# Functions to calculate the distance
# from each breakpoint to user-provided loci (e.g. TSS)
#' generateData2
#' Prepare data for dist2motif
#' @keywords simulate
#' @import dplyr
#' @export
generateData2 <- function(..., df, breakpoints, sim=FALSE, chroms){
if(missing(df) && missing(breakpoints)) stop("\n[!] Must provide either a df or bed file! Exiting.")
if(!missing(df)) {
cat("Reading data from df\n")
real_data <- df %>%
dplyr::filter(...) %>%
dplyr::mutate(pos = bp) %>%
dplyr::select(chrom, pos)
} else if(!missing(breakpoints)) {
cat("Reading data from bed file\n")
real_data <- read.table(breakpoints, header = F)
# real_data <- real_data[c(1,2)]
# real_data$end <- real_data[2] + 2
real_data <- real_data[c(1,2,3)]
colnames(real_data) <- c("chrom", "start", "end")
real_data <- real_data %>%
tidyr::gather(stend, val, -chrom) %>%
dplyr::mutate(pos=val) %>%
dplyr::select(chrom, pos)
} else if(ncol(real_data)==2) {
colnames(real_data) <- c("chrom", "pos")
} else stop("Badly formatted bed file. Exiting")
real_data <- real_data %>%
dplyr::filter(chrom %in% chroms) %>%
if(sim) {
byIteration <- list()
#run each iteration
for (i in 1:sim){
cat("Running simulation", i, "of", sim, "\n")
simByChrom <- list()
for (c in levels(real_data$chrom)){
hitCount <- nrow(real_data[real_data$chrom== c,])
hitCount <- (hitCount)
if (i == 1){
cat(paste("Simulating", hitCount, "breakpoints on chromosome", c), "\n")
bp_data <- bpSim(nSites = hitCount, byChrom = c)
bp_data$iteration <- i
simByChrom[[c]] <- bp_data
result <- as.data.frame(do.call(rbind, simByChrom))
rownames(result) <- NULL
byIteration[[i]] <- result
#combine each iteration into one data frame
# final <- dplyr::bind_rows(byIteration)
final <- as.data.frame(do.call(rbind, byIteration))
final$iteration <- as.factor(final$iteration)
} else{
real_data$iteration <- as.factor(1)
#' dist2Motif2
#' Calculate the distance from each breakpoint to closest motif in a directory of files
#' @keywords motif
#' @import ggplot2 dplyr tidyr
#' @importFrom plyr round_any
#' @export
dist2motif2 <- function(..., df, breakpoints, feature_file, featureDir = system.file("extdata", "features", package="svBreaks"), chroms=c('2L', '2R', '3L', '3R', '4', 'X', 'Y'), sim=FALSE, position = 'centre') {
if(missing(df) && missing(breakpoints)) stop("\n[!] Must provide either a df or bed file! Exiting.")
if(!dir.exists(featureDir)) stop("Not a dir")
if(length(grep(list.files(featureDir), pattern = '.bed', value=T)) == 0) stop("\n[!] Must provide a directory containing bed files! Exiting.")
print(grep(list.files(featureDir), pattern = '.bed', value=T))
bp_data <- svBreaks::generateData2(..., df=df, breakpoints=breakpoints, sim=sim, chroms=chroms)
cat("Calculating distances to", position, 'of regions', sep = " ", "\n")
# svCount <- table(bp_data$chrom)
# bp_data <- subset(bp_data, chrom %in% names(svCount[svCount >= 5]))
# bp_data <- droplevels(bp_data)
minDist <- function(p) {
index <- which.min(abs(tss_df$pos - p))
closestTss <- tss_df$pos[index]
chrom <- as.character(tss_df$chrom[index])
dist <- (p - closestTss)
list(p, closestTss, dist, chrom)
scores <- list()
add_col <- function(x){
x$V3 <- x$V2 + 2
fileNames <- list(feature_file)
} else{
fileNames <- list.files(featureDir, pattern = ".bed")
# cat("Analysing all files in directory:", bedFiles, "\n")
for (i in 1:length(fileNames)){
filename <- basename(tools::file_path_sans_ext(fileNames[i]))
parts <- unlist(strsplit(filename, split = '\\.'))
