#' Set up reference profiles for constrained proportional assignment
#' @param profile data frame of protein identifiers (protName) and their relative abundance in centrifugation fractions.
#' @param markerList List of reference proteins and their subcellular locations
#' @param numDataCols Number of channels of abundance levels
#' @return A matrix refLocationProfiles giving the abundance level profiles of the subcellular locations
#' @import knitr
#' @export
#' @examples
#' refLocationProfilesNSA <- locationProfileSetup(profile=protNSA_AT5tmtMS2,
#' markerList=markerListJadot, numDataCols=9)
locationProfileSetup <- function(profile, markerList, numDataCols) {
# Find the mean profiles of the subcellular locations
# "profile" must be a data frame with proteins as row names and these columns:
# columns 1 - numDataCols: normalized specific amounts or specific amounts
# Last two columns: Nspectra (number of spectra) and Nseq (number of distince peptide sequences)
# "markerList" must be a list of (1) the reference proteins and (2) the corresponding subcelluar locations
if (!is.data.frame(profile)) print("profile must be a data frame")
if (!is.data.frame(markerList)) print("markerList must be a data frame")
if (is.null(names(markerList)[1])) print("first markerList variable must be 'protName'")
if (is.null(names(markerList)[2])) print("second markerList variable must be 'referenceCompartment'")
if ({names(markerList)[1] != "protName"} ) {
print("first markerList variable must be 'protName'")
if ({names(markerList)[2] != "referenceCompartment"} ) {
print("second markerList variable must be 'referenceCompartment'")
# make names all upper case
protNamesUpper <- toupper(rownames(profile))
rownames(profile) <- protNamesUpper
profileWithProts <- data.frame(protNamesUpper, profile)
names(profileWithProts)[1] <- "protName" # this has a column of protnames for merge
names(markerList)[1] <- "protName"
markerList$protName <- toupper(markerList$protName) # all must by upper case
if (nrow(markerList) >= 1) {
meanReferenceProts <- merge(x=markerList, y=profileWithProts,
by.x="protName", by.y="protName", all.x=FALSE, sort=FALSE)
if (nrow(meanReferenceProts) == 0) {
print("Error from locationProfileSetup; no protein found")
# Find mean profiles for each sub-cellular location, using reference proteins
location.list <- as.character(unique(meanReferenceProts$referenceCompartment))
n.loc <- length(location.list)
meanProfile <- NULL
#for (i in 1:n.loc) {
for (i in seq_len(n.loc)) {
# i=1
loc.i <- location.list[i]
#profile.i <- meanReferenceProts[meanReferenceProts$referenceCompartment == loc.i,2+1:numDataCols]
profile.i <- meanReferenceProts[meanReferenceProts$referenceCompartment == loc.i,2+seq_len(numDataCols)]
meanProfile.i <- apply(profile.i, 2, mean, na.rm=TRUE)
meanProfile <- rbind(meanProfile, meanProfile.i)
row.names(meanProfile) <- location.list
# Change name to "markerLoc" and its transpose "refLocationProfiles" for compatibility with past
# Then plot the profiles
markerLoc <- t(meanProfile)
refLocationProfiles <- as.data.frame(t(markerLoc))
# internal function; goodness-of-fit measure
# @param pvec vector of assignment proportions to compartments; to be estimated
# @param y observed data for amounts of protein in fractions
# @param gmat reference protein amounts
# @param methodQ either "sumsquares" (default) or "sumabsvalue"
#' @export
# @return value of goodness-of-fit function
Qfun4 <- function(pvec, y, gmat, methodQ="sumsquares") {
# Assign sub-cellular location probabilities to
# each protein. We use the "spg" function in package "BB".
resultA <- y - pvec%*%t(gmat)
if (methodQ=="sumsquares") result <- sum(resultA^2)
if (methodQ=="sumabsvalue") result <- sum(abs(resultA))
