; the highest value
##' is the natural logarithm of the number of classes). An additional variable
##' indicating the differential localization probability is also added as
##' `bandle.differential.localisation`
##' @examples
##' library(pRolocdata)
##' data("tan2009r1")
##' set.seed(1)
##' tansim <- sim_dynamic(object = tan2009r1,
##' numRep = 6L,
##' numDyn = 100L)
##' gpParams <- lapply(tansim$lopitrep, function(x)
##' fitGPmaternPC(x, hyppar = matrix(c(0.5, 1, 100), nrow = 1)))
##' d1 <- tansim$lopitrep
##' control1 <- d1[1:3]
##' treatment1 <- d1[4:6]
##' mcmc1 <- bandle(objectCond1 = control1, objectCond2 = treatment1, gpParams = gpParams,
##' fcol = "markers", numIter = 5L, burnin = 1L, thin = 2L,
##' numChains = 1, BPPARAM = SerialParam(RNGseed = 1))
##' mcmc1 <- bandleProcess(mcmc1)
##' out <- bandlePredict(objectCond1 = control1, objectCond2 = treatment1, params = mcmc1)
##' @md
##' @rdname bandle-predict
bandlePredict <- function(objectCond1,
fcol = "markers"){
stopifnot(inherits(params, "bandleParams"))
## Checks for object and bandleParams match
stopifnot(featureNames(unknownMSnSet(objectCond1[[1]], fcol = fcol))
== rownames(params@summary@summaries[[1]]@posteriorEstimates))
stopifnot(unlist(lapply(objectCond1, function(zz) inherits(zz, "MSnSet"))))
stopifnot(unlist(lapply(objectCond2, function(zz) inherits(zz, "MSnSet"))))
for (j in c(1, 2)){
object <- list(objectCond1, objectCond2)[[j]][[1]]
## Create marker set and size
markerSet <- markerMSnSet(object, fcol = fcol)
markers <- getMarkerClasses(object, fcol = fcol)
M <- nrow(markerSet)
K <- chains(params)[[1]]@K
## Get Summary object from bandleParams maybe better to check
## columns exist/pass which objects we need
.bandle.allocation <- c(as.character(summaries(params)[[j]]@posteriorEstimates[,"bandle.allocation"]),
as.character(fData(markerSet)[, fcol]))
.bandle.probability <- c(summaries(params)[[j]]@posteriorEstimates[,"bandle.probability"],
rep(1, M)) ## set all probabilities of markers to 1.
.bandle.probability.lowerquantile <- c(summaries(params)[[j]]@posteriorEstimates[,"bandle.probability.lowerquantile"],
rep(1, M)) ## set all probabilities of markers to 1.
.bandle.probability.upperquantile <- c(summaries(params)[[j]]@posteriorEstimates[,"bandle.probability.upperquantile"],
rep(1, M)) ## set all probabilities of markers to 1.
.bandle.mean.shannon <- c(summaries(params)[[j]]@posteriorEstimates[,"bandle.mean.shannon"],
rep(0, M)) ## set all probabilities of markers to 0
.bandle.differential.localisation <- c(summaries(params)[[j]]@posteriorEstimates[, "bandle.differential.localisation"],
rep(0, M)) ## set differential localisation of markers to 0
## Create data frame to store new summaries
.bandle.summary <- DataFrame(bandle.allocation = .bandle.allocation ,
bandle.probability = .bandle.probability,
bandle.probability.lowerquantile = .bandle.probability.lowerquantile,
bandle.probability.upperquantile = .bandle.probability.upperquantile,
bandle.mean.shannon = .bandle.mean.shannon,
bandle.differential.localisation = .bandle.differential.localisation)
## add outlier information
.bandle.summary$bandle.outlier <- c(summaries(params)[[j]]@posteriorEstimates[, "bandle.outlier"],
rep(0, M)) ## set all probabilities of markers to 0
## Check number of rows match and add feature names
stopifnot(nrow(.bandle.summary) == nrow(object))
rownames(.bandle.summary) <- c(rownames(summaries(params)[[j]]@posteriorEstimates),
## Append data to fData of MSnSet
fData(object) <- cbind(fData(object), .bandle.summary[rownames(fData(object)),])
## create allocation matrix for markers
.probmat <- matrix(0, nrow = nrow(markerSet), ncol = K)
.class <- fData(markerSet)[, fcol]
for (k in seq_len(nrow(markerSet))) {
## give markers prob 1
.probmat[k, as.numeric(factor(.class), seq(1, length(unique(.class))))[k]] <- 1
colnames(.probmat) <- markers
rownames(.probmat) <- rownames(markerSet)
.joint <- rbind(summaries(params)[[j]]@bandle.joint, .probmat)
fData(object)$bandle.joint <- .joint[rownames(fData(object)), ]
if(j == 1){
objectCond1[[1]] <- object
} else {
objectCond2[[1]] <- object
.out <- list(objectCond1 = objectCond1,
objectCond2 = objectCond2)
##' @title process bandle results
##' @param params An object of class `bandleParams`
##' @return `bandleProcess` returns an instance of class
##' `bandleParams` with its summary slot populated.