feature <- parts[1]
cat("Analysing file:", filename, 'with feature:', feature, "\n")
feature_locations <- read.table(paste(featureDir, fileNames[i], sep='/'), header = F)
feature_locations <- add_col(feature_locations)
feature_locations <- feature_locations[,c(1,2,3)]
colnames(feature_locations) <- c("chrom", "start", "end")
# fCount <- table(feature_locations$chrom)
# bp_data <- subset(bp_data, chrom %in% names(svCount[svCount >= 5])) %>% droplevels()
flocs <- feature_locations %>%
dplyr::filter(chrom %in% levels(bp_data$chrom)) %>%
if(length(levels(flocs$chrom)) < length(levels(bp_data$chrom))){
cat("Feature:", feature, "not found on all chroms. Trimming real data to match chroms in ", filename, paste0("[",levels(flocs$chrom), "]"), "\n")
bp_data <- bp_data %>%
dplyr::filter(chrom %in% levels(flocs$chrom)) %>%
if(position == 'centre'){
flocs <- flocs %>%
dplyr::mutate(middle = as.integer(((end+start)/2)+1)) %>%
dplyr::mutate(pos = as.integer(middle-1)) %>%
dplyr::select(chrom, pos)
} else if(position == 'edge'){
flocs <- flocs %>%
tidyr::gather(c, pos, start:end, factor_key=TRUE) %>%
dplyr::select(chrom, pos)
byIteration <- list()
for (j in levels(bp_data$iteration)){
byChrom <- list()
df1 <- dplyr::filter(bp_data, iteration == j)
for (c in levels(bp_data$chrom)) {
df <- dplyr::filter(df1, chrom == c)
tss_df <- dplyr::filter(flocs, chrom == c)
dist2tss <- lapply(df$pos, minDist)
dist2tss <- do.call(rbind, dist2tss)
new <- data.frame(matrix(unlist(dist2tss), nrow=nrow(df)))
new$iteration <- j
new$feature <- as.factor(feature)
colnames(new) <- c("bp", "closest_tss", "min_dist", "chrom", "iteration", "feature")
byChrom[[c]] <- new
perIter <- do.call(rbind, byChrom)
byIteration[[j]] <- perIter
dist2feat <- do.call(rbind, byIteration)
scores[[i]] <- dist2feat
final <- do.call(rbind, scores)
rownames(final) <- NULL
final$iteration <- as.factor(final$iteration)
final$chrom <- as.character(final$chrom)
final$min_dist <- as.numeric(as.character(final$min_dist))
inRange <- function(r, s, w, p){
# r = real
# s = sim
# w = window
# p = percentage required in w
in_range <- plyr::round_any(p*nrow(r), 1)
bps_within_range <- r %>%
dplyr::group_by(feature, iteration) %>%
dplyr::mutate(min_count = sum(abs(min_dist) <= w)) %>%
dplyr::filter(min_count >= in_range) %>%
dplyr::ungroup() %>%
sim_within_range <- s %>%
dplyr::group_by(feature, iteration) %>%
dplyr::mutate(min_count = sum(abs(min_dist) <= w)) %>%
dplyr::filter(min_count >= in_range) %>%
dplyr::ungroup() %>%
removed_features <- r %>% dplyr::filter(!feature %in% levels(bps_within_range$feature)) %>% droplevels()
removed_features <- levels(removed_features$feature)
if(length(removed_features) > 0){
cat("Dropping features:", paste0("'", removed_features, "'"), "with fewer than 10 hits wihin +/-", lim, "Kb\n")
stop("There are no feaures in dir that have >= ", in_window, "breakpoints within specified range ",paste0("(lim=", lim,"Kb) "), "Exiting.")
