#' Given a set of genes of interest, full bipartite networks with scores (one network for each sample), a significance
#' cutoff for statistical testing, and a hop constraint, BLOBFISH finds a subnetwork of
#' significant edges connecting the genes.
#' @param geneSet A character vector of genes comprising the targets of interest.
#' @param networks A list of bipartite (PANDA-like) networks, where each network is a data frame with the following format:
#' tf,gene,score
#' @param alpha The significance cutoff for the statistical test.
#' @param hopConstraint The maximum number of hops to be considered between gene pairs.
#' Must be an even number.
#' @param nullDistribution The null distribution, specified as a vector of values.
#' @param verbose Whether or not to print detailed information about the run.
#' @param topX Select the X lowest significant p-values for each gene. NULL by default.
#' @param doFDRAdjustment Whether or not to perform FDR adjustment.
#' @param pValueChunks The number of chunks to split when calculating the p-value. This
#' parameter allows the edges to be split into chunks to prevent memory errors.
#' @param pValueFile The file where the p-values should be saved. If NULL, they are not
#' saved and need to be recalculated.
#' @param loadPValues Whether p-values should be loaded from pValueFile or re-generated.
#' Default is FALSE.
#' @returns A bipartite subnetwork in the same format as the original networks.
#' @export
RunBLOBFISH <- function(geneSet, networks, alpha, hopConstraint, nullDistribution,
verbose = FALSE, topX = NULL, doFDRAdjustment = TRUE,
pValueChunks = 100, loadPValues = FALSE, pValueFile = "pvalues.RDS"){
# Check for invalid inputs.
if(!is.character(geneSet) || (!is.list(networks) && !is.data.frame(networks)) || !is.numeric(alpha) || !is.numeric(hopConstraint)){
stop(paste("Wrong input type! geneSet must be a character vector. networks must be a list.",
"alpha and hopConstraint must be scalar numeric values."))
}else if(!is.data.frame(networks) && !is.data.frame(networks[[1]])){
stop("Each network must be a data frame.")
}else if(!is.data.frame(networks) && (ncol(networks[[1]]) != 3 || colnames(networks[[1]])[1] != "tf" ||
colnames(networks[[1]])[2] != "gene" || colnames(networks[[1]])[3] != "score")){
stop(paste("Each network must have transcription factors in the first column,",
"target genes in the second column, and scores in the third column."))
}else if(is.data.frame(networks) && (ncol(networks) < 3 || colnames(networks)[1] != "tf" ||
colnames(networks)[2] != "gene")){
stop(paste("Each network must have transcription factors in the first column,",
"target genes in the second column, and scores in the third column."))
}else if(alpha > 1 || alpha <=0){
stop("alpha must be between 0 and 1, not including 0.")
}else if(hopConstraint < 2 || hopConstraint %% 2 != 0){
stop("hopConstraint must be an even number of at least 2.")
}else if(!is.numeric(nullDistribution)){
stop("nullDistribution must be numeric.")
# Build the subnetwork.
subnetwork <- BuildSubnetwork(geneSet = geneSet,
networks = networks,
alpha = alpha,
hopConstraint = hopConstraint,
nullDistribution = nullDistribution,
verbose = verbose, topX = topX,
doFDRAdjustment = doFDRAdjustment,
pValueChunks = pValueChunks,
loadPValues = loadPValues,
pValueFile = pValueFile)
# Return.
#' Generate a null distribution of edge scores for PANDA-like networks; that is,
#' the set of edges where (1) the TF does not have a binding motif in the gene region,
#' (2) the TF does not form a complex with any other TF that has a binding motif in
#' the gene region, and (3) the genes regulated by the TF are not coexpressed with the
#' gene in question. We obtain this by inputting an empty prior and an identity coexpression
#' matrix.
#' @param ppiFile The location of the protein-protein interaction network between transcription factors.
#' This should be a TSV file where the first two columns are the transcription
#' factors and the third is whether there is a PPI between them.
