#' @title CopyKit internal functions.
#' @name CopyKit-internals
#' @description This document establish setters and getters to facilitate access
#' to fields for the CopyKit class object. The functions provided here are
#' in addition to setters and getters available from the SingleCellExperiment
#' class
#' @section Getters:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{segment_ratios}:}{Returns a data frame of normalized segment
#' ratio means.}
#' \item{\code{ratios}:}{Returns a data frame of normalized ratio means.}
#' \item{\code{bincounts}:}{Returns a data frame of binned bincounts.}
#' \item{\code{consensus}:}{Returns a data frame of normalized segment
#' ratio means for the consensus matrix.}
#' \item{\code{phylo}:}{Returns a phylo class object with a phylogenetic tree.}
#' \item{\code{consensusPhylo}:}{Returns a phylo class object with a
#' phylogenetic tree from the consensus matrix.}
#' }
#' @rdname internals
# -------------------
# global variables
# -------------------
utils::globalVariables(c('hg38_grangeslist', 'copykit_obj_filt_rle',
'copykit_obj_filt_umap', 'hg19_genes', 'hg38_genes',
#' @export
#' @rdname internals
#' @name segment_ratios
#' @aliases segment_ratios,CopyKit-method
#' @param x CopyKit object.
setMethod("segment_ratios", "CopyKit", function(x, withDimnames = TRUE) {
# accessor for the segment_ratios data within the assay slot
SummarizedExperiment::assay(x, "segment_ratios")
#' @export
#' @rdname internals
#' @name ratios
#' @aliases ratios,CopyKit-method
#' @param x CopyKit object.
setMethod("ratios", "CopyKit", function(x, withDimnames = TRUE) {
# accessor for the ratios data slot
SummarizedExperiment::assay(x, "ratios")
#' @export
#' @rdname internals
#' @name bincounts
#' @aliases bincounts,CopyKit-method
#' @param x CopyKit object.
setMethod("bincounts", "CopyKit", function(x, withDimnames = TRUE) {
# accessor for the bincounts data slot
SummarizedExperiment::assay(x, "bincounts")
#' @export
#' @rdname internals
#' @name consensus
#' @aliases consensus,CopyKit-method
#' @param x CopyKit object.
setMethod("consensus", "CopyKit", function(x, withDimnames = TRUE) {
# accessor for the consensus data slot
out <- x@consensus
#' @export
#' @rdname internals
#' @name consensus<-
#' @aliases consensus<-,CopyKit-method
#' @param x CopyKit object.
setReplaceMethod("consensus", "CopyKit", function(x, value) {
# setter method for phylo slot
x@consensus <- value
#' @export
#' @rdname internals
#' @name phylo
#' @aliases phylo,CopyKit-method
#' @param x CopyKit object.
setMethod("phylo", "CopyKit", function(x) {
# accessor for the phylo slot
out <- x@phylo
#' @export
#' @rdname internals
#' @name phylo<-
#' @aliases phylo<-,CopyKit-method
#' @param x CopyKit object.
setReplaceMethod("phylo", "CopyKit", function(x, value) {
# setter method for phylo slot
x@phylo <- value
#' @export
#' @rdname internals
#' @name consensusPhylo
#' @aliases consensusPhylo,CopyKit-method
#' @param x CopyKit object.
setMethod("consensusPhylo", "CopyKit", function(x) {
# accessor for the consensusPhylo slot
out <- x@consensusPhylo
#' @export
#' @rdname internals
#' @name consensusPhylo<-
#' @aliases consensusPhylo<-,CopyKit-method
#' @param x CopyKit object.
setReplaceMethod("consensusPhylo", "CopyKit", function(x, value) {
# setter method for consensusPhylo slot
x@consensusPhylo <- value
#' @export
#' @rdname internals
#' @name distMat
#' @aliases distMat,CopyKit-method
#' @param x CopyKit object.
