#' @title Run PCA scores.
#' @description Compute the projection of either samples or time series
#' features onto a PCA space. In case, of PCA for features, the PCA can be
#' computed for individual sample group as indicated or for samples from all
#' groups. In either, case the data is first collapsed over replicates, so
#' that each gene is represented as a vector of a single time course.
#' @param object A \code{TimeSeriesExperiment} object
#' @param collapse.replicates Whether PCA should be computed on the data
#' with replicates aggregated.
#' @param groups.selected An optional character string indicating a particular
#' group of samples PCA should be applied to. By default set to NULL and all
#' groups are included.
#' @param var.stabilize.method Method for variance stabilization (VST).
#' Currently, supports "none" (no VST), "log1p" (log plus one), "asinh"
#' (inverse hyperbolic sine) or "deseq"
#' (\code{\link[DESeq2]{varianceStabilizingTransformation}} function from
#' \code{DESeq2} package). Default is "log1p".
#' @return Returns \code{TimeSeriesExperiment} object with PCA results
#' in \code{dim.red} slot, a lists containing matrices of coordinates
#' 'pca_sample', and 'pca_features', as well as a vector 'pca_eigs'.
#' @importFrom DESeq2 varianceStabilizingTransformation
#' @importFrom dplyr select summarize_all group_by
#' @importFrom stats prcomp
#' @importFrom methods slot<-
#' @importFrom methods validObject
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment assays
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data("endoderm_small")
#' endoderm_small <- runPCA(endoderm_small)
#' head(dimensionReduction(endoderm_small, "pca_sample")[, 1:5])
#' head(dimensionReduction(endoderm_small, "pca_eigs"))
runPCA <- function(object, collapse.replicates = FALSE,
groups.selected = NULL, var.stabilize.method = "log1p")
if (!is(object, "TimeSeriesExperiment"))
stop("Input must be a 'TimeSeriesExperiment' object.")
if (!validObject(object))
stop("Invalid TimeSeriesExperiment object.")
if (all(!is.null(groups.selected),
!any(groups.selected %in% groups(object))))
stop("One of the groups: ", groups.selected, ", is not in the data.")
if(!"norm" %in% names(assays(object))) {
object <- normalizeData(object)
if(all(collapse.replicates, nrow(assayCollapsed(object)) == 0)){
object <- collapseReplicates(object)
X <- as.matrix(assays(object)$norm)
if (!is.null(groups.selected)) {
X <- X[, groups(object) %in% groups.selected]
} else {
X <- as.matrix(assayCollapsed(object))
if (!is.null(groups.selected)) {
X <- X[, colDataCollapsed(object)$group %in% groups.selected]
X <- t(varianceStabilization(X, var.stabilize.method))
pca.res <- prcomp(X)
dim.red <- dimensionReduction(object)
dim.red$pca_eigs <- pca.res$sdev^2
names(dim.red$pca_eigs) <- paste0("eig_", seq_along(pca.res$sdev))
dim.red$pca_sample <- pca.res$x
dim.red$pca_feature <- pca.res$rotation
slot(object, name = "dimensionReduction", check = TRUE) <- dim.red
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