#'Forest plot of hazard ratios
#'Produces a forest plot of hazard ratios for each gene.
#'Also draws a forest plot of subtype-specific hazard ratios.
#'@param expr A \code{SummarizedExperiment} object or a matrix containig gene
#'expression profiles. If input is a \code{SummarizedExperiment}, the first
#'element in the assays list should be a matrix of gene expression.
#'Rows and columns of the gene expression matrix correspond to genes and
#'samples, respectively (rownames must be to gene symbols).
#'@param gene.symbol A vector of gene symbols for
#'which hazard ratios are computed.
#'@param pred A vector of predicted consensus molecular subtypes.
#'@param time A vector of the follow-up time.
#'@param event A vector representing survival status (0 = alive, 1 = dead).
#'@param by.subtype A logical to determine if subtype-specific
#'hazard ratios are computed (default is TRUE).
#'@return A forest plot of hazard ratios.
#'@importFrom survival Surv coxph
#'@importFrom R.utils insert
#'@importFrom methods is
#'@import grid
#'@import ggplot2
#'@import forestplot
#'@import SummarizedExperiment
#'# Load gene expression profiles and clinical information of TNBC samples
#'DFS.status <- colData(GSE25055)$DFS.status
#'DFS.month <- colData(GSE25055)$DFS.month
#'# Predict consensus molecular subtypes of TNBC samples
#'prediction <- predictCMS(expr = GSE25055)
#'# Forest plot of hazard ratios for input genes
#'plotHR(expr = GSE25055, gene.symbol = c("RECK", "RELN", "EHD4", "PRRX2"),
#' pred = prediction, time = DFS.month, event = DFS.status,
#' by.subtype = FALSE)
#'# Subtype-specific forest plot of hazard ratios for input genes
#'plotHR(expr = GSE25055, gene.symbol = c("RECK", "RELN", "EHD4", "PRRX2"),
#' pred = prediction, time = DFS.month, event = DFS.status,
#' by.subtype = TRUE)
plotHR <- function(expr, gene.symbol, pred, time, event, by.subtype = TRUE){
options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
if (is(expr, "SummarizedExperiment")){
exp.mat <- assays(expr)[[1]]
} else{
exp.mat <- expr
pred <- factor(pred, levels = c("MSL", "IM", "LAR", "SL"))
CMS_palette <- c("MSL" = "brown2", "IM" = "gold2",
"LAR" = "yellowgreen", "SL" = "midnightblue")
ng <- length(gene.symbol)
survdat <- data.frame(row.names = colnames(exp.mat), pred, time, event)
est.all <- c()
se.all <- c()
pcox.all <- c()
est.ss <- c()
se.ss <- c()
pcox.ss <- c()
msl <- colnames(exp.mat)[as.character(pred) == "MSL"]
im <- colnames(exp.mat)[as.character(pred) == "IM"]
lar <- colnames(exp.mat)[as.character(pred) == "LAR"]
sl <- colnames(exp.mat)[as.character(pred) == "SL"]
samples <- list(msl, im, lar, sl)
names(samples) <- c("MSL", "IM", "LAR", "SL")
samples <- samples[lapply(samples, length) > 0]
ns <- length(samples)
CMS_palette <- CMS_palette[names(samples)]
for(x in gene.symbol){
rg.by.gene <- ifelse(unlist(exp.mat[x,]) >
median(unlist(exp.mat[x,])), "H", "L")
fit.all <- coxph(Surv(time, event == 1) ~ unlist(exp.mat[x,]),
data = survdat)
est.all <- c(est.all, summary(fit.all)$coefficients[1])
se.all <- c(se.all, summary(fit.all)$coefficients[3])
pcox.all <- c(pcox.all, summary(fit.all)$coefficients[5])