#' @param motifFile The location of the motif prior from genes to transcription factors. This should
#' be a TSV file where the first column is the transcription factors, the
#' second is the genes, and the third is whether the transcription factor's
#' binding motif is in the gene promoter region.
#' @param sampSize Number of samples to simulate
#' @param numberOfPandas Number of null PANDA networks to generate
#' @export
GenerateNullPANDADistribution <- function(ppiFile, motifFile, sampSize = 20,
numberOfPandas = 10){
# Set the seed.
# Read the motif.
motif <- utils::read.table(motifFile, sep = "\t")
ppi <- utils::read.table(ppiFile, sep = "\t")
# Generate the null PANDA edges.
nullPandas <- lapply(1:numberOfPandas, function(i){
# Generate a random matrix of expression values, where any correlation that exists
# is spurious.
ngenes <- length(unique(motif[,2]))
randomExpression <- matrix(data = stats::rnorm(ngenes * sampSize), nrow = ngenes)
rownames(randomExpression) <- unique(motif[,2])
# Save in a temporary file.
fname <- paste0("tmp_", i, ".tsv")
write.table(randomExpression, fname, row.names = TRUE, col.names = FALSE, sep = "\t",
quote = FALSE)
# Run PANDA.
nullPanda <- pandaPy(expr_file = fname, motif_file=motifFile, ppi_file=ppiFile, save_tmp=FALSE,
rownames(nullPanda) <- paste(nullPanda$TF, nullPanda$Gene, sep = "__")
# Remove file.
# Return null results.
rownames(motif) <- paste(motif[,1], motif[,2], sep = "__")
rowsToExclude <- unlist(lapply(rownames(motif), function(edge){
# Find other transcription factors that interact with this one.
tf <- strsplit(edge, "__")[[1]][1]
interactingTF <- unique(c(ppi[which(ppi[,2] == tf),1], ppi[which(ppi[,1] == tf),2]))
# Create new edges including other transcription factors.
newEdges <- paste(interactingTF, edge, sep = "__")
# Return the old and new edges.
return(c(edge, newEdges))
# Return the scores for all tf-gene relationships not in the original motif.
return(nullPanda[setdiff(rownames(nullPanda), rowsToExclude),"Score"])
# Return the values.
nullPandasAll <- unlist(nullPandas)
return(sample(nullPandasAll, n = length(nullPandasAll)))
#' Find the subnetwork of significant edges connecting the genes.
#' @param geneSet A character vector of genes comprising the targets of interest.
#' @param networks A list of bipartite (PANDA-like) networks, where each network is a data frame with the following format:
#' tf,gene,score
#' @param alpha The significance cutoff for the statistical test.
#' @param hopConstraint The maximum number of hops to be considered between gene pairs.
#' Must be an even number.
#' @param nullDistribution The null distribution, specified as a vector of values.
#' @param verbose Whether or not to print detailed information about the run.
#' @param topX Select the X lowest significant p-values for each gene. NULL by default.
#' @param doFDRAdjustment Whether or not to perform FDR adjustment.
#' @param pValueChunks The number of chunks to split when calculating the p-value. This
#' parameter allows the edges to be split into chunks to prevent memory errors.
#' @param pValueFile The file where the p-values should be saved. If NULL, they are not
#' saved and need to be recalculated.
#' @param loadPValues Whether p-values should be loaded from pValueFile or re-generated.
#' Default is FALSE.
#' @returns A bipartite subnetwork in the same format as the original networks.