s <- s %>%
dplyr::filter(feature %in% levels(bps_within_range$feature)) %>%
printCloseHits <- function(x){
for(f in levels(x$feature)){
r <- dplyr::filter(x, feature == f)
bps_in_window <- r[abs(r$min_dist)<=w,]
perc_in_window <- plyr::round_any((nrow(bps_in_window)/nrow(r))*100, 1)
cat("There are ", paste0(nrow(bps_in_window), "/", nrow(bps_within_range), " [", perc_in_window, "%", "]"), "breakpoints within specified range", paste0("(lim=", lim,"Kb) "), "of feature:", f, "\n")
printCloseHits <- function(x){
x %>%
dplyr::group_by(iteration, feature) %>%
dplyr::filter(abs(min_dist)<=w) %>%
dplyr::summarise(perc = plyr::round_any(n()/nrow(x)*100,1),
count = n(),
total = nrow(x))
# distOverlay
#' Calculate the distance from each breakpoint to closest motif
#' Overlay the same number of random simulated breakpoints
#' @keywords motif
#' @import dplyr ggplot2 ggpubr
#' @importFrom plyr round_any
#' @export
distOverlay2 <- function(..., df, breakpoints, feature_file, featureDir = system.file("extdata", "features", package="svBreaks"),
from='bps', chroms=c('2L', '2R', '3L', '3R', '4', 'X', 'Y'),
lim=10, n=5, plot = TRUE, histo=FALSE, position = 'edge', threshold=0.05, write=FALSE, out_dir) {
window_bps <- lim*1e3
window <- window_bps/5
bp_count <- nrow(df)
} else {
b <- read.delim(breakpoints)
bp_count <- nrow(b)
real_data <- svBreaks::dist2motif2(..., df=df, breakpoints=breakpoints, feature_file=feature_file, featureDir=featureDir, position=position, chroms=chroms)
sim_data <- svBreaks::dist2motif2(..., df=df, breakpoints=breakpoints, feature_file=feature_file, featureDir=featureDir, sim=n, position=position, chroms=chroms)
in_range <- plyr::round_any(threshold*nrow(real_data), 1)
bps_within_range <- real_data %>%
dplyr::group_by(feature, iteration) %>%
dplyr::mutate(within_threshold = sum(abs(min_dist)<=window),
required_hits = plyr::round_any(threshold*bp_count, 1)) %>%
dplyr::filter(within_threshold >= required_hits) %>%
dplyr::ungroup() %>%
sim_within_range <- sim_data %>%
dplyr::group_by(feature, iteration) %>%
dplyr::mutate(within_threshold = sum(abs(min_dist)<=window),
required_hits = plyr::round_any(threshold*bp_count, 1)) %>%
dplyr::filter(within_threshold >= required_hits) %>%
dplyr::ungroup() %>%
removed_features <- real_data %>% dplyr::filter(!feature %in% levels(bps_within_range$feature)) %>% droplevels()
removed_features <- levels(removed_features$feature)
if(length(removed_features) > 0){
cat("Dropping features:", paste0("'", removed_features, "'"), "with fewer than 10 hits wihin +/-", lim, "Kb\n")
stop("There are no feaures in dir that have >= ", in_range, "breakpoints within specified range ",paste0("(lim=", lim,"Kb) "), "Exiting.")
