#' Bootstrap null distribution of F statistics for FDR estimation
#' @param df tidy data_frame retrieved after import of a 2D-TPP
#' dataset, potential filtering and addition of a column "nObs"
#' containing the number of observations per protein
#' @param fcThres numeric value of minimal fold change
#' (or inverse fold change) a protein has to show to be kept
#' upon independent filtering
#' @param minObs numeric value of minimal number of observations
#' that should be required per protein
#' @param independentFiltering boolean flag indicating whether
#' independent filtering should be performed based on minimal
#' fold changes per protein profile
#' @param maxit maximal number of iterations the optimization
#' should be given, default is set to 500
#' @param optim_fun_h0 optimization function that should be used
#' for fitting the H0 model
#' @param optim_fun_h1 optimization function that should be used
#' for fitting the H1 model
#' @param optim_fun_h1_2 optional additional optimization function
#' that will be run with paramters retrieved from optim_fun_h1 and
#' should be used for fitting the H1 model with the trimmed sum
#' model, default is NULL
#' @param gr_fun_h0 optional gradient function for optim_fun_h0,
#' default is NULL
#' @param gr_fun_h1 optional gradient function for optim_fun_h1,
#' default is NULL
#' @param gr_fun_h1_2 optional gradient function for optim_fun_h1_2,
#' default is NULL
#' @param ncores numeric value of numbers of cores that the function
#' should use to parallelize
#' @param B numeric value of rounds of bootstrap, default: 20
#' @param byMsExp boolean flag indicating whether resampling of
#' residuals should be performed separately for data generated by
#' different MS experiments, default TRUE, recommended
#' @return data frame containing F statistics of proteins with
#' permuted 2D thermal profiles that are informative on the Null
#' distribution of F statistics
#' @examples
#' data("simulated_cell_extract_df")
#' temp_df <- simulated_cell_extract_df %>%
#' filter(clustername %in% paste0("protein", 1:3)) %>%
#' group_by(representative) %>%
#' mutate(nObs = n()) %>%
#' ungroup
#' boot_df <- bootstrapNull(temp_df, B = 2/10)
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats lm
#' @importFrom stats residuals
#' @importFrom stats predict
#' @importFrom foreach foreach
#' @importFrom foreach %dopar%
#' @importFrom doParallel registerDoParallel
#' @importFrom parallel makeCluster
#' @importFrom parallel stopCluster
#' @import dplyr
bootstrapNull <- function(df, maxit = 500,
independentFiltering = FALSE,
fcThres = 1.5, minObs = 20,
optim_fun_h0 = .min_RSS_h0,
optim_fun_h1 = .min_RSS_h1_slope_pEC50,
optim_fun_h1_2 = NULL,
gr_fun_h0 = NULL,
gr_fun_h1 = NULL,
gr_fun_h1_2 = NULL,
ncores = 1,
B = 20,
byMsExp = TRUE){
clustername <- prot <- log2_value <- experiment <- NULL
if(identical(optim_fun_h1, .min_RSS_h1_slope_pEC50)){
slopEC50 = TRUE
slopEC50 = FALSE
ec50_limits <- .getEC50Limits(df)
df_fil <- .minObsFilter(df, minObs = minObs)
message("Independent Filtering: removing proteins without
any values crossing the threshold.")