BuildSubnetwork <- function(geneSet, networks, alpha, hopConstraint, nullDistribution,
verbose = FALSE, topX = NULL, doFDRAdjustment = TRUE,
pValueChunks = 100, loadPValues = FALSE, pValueFile = "pvalues.RDS"){
# Name edges for each network.
combinedNetwork <- networks
networksNamed <- lapply(networks, function(network){
rownames(network) <- paste(network$tf, network$gene, sep = "__")
# Paste together the networks.
combinedNetwork <- networksNamed[[1]]
for(i in 2:length(networksNamed)){
combinedNetwork[,2+i] <- networksNamed[[i]]$score
# Find all significant edges in the network.
pValues <- rep(NA, nrow(combinedNetwork))
# If we are calculating p-values for the first time, calculate and save them.
if(loadPValues == FALSE){
pValues <- CalculatePValues(network = combinedNetwork,
pValueChunks = pValueChunks,
nullDistribution = nullDistribution,
doFDRAdjustment = doFDRAdjustment,
pValueFile = pValueFile)
# Read the saved p-values.
pValues <- readRDS(pValueFile)
# Subset the network.
whichSig <- which(pValues < alpha)
significantEdges <- rownames(combinedNetwork)[whichSig]
subnetwork <- combinedNetwork[significantEdges, c(1:2)]
pValues <- pValues[significantEdges]
genesWithNoSigEdges <- setdiff(geneSet, subnetwork$gene)
geneSet <- intersect(geneSet, subnetwork$gene)
if(verbose == TRUE){
message(paste("The following genes had no significant edges:", paste(genesWithNoSigEdges, collapse = ",")))
message(paste("Retained", length(significantEdges), "out of", length(rownames(combinedNetwork)), "edges"))
# For each gene, find the significant edges from each hop.
significantSubnetworks <- FindSignificantEdgesForHop(geneSet = geneSet, pValues = pValues,
combinedNetwork = subnetwork,
hopConstraint = hopConstraint / 2,
verbose = verbose, topX = topX)
# Find matches for each hop. Note that we do not need to consider cases where the
# number of hops are uneven. For instance, any two nodes that can be connected by
# a node 3 hops away from node 1 and 1 hop away from node 2 are also connected by
# a node 2 hops away from both nodes 1 and 2. The same goes for even numbers.
# Even-odd pairs should not be considered. This can be proven.
subnetwork <- FindConnectionsForAllHopCounts(subnetworks = significantSubnetworks,
verbose = verbose)
#' Calculate p-values for all edges in the network using a Wilcoxon two-sample test
#' for each edge.
#' @param network A combination of PANDA-like networks, with the following format
#' (e.g., 3 networks), provided as a data frame:
#' tf,gene,score1,score2,score3
#' @param nullDistribution The null distribution, specified as a vector of values.
#' @param pValueChunks The number of chunks to split when calculating the p-value. This
#' parameter allows the edges to be split into chunks to prevent memory errors.
#' @param doFDRAdjustment Whether or not to perform FDR adjustment.
#' @param pValueFile The file where the p-values should be saved. If NULL, they are not
#' saved and need to be recalculated.
#' @param verbose Whether or not to print detailed information about the run.
#' @returns A vector of p-values, one for each edge.
#' @export
CalculatePValues <- function(network, nullDistribution, pValueChunks = 100,
doFDRAdjustment = TRUE, pValueFile = "pvalues.RDS",
verbose = FALSE){
# Initialize p-values.
pValues <- rep(NA, nrow(network))
# Set the initial start and end indices.
startIndex <- 1
endIndex <- min(startIndex + ceiling(nrow(network) / pValueChunks),
i <- 1
while(i < pValueChunks && startIndex <= endIndex){
# Calculate p-values for this chunk.
ourEdgeVals <- network[startIndex:endIndex, 3:ncol(network)]
nullEdgeVals <- t(matrix(rep(nullDistribution,
nrow(ourEdgeVals)), ncol = nrow(ourEdgeVals)))
pValues[startIndex:endIndex] <- matrixTests::row_wilcoxon_twosample(x = ourEdgeVals,
y = nullEdgeVals,
alternative = "greater")$pvalue
# Print status.
if(verbose == TRUE){
message(paste("Completed p-values for chunk", i, "out of", pValueChunks))
# Update indices.
startIndex <- endIndex + 1
endIndex <- min(startIndex + ceiling(nrow(network) / pValueChunks),
i <- i + 1
# Adjust the p-values.
if(doFDRAdjustment == TRUE){
pValues <- stats::p.adjust(pValues, method = "fdr")
names(pValues) <- rownames(network)
# Save the p-values.
saveRDS(pValues, pValueFile)
# Return the p-values.
#' Find the subnetwork of significant edges n / 2 hops away from each gene.
