
Defines functions vasttoolsInclusionLevelsFormat processVastToolsPSItable parseEventData processEventDataByType initialiseEventData

# Prepare AS data information
initialiseEventData <- function(data) {
    rowData <- data[seq(5)]
    rowData <- cbind(id=rownames(rowData), source="vast-tools", rowData)
    rowData$subtype <- rowData$type
    rowData$chrom   <- NA
    rowData$start   <- NA
    rowData$end     <- NA
    rowData$strand  <- NA

    rowData$constitutive1 <- NA
    rowData$alternative1  <- NA
    rowData$alternative2  <- NA
    rowData$constitutive2 <- NA
    quality <- seq(7, ncol(data), 2)
    rowData <- cbind(rowData, data[quality])

# Process event data based on event type
processEventDataByType <- function(type, eventData) {
    dataType <- eventData[which(eventData$type == type), ]
    if (type == "RI") { # Retained intron
        C1end   <- sapply(dataType$fullCoords, "[[", 2)
        C2start <- sapply(dataType$fullCoords, "[[", 3)
        exon1   <- lapply(seq(nrow(dataType)), function(i)
            c(dataType$firstCoord[[i]], C1end[[i]]))
        exon2   <- lapply(seq(nrow(dataType)), function(i)
            c(C2start[[i]], dataType$lastCoord[[i]]))

        isPosStrand <- dataType$strand == "+"
        dataType$constitutive1 <- ifelse(isPosStrand, exon1, exon2)
        dataType$alternative1  <- NA
        dataType$alternative2  <- NA
        dataType$constitutive2 <- ifelse(isPosStrand, exon2, exon1)
    } else if (type == "SE") { # Skipped exon
        isPosStrand <- dataType$strand == "+"
        dataType$constitutive1 <- ifelse(
            isPosStrand, dataType$firstCoord, dataType$lastCoord)
        dataType$alternative1  <- lapply(
            seq(nrow(dataType)), function(i)
                c(dataType$start[[i]], dataType$end[[i]]))
        dataType$alternative2  <- NA
        dataType$constitutive2 <- ifelse(
            isPosStrand, dataType$lastCoord, dataType$firstCoord)

#' @importFrom stringr str_match
#' @importFrom plyr rbind.fill
parseEventData <- function(rowData) {
    coordinates    <- rowData$coordinates
    coordRegex     <- "^(chr){0,1}(.*):(.*)-(.*)$"
    matches        <- str_match(coordinates, coordRegex)
    rowData$chrom  <- matches[ , 3]
    rowData$start  <- as.numeric(matches[ , 4])
    rowData$end    <- as.numeric(matches[ , 5])

    fullCoords         <- gsub("^.*?:(.*?)(:.*$){0,1}$", "\\1",
                               rowData$`full coordinates`, perl=TRUE)
    rowData$fullCoords <- strsplit(fullCoords, "[-,+=]")
    rowData$firstCoord <- sapply(rowData$fullCoords, "[[", 1)
    rowData$lastCoord  <- sapply(rowData$fullCoords, function(i) i[[length(i)]])
    rowData$strand     <- ifelse(
        as.numeric(rowData$firstCoord) < as.numeric(rowData$lastCoord),
        "+", "-")

    # Convert NA event subtypes to character
    rowData$subtype[is.na(rowData$subtype)] <- "NA"

    # Parse coordinates
    SEtypes <- c("S", "C1", "C2", "C3", "ANN", "MIC")
    RItypes <- c("RI", "RI-C", "RI-S", "IR", "IR-C", "IR-S")
    types <- c(
        setNames(rep("A3SS", 2), c("Alt3", "A_Alt3")),
        setNames(rep("A5SS", 2), c("Alt5", "A_Alt5")),
        setNames(rep("RI", length(RItypes) * 2),
                 paste0(c("A_", ""), rep(RItypes, each=2))),
        setNames(rep("SE", length(SEtypes) * 2),
                 paste0(c("A_", ""), rep(SEtypes, each=2))),
    eventTypes   <- types[rowData$subtype]
    rowData$type <- ifelse(!is.na(eventTypes), eventTypes, rowData$subtype)