df_fil <- .independentFilter(df_fil, fcThres = fcThres)
# if(identical(optim_fun_h1, .min_RSS_h1_slope_pEC50_qupm_weight)){
# df_fil <- df_fil %>%
# mutate(weight = ifelse(qupm > 1, 1, 0.25)) %>%
# group_by(representative) %>%
# mutate(weight = weight * length(weight)/sum(weight)) %>%
# ungroup
# }
cl <- makeCluster(ncores)
unique_names <- unique(df_fil$clustername)
null_list <- foreach(prot = unique_names) %dopar% {
df_prot <- filter(df_fil, clustername == prot)
prot_h0 <- lm(log2_value ~ 1 + as.factor(temperature),
data = df_prot)
len_res <- length(residuals(prot_h0))
out_list <- lapply(seq_len(B), function(boot){
df_resample_prot <- df_prot %>%
mutate(log2_value = log2_value - residuals(prot_h0) +
sample(residuals(prot_h0), size = len_res, replace = TRUE))
exp_res_df <- data.frame(
experiment = df_prot$experiment,
res_h0 = residuals(prot_h0),
pred_h0 = predict(prot_h0)
df_resample_prot <- bind_rows(
lapply(unique(df_prot$experiment), function(ms_exp){
exp_res_tmp = filter(exp_res_df,
experiment == ms_exp)
filter(df_prot, experiment == ms_exp) %>%
mutate(log2_value = exp_res_tmp$pred_h0 +
sample(exp_res_tmp$res_h0, replace = TRUE))
sum_df <- fitAndEvalDataset(df_resample_prot,
optim_fun_h0 = optim_fun_h0,
optim_fun_h1 = optim_fun_h1,
optim_fun_h1_2 = optim_fun_h1_2,
gr_fun_h0 = gr_fun_h0,
gr_fun_h1 = gr_fun_h1,
gr_fun_h1_2 = gr_fun_h1_2,
ec50_lower_limit = ec50_limits[1],
ec50_upper_limit = ec50_limits[2],
slopEC50 = slopEC50)
null_df <- bind_rows(lapply(null_list, function(x){
bind_rows(lapply(seq_len(length(x)), function(i){
x[[i]] %>%
mutate(dataset = paste("bootstrap",
as.character(i), sep = "_"))
#' Bootstrap null distribution of F statistics for FDR estimation
#' based on resampling alternative model residuals
#' @param df tidy data frame retrieved after import of a 2D-TPP
#' dataset, potential filtering and addition of a column "nObs"
#' containing the number of observations per protein
#' @param params_df data frame listing all null and alternative
#' model parameters as obtained by 'getModelParamsDf'
#' @param fcThres numeric value of minimal fold change
#' (or inverse fold change) a protein has to show to be kept
#' upon independent filtering
#' @param minObs numeric value of minimal number of observations
#' that should be required per protein
#' @param independentFiltering boolean flag indicating whether
#' independent filtering should be performed based on minimal
#' fold changes per protein profile
#' @param maxit maximal number of iterations the optimization
#' should be given, default is set to 500
#' @param optim_fun_h0 optimization function that should be used
#' for fitting the H0 model
#' @param optim_fun_h1 optimization function that should be used
#' for fitting the H1 model
#' @param optim_fun_h1_2 optional additional optimization function
#' that will be run with paramters retrieved from optim_fun_h1 and
#' should be used for fitting the H1 model with the trimmed sum
#' model, default is NULL
#' @param gr_fun_h0 optional gradient function for optim_fun_h0,
#' default is NULL
#' @param gr_fun_h1 optional gradient function for optim_fun_h1,
#' default is NULL
#' @param gr_fun_h1_2 optional gradient function for optim_fun_h1_2,
#' default is NULL
#' @param BPPARAM BiocParallel parameter for optional parallelization
#' of null distribution generation through bootstrapping,
#' default: BiocParallel::SerialParam()
#' @param B numeric value of rounds of bootstrap, default: 20
#' @param byMsExp boolean flag indicating whether resampling of
#' residuals should be performed separately for data generated by
#' different MS experiments, default TRUE, recommended
#' @param verbose logical indicating whether to print each
#' protein while its profile is boostrapped
#' @return data frame containing F statistics of proteins with
#' permuted 2D thermal profiles that are informative on the Null
#' distribution of F statistics
#' @examples
#' data("simulated_cell_extract_df")
#' temp_df <- simulated_cell_extract_df %>%
#' filter(clustername %in% paste0("protein", 1:3)) %>%
#' group_by(representative) %>%
#' mutate(nObs = n()) %>%
#' ungroup
#' temp_params_df <- getModelParamsDf(temp_df)
#' boot_df <- bootstrapNullAlternativeModel(
#' temp_df, params_df = temp_params_df, B = 2)
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats lm
#' @importFrom stats residuals
#' @importFrom stats predict
#' @importFrom utils head
#' @import BiocParallel
#' @import dplyr
bootstrapNullAlternativeModel <-
maxit = 500,
independentFiltering = FALSE,
fcThres = 1.5, minObs = 20,
optim_fun_h0 = TPP2D:::.min_RSS_h0,
optim_fun_h1 = TPP2D:::.min_RSS_h1_slope_pEC50,
optim_fun_h1_2 = NULL,
gr_fun_h0 = NULL,
gr_fun_h1 = NULL,
gr_fun_h1_2 = NULL,
BPPARAM = BiocParallel::SerialParam(progressbar = TRUE),
B = 20,
byMsExp = TRUE,
verbose = FALSE){
clustername <- prot <- log2_value <- experiment <-
temperature <- temp_i <- log_conc <- nObs <- NULL
if(B < 20){
print(paste("Warning: You have specificed B < 20, it is",
"recommended to use at least B = 20 in order",
"to obtain reliable results."))