setMethod("distMat", "CopyKit", function(x) {
# accessor for the distMat slot
out <- x@distMat
#' @export
#' @rdname internals
#' @name distMat<-
#' @aliases distMat<-,CopyKit-method
#' @param x CopyKit object.
setReplaceMethod("distMat", "CopyKit", function(x, value) {
# setter method for distMat slot
x@distMat <- value
#' @export
#' @rdname internals
#' @name graph
#' @aliases graph,CopyKit-method
#' @param x CopyKit object.
setMethod("graph", "CopyKit", function(x) {
# accessor for the getGraph slot
out <- x@graph
#' @export
#' @rdname internals
#' @name graph<-
#' @aliases graph<-,CopyKit-method
#' @param x CopyKit object.
setReplaceMethod("graph", "CopyKit", function(x, value) {
# setter method for getGraph slot
x@graph <- value
#' @export
#' @rdname internals
#' @name show
#' @aliases show,CopyKit-method
#' @param x CopyKit object.
#' @importFrom ape Ntip Nnode
#' @importMethodsFrom SingleCellExperiment show
setMethod("show", "CopyKit", function(object) {
"rowRanges has: ",
" ranges\n",
sep = "",
"Phylo: ",
"Phylogenetic tree with ",
" tips and ",
" nodes",
"consensus dim: ",
" ",
#' Not in
#' @export
#' @rdname internals
#' @keywords internal
# thanks to https://peter.solymos.org/code/2016/11/26/
`%!in%` <- function(x, table) !(match(x, table, nomatch = 0) > 0)
# suppress cat output from function
# thanks to https://stackoverflow.com/a/54136863
#' @export
.quiet <- function(x) {
# inverse freeman-tukey transformation
# https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.06.08.140673v2.full.pdf
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
.invft <- function(y) (y^2 - 1)^2 / (4 * y^2)
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# color palettes
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# heatmaps ocean.balance
# The default color scale for Heatmap is from the package pals by Kevin Wright
# https://github.com/kwstat/pals (License GPL-3)
# The ocean.balance color palette (Licence MIT) was developed by Kristen Thyng
# http://dx.doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.2016.66
# Both awesome palette packages and you should check them out.
#' @name ocean_balance_hex
#' @aliases ocean_balance_hex
#' @export
#' @docType methods
#' @return Hexadecimal values for ocean.balance function
#' @rdname internals
ocean_balance_hex <- c(
#' @name ocean.balance
#' @aliases ocean.balance
#' @export
#' @docType methods
#' @return The default colors for heatmaps
#' @importFrom grDevices colorRampPalette
#' @rdname internals
ocean.balance <- function(n) {
#' @name superclones_pal
#' @aliases superclones_pal
#' @export
#' @docType methods
#' @return a named vector of default colors for CopyKit superclones.
#' @rdname internals
# superclones palette
superclones_pal <- function() {
names = paste0("s", 1:24)
#' @name subclones_pal
#' @aliases subclones_pal
#' @export
#' @docType methods
#' @return a named vector of default colors for CopyKit subclones.
#' @rdname internals
# subclones palette
subclones_pal <- function() {
names = paste0("c", 0:51)
#' @name find_scaffold_genes
#' @aliases find_scaffold_genes
#' @export
#' @docType methods
#' @return A data frame with the gene HUGO gene symbol and the position on the
#' relevant scaffold from the varbin pipeline.
#' @rdname internals
#' @keywords internal
find_scaffold_genes <- function(scCNA,
genes) {
# lazydata bindings and NSE
symbol <- gene <- NULL
# genome assembly
if (S4Vectors::metadata(scCNA)$genome == "hg19") {
genes_assembly <- hg19_genes
if (S4Vectors::metadata(scCNA)$genome == "hg38") {
genes_assembly <- hg38_genes
# getting ranges from scCNA object
ranges <- SummarizedExperiment::rowRanges(scCNA)
# subsetting to only the desired genes
genes_features <- BiocGenerics::subset(
symbol %in% genes
all_genes <- genes_assembly$symbol %>%
unlist() %>%
missing_genes <- genes[genes %!in% all_genes]
if (length(missing_genes) != 0) {
collapse = ", "
",could not be found. Maybe you need to use a different gene alias?"