# internal function; goodness-of-fit measure for subset of varying parameters
# @param pvec.vary vector of assignment proportions to compartments; to be estimated
# @param yy observed data for amounts of protein in fractions
# @param gmat reference protein amounts
# @param methodQ either "sumsquares" (default) or "sumabsvalue"
# @param ind.vary if not NULL, indexes of varying parameters
# @param ind.fixed indexes of fixed parameters; all parameters must be one or the other
# @param par.fixed values of fixed parameters; typically 0
#' @export
# @return value of goodness-of-fit function
Qfun4subset <- function(pvec.vary, yy, gmat, methodQ="sumsquares",
ind.vary, ind.fixed, par.fixed) {
# Assign sub-cellular location probabilities to
# each protein. We use the "spg" function in package "BB".
# reassemble
vals.order <- c(ind.vary, ind.fixed)
pvec.unorder <- c(pvec.vary, par.fixed)
n.vec <- length(pvec.unorder)
pvec.orig <- rep(NA, n.vec)
#for (i in 1:n.vec) {
for (i in seq_len(n.vec)) {
pvec.orig[vals.order[i]] <- pvec.unorder[i]
y <- yy
pvec <- pvec.orig
resultA <- y - pvec%*%t(gmat)
if (methodQ=="sumsquares") result <- sum(resultA^2)
if (methodQ=="sumabsvalue") result <- sum(abs(resultA))
# internal function; project an n-dim vector y to the simplex S_n with sum constrained to 1
# @param y n-dim vector
# @return simplex of dimension one lower
# @export
projSimplex <- function(y) {
# project an n-dim vector y to the simplex S_n
# S_n = { x | x \in R^n, 0 <= x <= 1, sum(x) = 1}
# Derived from:
# Copyright: Ravi Varadhan, Johns Hopkins University
# August 8, 2012
n <- length(y)
sy <- sort(y, decreasing=TRUE)
csy <- cumsum(sy)
#rho <- max(which(sy > (csy - 1)/(1:n)))
rho <- max(which(sy > (csy - 1)/seq_len(n)))
theta <- (csy[rho] - 1) / rho
return(pmax(0, y - theta))
#' return index of a protein name, or (if exactMatch=TRUE) indices of proteins starting with the string given in "protName"
#' @param protName name of protein to search for
#' @param profile data frame of protein identifiers (protName) and their relative abundance in centrifugation fractions
#' @param exactMatch default is F
#' @export
#' @return the protein name and its index (row in profile)
#' @examples
#' data(protNSA_AT5tmtMS2)
#' protIndex("TLN1", profile=protNSA_AT5tmtMS2)
protIndex <- function(protName, profile, exactMatch=FALSE) {
# return index of a protein name, or (if exactMatch=TRUE) indices of proteins starting with
# the string given in "protName"
n.prot <- nrow(profile)
prot.list <- toupper(as.character(rownames(profile))) # must be in column 1
#if (exactMatch) inx <- grep(paste("^", protName, "$", sep=""), prot.list, ignore.case=TRUE)
#if (exactMatch) inx <- (1:n.prot)[protName == prot.list]
if (exactMatch) inx <- (seq_len(n.prot))[protName == prot.list]
if (!exactMatch) inx <- grep(paste("^",protName, sep=""), prot.list, ignore.case=TRUE)
if (length(inx) == 0) inx <- NA
if (!is.na(inx[1])) {
result <- data.frame(inx, prot.list[inx])
names(result) <- c("Prot index number", "Prot name")
if (is.na(inx[1])) {
result <- NA
cat("protein not found\n")
#' Carry out constrained proportional assignment for protein i; service function for fitCPA
#' @param profile data frame of one protein name (row name) and relative abundance levels for that protein
#' @param refLocationProfiles A matrix giving the abundance level profiles of the subcellular locations
#' @param numDataCols Number of channels of abundance levels
#' @param startProps starting valuese for proportional assignements; set equal if this is null (default)
#' @param maxit maximum number of iterations (default is 10000)
#' @param ind.vary if not NULL, indexes of proportions allowed to vary
#' @param minVal default is false. If true, return minimum value of goodness of fit