if(identical(optim_fun_h1, .min_RSS_h1_slope_pEC50)){
slopEC50 = TRUE
slopEC50 = FALSE
ec50_limits <- .getEC50Limits(df)
df_fil <- .minObsFilter(df, minObs = minObs) %>%
mutate(temp_i = dense_rank(temperature)) %>%
arrange(clustername, temp_i, log_conc)
message("Independent Filtering: removing proteins without
any values crossing the threshold.")
df_fil <- .independentFilter(df_fil, fcThres = fcThres)
unique_names <- unique(df_fil$clustername)
null_list <- BiocParallel::bplapply(unique_names, BPPARAM = BPPARAM, function(prot){
df_prot <- filter(df_fil, clustername == prot)
params_prot <- head(filter(params_df, clustername == prot) %>%
filter(nObs == max(nObs)), 1)
len_res <- length(params_prot$residualsH0[[1]])
h0_predicted <- params_prot$estimateH0[[1]]
unique_temp_prot <- unique(df_prot$temperature)
len_temp_prot <- length(unique_temp_prot)
out_list <- lapply(seq_len(B), function(boot){
df_resample_prot <- df_prot %>%
mutate(log2_value = h0_predicted +
size = len_res, replace = TRUE))
exp_res_df <- data.frame(
experiment = df_prot$experiment,
res_h1 = params_prot$residualsH1[[1]],
pred_h0 = h0_predicted
df_resample_prot <- bind_rows(
lapply(unique(df_prot$experiment), function(ms_exp){
exp_res_tmp = filter(exp_res_df,
experiment == ms_exp)
filter(df_prot, experiment == ms_exp) %>%
mutate(log2_value = exp_res_tmp$pred_h0 +
sample(exp_res_tmp$res_h1, replace = TRUE))
sum_df <- fitAndEvalDataset(df_resample_prot,
optim_fun_h0 = optim_fun_h0,
optim_fun_h1 = optim_fun_h1,
optim_fun_h1_2 = optim_fun_h1_2,
gr_fun_h0 = gr_fun_h0,
gr_fun_h1 = gr_fun_h1,
gr_fun_h1_2 = gr_fun_h1_2,
ec50_lower_limit = ec50_limits[1],
ec50_upper_limit = ec50_limits[2],
slopEC50 = slopEC50)
null_df <- bind_rows(lapply(null_list, function(x){
bind_rows(lapply(seq_len(length(x)), function(i){
if("data.frame" %in% class(x[[i]])){
x[[i]] %>%
mutate(dataset = paste("bootstrap",
as.character(i), sep = "_"))
#' Bootstrap null distribution of F statistics for FDR estimation
#' based on resampling alternative model residuals with only
#' one round of model fitting on resampled data and subsequent
#' resampling of thereby obtained residuals
#' @param df tidy data frame retrieved after import of a 2D-TPP
#' dataset, potential filtering and addition of a column "nObs"
#' containing the number of observations per protein
#' @param params_df data frame listing all null and alternative
#' model parameters as obtained by 'getModelParamsDf'
#' @param fcThres numeric value of minimal fold change
#' (or inverse fold change) a protein has to show to be kept
#' upon independent filtering
#' @param minObs numeric value of minimal number of observations
#' that should be required per protein
#' @param independentFiltering boolean flag indicating whether
#' independent filtering should be performed based on minimal
#' fold changes per protein profile
#' @param maxit maximal number of iterations the optimization
#' should be given, default is set to 500
#' @param optim_fun_h0 optimization function that should be used
#' for fitting the H0 model
#' @param optim_fun_h1 optimization function that should be used
#' for fitting the H1 model
#' @param optim_fun_h1_2 optional additional optimization function
#' that will be run with paramters retrieved from optim_fun_h1 and
#' should be used for fitting the H1 model with the trimmed sum
#' model, default is NULL
#' @param gr_fun_h0 optional gradient function for optim_fun_h0,
#' default is NULL
#' @param gr_fun_h1 optional gradient function for optim_fun_h1,
#' default is NULL
#' @param gr_fun_h1_2 optional gradient function for optim_fun_h1_2,
#' default is NULL
#' @param BPPARAM BiocParallel parameter for optional parallelization
#' of null distribution generation through bootstrapping,
#' default: BiocParallel::SerialParam()
#' @param B numeric value of rounds of bootstrap, default: 20