# finding overlaps
olaps <-
ignore.strand = TRUE
# creating a data frame that will contain the genes and positions
# (index) in the pipeline ranges.
# some genes might overlap more than one range (more than one bin),
# in this case only one will be kept
df <-
gene = as.character(genes_features$symbol[S4Vectors::queryHits(olaps)]),
pos = S4Vectors::subjectHits(olaps)
) %>%
dplyr::distinct(gene, .keep_all = TRUE)
# checking for genes that might have been excluded from the varbin pipeline
blk_list <- genes[genes %!in% missing_genes]
blk_list <- blk_list[blk_list %!in% df$gene]
if (length(blk_list) != 0) {
collapse = ", "
"are in excluded regions of the Varbin pipeline and can't be plotted."
#' @author Alexander Davis
#' @name l2e.normal.sd
#' @aliases l2e.normal.sd
#' @export
#' @docType methods
#' @return A numeric vector with least squares sd estimation.
#' @rdname internals
l2e.normal.sd <- function(xs) {
# Need at least two values to get a standard deviation
stopifnot(length(xs) >= 2)
optim.result <- stats::optimize(
# L2E loss function
f = function(sd) {
# "Data part", the sample average of the likelihood
-2 * mean(stats::dnorm(xs, sd = sd)) +
# "Theta part", the integral of the squared density
1 / (2 * sqrt(pi) * sd)
# Parameter: standard deviation of the normal distribution fit
interval = c(0, diff(range(xs)))
#' @author Alexander Davis
#' @name overdispersion
#' @aliases overdispersion
#' @export
#' @docType methods
#' @return A numerci vector with the estimation of the index of dispersion,
#' which is used when estimating standard errors for each segment mean
#' @rdname internals
overdispersion <- function(v) {
# 3 elements, 2 differences, can find a standard deviation
stopifnot(length(v) >= 3)
# Differences between pairs of values
y <- v[-1]
x <- v[-length(v)]
# Normalize the differences using the sum. The result should be around zero,
# plus or minus square root of the index of dispersion
vals.unfiltered <- (y - x) / sqrt(y + x)
# Remove divide by zero cases, and--considering this is supposed to be count
# data--divide by almost-zero cases
vals <- vals.unfiltered[y + x >= 1]
# Check that there's anything left
stopifnot(length(vals) >= 2)
# Assuming most of the normalized differences follow a normal distribution,
# estimate the standard deviation
val.sd <- l2e.normal.sd(vals)
# Square this standard deviation to obtain an estimate of the index of
# dispersion
iod <- val.sd^2
# subtract one to get the overdispersion criteria
iod.over <- iod - 1
# normalizing by mean bincounts
iod.norm <- iod.over / mean(v)
#' @author Junke Wang
#' @name parCor
#' @aliases parCor
#' @export
#' @docType methods
#' @return A matrix with the pairwise correlation from the segment ratio means.