#' @examples
#' data(protNSA_test)
#' data(markerListJadot)
#' nTestProts <- nrow(protNSA_test)
#' refLocationProfilesNSA <- locationProfileSetup(profile=protNSA_test,
#' markerList=markerListJadot, numDataCols=9)
#' protCPAfromNSA_test <- fCPAone(profile=protNSA_markTLN1[1,],
#' refLocationProfiles=refLocationProfilesNSA,
#' numDataCols=9, startProps=NULL,
#' maxit=10000,
#' ind.vary=NULL, minVal=FALSE)
#' @export
#' @return assignProbsOut Data frame of proportionate assignments of
#' each protein to compartments. also nspectra and npeptides if in profile input
#' If ind.vary specified, only the referenced proportion cpa estimates are returned
#protLocAssign <- function(i, profile, refLocationProfiles, numDataCols,
fCPAone <- function(profile, refLocationProfiles, numDataCols,
maxit=10000, showProgress=TRUE,
ind.vary=NULL, minVal=FALSE){
# maxit and assignPRobsStart must be specified
# assignProbsStart must be NULL or have a column "protName" and assignment probabilities to use as starting values
# use the spg function (in package BB) to assign proportionate assignments to compartments
SpectraSeqInd <- TRUE # extra columns for numbers of spectra and sequences
if (numDataCols == ncol(profile)) SpectraSeqInd <- FALSE # no extra columns
n.compartments <- nrow(refLocationProfiles)
#allPeptideProfilesMat <- profile[1,1:numDataCols]
allPeptideProfilesMat <- profile[1,seq_len(numDataCols)] # just the data, and only row 1
# (there should only be one row)
yyT <- allPeptideProfilesMat
yy <- as.numeric(yyT) # leave them alone
if (SpectraSeqInd) { #if these variables are present
Nspectra.i <- profile$Nspectra[1] # this is the number of spectra for a protein
Npep.i <- profile$Npep[1] # number of unique sequences
if (!SpectraSeqInd) {
Nspectra.i <- NULL
Nseq.i <- NULL
channelsMeanProb.i <- matrix(NA, nrow=1, ncol=length(yy))
parEstTemp <- channelsMeanProb.i
#if (!anyNA(yy)) {
# start with uniform probabilities:
startProps <- rep(1/n.compartments, n.compartments)
if (!is.null(startProps)) {
if (length(startProps) != n.compartments) {
cat("invalid startProps\n")
if (length(startProps) == n.compartments) startVals <- startProps/sum(startProps)
# start with uniform probabilities
# startVals <- as.numeric(assignProbsStart[i, 2:(n.compartments + 1)]) # start with
# first attempt at minimization: use uniform starting values
if (is.null(ind.vary)) { # ordinary procedure; find optimum over all parameters
temp <- try(BB::spg(startVals, fn=Qfun4, project=projSimplex, y=yy,
methodQ="sumsquares", quiet=TRUE, method=3,
control=list(maxit=maxit, trace=FALSE, ftol = 1.e-12,
gtol = 1.e-07, eps=1.e-09)))
if (!is.null(ind.vary)) { # only find optimum over varying parameters
ind.vary <- sort(ind.vary) # parameters that may vary
# here are the parameters that are fixed (complement of ind.vary)
#ind.fixed <- (1:length(startVals))[!((1:length(startVals)) %in% ind.vary)]
ind.fixed <- (seq_len(length(startVals)))[!((seq_len(length(startVals))) %in% ind.vary)]
#yy.vary <- yy[ind.vary]
#yy.fixed <- yy[ind.fixed]
#startVals.vary <- startVals[ind.vary] # params that vary
startVals.vary <- rep(1/length(ind.vary), length(ind.vary))
if (length(ind.fixed) > 0) startVals.fixed <- rep(0,length(ind.fixed))
if (length(ind.fixed) == 0) startVals.fixed <- NULL
temp <- try(BB::spg(par=startVals.vary, fn=Qfun4subset, project=projSimplex,
methodQ="sumsquares", ind.vary=ind.vary,
ind.fixed=ind.fixed, par.fixed=startVals.fixed,
quiet=TRUE, alertConvergence=FALSE, method=3,
control=list(maxit=maxit, trace=FALSE, ftol = 1.e-12,
gtol = 1.e-07, eps=1.e-09)))
if (!is.atomic(temp)) convergeInd <- as.numeric((temp$message == "Successful convergence"))
# If starting values are given (assignProbsStart is not null) and if the first attempt failed, try the starting values
#if ({convergeInd != 1} & {!is.null(assignProbsStart)}) {