#' @param byMsExp boolean flag indicating whether resampling of
#' residuals should be performed separately for data generated by
#' different MS experiments, default TRUE, recommended
#' @param verbose logical indicating whether to print each
#' protein while its profile is boostrapped
#' @return data frame containing F statistics of proteins with
#' permuted 2D thermal profiles that are informative on the Null
#' distribution of F statistics
#' @examples
#' data("simulated_cell_extract_df")
#' temp_df <- simulated_cell_extract_df %>%
#' filter(clustername %in% paste0("protein", 1:3)) %>%
#' group_by(representative) %>%
#' mutate(nObs = n()) %>%
#' ungroup
#' temp_params_df <- getModelParamsDf(temp_df)
#' boot_df <- bootstrapNullAlternativeModelFast(
#' temp_df, params_df = temp_params_df, B = 20)
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats lm
#' @importFrom stats residuals
#' @importFrom stats predict
#' @importFrom utils head
#' @import BiocParallel
#' @import dplyr
bootstrapNullAlternativeModelFast <-
maxit = 500,
independentFiltering = FALSE,
fcThres = 1.5, minObs = 20,
optim_fun_h0 = TPP2D:::.min_RSS_h0,
optim_fun_h1 = TPP2D:::.min_RSS_h1_slope_pEC50,
optim_fun_h1_2 = NULL,
gr_fun_h0 = NULL,
gr_fun_h1 = NULL,
gr_fun_h1_2 = NULL,
BPPARAM = BiocParallel::SerialParam(progressbar = TRUE),
B = 20,
byMsExp = TRUE,
verbose = FALSE){
clustername <- prot <- log2_value <- experiment <-
temperature <- temp_i <- log_conc <- nObs <- NULL
if(B < 20){
print(paste("Warning: You have specificed B < 20, it is",
"recommended to use at least B = 20 in order",
"to obtain reliable results."))
if(identical(optim_fun_h1, .min_RSS_h1_slope_pEC50)){
slopEC50 = TRUE
slopEC50 = FALSE
ec50_limits <- .getEC50Limits(df)
df_fil <- .minObsFilter(df, minObs = minObs) %>%
mutate(temp_i = dense_rank(temperature)) %>%
arrange(clustername, temp_i, log_conc)
message("Independent Filtering: removing proteins without
any values crossing the threshold.")
df_fil <- .independentFilter(df_fil, fcThres = fcThres)
unique_names <- unique(df_fil$clustername)
null_list <- BiocParallel::bplapply(unique_names, BPPARAM = BPPARAM, function(prot){
df_prot <- filter(df_fil, clustername == prot)
params_prot <- head(filter(params_df, clustername == prot) %>%
filter(nObs == max(nObs)), 1)
len_res <- length(params_prot$residualsH0[[1]])
h0_predicted <- params_prot$estimateH0[[1]]
unique_temp_prot <- unique(df_prot$temperature)
len_temp_prot <- length(unique_temp_prot)
df_resample_prot <- df_prot %>%
mutate(log2_value = h0_predicted +
size = len_res, replace = TRUE))
exp_res_df <- data.frame(
experiment = df_prot$experiment,
res_h1 = params_prot$residualsH1[[1]],
pred_h0 = h0_predicted
df_resample_prot <- bind_rows(
lapply(unique(df_prot$experiment), function(ms_exp){
exp_res_tmp = filter(exp_res_df,
experiment == ms_exp)
filter(df_prot, experiment == ms_exp) %>%
mutate(log2_value = exp_res_tmp$pred_h0 +
sample(exp_res_tmp$res_h1, replace = TRUE))
params_df <- getModelParamsDf(df_resample_prot,
minObs = minObs,
optim_fun_h0 = optim_fun_h0,
optim_fun_h1 = optim_fun_h1,
optim_fun_h1_2 = optim_fun_h1_2,
gr_fun_h0 = gr_fun_h0,
gr_fun_h1 = gr_fun_h1,
gr_fun_h1_2 = gr_fun_h1_2,
slopEC50 = slopEC50)
out_list <- lapply(seq_len(B), function(boot){
b_nobs <- params_df$nObs
ids_resampled <- sample(seq(b_nobs), replace = TRUE)
params_df$residualsH0[[1]] <- params_df$residualsH0[[1]][ids_resampled]
params_df$residualsH1[[1]] <- params_df$residualsH1[[1]][ids_resampled]
params_df$rssH0 <- sum(params_df$residualsH0[[1]]^2)
params_df$rssH1 <- sum(params_df$residualsH1[[1]]^2)
fstat_df <- computeFStatFromParams(params_df)
null_df <- bind_rows(lapply(null_list, function(x){
bind_rows(lapply(seq_len(length(x)), function(i){
if("data.frame" %in% class(x[[i]])){
x[[i]] %>%
mutate(dataset = paste("bootstrap",
as.character(i), sep = "_"))
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