sim_data <- sim_data %>%
dplyr::filter(feature %in% levels(bps_within_range$feature)) %>%
# for(f in levels(bps_within_range$feature)){
# x <- dplyr::filter(bps_within_range, feature == f)
# perc_in_window <- plyr::round_any((nrow(bps_in_window)/nrow(x))*100, 1)
# cat("There are ", paste0(nrow(bps_in_window), "/", nrow(bps_within_range), " [", perc_in_window, "%", "]"), "breakpoints within specified range", paste0("(lim=", lim,"Kb) "), "of feature:", f, "\n")
# }
printCloseHits <- function(x){
total <- plyr::round_any(nrow(x)/length(levels(x$feature)), 1)
x <- x %>%
dplyr::group_by(iteration, feature) %>%
dplyr::filter(abs(min_dist)<=window) %>%
dplyr::summarise(perc = plyr::round_any((n()/total)*100,1),
count = n(),
total = total) %>%
bp_c <- (printCloseHits(real_data))
cat(paste0("There are ", bp_c$count, "/", bp_c$total, " [", bp_c$perc, "%", "]", " breakpoints within specified range", " (lim=", window/1e3,"Kb) ", "of feature: ", bp_c$feature, "\n"))
real_data <- bps_within_range
real_data$Source <- as.factor("Real")
sim_data$Source <- as.factor("Sim")
dummy_iterations <- list()
for (i in levels(sim_data$iteration)){
real_data$iteration <- as.factor(i)
dummy_iterations[[i]] <- real_data
real_data <- do.call(rbind, dummy_iterations)
rownames(real_data) <- NULL
real_data$iteration <- factor(real_data$iteration, levels = 1:n)
sim_data$iteration <- factor(sim_data$iteration, levels = 1:n)
# Perform significance testing
pVals_and_df <- svBreaks::simSig2(r = real_data, s = sim_data, max_dist = w)
combined <- pVals_and_df[[1]] %>% ungroup()
pVals <- pVals_and_df[[2]] %>% ungroup()
if(missing(out_dir) || !dir.exists(out_dir)){
stop("Must specify an existing directory to write data to. Exiting")
bps_in_window <- bps_in_window %>%
dplyr::mutate(start = as.numeric(as.character(bp))-1,
end = as.numeric(as.character(bp))+1,
min_dist = paste0(feature, ":", min_dist)) %>%
dplyr::filter(iteration == 1) %>%
dplyr::select(chrom, bp, end, min_dist, feature) %>%
svBreaks::writeBed(df = bps_in_window, name = paste0("Bps_", lim, "kb_", bps_in_window$feature, ".bed")[1], outDir = out_dir)
for(i in 1:(length(levels(combined$iteration)))){
df_by_iter <- combined %>% dplyr::filter(iteration == i) %>% droplevels()
for(s in levels(combined$Source)){
df_by_source <- df_by_iter %>%
dplyr::filter(Source == s) %>%
dplyr::mutate(start = as.numeric(as.character(bp))-1,
end = as.numeric(as.character(bp))+1,
min_dist = paste0(feature, ":", min_dist)) %>%
dplyr::select(chrom, start, end, min_dist, Source, iteration, feature) %>%
svBreaks::writeBed(df = df_by_source, name = paste0(df_by_source$Source, "_", df_by_source$feature, "_", df_by_source$iteration, ".bed")[1], outDir = out_dir)
# combined %>%
# dplyr::group_by(Source, iteration) %>%
# dplyr::mutate(end = as.integer(bp)+2) %>%
# dplyr::select(chrom, bp, end, Source, iteration) %>%
# svBreaks::writeBed(df= ., name = paste0(.$Source, "_", .$iteration, ".bed")[1], outDir = '~/Desktop')
print(plotdistanceOverlay2(..., distances=combined, from=from, histo=histo, facetPlot=FALSE, byChrom=byChrom, lim=lim, n=n, position=position ))
return(list(combined, pVals))
#' plotdistanceOverlay
#' Plot the distance overlay
#' @param d Dataframe containing combined real + sim data (d <- distOverlay())
#' @import dplyr ggplot2 scales
#' @importFrom cowplot plot_grid
#' @importFrom colorspace rainbow_hcl
#' @keywords distance
#' @export
plotdistanceOverlay2 <- function(..., distances, from='bps', lim=5, n, position='centre', histo=FALSE, binWidth){
threshold <- lim*1e3
