#' MSigdb signature scoring for single-cell clusters
#' @title scMsigdbScoring
#' @param object Seurat object
#' @param category String of specific MSigDB category to use,
#' default category='H' stands for 'hallmark gene sets'
#' @param geneSets Vector of gene sets, default geneSets='NULL'
#' stands for all gene sets in category will be used
#' @return Seurat object
#' @author Wei Zhang
#' @export
scMsigdbScoring <- function(object = NULL, category = NULL, geneSets = NULL) {
if (is.null(category)) category <- "H"
MSigDB <- system.file("extdata", "MSIGDB.gmt", package = "Yeskit")
MSIGDB <- read.table(MSigDB, row.names = 1, col.names = paste0("V",
seq_len(max(count.fields(MSigDB, sep = "\t")))), header = FALSE,
sep = "\t", stringsAsFactors = FALSE, fill = TRUE)
if (!category %in% c("H", "C1", "C2", "C3", "C4", "C5", "C6", "C7", "C8")) {
stop("category must be one of these choices: ",
"\"H\", \"C1\", \"C2\", \"C3\", \"C4\", \"C5\", \"C6\", \"C7\", \"C8\"")
MSIGDB <- MSIGDB[MSIGDB[, 1] == category, ]
MSIGDB <- as.list(data.frame(apply(MSIGDB, 1, as.vector),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE), drop = TRUE)
if (length(names(MSIGDB)) == 0) {
stop("MSigDB has no valid entries!")
if (is.null(geneSets)) {
geneSets = names(MSIGDB)
} else {
geneSets <- intersect(geneSets, names(MSIGDB))
if (length(geneSets) == 0) {
stop("geneSets ", geneSets, "does not exist in ", MSigDB, "!")
for (item in geneSets) {
if (item %in% names(object[[]])) {
object[[item]] <- NULL
features <- MSIGDB[[item]]
features <- features[grep("^$", features, invert = TRUE)]
features <- list(Score = features)
object.hallmark <- Seurat::AddModuleScore(object = object,
features = features, name = item, ctrl =
min(vapply(X = features, FUN = length, FUN.VALUE = numeric(length = 1))))
hallmark.columns <- grep(pattern = item, x = colnames(x = object.hallmark[[]]), value = TRUE)
hallmark.scores <- object.hallmark[[hallmark.columns]]
colnames(x = hallmark.scores) <- c(item)
object[[colnames(x = hallmark.scores)]] <- hallmark.scores
reductions <- intersect(c("pca", "tsne", "umap"), names(object))
for (reduction in reductions) {
meta_ids <- gsub("coord", toupper(reduction), c("coord_1", "coord_2"))
coord <- Seurat::Embeddings(object = object, reduction = reduction)[, c(1, 2)]
object <- Seurat::AddMetaData(object = object, metadata = coord, col.name = meta_ids)
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