##' @examples
##' library(pRolocdata)
##' data("tan2009r1")
##' set.seed(1)
##' tansim <- sim_dynamic(object = tan2009r1,
##' numRep = 6L,
##' numDyn = 100L)
##' gpParams <- lapply(tansim$lopitrep, function(x)
##' fitGPmaternPC(x, hyppar = matrix(c(0.5, 1, 100), nrow = 1)))
##' d1 <- tansim$lopitrep
##' control1 <- d1[1:3]
##' treatment1 <- d1[4:6]
##' mcmc1 <- bandle(objectCond1 = control1, objectCond2 = treatment1, gpParams = gpParams,
##' fcol = "markers", numIter = 5L, burnin = 1L, thin = 2L,
##' numChains = 1, BPPARAM = SerialParam(RNGseed = 1))
##' mcmc1 <- bandleProcess(mcmc1)
##' @md
##' @rdname bandle-process
bandleProcess <- function(params) {
stopifnot(is(params, "bandleParams"))
## get require slots
myChain <- chains(params)[[1]]
numChains <- length(chains(params))
N <- myChain@N
K <- myChain@K
n <- myChain@n
## storage
meanComponentProbCond1 = vector("list", length = numChains)
meanComponentProbCond2 = vector("list", length = numChains)
meanOutlierProb = vector("list", length = numChains)
bandle.jointCond1 <- matrix(0, nrow = N, ncol = K)
bandle.jointCond2 <- matrix(0, nrow = N, ncol = K)
bandle.outlierCond1 <- matrix(0, nrow = N, ncol = 1)
bandle.outlierCond2 <- matrix(0, nrow = N, ncol = 1)
.bandle.quantilesCond1 <- array(0, c(N, K, 2))
.bandle.quantilesCond2 <- array(0, c(N, K, 2))
pooled.ComponentCond1 <- matrix(0, nrow = N, ncol = n * numChains)
pooled.ComponentProbCond1 <- array(0, c(N, n * numChains, K ))
pooled.OutlierCond1 <- matrix(0, nrow = N, ncol = n * numChains)
pooled.ComponentCond2 <- matrix(0, nrow = N, ncol = n * numChains)
pooled.ComponentProbCond2 <- array(0, c(N, n * numChains, K ))
pooled.OutlierCond2 <- matrix(0, nrow = N, ncol = n * numChains)
pooled.differential.localisation <- matrix(0, nrow = N, ncol = numChains)
# Calculate basic quantities
for (j in seq_len(numChains)) {
mc <- chains(params)[[j]]
meanComponentProbCond1[[j]] <- t(apply(mc@nicheProb[[1]][, , ], 1, colMeans))
meanComponentProbCond2[[j]] <- t(apply(mc@nicheProb[[2]][, , ], 1, colMeans))
bandle.jointCond1 <- bandle.jointCond1 + meanComponentProbCond1[[j]]
bandle.jointCond2 <- bandle.jointCond2 + meanComponentProbCond2[[j]]
bandle.outlierCond1 <- bandle.outlierCond1 + 1 - rowMeans(mc@outlier[[1]])
bandle.outlierCond2 <- bandle.outlierCond2 + 1 - rowMeans(mc@outlier[[2]])
## Pool chains
pooled.ComponentCond1[, n * (j - 1) + seq.int(n)] <- mc@niche[[1]]
pooled.ComponentProbCond1[, n * (j - 1) + seq.int(n), ] <- mc@nicheProb[[1]]
pooled.OutlierCond1[, n * (j - 1)+ seq.int(n)] <- mc@outlier[[1]]
pooled.ComponentCond2[, n * (j - 1) + seq.int(n)] <- mc@niche[[2]]
pooled.ComponentProbCond2[, n * (j - 1) + seq.int(n), ] <- mc@nicheProb[[2]]
## take means across chains
bandle.jointCond1 <- bandle.jointCond1/numChains
bandle.outlierCond1 <- bandle.outlierCond1/numChains
bandle.probabilityCond1 <- apply(bandle.jointCond1, 1, max)
bandle.allocationCond1 <- colnames(bandle.jointCond1)[apply(bandle.jointCond1, 1, which.max)]
bandle.jointCond2 <- bandle.jointCond2/numChains
bandle.outlierCond2 <- bandle.outlierCond2/numChains
bandle.probabilityCond2 <- apply(bandle.jointCond2, 1, max)
bandle.allocationCond2 <- colnames(bandle.jointCond2)[apply(bandle.jointCond2, 1, which.max)]
bandle.differential.localisation <- diffLocalisationProb(params = params)
## Calculate quantiles
for (i in seq_len(N)) {
for (j in seq_len(K)) {
.bandle.quantilesCond1[i, j, ] <- quantile(pooled.ComponentProbCond1[i, , j],
probs = c(0.025, 0.975))
.bandle.quantilesCond2[i, j, ] <- quantile(pooled.ComponentProbCond2[i, , j],
probs = c(0.025, 0.975))
## Store quantiles
bandle.probability.lowerquantile.cond1 <- .bandle.quantilesCond1[cbind(seq.int(N),