#' @rdname internals
parCor <- function(x, BPPARAM = BiocParallel::bpparam()) {
ncol <- ncol(x)
## skip parallelization if # of cell less than 2000
if (ncol < 2001) {
nSplit <- floor(ncol / 1000)
lSplit <- floor(ncol / nSplit)
iSplit <- vector("list", nSplit)
for (i in seq_len((nSplit - 1))) {
iSplit[[i]] <- (lSplit * (i - 1) + 1):(lSplit * i)
iSplit[[nSplit]] <- (lSplit * (nSplit - 1) + 1):ncol
comb <- expand.grid(1:nSplit, 1:nSplit)
comb <- unique(t(apply(comb, 1, sort)))
## result matrix
result <- BiocParallel::bplapply(
X = 1:nrow(comb),
FUN = function(i) {
a <- list()
a[[1]] <- iSplit[[comb[i, 1]]]
a[[2]] <- iSplit[[comb[i, 2]]]
a[[3]] <- cor(x[, a[[1]]], x[, a[[2]]])
res_parcor_reserve <- matrix(, nrow = ncol, ncol = ncol)
for (i in 1:length(result)) {
res_parcor_reserve[result[[i]][[1]], result[[i]][[2]]] <- result[[i]][[3]]
res_parcor_reserve[result[[i]][[2]], result[[i]][[1]]] <- t(result[[i]][[3]])
colnames(res_parcor_reserve) <- colnames(x)
rownames(res_parcor_reserve) <- colnames(x)
#' CopyKit Example
#' @name copykit_example
#' @aliases copykit_example
#' @docType data
#' @rdname data
#' @return A CopyKit object with data from BL1 sample from the CopyKit
#' manuscript.
#' @details This function is largely used for examples of CopyKit functions.
#' This function returns a CopyKit object with the unfiltered dataset
#' of the sample BL1. This sample was processed with ACT and is a liver
#' metastasis from a primary breast cancer patient.
#' The CopyKit object contain only the segment ratio mean of each single cell
#' and, therefore, is not compatible with the functions from the runVarbin
#' module.
#' @export
#' @importFrom S4Vectors metadata<-
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment colData<-
#' @keywords internal
copykit_example <- function() {
# bindings for NSE
chr <- NULL
# ranges
hg38_rg <- hg38_grangeslist[["hg38_200kb"]]
hg38_rg <- subset(hg38_rg, seqnames != "chrY")
copykit_obj_rle <- copykit_obj_rle
copykit_data_proc <- as.data.frame(do.call(
copykit_obj <- CopyKit(
assays = list(segment_ratios = copykit_data_proc),
rowRanges = hg38_rg
copykit_obj <- logNorm(copykit_obj)
metadata(copykit_obj)$genome <- "hg38"
colData(copykit_obj)$sample <- names(copykit_data_proc)
#' CopyKit Example
#' @name copykit_example_filtered
#' @aliases copykit_example_filtered
#' @docType data
#' @rdname data
#' @return A CopyKit object with data from BL1 sample from the CopyKit
#' manuscript with diploid and noise cells removed.
#' @details This function is largely used for examples of CopyKit functions.
#' This function returns a CopyKit object with the unfiltered dataset
#' of the sample BL1. This sample was processed with ACT and is a liver
#' metastasis from a primary breast cancer patient.
#' The CopyKit object contain only the segment ratio mean of each single cell
#' and, therefore, is not compatible with the functions from the runVarbin
#' module.
#' @export
#' @importFrom S4Vectors metadata<-
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment colData<-
#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom S4Vectors metadata
#' @importFrom SingleCellExperiment reducedDim<-
copykit_example_filtered <- function() {
# NSE bindings
chr <- NULL
# ranges
hg38_rg <- hg38_grangeslist[["hg38_200kb"]]
hg38_rg <- subset(hg38_rg, seqnames != "chrY")
# lazydata loaded objects
copykit_obj_filtered <- copykit_obj_filt_rle
copykit_obj_filtered_umap <- copykit_obj_filt_umap
copykit_data_proc_filt <- as.data.frame(do.call(
copykit_obj_filt <- CopyKit(
assays = list(segment_ratios = copykit_data_proc_filt),
rowRanges = hg38_rg
copykit_obj_filt <- logNorm(copykit_obj_filt)
metadata(copykit_obj_filt)$genome <- "hg38"
metadata(copykit_obj_filt)$suggestedK <- 10
colData(copykit_obj_filt)$sample <- names(copykit_data_proc_filt)
reducedDim(copykit_obj_filt, "umap") <- copykit_obj_filtered_umap
#' mock_bincounts
#' @name mock_bincounts
#' @param ncells A numeric with the total number of cells to simulate.