for(i in 1:ns){
rg.by.gene <- ifelse(unlist(exp.mat[x,samples[[i]]]) >
"H", "L")
fit.ss <- coxph(Surv(time, event == 1) ~ rg.by.gene,
data = survdat[samples[[i]],])
est.ss <- c(est.ss, summary(fit.ss)$coefficients[1])
se.ss <- c(se.ss, summary(fit.ss)$coefficients[3])
pcox.ss <- c(pcox.ss, summary(fit.ss)$coefficients[5])
formatNumber <- function(x){
res = c()
for(num in x){
if(abs(num) >= 1000){
res <- c(res, format(num, scientific = TRUE,
digits = 2, nsmall = 2))
res <- c(res, format(round(num, 2), nsmall = 2))
dat.ss <- data.frame(gene = rep(gene.symbol, each = ns),
subtype = rep(names(samples), times = ng),
estimate = est.ss, se = se.ss, pvalue = pcox.ss)
dat.ss$subtype <- factor(dat.ss$subtype,
levels = c("MSL", "IM", "LAR", "SL"))
dat.ss$lower <- dat.ss$estimate - 1.96 * dat.ss$se
dat.ss$upper <- dat.ss$estimate + 1.96 * dat.ss$se
dat.ss$interval <- paste0(formatNumber(dat.ss$estimate), "[",
formatNumber(dat.ss$lower), ", ",
formatNumber(dat.ss$upper), "]")
dat.ss$pvalue <- format(dat.ss$pvalue, scientific = TRUE,
digits = 2, nsmall = 2)
tmp <- rep(NA, ng * (ns + 1))
tmp[1] <- "Gene"
tmp[(0:(ng - 1)) * (ns + 1) + 2] <- gene.symbol
if(ng == 1){
table.ss <- cbind(tmp, c("log HR", dat.ss$interval),
c("P-value", dat.ss$pvalue))
table.ss <- cbind(tmp, c("log HR",
insert(dat.ss$interval, (1:(ng - 1)) * ns+1)),
insert(dat.ss$pvalue, (1:(ng - 1)) * ns+1)))
input.ss <- data.frame(mean = insert(dat.ss$estimate,
(0:(ng - 1)) * ns + 1),
lower = insert(dat.ss$lower,
(0:(ng - 1)) * ns + 1),
upper = insert(dat.ss$upper,
(0:(ng - 1)) * ns + 1))
fn <- local({
i <- 0
b_clrs <- rep(CMS_palette, ng)
l_clrs <- rep(CMS_palette, ng)
function(..., clr.line, clr.marker){
i <<- i + 1
fpDrawNormalCI(..., clr.line = l_clrs[i],
clr.marker = b_clrs[i])
forestplot(table.ss, input.ss, clip = c(-2, 2),
is.summary = c(TRUE, rep(FALSE, ng * (ns + 1) - 1)),
hrzl_lines = gpar(col = "#444444"), graph.pos = 2,
xticks = c(-2, -1, 0, 1, 2), lwd.ci = 2,
txt_gp = fpTxtGp(ticks = gpar(cex = 0.9),
xlab = gpar(cex = 1, fontface = "bold")),
fn.ci_norm = fn, xlab = "log hazard ratio")
dat.all <- data.frame(gene = gene.symbol, estimate = est.all,
se = se.all, pvalue = pcox.all)
dat.all$lower <- dat.all$estimate - 1.96 * dat.all$se
dat.all$upper <- dat.all$estimate + 1.96 * dat.all$se
dat.all$interval <- paste0(formatNumber(dat.all$estimate), "[",
formatNumber(dat.all$lower), ", ",
formatNumber(dat.all$upper), "]")
dat.all$pvalue <- format(dat.all$pvalue, scientific = TRUE,
digits = 2, nsmall = 2)
table.all <- cbind(c("Gene", dat.all$gene),
c("log HR", dat.all$interval),
c("P-value", dat.all$pvalue))
input.all <- data.frame(mean = c(NA, dat.all$estimate),
lower = c(NA, dat.all$lower),
upper = c(NA, dat.all$upper))
forestplot(table.all, input.all,
is.summary = c(TRUE, rep(FALSE, ng)),
hrzl_lines = gpar(col = "#444444"),
graph.pos = 2, lwd.ci = 2,
clip = c(-2, 2), xticks = c(-2, -1, 0, 1, 2),
txt_gp = fpTxtGp(ticks = gpar(cex = 0.9),
xlab = gpar(cex = 1, fontface = "bold")),
col = fpColors(lines = "black"),
xlab = "log hazard ratio")
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