#' Plot profiles of reference proteins
#' This function plots profiles of reference proteins and also the average profile for each compartment
#' @param refLoc the name of the reference subcellular compartment to plot
#' @param markerList List of reference proteins
#' @param protProfileSummary data frame of protein names (as row names) and relative abundance levels.
#' @param markerProfiles A matrix markerProfiles giving the abundance level profiles of the subcellular locations
#' @return Plot of profiles of reference proteins
#' @param refProtPlot index of reference protein to include in plot
#' @export
refProfilePlot <- function(refLoc, markerList, protProfileSummary,
markerProfiles=markerProfiles, refProtPlot=NULL) {
n.channels <- ncol(markerProfiles)
protNames <- rownames(protProfileSummary)
# add protName column for merge
protProfileSummaryWithProteins <- data.frame(protNames, protProfileSummary)
names(protProfileSummaryWithProteins)[1] <- "protName"
meanReferenceProts <- merge(x=markerList, y=protProfileSummaryWithProteins,
by.x="protName", by.y="protName", all.x=FALSE, sort=FALSE)
markerLoc <- t(markerProfiles)
max.val <- max(markerLoc)
#if (pdfout) pdf(file=paste("ClassificationMarkerProfilesTransformOutlierRej", dataUse, markersUse, ".pdf", sep=''), width=9, height=10)
#if (!pdfout) windows(width=9, height=10)
#if (dataUse == "TMT10revisit2") pdf(file="ClassificationMarkerProfiles2.pdf", width=9, height=10)
#if (dataUse == "TMT10revisit3") pdf(file="ClassificationMarkerProfiles3.pdf", width=9, height=10)
fractions.list <- rownames(markerLoc)
compartments.list <- rownames(markerProfiles)
# stop if refLoc not found
if (!(refLoc %in% compartments.list)) {
cat("reference compartment not found\n")
location.list <- colnames(markerLoc)
#location.list <- sort(unique(markerList$referenceCompartment))
#location.list2 <- unique(markerList$referenceCompartment) # should be same as location.list
#if (sum({location.list == location.list2}) != length(location.list)) {
# cat("error: locations in markerLoc don't match those in markerList\n")
#temp <- strsplit(fractions.list, "constrained")
#fractions.list.short <- sub("constrained", "", fractions.list)
n.loc <- ncol(markerLoc)
# i=1
#loc.i <- location.list[i]
loc.i <- refLoc
channels.i <- meanReferenceProts[meanReferenceProts$referenceCompartment == loc.i,2+seq_len(n.channels)]
refprotsvec.i <- as.character(meanReferenceProts[meanReferenceProts$referenceCompartment == loc.i,1])
n.refprots.i <- length(refprotsvec.i)
#channels.i <- nczfMeans[nczfMeans$AssignStringent == assign.i, c(3:8,10)]
mean.i <- as.numeric(markerLoc[, {loc.i == location.list}] )
xvals <- seq_len(length(mean.i))
#if (!log2prop) mean.i <- 2^as.numeric(markerLoc[,i]) - eps
#plot(mean.i ~ xvals, ylim=c(min.y,max.y.vec[i]), axes="F", type="l", ylab="")
#plot(mean.i ~ xvals, ylim=c(-6,0.5), axes="F", type="l", ylab="")
max.val <- max(channels.i)
# ylim=c(0,max.val),
plot(mean.i ~ xvals,ylim=c(0,max.val), axes="F", type="n", ylab="",
axis(1,at=xvals,labels=fractions.list, cex.axis=0.6)
axis(2, las=1)
for (j in seq_len(nrow(channels.i))) {
means.j <- as.numeric(channels.i[j,])
#if (!log2prop) means.j <- 2^as.numeric(channels.i[j,]) - eps
if (is.null(refProtPlot)) {
lines(as.numeric(means.j) ~ xvals, col="red")
if (!is.null(refProtPlot)) {
if (refProtPlot == j) {
lines(as.numeric(means.j) ~ xvals, col="red")
refprot.j <- refprotsvec.i[j]
#lines(mean.i ~ xvals, lwd=1, lty=1, col="yellow")
lines(mean.i ~ xvals, lwd=2, lty=2)
if (is.null(refProtPlot)) {
title(main=paste(loc.i,"profiles\n", as.character(n.refprots.i), " reference proteins"))
if (!is.null(refProtPlot)) {
title(main=paste(loc.i,"profiles\n", "reference protein ",as.character(refprot.j)))
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