#' @param ncells_diploid A numeric with the number of diploid cells to simulate
#' @param position_gain A vector with the index of the bin counts in which
#' chromosomal gains will be added.
#' @param position_del A vector with the index of the bin counts in which
#' chromosomal deletions will be placed.
#' @param genome The assembly genome information to add to the metadata.
#' @param resolution The resolution of the scaffold to add to the object
#' metadata
#' @aliases mock_bincounts
#' @export
#' @docType data
#' @return A CopyKit object with simulated bincounts
#' @rdname data
#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom stats rpois runif
mock_bincounts <- function(ncells = 30,
ncells_diploid = 5,
position_gain = 4900:5493,
position_del = 6523:7056,
genome = "hg38",
resolution = "220kb",
run_vst = TRUE,
run_segmentation = TRUE,
run_lognorm = TRUE) {
hg38_rg <- switch(resolution,
"55kb" = hg38_grangeslist[["hg38_50kb"]],
"110kb" = hg38_grangeslist[["hg38_100kb"]],
"195kb" = hg38_grangeslist[["hg38_175kb"]],
"220kb" = hg38_grangeslist[["hg38_200kb"]],
"280kb" = hg38_grangeslist[["hg38_250kb"]],
"500kb" = hg38_grangeslist[["hg38_500kb"]],
"1Mb" = hg38_grangeslist[["hg38_1Mb"]],
"2.8Mb" = hg38_grangeslist[["hg38_2Mb"]]
hg38_rg <- subset(hg38_rg, seqnames != "chrY")
ncells <- ncells
ncells_diploid <- ncells_diploid
ncells_aneuploid <- ncells - ncells_diploid
nbins <- length(hg38_rg)
position_gain <- position_gain
nbins_gain <- length(position_gain)
position_del <- position_del
nbins_del <- length(position_del)
# creating mock diploid and aneuploid cell
mock_diploid <- withr::with_seed(123, rpois(nbins, 50))
mock_aneuploid <- withr::with_seed(123, rpois(nbins, 50))
# adding events to aneuploid cells
mock_aneuploid[position_gain] <- withr::with_seed(123,
rpois(nbins_gain, 100))
mock_aneuploid[position_del] <- withr::with_seed(123, rpois(nbins_del, 25))
# creating the cell counts matrix
m <- matrix(c(mock_diploid, mock_aneuploid), ncol = 2)
rep_pop <- c(rep(1, ncells_diploid), rep(2, ncells_aneuploid))
mock_counts <- as.data.frame(m[, rep_pop])
# adding some uniform error to avoid all cells having the same variance.
mock_counts <- mock_counts + withr::with_seed(123,
runif(nbins * ncells, -1, 1))
# creating copykit object with mock counts
copykit_obj_bincounts <- CopyKit(
assays = list(bincounts = mock_counts),
rowRanges = hg38_rg
# adding metadata elements
metadata(copykit_obj_bincounts)$genome <- genome
metadata(copykit_obj_bincounts)$resolution <- resolution
colData(copykit_obj_bincounts)$sample <- names(bincounts(copykit_obj_bincounts))
colData(copykit_obj_bincounts)$ground_truth <- rep(
if (run_vst == TRUE) {
copykit_obj_bincounts <- runVst(copykit_obj_bincounts)
if (run_segmentation == TRUE) {
copykit_obj_bincounts <- runSegmentation(copykit_obj_bincounts)
if (run_lognorm == TRUE) {
copykit_obj_bincounts <- logNorm(copykit_obj_bincounts)
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Merge Levels
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# mergeLevels and combine.func are present in https://doi.org/10.1038/ng.3641