#temp <- try(BB::spg(startVals, fn=Qfun4, project=projSimplex, y=yy, gmat=t(refLocationProfiles),
# methodQ="sumsquares", quiet=T,
# control=list(maxit=maxit, trace=FALSE)))
# }
convergeInd <- as.numeric(!inherits(temp, "try-error"))
if (is.null(ind.vary)) channelsMeanProb.i <- rep(NA, n.compartments)
if (!is.null(ind.vary)) channelsMeanProb.i <- rep(NA, length(ind.vary))
convCrit.i <- NA
feval.i <- NA
value <- NA
if (!is.atomic(temp)) {
channelsMeanProb.i <- temp$par
convCrit.i <- temp$gradient
feval.i <- temp$feval
value <- temp$value
convergeInd <- as.numeric((temp$message == "Successful convergence"))
#nNoConverge.i <- 0
if (convergeInd != 1) cat(paste("cpa does not converge for a protein", "\n",
"returning missing values for cpa estimates for that protein", "\n"))
if (!is.null(ind.vary)) {
vals.order <- c(ind.vary, ind.fixed)
pvec.vary <- channelsMeanProb.i
par.fixed <- rep(0, n.compartments - length(ind.vary))
pvec.unorder <- c(pvec.vary, par.fixed)
n.vec <- length(pvec.unorder)
pvec.orig <- rep(NA, n.vec)
#for (i in 1:n.vec) {
for (i in seq_len(n.vec)) {
pvec.orig[vals.order[i]] <- pvec.unorder[i]
parEstTemp <- pvec.orig
if (is.null(ind.vary)) parEstTemp <- channelsMeanProb.i
# }
if (SpectraSeqInd) parEst <- c(parEstTemp, Nspectra.i, Npep.i)
if (!SpectraSeqInd) parEst <- parEstTemp
if (minVal) parEst <- c(parEst, value)
#' Carry out constrained proportional assignment on all proteins
#' @param profile a data frame of protein names (row names) and relative abundance levels.
#' @param refLocationProfiles A matrix giving the abundance level profiles of the subcellular locations
#' @param numDataCols Number of channels of abundance levels
#' @param startProps starting valuese for proportional assignements; set equal if this is null (default)
#' @param maxit maximum number of iterations (default is 10000)
#' @param showProgress print out progress if TRUE, the default
#' @param ind.vary if not NULL, indexes of parameters to allow to vary
#' @param minVal default is false. If true, return minimum value of goodness of fit
#' @export
#' @return assignProbsOut Data frame of proportionate assignments of each protein to compartments
#' @examples
#' data(protNSA_test)
#' data(markerListJadot)
#' refLocationProfilesNSA <- locationProfileSetup(profile=protNSA_test, markerList=markerListJadot, numDataCols=9)
#' protCPAfromNSA_test <- fitCPA(profile=protNSA_markTLN1,
#' refLocationProfiles=refLocationProfilesNSA,
#' numDataCols=9)
fitCPA <- function(profile, refLocationProfiles, numDataCols,
startProps=NULL, maxit=10000, showProgress=TRUE,
ind.vary=NULL, minVal=FALSE) {
# # # # # # # # # # # #
n.prot <- nrow(profile)
#indList <- 1:n.prot
indList <- seq_len(n.prot)
SpectraSeqInd <- TRUE # extra columns for numbers of spectra and sequences
if (numDataCols == ncol(profile)) SpectraSeqInd <- FALSE # no extra columns
#result <- sapply(indList, fCPAone,
# profile=profile, refLocationProfiles=refLocationProfiles,
# numDataCols=numDataCols, startProps=startProps, showProgress=FALSE,
# simplify=T, maxit=maxit, ind.vary, minVal)
assignProbs <- NULL
#for (i in 1:n.prot) {
for (i in seq_len(n.prot)) {
assignProbsI <- fCPAone(profile=profile[i,], refLocationProfiles=refLocationProfiles,
numDataCols=numDataCols, startProps=startProps,
maxit=maxit, ind.vary=ind.vary, minVal=minVal)
assignProbs <- rbind(assignProbs, assignProbsI)
if (showProgress) {
if (i == 500) print(paste(i, "profiles fit"))
if ((i %% 1000) == 0) print(paste(i, "profiles fit"))
assignProbs <- data.frame(assignProbs)
#if (is.null(ind.vary)) ind.vary <- 1:nrow(refLocationProfiles)
if (is.null(ind.vary)) ind.vary <- seq_len(nrow(refLocationProfiles))