#' @param geneSet A character vector of genes comprising the targets of interest.
#' @param combinedNetwork A concatenation of n PANDA-like networks with the following format:
#' tf,gene,score_net1, score_net2, ... , score_netn
#' @param pValues The p-values for all edges.
#' @param hopConstraint The maximum number of hops to be considered for a gene.
#' @param verbose Whether or not to print detailed information about the run.
#' @param topX Select the X lowest significant p-values for each gene. NULL by default.
#' @returns A bipartite subnetwork in the same format as the original networks.
FindSignificantEdgesForHop <- function(geneSet, combinedNetwork, hopConstraint, pValues,
verbose = FALSE, topX = NULL){
# Build the significant subnetwork for each gene, up to the hop constraint.
uniqueGeneSet <- sort(unique(geneSet))
geneSubnetworks <- lapply(uniqueGeneSet, function(gene){
# Get all significant edges for a 1-hop subnetwork.
if(verbose == TRUE){
message(paste("Evaluating hop 1 for gene", gene))
subnetwork1Hop <- SignificantBreadthFirstSearch(networks = combinedNetwork,
pValues = pValues,
startingNodes = gene,
nodesToExclude = c(),
startFromTF = FALSE,
verbose = verbose,
topX = topX)
# Set the starting and excluded set for the next hop.
startingNodes <- unique(subnetwork1Hop$tf)
topXNew <- NULL
topXNew <- topX * length(startingNodes)
excludedSubset <- gene
# Add to the list of all subnetworks.
allSubnetworksForGene <- list(subnetwork1Hop)
# Loop until we reach the maximum number of hops or there are no new edges
# to traverse.
hop <- 2
while(hop <= hopConstraint && length(startingNodes) > 0){
# If we are on an even hop, start from transcription factors.
# If we are on an odd hop, start from genes.
if(hop %% 2 == 0){
# Find all significant edges in the next hop.
if(verbose == TRUE){
message(paste("Evaluating hop", hop, "for gene", gene))
subnetworkHops <- SignificantBreadthFirstSearch(networks = combinedNetwork,
pValues = pValues,
startingNodes = startingNodes,
nodesToExclude = excludedSubset,
startFromTF = TRUE,
verbose = verbose,
topX = topXNew)
# Set the starting and excluded set for the next hop.
excludedSubset <- c(excludedSubset, startingNodes)
startingNodes <- setdiff(unique(subnetworkHops$gene), excludedSubset)
topXNew <- topX * length(startingNodes)
# Find all significant edges in the next hop.
if(verbose == TRUE){
message(paste("Evaluating hop", hop, "for gene", gene))
subnetworkHops <- SignificantBreadthFirstSearch(networks = combinedNetwork,
pValues = pValues,
startingNodes = startingNodes,
nodesToExclude = excludedSubset,
startFromTF = FALSE,
verbose = verbose,
topX = topXNew)
# Set the starting and excluded set for the next hop.
excludedSubset <- c(excludedSubset, startingNodes)
startingNodes <- setdiff(unique(subnetworkHops$tf), excludedSubset)
topXNew <- topX * length(startingNodes)
# Add to the list.
allSubnetworksForGene[[length(allSubnetworksForGene) + 1]] <- subnetworkHops
# Increment hops.
hop <- hop + 1
# Add the names of the genes.
names(geneSubnetworks) <- uniqueGeneSet
#' Find all significant edges adjacent to the starting nodes, excluding the nodes
#' specified.
#' @param networks A concatenation of n PANDA-like networks with the following format:
#' tf,gene,score_net1, score_net2, ... , score_netn
#' Edges must be specified as "tf__gene".
#' @param pValues The p-values from the original network.
#' @param startingNodes The list of nodes from which to start.