# They can also be found in the package aCGH from Peter Dimitrov
# https://www.bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/html/aCGH.html
# under GPL-2 licence
#' @name mergeLevels
#' @aliases mergeLevels
#' @export
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname internals
#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom stats ansari.test wilcox.test
mergeLevels <- function (vecObs, vecPred, pv.thres = 1e-04, ansari.sign = 0.05,
thresMin = 0.05, thresMax = 0.5, verbose = 1, scale = TRUE)
if (thresMin > thresMax) {
cat("Error, thresMax should be equal to or larger than thresMin\n")
thresAbs = thresMin
sq <- numeric()
j = 0
ansari = numeric()
lv = numeric()
flag = 0
if (thresMin == thresMax) {
flag = 2
else {
l.step <- signif((thresMax - thresMin)/10, 1)
s.step <- signif((thresMax - thresMin)/200, 1)
while (1) {
if (verbose >= 1) {
cat("\nCurrent thresAbs: ", thresAbs, "\n")
j = j + 1
sq[j] <- thresAbs
vecPredNow = vecPred
mnNow = unique(vecPred)
mnNow = mnNow[!is.na(mnNow)]
cont = 0
while (cont == 0 & length(mnNow) > 1) {
mnNow = sort(mnNow)
n <- length(mnNow)
if (verbose >= 2) {
cat("\r", n, ":", length(unique(vecPred)), "\t")
if (scale) {
d <- (2 * 2^mnNow)[-n] - (2 * 2^mnNow)[-1]
else {
d <- (mnNow)[-n] - (mnNow)[-1]
dst <- cbind(abs(d)[order(abs(d))], (2:n)[order(abs(d))],
(1:(n - 1))[order(abs(d))])
for (i in 1:nrow(dst)) {
cont = 1
out = combine.func(diff = dst[i, 1], vecObs,
vecPredNow, mnNow, mn1 = mnNow[dst[i, 2]],
mn2 = mnNow[dst[i, 3]], pv.thres = pv.thres,
thresAbs = if (scale) {
2 * 2^thresAbs - 2
else {
if (out$pv > pv.thres) {
cont = 0
vecPredNow = out$vecPredNow
mnNow = out$mnNow
ansari[j] = ansari.test(sort(vecObs - vecPredNow), sort(vecObs -
if (is.na(ansari[j])) {
ansari[j] = 0
lv[j] = length(mnNow)
if (flag == 2) {
if (ansari[j] < ansari.sign) {
flag = 1
if (flag) {
if (ansari[j] > ansari.sign | thresAbs == thresMin) {
else {
thresAbs = signif(thresAbs - s.step, 3)
if (thresAbs <= thresMin) {
thresAbs = thresMin
else {
thresAbs = thresAbs + l.step
if (thresAbs >= thresMax) {
thresAbs = thresMax
flag = 2
return(list(vecMerged = vecPredNow, mnNow = mnNow, sq = sq,
ansari = ansari))
#' @name combine.func
#' @aliases combine.func
#' @export
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname internals
#' @keywords internal
combine.func <- function (diff, vecObs, vecPredNow, mnNow, mn1, mn2, pv.thres = 1e-04,
thresAbs = 0)
vec1 = vecObs[which(vecPredNow == mn1)]
vec2 = vecObs[which(vecPredNow == mn2)]
if (diff <= thresAbs) {
pv = 1
else {
if ((length(vec1) > 10 & length(vec2) > 10) | sum(length(vec1),
length(vec2)) > 100) {
pv = wilcox.test(vec1, vec2)$p.value
else {
pv = wilcox.test(vec1, vec2, exact = TRUE)$p.value
if (length(vec1) <= 3 | length(vec2) <= 3) {
pv = 0
index.merged <- numeric()
if (pv > pv.thres) {
vec = c(vec1, vec2)
index.merged = which((vecPredNow == mn1) | (vecPredNow ==
vecPredNow[index.merged] = median(vec, na.rm = TRUE)
mnNow[which((mnNow == mn1) | (mnNow == mn2))] = median(vec,
na.rm = TRUE)
mnNow = unique(mnNow)
list(mnNow = mnNow, vecPredNow = vecPredNow, pv = pv)
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