    # Process AS event data by event type
    types         <- unique(rowData$type)
    rowDataByType <- lapply(unique(rowData$type), processEventDataByType,
    allRowData    <- Reduce(rbind, rowDataByType)
    rowData       <- allRowData[match(rownames(rowData), allRowData$id), ]

    rowData$firstCoord <- NULL
    rowData$lastCoord  <- NULL
    rowData$fullCoords <- NULL
    rownames(rowData) <- rowData$id

# Process VAST-TOOLS PSI table
processVastToolsPSItable <- function(data) {
    data$EVENT <- NULL
    # Strip "_1/_2" from the sample name if needed
    colnames(data) <- gsub("_[12](-Q){0,1}$", "\\1",  colnames(data), perl=TRUE)
    colnames(data)[seq(5)] <- c("gene", "coordinates", "length",
                                "full coordinates", "type")

    # Prepare PSI data and discard events only containing missing values
    psi <- data[seq(6, ncol(data), 2)]
    attr(psi, "rowData") <- initialiseEventData(data)
    psi <- preserveAttributes(psi)

    validEvents <- rowSums(!is.na(psi)) > 0
    invalid     <- sum(!validEvents)
    total       <- length(validEvents)
    perc        <- round(invalid / total * 100)

    if (invalid > 0) {
            paste("Discarding %s of %s events (%s%%) containing missing values",
                  "across all samples..."),
            invalid, total, perc))
        psi <- psi[validEvents, ]
    if (nrow(psi) == 0) return(NULL)

    # Parse AS data information (after discarding many AS events)
    message("Parsing alternative splicing event information...")
    rowData <- attr(psi, "rowData")
    rowData <- parseEventData(rowData)
    class(rowData) <- c("eventData", class(rowData))
    attr(psi, "rowData") <- rowData

vasttoolsInclusionLevelsFormat <- function() {
        tablename   = "Inclusion levels",
        description = "VAST-TOOLS' PSI values per alternative splicing event",
        dataType    = "Inclusion levels",

        # Transpose data before parsing? If so, a row in the transposed dataset
        # would be a column in the original
        skip        = 1,     # Rows to skip when parsing file (include header)
        transpose   = FALSE,

        # Format checker information
        rowCheck    = TRUE,  # Check a row (TRUE) or a column (FALSE)
        checkIndex  = 1,     # Index of row/column to check the format

        # File string to check
        check = c("GENE", "EVENT", "COORD", "LENGTH", "FullCO", "COMPLEX"),

        # Parsing information
        delim       = "\t", # Delimiter used to separate fields
        colNames    = 1,    # Row to use for column names
        rowNames    = 2,    # Column to use for row names
        ignoreCols  = NULL, # Columns to ignore
        ignoreRows  = NULL, # Rows to ignore
        commentChar = NULL, # Ignore lines starting with this string

        # Remove duplicated rows
        unique           = FALSE,
        stringsAsFactors = FALSE,

        # Identity of rows and columns
        rows    = "alternative splicing events",
        columns = "samples",

        process = function(data) {
            # VAST-TOOLS tables with "Raw_reads" should be ignored
            if (any(grepl("Raw_reads", colnames(data)))) return(NULL)

            psi <- processVastToolsPSItable(data)
            if (is.null(psi)) return(NULL)

            # Check if PSI values are all numeric
            if (!all(sapply(psi, is.numeric))) return(NULL)

            # Scale data if PSI values are between 0 and 100
            maximum <- max(psi, na.rm=TRUE)
            if (maximum > 1 && maximum <= 100) {
                attrs <- attributes(psi)
                psi <- psi / 100
                attributes(psi) <- attrs

attr(vasttoolsInclusionLevelsFormat, "loader") <- "formats"
nuno-agostinho/psichomics documentation built on Jan. 2, 2025, 4:10 a.m.