#' @param nodesToExclude The list of nodes to exclude from the search.
#' @param startFromTF Whether to start from transcription factors (TRUE) or genes (FALSE).
#' @param verbose Whether or not to print detailed information about the run.
#' @param topX Select the X lowest significant p-values for each gene. NULL by default.
#' @returns A bipartite subnetwork in the same format as the original networks.
SignificantBreadthFirstSearch <- function(networks, pValues, startingNodes,
nodesToExclude, startFromTF,
verbose = FALSE, topX = NULL){
# Check that provided nodes overlap with the networks.
if((length(setdiff(startingNodes, networks$tf)) > 0 && startFromTF == TRUE) ||
(length(setdiff(startingNodes, networks$gene)) > 0 && startFromTF == FALSE)){
stop("ERROR: Starting nodes do not overlap with network nodes")
if(length(setdiff(nodesToExclude, c(networks$tf, networks$gene))) > 0){
stop("ERROR: List of nodes to exclude does not overlap with network nodes")
if(length(intersect(startingNodes, nodesToExclude)) > 0){
stop("ERROR: Starting nodes cannot overlap with nodes to exclude")
# Identify genes and transcription factors to test, based on which of these we are
# starting from.
tfsToTest <- c()
genesToTest <- c()
if(startFromTF == TRUE){
tfsToTest <- startingNodes
genesToTest <- setdiff(unique(networks$gene), nodesToExclude)
genesToTest <- startingNodes
tfsToTest <- setdiff(unique(networks$tf), nodesToExclude)
# Construct all edges to test based on the combination of these.
geneLongList <- rep(genesToTest, length(tfsToTest))
tfLongList <- unlist(lapply(tfsToTest, function(tf){
return(rep(tf, length(genesToTest)))
allPossibleEdges <- paste(tfLongList, geneLongList, sep = "__")
allEdges <- intersect(allPossibleEdges, rownames(networks))
# For each edge, measure its significance.
subnetwork <- networks
if(length(allEdges) > 0){
# If topX is specified, filter again.
significantEdges <- allEdges
if(!is.null(topX) && length(allEdges) > topX){
whichTopX <- order(pValues[allEdges])[1:topX]
significantEdges <- allEdges[whichTopX]
# Return the edges meeting alpha.
subnetwork <- networks[significantEdges, c(1:2)]
if(verbose == TRUE){
message(paste("Retained", length(significantEdges), "edges"))
# Return the subnetwork.
#' For all hop counts up to the maximum, find subnetworks connecting each pair of
#' genes by exactly that number of hops. For instance, find each
#' @param subnetworks A list of bipartite (PANDA-like) subnetworks for each gene,
#' containing only the significant edges meeting the hop count criteria and
#' where each network is a data frame with the following format:
#' tf,gene
#' @param verbose Whether or not to print detailed information about the run.
#' @returns A bipartite subnetwork in the same format as the original networks.
FindConnectionsForAllHopCounts <- function(subnetworks, verbose = FALSE){
# Find a subnetwork for each hop count.
hopCountSubnetworks <- lapply(1:length(subnetworks[[1]]), function(hops){
# For each pair of genes, find the subnetworks for this number of hops.
geneSpecificHopCountSubnetwork <- lapply(1:(length(names(subnetworks))-1), function(i){
genePairSpecificHopCountSubnetwork <- lapply((i+1):length(names(subnetworks)), function(j){
# Get the subnetworks for the number of hops of interest.
gene1 <- names(subnetworks)[i]
gene2 <- names(subnetworks)[j]
connectingSubnetwork <- data.frame(tf = NA, gene = NA)[0,]
# If there were no edges at this hop count for one or both genes,
# do not evaluate.
if(length(subnetworks[[gene1]]) >= hops && length(subnetworks[[gene2]]) >= hops){
subnetwork1 <- subnetworks[[gene1]][[hops]]
subnetwork2 <- subnetworks[[gene2]][[hops]]
