
Defines functions protPlotfun

Documented in protPlotfun

#' Plot profiles of reference proteins
#' This function plots the average profiles of any protein in the dataset,
#'   the peptide profiles, and also the reference profile for each compartment
#' @param protName Name of the protein to plot
#' @param profile Data frame of protein names and their relative abundance levels..
#' @param finalList spectrum-level abundance levels by protein and peptide; Ehis is NULL
#'        if not available
#' @param numDataCols  number of fractions per protein
#' @param n.compartments number of compartments (8 in Jadot data)
#' @param refLocationProfiles A matrix refLocationProfiles giving the abundance level profiles of the subcellular locations
#'        n.compartments = 8 columns are subcellular locations, and numDataCols rows are the fraction names
#' @param assignPropsMat A matrix of assignment proportions
#'        for proteins of interest, from the constrained proportional assignment algorithm,
#'        and optionally upper and lower 95 percent confidence limits. Can be a single protein
#' @param transType type of transformation (for plot label)
#' @param yAxisLabel label for y-axis if present
#' @return plot of protein, peptide, and reference profiles
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(protNSA_markerTLN1)
#' data(markerListJadot)
#' refLocationProfilesNSA <- locationProfileSetup(profile=protNSA_markerTLN1, markerList=markerListJadot, numDataCols=9)
#' protCPAfromNSA_test <- fitCPA(profile=protNSA_markerTLN1,
#'                               refLocationProfiles=refLocationProfilesNSA,
#'                               numDataCols=9)
#' protPlotfun(protName="TLN1", profile=protNSA_markerTLN1,
#'             numDataCols=9, n.compartments=8,
#'             refLocationProfiles=refLocationProfilesNSA,
#'             assignPropsMat=protCPAfromNSA_test,
#'             yAxisLabel="Normalized Specific Amount")

protPlotfun <- function(protName, profile, finalList=NULL,
                        numDataCols=9, n.compartments=8,
                        refLocationProfiles, assignPropsMat,
                        transType="", yAxisLabel="") {
  # protPlot is the number of the protein to plot
  # profileUse is a matrix with components:
  #    rownames: name of protein
  #    N, M, L1, ... : relative protein levels for fractions 1 through numDataCols; must sum to 1
  # If standard errors are not available, se is false, and seMat is NULL
  #  If standard errors are available, se is true, and seMat is the list of proteinss and n.fraction standard errors
  # If Nspectra and Npep (number of peptides) are included, Nspectra=TRUE
  #  refLocationProfiles:  matrix with numDataCols rows and 8 columns.
  #      Column names are the subcellular fractions, Cytosol, ER, Golgi, etc.
  #      Row names are the names of the fractions: N, M, L1, L2, etc.
  #      Column and row names are required
  # finalList contains all peptides AND spectra; option to be removed

  oldpar <- par(no.readonly=TRUE)
  protsOK <- {rownames(profile) == rownames(assignPropsMat)}

  index_profileT <- protIndex(protName, profile, exactMatch=TRUE)  # index of protein in profile
  index_assignT <- protIndex(protName, assignPropsMat, exactMatch=TRUE) # index of protein in assign
  protName.i <- protName
  # must be exact to avoid duplicate finds

  # this can be a vector, matrix, or vector, so handling is complicated
  #if (is.matrix(tempx)) temp <- tempx   # leave it alone
  # if temp is not a matrix, can then test for being NA with no error returned
  if (!is.matrix(index_profileT)) {
    if (is.na(index_profileT)[1]) {
      cat(paste(protName, " not found \n"))  # first element is NA
  if (nrow(index_profileT) > 1) {
    cat(paste("more than one protein matches pattern \n"))
  index_profile <- as.numeric(index_profileT[1])
  index_assign <- as.numeric(index_assignT[1])

  meanProteinLevels <- profile[,seq_len(numDataCols)]  # just the profiles

  protNames <- rownames(profile)
  protNameUnique <- make.unique(protNames)
  rownames(meanProteinLevels) <- protNameUnique
  subCellNames <- rownames(refLocationProfiles)

  fractions.list <- colnames(refLocationProfiles)

  # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
  #  Do the following if "finalList" (the full list of peptides and spectra)
  #   is available
  # # # # # # # # # # # # # #

  if (!is.null(finalList)) {
    finalList.i <- finalList[toupper(finalList$prot) == protName.i, ]

    if (nrow(finalList.i) > 0) fractions.i <- finalList.i[,2 + seq_len(numDataCols)]
    if (nrow(finalList.i) == 0) stop("no corresponding spectra in finalList")
    Nspectra <- nrow(finalList.i)
    Npeptides <- length(unique(finalList.i$peptide))

    finalList.use.i <-  finalList.i

    fractions.use.i <- finalList.use.i[,2+seq_len(numDataCols)]
    outlierFlag.i <- finalList.use.i$outlierFlag
    peptide.i <- as.character(finalList.use.i$peptide)
    n.uniq.peptide.i <- length(unique(peptide.i))
    uniq.peptides.list <- unique(peptide.i)
    means.peptides.i <- matrix(NA, nrow=n.uniq.peptide.i, ncol=numDataCols)
    outlierFlagVec.i <- rep(NA, n.uniq.peptide.i)
    n.spectra.i <- rep(NA, n.uniq.peptide.i)
    # compute mean profiles for each peptide
    for (jj in seq_len(n.uniq.peptide.i)) {
      fractions.use.i.jj <- fractions.use.i[uniq.peptides.list[jj] == peptide.i,]
      if (!is.null(outlierFlag.i)) outlierFlag.i.jj <- outlierFlag.i[uniq.peptides.list[jj] == peptide.i]
      if (is.null(outlierFlag.i)) outlierFlag.i.jj <- nrow(fractions.use.i.jj)
      means.peptides.i[jj,] <- apply(fractions.use.i.jj,2,mean)
      outlierFlagVec.i[jj] <- mean(outlierFlag.i.jj)
      n.spectra.i[jj] <- nrow(fractions.use.i.jj)
    max.y <- max(means.peptides.i, na.rm=TRUE)
    min.y <-0
    n.assign <- nrow(assignPropsMat)

    numDataCols.i <- nrow(fractions.i)

  # just use the index number, the first element
  yy <- as.numeric(meanProteinLevels[index_profile[1],])
  if (anyNA(yy)) {
    cat(paste(protName, " contains missing values \n profile not plotted\n"))  # yy contains NA's

  xvals <- seq_len(numDataCols)
  #max.y <- max(channelsAll, na.rm=TRUE)
  #max.y <- max(meanProteinLevels, na.rm=TRUE)
  min.y <-0
  #if (dataType == "raw") min.y <- 0
  loc.list <- subCellNames
  #windows(width=10, height=8)
  # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
  # Set up layout for 8 compartments (and a legend)
  # This will have to be adjusted if there
  #   are more than 8 compartments
  # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #

  x <- c(0,5)
  y <- c(0,0.5)
  plot(y ~ x,type="n",axes=FALSE,cex=1)

    text(x=2.5,y=0.3,paste(protName.i), cex=2)

    NpeptidesPlot <- profile$Npep[index_profile[1]]
    NspectraPlot <- profile$Nspectra[index_profile[1]]
    if (!is.null(NpeptidesPlot) & !is.null(NspectraPlot)) {
      NpeptidesPlotText <- " peptides and "


      if (NpeptidesPlot == 1) NpeptidesPlotText <- " peptide and "
      NspectraPlotText <- " spectra"
      if (NspectraPlot == 1) NspectraPlotText <- " spectrum"
      text(x=2.5,y=0.1, paste(NpeptidesPlot, NpeptidesPlotText,
                            NspectraPlot , NspectraPlotText), cex=2)
    if (!is.null(NpeptidesPlot) & is.null(NspectraPlot)) {
      NpeptidesPlotText <- " peptides "
      if (NpeptidesPlot == 1) NpeptidesPlotText <- " peptide "
      text(x=2.5,y=0.1, paste(NpeptidesPlot, NpeptidesPlotText), cex=2)
  min.y <- 0
  # The plots are in alphabetical order
  # re-arrange the plots so that they are in this order:
  #   Mito (7)     Lyso  (4)   Perox (5)
  #   ER (2)       Golgi (1)   PM (8)
  #   Cyto (3 )    Nuc (6)
  #loc.ord <- c(7, 4, 5, 2, 1, 8, 3, 6)
  loc.ord <- c(5, 4, 7, 2, 3, 8, 1, 6)
  for (i in loc.ord) {    # do all the subcellular locations
    # i=1
    if (TRUE) {
      #if ({loc.ord[i] == 4} | {loc.ord[i] == 7}) {
      if ({i == 2} | {i == 1}) {
        x <- c(0,5)
        y <- c(0,0.5)
        plot(y ~ x,type="n",axes=FALSE,cex=1, ylab="")