apply(bandle.jointCond1, 1, which.max), rep(1, N))]
bandle.probability.upperquantile.cond1 <- .bandle.quantilesCond1[cbind(seq.int(N),
apply(bandle.jointCond1, 1, which.max), rep(2, N))]
bandle.probability.lowerquantile.cond2 <- .bandle.quantilesCond2[cbind(seq.int(N),
apply(bandle.jointCond2, 1, which.max), rep(1, N))]
bandle.probability.upperquantile.cond2 <- .bandle.quantilesCond2[cbind(seq.int(N),
apply(bandle.jointCond2, 1, which.max), rep(2, N))]
## Compute Shannon Entropy
bandle.shannonCond1 <- -apply(pooled.ComponentProbCond1 * log(pooled.ComponentProbCond1), c(1,2), sum)
bandle.shannonCond2 <- -apply(pooled.ComponentProbCond2 * log(pooled.ComponentProbCond2), c(1,2), sum)
bandle.shannonCond1[is.na(bandle.shannonCond1)] <- 0
bandle.mean.shannonCond1 <- rowMeans(bandle.shannonCond1)
bandle.mean.shannonCond2 <- rowMeans(bandle.shannonCond2)
## Name entries
names(bandle.mean.shannonCond1) <- names(bandle.probability.lowerquantile.cond1) <-
names(bandle.probability.upperquantile.cond1) <- names(bandle.mean.shannonCond2) <-
names(bandle.probability.lowerquantile.cond1) <-
names(bandle.probability.upperquantile.cond2) <- rownames(myChain@niche[[1]])
rownames(bandle.jointCond1) <- names(bandle.probabilityCond1) <-
names(bandle.allocationCond1) <- rownames(bandle.jointCond2) <- names(bandle.probabilityCond2) <-
names(bandle.allocationCond2) <- rownames(myChain@niche[[1]])
colnames(bandle.jointCond1) <- colnames(bandle.jointCond2) <- dimnames(myChain@nicheProb[[1]])[[3]]
## Outlier colNames # not use
## Compute convergence diagnostics
weights <- vector("list", length = numChains)
r_hat <- vector(mode = "list", length = K)
for(j in seq_len(numChains)) {
mc <- chains(params)[[j]]
weights[[j]] <- coda::mcmc(mc@weights[1,1,])
## Summary of posterior estimates
bandle.summary1 <- DataFrame(bandle.allocation = bandle.allocationCond1,
bandle.probability = bandle.probabilityCond1,
bandle.outlier = bandle.outlierCond1,
bandle.probability.lowerquantile = bandle.probability.lowerquantile.cond1,
bandle.probability.upperquantile = bandle.probability.upperquantile.cond1,
bandle.mean.shannon = bandle.mean.shannonCond1,
bandle.differential.localisation = bandle.differential.localisation)
colnames(bandle.summary1) <- c("bandle.allocation", "bandle.probability",
"bandle.outlier","bandle.probability.lowerquantile", "bandle.probability.upperquantile",
"bandle.mean.shannon", "bandle.differential.localisation")
bandle.summary2 <- DataFrame(bandle.allocation = bandle.allocationCond2,
bandle.probability = bandle.probabilityCond2,
bandle.outlier = bandle.outlierCond2,
bandle.probability.lowerquantile = bandle.probability.lowerquantile.cond2,
bandle.probability.upperquantile = bandle.probability.upperquantile.cond2,
bandle.mean.shannon = bandle.mean.shannonCond2,
bandle.differential.localisation = bandle.differential.localisation)
colnames(bandle.summary2) <- c("bandle.allocation", "bandle.probability",
"bandle.outlier","bandle.probability.lowerquantile", "bandle.probability.upperquantile",
"bandle.mean.shannon", "bandle.differential.localisation")
.diagnostics <- matrix(NA, 1, 1)
## Compute convergence diagnostics
if(numChains > 1){
weights <- coda::as.mcmc.list(weights)
gd <- coda::gelman.diag(x = weights, autoburnin = FALSE)
.diagnostics <- gd$psrf
rownames(.diagnostics) <- c("weights")
## Constructor for summary
params@summary@summaries[[1]] <- .bandleSummary(posteriorEstimates = bandle.summary1,
diagnostics = .diagnostics,
bandle.joint = bandle.jointCond1)
params@summary@summaries[[2]] <- .bandleSummary(posteriorEstimates = bandle.summary2,
diagnostics = .diagnostics,
bandle.joint = bandle.jointCond2)
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