# Initialize overlapping subnetwork.
genesToRecurse1 <- c()
genesToRecurse2 <- c()
tfsToRecurse1 <- c()
tfsToRecurse2 <- c()
# If the number of hops is even, add edges from genes that overlap
# If the number of hops is odd, add edges from transcription factors that overlap.
if(hops %% 2 == 0){
overlappingGenes <- intersect(subnetwork1$gene, subnetwork2$gene)
if(verbose == TRUE){
message(paste("Hop", hops, "-", length(overlappingGenes), "overlapped between", gene1, "and", gene2))
whichSubnet1Gene <- which(subnetwork1$gene %in% overlappingGenes)
whichSubnet2Gene <- which(subnetwork2$gene %in% overlappingGenes)
tfsToRecurse1 <- unique(subnetwork1[whichSubnet1Gene, "tf"])
tfsToRecurse2 <- unique(subnetwork2[whichSubnet2Gene, "tf"])
connectingSubnetwork <- rbind(connectingSubnetwork, subnetwork1[whichSubnet1Gene,],
overlappingTF <- intersect(subnetwork1$tf, subnetwork2$tf)
if(verbose == TRUE){
message(paste("Hop", hops, "-", length(overlappingTF), "overlapped between", gene1, "and", gene2))
whichSubnet1TF <- which(subnetwork1$tf %in% overlappingTF)
whichSubnet2TF <- which(subnetwork2$tf %in% overlappingTF)
genesToRecurse1 <- unique(subnetwork1[whichSubnet1TF, "gene"])
genesToRecurse2 <- unique(subnetwork2[whichSubnet2TF, "gene"])
connectingSubnetwork <- rbind(connectingSubnetwork, subnetwork1[whichSubnet1TF,],
# Recurse back over the number of hops.
if(hops-1 >= 1){
for(hop in (hops-1):1){
subnetwork1 <- subnetworks[[gene1]][[hop]]
subnetwork2 <- subnetworks[[gene2]][[hop]]
# If the current number of hops is even, add edges from TFs connected to genes of interest.
# If the current number of hops is odd, add edges from genes connected to TFs of interest.
if(hop %% 2 == 0){
whichTFConnectedToGene1 <- which(subnetwork1$gene %in% genesToRecurse1)
whichTFConnectedToGene2 <- which(subnetwork2$gene %in% genesToRecurse2)
tfsToRecurse1 <- unique(subnetwork1[whichTFConnectedToGene1, "tf"])
tfsToRecurse2 <- unique(subnetwork2[whichTFConnectedToGene2, "tf"])
connectingSubnetwork <- rbind(connectingSubnetwork, subnetwork1[whichTFConnectedToGene1,],
whichGeneConnectedToTF1 <- which(subnetwork1$tf %in% tfsToRecurse1)
whichGeneConnectedToTF2 <- which(subnetwork2$tf %in% tfsToRecurse2)
genesToRecurse1 <- unique(subnetwork1[whichGeneConnectedToTF1, "gene"])
genesToRecurse2 <- unique(subnetwork2[whichGeneConnectedToTF2, "gene"])
connectingSubnetwork <- rbind(connectingSubnetwork, subnetwork1[whichGeneConnectedToTF1,],
# Return the subnetwork, which should now contain all of the edges connecting the
# gene pair at the prespecified number of hops.
# Bind together the subnetwork for each gene pair.
connectingSubnetworkAll <- do.call(rbind, genePairSpecificHopCountSubnetwork)
# Bind together the subnetworks for each gene.
return(do.call(rbind, geneSpecificHopCountSubnetwork))
# Bind together the subnetworks for each hop count.
compositeSubnetwork <- do.call(rbind, hopCountSubnetworks)
compositeSubnetworkEdges <- paste(compositeSubnetwork$tf, compositeSubnetwork$gene, sep = "__")
uniqueEdges <- sort(unique(compositeSubnetworkEdges))
compositeSubnetworkDedup <- do.call(rbind, lapply(uniqueEdges, function(edge){
whichFirstEdge <- which(compositeSubnetworkEdges == edge)[1]