# (so the next check works either with or without ind.vary specified)
#checkCols <- {ncol(assignProbs) >= nrow(refLocationProfiles[ind.vary,]) + 2}
#if (checkCols) {
if (SpectraSeqInd) {
#if (is.null(ind.vary)) ind.vary <- 1:nrow(refLocationProfiles) # for when ind.vary not specified
#names(assignProbs) <- c(row.names(refLocationProfiles[ind.vary,]), "Nspectra", "Npeptides")
names(assignProbs)[seq_len(nrow(refLocationProfiles) + 2)] <- c(row.names(refLocationProfiles), "Nspectra", "Npeptides")
protNames <- rownames(profile) # make sure it is character
assignProbsOut <- data.frame(assignProbs)
rownames(assignProbsOut) <- protNames[indList]
# name minVal column if present
if (minVal) names(assignProbsOut)[ncol(assignProbs)] <- "value" # name of last column
if (!SpectraSeqInd) {
#names(assignProbs)[1:(nrow(refLocationProfiles))] <- row.names(refLocationProfiles)
names(assignProbs)[seq_len(nrow(refLocationProfiles))] <- row.names(refLocationProfiles)
protNames <- rownames(profile)
assignProbsOut <- data.frame(assignProbs)
rownames(assignProbsOut) <- protNames[indList]
# name minVal column if present
if (minVal) names(assignProbsOut)[ncol(assignProbs)] <- "value"
#' convert single protein name to capitalize first character only
#' @param x a protein name
#' @return single protein name to capitalize first character only
#' @export
#' @examples
#' protCap("tpp1")
protCap <- function(x) {
# convert single protein name to capitalize first character only
# Typically, human proteins are all in capitals and
# rat are capitalized (first character only) with the rest in lower case.
firstLetter <- toupper(substring(x, 1, 1))
remainingLetters <- tolower(substring(x,2))
paste(firstLetter, remainingLetters, sep='')
#' assign proteins to a subcellular location using CPA estimates
#' @param assignLocProps matrix of proportion estimates for each protein
#' @param cutoff cutoff for assigning a protein to a location
#' @param Locations list of subcellular locations
#' @return protLoc assigned location of protein
#' @examples
#' data(protNSA_test)
#' data(markerListJadot)
#' refLocationProfilesNSA <- locationProfileSetup(profile=protNSA_test, markerList=markerListJadot, numDataCols=9)
#' protCPAfromNSA_test <- fitCPA(profile=protNSA_markTLN1,
#' refLocationProfiles=refLocationProfilesNSA,
#' numDataCols=9)
#' Locations <- unique(markerListJadot$referenceCompartment)
#' table(apply(protCPAfromNSA_test[,1:8],1,assignCPAloc, cutoff=0.8, Locations=Locations))
#' @importFrom stats complete.cases
#' @export
assignCPAloc <- function(assignLocProps, cutoff=0.8, Locations) {
# assign location to the one with a proportion > cutoff
# assignLocProps <- assignPropsAll[1,]
if (cutoff <= 0.5) cutoff <- 0.5001
exceedCutoff <- {assignLocProps > cutoff}
if (sum(exceedCutoff) > 0) {
indLoc <- which(exceedCutoff)
protLoc <- Locations[indLoc]
if (sum(exceedCutoff) == 0) protLoc <- "unclassified"
# unitize functions
# # # #
#' normalize vector xx to have unit length
#' @param xx vector
#' @return nomalized vector of unit length
#' @examples
#' xx <- c(0.5, 0.1, 0.6, 0.9)
#' vecUnitize(xx)
#' @export
vecUnitize <- function(xx) {
if (anyNA(xx)) xx.norm <- rep(NA, length(xx))
else {
xxsq <- xx^2
xx.norm <- sqrt(sum(xxsq))
xx.norm <- xx/xx.norm
#' normalize all rows of a matrix to have unit length
#' @param protMatOrig matrix of profiles
#' @return matrix with all rows having unit length
#' @examples
#' data(protNSA_test)
#' vectorizeAll(protNSA_test[,1:9])
#' @export
vectorizeAll <- function(protMatOrig) {
protUnitMat <- NULL
#for (i in 1:nrow(protMatOrig)) {
for (i in seq_len(nrow(protMatOrig))) {
# i=1
temp <- vecUnitize(protMatOrig[i,])
protUnitMat <- rbind(protUnitMat, temp)
row.names(protUnitMat) <- row.names(protMatOrig)
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