
Defines functions calculate_scores calc_BL_score get_scores_beta get_scores_paired get_alignment_scores

#' Pairwise sequence alignment using pre-defined score matrix and gap opening and extension
#' weights
#' @param seq_vector1 Vector of patterns for alignment
#' @param seq_vector2 Vector of subjects for alignment
#' @return Vector of alignment scores
#' @noRd
get_alignment_scores <- function(seq_vector1, seq_vector2){
                             substitutionMatrix = submat,
                             gapOpening = gap_open,
                             gapExtension = gap_ext,
                             scoreOnly = T)

get_scores_paired <- function(dt,
                              receptor1, receptor2_vec,
  # generate table with receptor pairs
  col_names <- c("receptor_id", "cdr3_beta", "v_beta", "j_beta",
                 "cdr3_alpha", "v_alpha", "j_alpha")
  receptor_pairs <- dt[.(receptor2_vec), ..col_names]
  colnames(receptor_pairs) <- paste("to", col_names, sep = "_")
  suppressWarnings(receptor_pairs[,  paste("from", col_names, sep = "_") :=
                                    as.list(dt[.(receptor1), ..col_names])])
  receptor_pairs <- receptor_pairs |>
    merge(trv_scores |> dplyr::rename_all(function(x) paste0(x, "_beta")), all.x=T,
          by = c("from_v_beta", "to_v_beta")) |>
    merge(trj_scores |> dplyr::rename_all(function(x) paste0(x, "_beta")), all.x=T,
          by = c("from_j_beta", "to_j_beta")) |>
    merge(trv_scores |> dplyr::rename_all(function(x) paste0(x, "_alpha")), all.x=T,
          by = c("from_v_alpha", "to_v_alpha")) |>
    merge(trj_scores |> dplyr::rename_all(function(x) paste0(x, "_alpha")), all.x=T,
          by = c("from_j_alpha", "to_j_alpha"))
  # align sequences
  receptor_pairs$cdr3_alpha_score <- get_alignment_scores(receptor_pairs$from_cdr3_alpha,
  receptor_pairs$cdr3_beta_score <- get_alignment_scores(receptor_pairs$from_cdr3_beta,
  # write output in a temporary file
  filename <- file.path(output_file_prefix, paste0(receptor1, ".Rds"))
  saveRDS(receptor_pairs, filename)

get_scores_beta <- function(dt, receptor1, receptor2_vec,
  # generate table with receptor pairs
  col_names <- c("receptor_id", "cdr3_beta", "v_beta", "j_beta")
  receptor_pairs <- dt[.(receptor2_vec), ..col_names]
  colnames(receptor_pairs) <- paste("to", col_names, sep = "_")
  suppressWarnings(receptor_pairs[,  paste("from", col_names, sep = "_") :=
                                    as.list(dt[.(receptor1), ..col_names])])
  receptor_pairs <- receptor_pairs |>
    merge(trv_scores |> dplyr::rename_all(function(x) paste0(x, "_beta")), all.x=T,
          by = c("from_v_beta", "to_v_beta")) |>
    merge(trj_scores |> dplyr::rename_all(function(x) paste0(x, "_beta")), all.x=T,
          by = c("from_j_beta", "to_j_beta"))
  # align sequences
  receptor_pairs$cdr3_beta_score <- get_alignment_scores(receptor_pairs$from_cdr3_beta,
  # write output in a temporary file
  filename <- file.path(output_file_prefix, paste0(receptor1, ".Rds"))
  saveRDS(receptor_pairs, filename)

#' Calculate the logistic scores for given TCR pairs
#' @param data A data.table with alignment scores for each TCR pair
#' @param chains Which chains are available ("AB" or "B")
#' @return A vector of BL-scores
#' @noRd
calc_BL_score <- function(data, chains){
  # get feature names
  model_coeff <- if (chains == "AB") model_coeff_AB else model_coeff_B
  feature_names <- names(model_coeff)
  feature_names <- feature_names[-grep("Intercept", feature_names)]
  # calculate scores
  coeff_mat <- as.matrix(model_coeff)
  data_mat <- as.matrix(data[, ..feature_names])
  1 / (1 + exp(-(data_mat %*% coeff_mat[feature_names,] + model_coeff["(Intercept)"])))