scale <- "(Kb)"
n <- length(levels(distances$iteration))
if(histo & missing(binWidth)) binWidth = threshold/10
lims <- c(as.numeric(paste0("-", threshold)), threshold)
brks <- c(as.numeric(paste0("-", threshold)),
labs <- as.character(brks/1e3)
expnd <- c(0, 0)
new <- distances %>%
dplyr::filter(!(Source == "Real" & as.character(as.numeric(iteration)) > 1)) %>%
dplyr::mutate(iteration = as.factor(ifelse(Source=='Real', 0, iteration))) %>%
dplyr::filter(abs(min_dist)<=threshold) %>%
real_fill <- '#3D9DEB'
iterFill <- colorspace::rainbow_hcl(n)
colours <- c(real_fill, iterFill)
plts <- list()
for (i in 1:(length(levels(new$feature)))){
distances <- new %>%
dplyr::filter(feature == levels(new$feature)[i])
p <- ggplot(distances)
if(histo) {
p <- p + geom_histogram(data=distances[distances$Source=="Sim",], aes(min_dist, y=(..count..), fill = Source, group = iteration), alpha = 0.3, binwidth = binWidth, position="identity")
p <- p + geom_histogram(data=distances[distances$Source=="Real",], aes(min_dist, y=..count.., fill = Source, group = iteration), alpha = 0.7, binwidth = binWidth, position="identity")
p <- p + scale_fill_manual(values=colours)
p <- p + scale_y_continuous(paste("Count per", binWidth, "bp bins"))
} else {
p <- ggplot(distances)
p <- p + stat_density(data=distances[distances$Source=="Sim",], aes(x=min_dist, y=..count.., group = interaction(iteration, Source), colour = iteration), alpha = 0.7, size=0.5, position="identity", geom="line")
p <- p + stat_density(data=distances[distances$Source=="Real",], aes(x=min_dist, y=..count.., group = interaction(iteration, Source), colour = iteration), size=2, position="identity", geom="line")
sim_rep1 <- distances %>%
dplyr::filter(Source == "Sim",
iteration == 1) %>%
p <- p + geom_rug(data=distances[distances$Source=="Real",], aes(min_dist, colour = iteration), sides = "b")
p <- p + geom_rug(data=sim_rep1, aes(min_dist, colour = iteration), sides = "t")
p <- p + scale_color_manual(values=colours)
p <- p + scale_x_continuous(
limits = lims,
breaks = brks,
expand = expnd,
labels = labs
p <- p +
legend.position = "none",
panel.background = element_blank(),
plot.background = element_rect(fill = "transparent", colour = NA),
axis.line.x = element_line(color = "black", size = 0.5),
axis.text.x = element_text(size = 12),
axis.line.y = element_line(color = "black", size = 0.5),
plot.title = element_text(size=22, hjust = 0.5)
p <- p + labs(title = paste(distances$feature[1], "\n", position))
plts[[i]] <- p
cat("Plotting", length(levels(new$feature)), "plots", "\n")
# simSig2
#' Calculate stats for simulated data
#' @keywords simsig
#' @import dplyr ggplot2 ggpubr
#' @importFrom plyr round_any
#' @importFrom PerformanceAnalytics kurtosis
#' @export
simSig2 <- function(r, s, test=NA, max_dist=5000){
cat("Calculating descriptive statistics\n")
arrange_data <- function(x){
x <- x %>%
dplyr::group_by(feature, iteration) %>%
dplyr::mutate(count = n(),
median = median(min_dist),
mean = mean(min_dist),
trimmed_mean = mean(min_dist, trim=0.35),
trimmed_median = median(min_dist, trim=0.35),
sd = sd(min_dist),
Source = Source)
# This was reducing the data and breaking in the stats loop...
# dplyr::filter(abs(min_dist) <= max_dist ) %>%
# p95 <- quantile(x$min_dist, 0.85)
# p05 <- quantile(x$min_dist, 0.25)
# # d <- x %>% dplyr::arrange(-min_dist)
# trimmed_data <- x[x$min_dist<= p95 & x$min_dist >= p05,] %>%
# dplyr::arrange(-min_dist)
# x$trimmed_mean <- mean(abs(trimmed_data$min_dist))
# mean(x$min_dist[x$min_dist<= p95 & x$min_dist >= p05])
# mean(x[which(x$min_dist <= p95 & x$min_dist >= p05)])
# meanTrunc <- mean(numVec[which(numVec <= p95 & numVec >= p05)])
# r <- r %>% dplyr::filter(iteration==1)
simulated <- arrange_data(s)