rownames(compositeSubnetworkDedup) <- uniqueEdges
# Remove all genes connected to a single transcription factor. These genes were
# added because they are regulated by a transcription factor that co-regulates
# two seed genes. Similarly, remove all transcription factors connected to a
# single gene.
geneCounts <- table(compositeSubnetworkDedup$gene)
tfCounts <- table(compositeSubnetworkDedup$tf)
genesToRemove <- names(geneCounts)[which(geneCounts == 1)]
genesToRemove <- setdiff(genesToRemove, names(subnetworks))
tfsToRemove <- names(tfCounts)[which(tfCounts == 1)]
compositeSubnetworkDedup <- compositeSubnetworkDedup[which(compositeSubnetworkDedup$gene %in% setdiff(names(geneCounts),
compositeSubnetworkDedup <- compositeSubnetworkDedup[which(compositeSubnetworkDedup$tf %in% setdiff(names(tfCounts),
#' Plot the networks, using different colors for transcription factors, genes of interest,
#' and additional genes.
#' @param network A data frame with the following format:
#' tf,gene
#' @param genesOfInterest Which genes of interest to highlight
#' @param tfColor Color for the transcription factors
#' @param geneColorMapping Color mapping from a set of genes to a color. The
#' nodes and edges connected to them will be this color. If NULL, all genes and
#' their edges will be gray. The format is a data frame, where the first column ("gene")
#' is the name of the gene and the second ("color") is the color.
#' @param nodeSize Size of node
#' @param edgeWidth Width of edges
#' @param vertexLabels Which vertex labels to include. By default, none are included.
#' @param layoutBipartite Whether or not to layout as a bipartite graph.
#' @param vertexLabelSize The size of label to use for the vertex, as a fraction of the default.
#' @param vertexLabelOffset Number of pixels in the offset when plotting labels.
#' Default is TRUE.
#' @returns A bipartite plot of the network
#' @export
PlotNetwork <- function(network, genesOfInterest,
tfColor = "blue", nodeSize = 1,
edgeWidth = 0.5, vertexLabels = NA, vertexLabelSize = 0.7,
vertexLabelOffset = 0.5, layoutBipartite = TRUE, geneColorMapping = NULL){
# Set the node attributes.
uniqueNodes <- unique(c(network$tf, network$gene))
nodeAttrs <- data.frame(node = uniqueNodes,
color = rep("gray", length(uniqueNodes)),
size = rep(nodeSize, length(uniqueNodes)),
frame.width = rep(0, length(uniqueNodes)),
label.color = "black", label.cex = vertexLabelSize,
label.dist = vertexLabelOffset)
rownames(nodeAttrs) <- uniqueNodes
# Add TF colors.
nodeAttrs[which(uniqueNodes %in% network$tf), "color"] <- tfColor
# Add gene colors.
rownames(geneColorMapping) <- geneColorMapping$gene
geneColorMapping <- geneColorMapping[intersect(rownames(geneColorMapping), uniqueNodes),]
nodeAttrs[rownames(geneColorMapping), "color"] <- geneColorMapping$color
# Add edge attributes.
for(gene in rownames(geneColorMapping)){
network[which(network$gene == gene), "color"] <- geneColorMapping[gene, "color"]
network$width <- edgeWidth
# Create a graph object.
graph <- igraph::graph_from_data_frame(network, vertices = nodeAttrs, directed = FALSE)
V(graph)$type <- V(graph)$name %in% network$tf
# Plot.
labels <- V(graph)$name
whichEmpty <- which(labels %in% setdiff(labels, vertexLabels))
labels[whichEmpty] <- rep(NA, length(whichEmpty))
if(layoutBipartite == TRUE){
LO <- layout_as_bipartite(graph)
LO <- LO[,c(2,1)]
igraph::plot.igraph(graph, layout = LO, vertex.label = labels)
igraph::plot.igraph(graph, vertex.label = labels)
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