    assign.i <- names(meanProteinLevels)[i]  # channel i name

    #assignLong.i <- names(markerLoc)[i]
    assignLong.i <- subCellNames[i]
    #channels.i <- meanProteinLevels[{names(as.data.frame(refLocationProfiles)) == as.character(assign.i)},]
    ##?? means.peptides.i <- meanProteinLevels[{names(as.data.frame(refLocationProfiles)) == as.character(assign.i)},]
    #mean.i <- markerLoc[,i]
    mean.i <- as.numeric(refLocationProfiles[i,])
    if (!is.null(finalList)) max.y <- max(c(max(means.peptides.i), max(refLocationProfiles[i,])))
    if (is.null(finalList)) max.y <- max(c(mean.i,yy))
    plot(mean.i ~ xvals,  axes=FALSE, type="l",
         ylim=c(min.y, max.y), ylab=transType)
    axis(1,at=xvals,labels=fractions.list, las=2)
    if (FALSE) {
    axis(side=1,at=xvals,labels=FALSE, cex.axis=0.6)
    text(x = seq_len(length(fractions.list)),
         ## Move labels to just below bottom of chart.
         y = par("usr")[3] - max(mean.i)/12,
         ## Use names from the data list.
         labels = fractions.list,
         ## Change the clipping region.
         xpd = NA,
         ## Rotate the labels by 35 degrees.
         srt = 45,
         ## Adjust the labels to almost 100% right-justified.
         adj = 0.965,
         ## label size.
         cex = 0.8)

  if (!is.null(finalList)) {
    for (j in seq_len(n.uniq.peptide.i)) {
      lwdplot <- 1
      colplot <- "cyan"
      if (n.spectra.i[j] > 1) {
        lwdplot <- 2
        colplot <- "deepskyblue"
      if (n.spectra.i[j] > 2) {
        lwdplot <- 3
        colplot <- "dodgerblue3"
      if (n.spectra.i[j] > 5)   {
        lwdplot <- 4
        colplot <- "blue"

      lines(as.numeric(means.peptides.i[j,]) ~ xvals, cex=0.5, lwd=lwdplot, col=colplot)
      if (outlierFlagVec.i[j] == 1) lines(as.numeric(means.peptides.i[j,]) ~ xvals,
                                          cex=0.5, lwd=1, col="orange")


    lines(yy ~ xvals, col="red", lwd=2)

    lines(mean.i ~ xvals, lwd=4, col="black", lty=1)   # thick black solid line
    lines(mean.i ~ xvals, lwd=2, col="yellow", lty=2)  # thinner yellow dashed line

      title(paste(assignLong.i, "\n p = ", round(assignPropsMat[index_assign[1],i], digits=2 )))

  x <- c(0,5)
  y <- c(0,0.5)
  plot(y ~ x, type="n", axes=FALSE)
  if (!is.null(finalList)) {
    legend(x=1, y=0.4, legend=c("Reference profile", "Average profile", "1 spectrum", "2 spectra", "3-5 spectra", "6+ spectra"),
         col=c("black", "red", "cyan", "deepskyblue", "dodgerblue3", "blue"), lwd=c(5,2,1,2,3,4), lty=c(1,1,1,1,1,1))
    legend(x=1, y=0.4, legend=c("Reference profile", "Average profile", "1 spectrum", "2 spectra", "3-5 spectra", "6+ spectra"),
         col=c("yellow", "red", "cyan", "deepskyblue", "dodgerblue3", "blue"), lwd=c(2,2,1,2,3,4), lty=c(2,1,1,1,1,1))
  if (is.null(finalList)) {
    legend(x=1, y=0.4, legend=c("Reference profile", "Average profile"),
           col=c("black", "red"), lwd=c(5,2), lty=c(1,1))
    legend(x=1, y=0.4, legend=c("Reference profile", "Average profile"),
           col=c("yellow", "red"), lwd=c(2,2), lty=c(2,1))
  x <- c(0,5)
  y <- c(0,0.5)

  plot(y ~ x, type="n", axes=FALSE)
  plot(y ~ x, type="n", axes=FALSE)

  text(x=2.5, y=0.25, labels=yAxisLabel, srt=90, cex=2 )

mooredf22/protlocassign0p1p1 documentation built on Feb. 7, 2022, 1:55 a.m.