#' Calculate BL-scores (BLOSUM-logistic) for each pair of TCRs in a dataset
#' @param sequence_dt A data.table with TCR sequence data
#' @inheritParams clusterize_TCR
#' @return A data.table with id of first TCR, second TCR and the score
#' @noRd
calculate_scores <- function(sequence_dt, chains, tmp_folder, scores_filename, ncores){
  res <- tryCatch({
    # create temporary folder for files with individual receptor alignment results
    # individual results are stored and then merged to avoid RAM overconsumption
    tmp_folder_full <- file.path(tmp_folder, "BL_score_tmp")
    # legacy: rename junction to cdr3
    sequence_dt[, cdr3_beta := junction_beta]
    if (chains == "AB") {
      sequence_dt[, cdr3_alpha := junction_alpha]
    # get alignment scores
    # a <- Sys.time()
    if (chains == "AB") {
      x <- parallel::mclapply(seq_len(nrow(sequence_dt) - 1),
                              function(i) get_scores_paired(sequence_dt,
                                                            receptor1 = sequence_dt$receptor_id[i],
                                                            receptor2_vec = sequence_dt$receptor_id[(i+1):nrow(sequence_dt)],
                              mc.cores = ncores)
    } else if (chains == "B") {
      x <- parallel::mclapply(seq_len(nrow(sequence_dt) - 1),
                              function(i) get_scores_beta(sequence_dt,
                                                          receptor1 = sequence_dt$receptor_id[i],
                                                          receptor2_vec = sequence_dt$receptor_id[(i+1):nrow(sequence_dt)],
                              mc.cores = ncores)
    } else {
      stop("Unrecognized chains argument (specify AB or B)")
    # a1 <- Sys.time()
    # create one merged file and delete temporary files
    merged_file <- file.path(tmp_folder, "BL_scores.csv")
    # get column names from one of the files
    first_file = file.path(tmp_folder_full, paste0(sequence_dt$receptor_id[1], ".Rds"))
    out_colnames <- colnames(readRDS(first_file))
    write(paste(out_colnames, collapse = "\t"), merged_file)
    files <- list.files(tmp_folder_full, full.names = T)
    graph <- lapply(files, readRDS) |>
    for (file in list.files(tmp_folder_full, full.names = T)) {
    # load the file and calculate BL_score
    graph[, score := calc_BL_score(graph, chains)]
    cols <- c("from_receptor_id", "to_receptor_id", "score")
    graph <- graph[, ..cols]
    # save scores file if requested
    if (!is.na(scores_filename)) {
      if (grepl("[Rr]ds$", scores_filename)) {
        saveRDS(graph, scores_filename)
      } else {
        utils::write.table(graph, scores_filename, quote = F, sep = "\t", row.names = F)
    # b <- Sys.time()
    # time_diff <- b-a
    # print(paste0("Scores were calculated in ", round(time_diff, 3), " ", units(time_diff)))
    # time_diff <- b-a1
    # print(paste0("Aligned in ", round(time_diff, 3), " ", units(time_diff)))
  error = function(cond){
  warning = function(cond){
  finally = {
    # legacy: remove cdr3 column
    sequence_dt[, cdr3_beta := NULL]
    if (chains == "AB") {
      sequence_dt[, cdr3_alpha := NULL]
    # remove temporary files folder
    tmp_folder_full = file.path(tmp_folder, "BL_score_tmp")
    if (file.exists(tmp_folder_full)) {
      unlink(tmp_folder_full, recursive = T)
    # remove temporary file with scores if exists
    scores_file = file.path(tmp_folder, "BL_scores.csv")
    if (file.exists(scores_file)) {
obrzts/BLscore documentation built on Nov. 21, 2024, 4:28 a.m.