real <- arrange_data(r)
combined <- suppressWarnings(dplyr::full_join(real, simulated))
combined$Source <- as.factor(combined$Source)
simbyFeat = list()
for (f in levels(combined$feature)){
pVals = list()
c <- dplyr::filter(combined, feature==f)
for(i in levels(c$iteration)){
df <- dplyr::filter(c, iteration==i)
rl <- dplyr::filter(df, Source == "Real")
sm <- dplyr::filter(df, Source == "Sim")
result1 <- tryCatch(suppressWarnings(ks.test(rl$min_dist, sm$min_dist)), error=function(err) NA)
# result1 <- suppressWarnings(ks.test(rl$min_dist, sm$min_dist))
# if(!is.na(result1)){
ksPval <- round(result1$p.value, 4)
# }else{
# ksPval <- 1
# }
result2 <- car::leveneTest(df$min_dist, df$Source, center='median')
result3 <- stats::bartlett.test(df$min_dist, df$Source)
bPval <- round(result3$p.value, 4)
lPval <- round(result2$`Pr(>F)`[1], 4)
rmed <- round(median(rl$min_dist)/1e3, 2)
smed <- round(median(sm$min_dist)/1e3, 2)
# rtrim <- round(median(rl$min_dist, trim=0.25)/1000, 2)
rtrim <- rl$trimmed_median[1]/1e3
strim <- sm$trimmed_median[1]/1e3
# strim <- round(median(sm$min_dist, trim=0.25)/1000, 2)
rsd <- round(sd(rl$min_dist)/1e3, 2)
ssd <- round(sd(sm$min_dist)/1e3, 2)
rKurtosis <- round(PerformanceAnalytics::kurtosis(rl$min_dist), 2)
sKurtosis <- round(PerformanceAnalytics::kurtosis(sm$min_dist), 2)
rSkew <- round(PerformanceAnalytics::skewness(rl$min_dist), 2)
sSkew <- round(PerformanceAnalytics::skewness(sm$min_dist), 2)
# fStat <- var.test(min_dist ~ Source , df, alternative = "two.sided")
# fRatio <- round(fStat$statistic, 2)
# fStat <- round(fStat$p.value, 4)
sig <- ifelse(lPval <= 0.001, "***",
ifelse(lPval <= 0.01, "**",
ifelse(lPval <= 0.05, "*", "")))
vals <- data.frame(iteration = i,
feature = f,
KS = ksPval,
Levenes = lPval,
# Bartlett = bPval,
# Fstat_ratio = fRatio,
# Fstat = fStat,
real_median = rmed,
sim_median = smed,
real_trim_med = rtrim,
sim_trim_med = strim,
real_sd = rsd,
sim_sd = ssd,
real_kurtosis = rKurtosis,
sim_kurtosis = sKurtosis,
real_skew = rSkew,
sim_skew = sSkew,
sig = sig)
pVals[[i]] <- vals
pVals_df <- do.call(rbind, pVals)
simbyFeat[[f]] <- pVals_df
combined_sig_vals <- do.call(rbind, simbyFeat)
rownames(combined_sig_vals) <- NULL
combined_sig_vals <- combined_sig_vals %>%
arrange(Levenes, KS)
# print(pVals_df, row.names = FALSE)
## Boxplot per chrom
# colours <- c("#E7B800", "#00AFBB")
# cat("Plotting qq plot of min distances\n")
# qqnorm(combined$min_dist)
# qqline(combined$min_dist, col = 2)
# p <- ggplot(combined)
# p <- p + geom_boxplot(aes(chrom, min_dist, fill = Source), alpha = 0.6)
# p <- p + scale_y_continuous("Distance", limits=c(-5000, 5000))
# p <- p + facet_wrap(~iteration, ncol = 2)
# p <- p + scale_fill_manual(values = colours)
# p
return(list(combined, combined_sig_vals))
add_col <- function(x){
x$V3 <- x[,2] + 2
writeBed <- function(df, outDir=NULL, name='regions.bed', svBreaks=FALSE){
outDir <- getwd()
cat("Writing to", outDir, "\n")
df <- add_col(df)
# colnames(df[,c(1,2,3)]) <- c("chrom", "start", "end")
# names(df)[1:3] <- c("chrom", "start", "end")
df <- df %>%
filter(as.numeric(df[2]) < as.numeric(df[3])) %>%
cat(paste(outDir,name, sep='/'), "\n")
write.table(df, file = paste(outDir,name, sep='/'), row.names=F, col.names=F, sep="\t", quote = FALSE)
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