#' Fix Zeros from Idle Sleep Mode
#' @param df An object with columns `X`, `Y`, and `Z` or an
#' object of class `AccData`
#' @param fill_in Should the zeros be filled in with the last
#' observation carried forward?
#' @param trim Should the time course be trimmed for zero values at
#' the beginning and the end of the time course?
#' @param by_second Should the last observation carried forward be done
#' only within the same second?
#' @return A data set with the zeros filled in
#' @export
#' @examples
#' df = data.frame(
#' X = c(0.3/sqrt(0.5), rep(0, 3)),
#' Y = c(0.4/sqrt(0.5), rep(0, 3)),
#' Z = c(0.5/sqrt(0.5), rep(0, 3)),
#' stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#' fix_zeros(df)
#' fix_zeros(df, fill_in = FALSE)
#' fix_zeros(df, trim = TRUE)
#' df$time = c(1,3,2, 4)
#' fix_zeros(df)
#' acc = list(header = NULL,
#' data = df
#' )
#' class(acc) = "AccData"
#' idle_na_locf(acc)
#' fix_zeros(acc, trim = TRUE)
fix_zeros = function(df,
fill_in = TRUE,
by_second = FALSE,
trim = FALSE) {
transformations = get_transformations(df)
transforms = NULL
acc_data = is.AccData(df)
if (acc_data) {
xdf = df
freq = df$freq
df = df$data
firmware = attr(df, "firmware")
sample_rate = attr(df, "sample_rate")
acceleration_min = attr(df, "acceleration_min")
acceleration_max = attr(df, "acceleration_max")
df = sort_time_df(df)
zero = rowSums(df[, c("X", "Y", "Z")] == 0) == 3
if (trim) {
not_zero = rle(!zero)
not_zero$values[2:(length(not_zero$values) - 1)] = TRUE
not_zero = inverse.rle(not_zero)
zero = zero[not_zero]
df = df[ not_zero, ]
zero = rowSums(df[, c("X", "Y", "Z")] == 0) == 3
transforms = c("trimmed", transforms)
names(zero) = NULL
df$X[zero] = NA
df$Y[zero] = NA
df$Z[zero] = NA
transforms = c("NA_zero_set", transforms)
if (fill_in) {
df = idle_na_locf(df, by_second = by_second)
transforms = c("filled_in", transforms)
transforms = paste(transforms, collapse = ", ")
transforms = paste0("fix_zeros:", transforms)
transformations = c(transforms, transformations)
df = set_transformations(df, transformations = transformations,
add = FALSE)
attr(df, "firmware") = firmware
attr(df, "sample_rate") = sample_rate
attr(df, "acceleration_min") = acceleration_min
attr(df, "acceleration_max") = acceleration_max
if (acc_data) {
xdf$data = df
xdf$freq = freq
df = xdf
#' @rdname fix_zeros
#' @export
idle_na_locf = function(df, by_second = FALSE) {
second = HEADER_TIME_STAMP = X = Y = Z = r = NULL
rm(list= c("HEADER_TIME_STAMP", "X", "Y", "Z", "second"))
acc_data = is.AccData(df)
if (acc_data) {
xdf = df
df = df$data
df = sort_time_df(df)
if (by_second) {
df = ensure_header_timestamp(df)
df = df %>%
dplyr::mutate(second = floor_sec(HEADER_TIME_STAMP)) %>%
df = df %>%
tidyr::fill(X, Y, Z, .direction = "down")
if (by_second) {
df = df %>%
dplyr::ungroup() %>%
dplyr::select(-second) %>%
dplyr::rename(time = HEADER_TIME_STAMP)
df$X[is.na(df$X)] = 0
df$Y[is.na(df$Y)] = 0
df$Z[is.na(df$Z)] = 0
if (acc_data) {
xdf$data = df
df = xdf
sort_time_df = function(df) {
if ("time" %in% names(df)) {
if (is.unsorted(df$time)) {
ord = order(df$time)
if (!all(ord == 1:nrow(df))) {
warning("Time is unsorted, will resort the data set")
df = df[ ord, ]
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